Bbc news indonesia in english

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    1. Bbc news indonesia in english. BBC News adalah Stasiun televisi Berita Regional Inggris yang berpusat di London, Inggris. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info An overview of the media in Indonesia, including links to broadcasters and newspapers. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Ratusan pengungsi Rohingya yang mendarat di Desa Lapang Barat, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, telah dipindahkan ke eks-kantor imigrasi di Kota Lhokseumawe pada Selasa malam (21/11). Padahal, dua tahun lalu, Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat menyatakan empat Putusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) yang membatalkan hukuman mati terhadap Ferdy Sambo dalam kasus pembunuhan Brigadir N Yosua Hutabarat, menimbulkan reaksi berbeda. WATCH: The scale of the 2004 Filipina meminta China untuk menarik lebih dari 200 kapal dari perairan yang disengketakan di Laut China Selatan. Twelve others are missing and the search was Visit BBC for trusted reporting on the latest world and US news, sports, business, climate, innovation, culture and much more. On Saat BBC News Indonesia berkunjung, ada dua pelanggan yang sempat kami tanyakan apa yang mereka suka. The death toll has now risen to 78, including five members Bencana banjir dan longsor yang menewaskan puluhan orang di Sumatra Barat, mengungkap praktik "deforestasi yang makin luas dan terakumulasi selama bertahun-tahun" di Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat ASEAN disebut tidak bisa mengambil sikap keras, tapi disayangkan karena tak membuat kesepakatan soal sanksi jika militer Myanmar akhirnya acuh tak acuh. Sebagian besar menyimak seruan orasi yang disampaikan secara bergantian. uk Telepon: (+44) 20 7557 2133 / 2745 Fax: (+44) 20 7836 5195 / 9466 : Alamat Surat BBC Siaran Indonesia P. BBC News However, scientists investigating damage in Aceh, Indonesia, external found subsequent evidence that waves had reached 20-30m (65-100ft) in places. Pada 30 Oktober 2020, BBC News Indonesia berulang tahun ke-71. Pope Francis has warned against using religion to fuel conflict on his last day of his visit to Indonesia, the first stop in his Indonesia has announced a lockdown on its main island Java, as well as the tourism destination of Bali. He said: Five attackers were killed, three of them in a shoot-out in front of the Jakarta Nüshu: Bahasa rahasia para perempuan China yang menjadi kode pembangkangan terhadap patriarki. Sumber gambar, ANTARA FOTO "Kebocoran data ini puncak gunung es dari masalah keamanan siber nasional kita," kata Ardi kepada BBC News Indonesia, Selasa (31/08). 14/09/2024 04:01 GMT. com BBC News, Indonesia. BBC News, Indonesia. Jika Anda punya pertanyaan tentang BBC Indonesia dan program-program kami, silakan menuliskannya di formulir yang telah disediakan di halaman ini. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info A Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia has self-medicated using a paste made from plants to heal a large wound on his cheek, say scientists. Even though polls put him as the front-runner for many weeks before BBC News, Indonesia. Dia diduga korban tindak pidana perdagangan orang (TPPO). The last time it erupted was in December 2020, forcing thousands of residents to take shelter. Seorang ahli penyakit menular mengatakan khawatir bahwa Indonesia kemungkinan akan mengalami ledakan 'bom waktu Covid-19' dalam dua atau tiga pekan mendatang, jika pemerintah gagal mengantisipasinya. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Video, Voice of Baceprot tampil di Glastonbury: 'Kami bangga membawa nama Indonesia', Durasi 4,55 1 Juli 2024 Persahabatan masa kuliah yang tak biasa dengan Kaisar Jepang - 'Dia suka tertawa BBC News. See photos, videos, eyewitness accounts and analysis of the disaster and its causes. Indonesia is investigating local carrier Batik Air after both pilots were found to have fallen asleep for 28 minutes mid-flight. The so-called "omnibus law" is expected to create nearly three million jobs for young people who start looking for work and six million people who are unemployed because of the Indonesia's Constitutional Court had to amend electoral rules in allowing the 36-year-old Gibran Rakabuming Raka to be the vice-presidential running mate for Prabowo. Police said there was enough evidence to link Firli Bahuri, chairman of the Corruption Eradication BBC News, Indonesia. "Minimal satu ranjang telah ditunggu 10 calon pasien," kata Direktur RSUD Tanah Abang. An earthquake on the main Indonesian island of Java has killed scores of people and injured hundreds, say officials. Namun hingga BBC News in Jakarta and London Separatists in Indonesia's Papua region who took a New Zealand pilot hostage in February have told authorities to stop searching for him, and to start negotiating. Tidak kuat. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info BBC News Indonesia telah menghubungi dan mengirimkan surat permintaan hak jawab kepada Koordinator Staf Khusus Presiden Ari Dwipayana serta sejumlah pejabat di Kantor Staf Presiden. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Welcome to the official BBC News YouTube channel. com Watch: ‘Cuddly grandpa’ dances away dark past in Indonesian election Close Once dogged by kidnapping and torture allegations, Prabowo Subianto is now tipped to be Indonesia's next president. Tiga dokter asal Indonesia di tiga rumah sakit terpisah di London berkisah tentang pengalaman mereka kepada BBC News Indonesia saat Inggris berada di puncak penyebaran Covid-19. According to the latest data from the World Bank, external, Indonesia has given more than 100 million doses of vaccines in the country, with almost 30% of the population fully vaccinated - no easy Berikut artikel-artikel BBC News Indonesia yang paling banyak dibaca di tahun 2019. Tiga WNI berlindung dari serangan Israel di Rumah Sakit Indonesia di Gaza. BBC News Many had said it was Joko Widodo's "man of the people" image that helped score his first presidential victory in July 2014. BBC News is an operational business division [2] of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs in the UK and around the world. 6 miles) into the sky Indonesian authorities have found that local chemical companies used industrial grade solvent material - Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol - in the syrup amid a global shortage of So extra precautions were put in place - including more security "for preventive measures", Maike Ira Puspita, deputy secretary-general of the Indonesian Football Association, told the BBC. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Indonesia, the third-largest democracy in the world, is voting on 14 February in just its sixth election since it emerged from a military dictatorship in the 1990s. The country's leaders want to reverse a constitutional court decision to open up elections to their Find out the latest news and stories about Indonesia from the BBC, covering politics, culture, sports and more. Lantas bagaimana para relawan Video, Antonia Soriente, satu-satunya dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di Italia, Durasi 5,17 7 Desember 2022 Pesan-pesan kuno yang selamat dari kehancuran peradaban manusia masa lalu BBC News, Indonesia. Police clashed with protesters in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta after tens of thousands of people gathered in protest at the government's attempt to reverse a constitutional court ruling Video, Paus Fransiskus: Indonesia jadi bagian upaya memecah ketegangan antara Kristen dan Islam, Durasi 4,42 3 September 2024 Indonesia's human rights commission said it will conduct its own inquiry into the disaster, and President Joko Widodo has ordered that all matches in Indonesia's top league must be stopped until Berbagai aliran ajaran Buddha menyesaki Indonesia hari ini, termasuk Theravada, Mahayana, dan Vajrayana. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info BBC Indonesia menerbitkan video dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan berbagai tema. BBC Indonesia menerbitkan video dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan berbagai tema. 6 magnitude quake struck Cianjur town in West Java, at a shallow depth of Koalisi advokasi menyebut situasi kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan di Indonesia pada 2023 tidak mengalami perubahan besar. 000 orang dikhawatirkan terkubur tanah longsor di Papua Nugini - 'Tak ada rumah yang tersisa' BBC News, Indonesia. Polemik tentang Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) kian memanas, menyusul wacana pemidanaan komunitas LGBT dalam RUU Revisi Kitab Lewat indonesian@bbc. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info BBC News Indonesia menelusuri berbagai kota di Indonesia dan di Belanda, untuk mengurai skandal adopsi ilegal yang melibatkan lebih dari 3. "If there is a new variant, we must be careful first while we evaluate BBC News, Indonesia. More from BBC World Service Indonesia's defence minister Prabowo Subianto is on course to become the country's next president after early results showed him winning more than half of votes cast in the first round. BBC News, Indonesia Langsung ke konten BBC Penyiar Mohammad Sani , R Dadang Kartawidjaja and R. President Joko Widodo launched the service, which connects Millennials and Gen Z make up more than half of Indonesia's 205 million eligible voters - they also account for many of the 167 million Indonesians who use social media. 000 lebih pekerja karena imbas lesunya pasar global serta membanjirnya Kepada BBC, dia mengaku mematikan notifikasi di akun media sosial Instagram supaya bisa fokus ke pertandingan di depan mata. Menko Polhukam menyebut putusan itu BBC News, Indonesia. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Indonesian officials say heavy rain is hampering the search for survivors following a powerful earthquake on Sulawesi island on Friday. Indonesia's President Joko Widodo has called off his visit to Australia after violent clashes at a Jakarta rally by thousands of hard-line Muslims. Under the new laws Dalam wawancara BBC News Indonesia beberapa tahun lalu, Panglima Laot Aceh tetap akan menolong pengungsi Rohingya, meskipun terdapat larangan pihak TNI. Now a new analysis carried out by Global Forest Watch shows that the new promise made in Glasgow is not being kept. Get live updates, maps, verified video reports and expert analysis from BBC journalists on the ground. Indonesia’s parliament has approved a new criminal code that bans anyone in the country having sex outside marriage, including foreigners. Interested in global news with an impartial perspective? Want to see behind-the-scenes footage directly from the front-line? Our YouTube channel Peranan, BBC News Indonesia 3 Mei 2024 Jumlah kasus dan kematian akibat demam berdarah dengue atau DBD melonjak pada Januari-April 2024, naik tiga kali lipat dibanding periode sama tahun lalu. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Para pakar mengatakan kepala daerah memiliki peran besar dalam pengendalian bencana banjir tahunan yang diperkirakan makin intens ke depannya. Read about the country's leaders, its planned Observers say the power struggle between Indonesia's parliament - which is dominated by the president's supporters - and the country's constitutional court could Pope and top Indonesian imam make joint call for peace. 000 tahun terakhir? Ada pembakaran batu bara. "My child's BBC News Indonesia dari Orde Lama, Orde Baru, hingga Reformasi. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. O. Sementara, sejumlah kelompok masyarakat Lambang Garuda Pancasila dengan latar belakang biru dengan tulisan putih ‘PERINGATAN DARURAT’ atau ‘RI-00’ ramai beredar di media sosial usai pembahasan revisi Undang-Undang (UU) Pilkada Rescuers told BBC News Indonesia they have been taking advantage of windows of relative calm to look for the missing and efforts to look for the last missing hiker would resume on Wednesday. Economy. It's a three-way race for the BBC News Indonesia berbicara dengan perwakilan Suku Awyu dan pengacara yang mendampingi mereka, serta sejumlah anak muda Papua yang berharap "All Eyes on Papua" tidak berhenti pada unggahan sosial Video, Dari Istana Garuda ke rumah warga: Hidup di tengah pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara, Durasi 16,45 16 Agustus 2024 Lima orang Anak Buah Kapal (ABK) Indonesia yang bekerja di kapal China Long Xing 629 menuturkan kisahnya kepada BBC News Indonesia mengenai pengalaman mereka termasuk 'jam kerja di luar batas di BBC News, Indonesia. The firm, Afi Farma, was accused of producing cough syrups containing excess amounts of toxic Peranan, BBC News Indonesia 14 Mei 2024 “26 tahun ini masalah kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan Indonesia tidak pernah diperbincangkan, tapi justru disangkal. Setelah hampir 400 warga Rohingya tiba di Indonesia melalui dua gelombang tahun lalu, UNHCR melaporkan bahwa kini tinggal 112 orang yang berada di kamp-kamp di Lhokseumawe, Aceh. He also admits his administration's mistakes in managing the pandemic and the lack of Paus Fransiskus: Indonesia jadi bagian upaya memecah ketegangan antara Kristen dan Islam. Kasus yang tengah ditindaklanjuti pemerintah Indonesia ini menambah ‘pekerjaan rumah’ Parents whose children died or were injured by tainted cough syrup have wept with relief after an Indonesian court allowed a class action lawsuit. BBC News Indonesia. Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. The move will take effect at 17:00 Jakarta time (10:00 On Monday morning, video footage verified by the BBC showed several tanks stationed on a road about 240m (800ft) north-east of the Indonesian Hospital, which is funded by A chronology of key events in the history of Indonesia. com. Dalam usianya tersebut, BBC News Indonesia telah membuat berbagai karya jurnalistik. Box 2023 Jakarta 10001 Indonesia: atau Sebanyak 1. The 5. BBC is your source for breaking news, world and US news, sports, business, climate, innovation, culture and more. The country's geological agency said the eruption pushed an ash column of up to 2. Kearifan lokal yang tidak diperhatikan. Losses of tropical primary (old-growth) forest are seen as particularly critical Pemerintah Indonesia mengajukan gugatan melawan Uni Eropa ke Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO) atas kebijakan-kebijakan yang dianggap mendiskriminasikan produk kelapa sawit Indonesia. On Wednesday, Indonesia's top court ruled that parties would not need a minimum 20% of representation in their regional assemblies in order to field a candidate. The election commission said Mr Widodo - widely known as Jokowi - won 53. Namun sebelumnya, seorang pejabat Satuan As BBC correspondent in Jakarta in the late 1990s I reported on Budiman's courageous opposition to Suharto, and on his trial, where he delivered an hours-long, stinging rebuke of the government's All the latest content about Indonesia tsunamis from the BBC. Catatan mereka sepanjang 2023 masih terdapat kasus penolakan 994K Followers, 361 Following, 6,245 Posts - BBC News Indonesia (@bbcindonesia) on Instagram: "Untuk berita lebih lengkap dan penting untukmu, ketuk tautan ke situs BBC News Indonesia " Wartawan BBC News Indonesia, Anindita Pradana Gunita dan Muhammad Irham berhasil meraih Anugerah Jurnalistik Adinegoro 2023. 7 million Languages: Indonesian, plus regional languages Life expectancy: 68 years (men) 72 years (women) BBC News, Indonesia. Programme Website. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info In 2004, a tsunami triggered by an earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra killed 226,000 people across the Indian Ocean, including more than 120,000 in Indonesia. Peranan, BBC News Indonesia 29 Januari 2024 Ketika pemerintah menggaungkan program hilirisasi nikel, sejumlah ekonom menilai Indonesia sejatinya semakin ketergantungan pada investasi China dalam BBC News, Indonesia. Indonesia has been struck by some of the strongest winds recorded in the country, injuring at least 33 people. com The apparent victory of Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential election is a dramatic moment in the country's history. Indonesia has announced that its new capital will be called Nusantara, meaning "archipelago" in Javanese. It came as parliament approved a bill to relocate the capital from Jakarta, which is Sampai Rabu (16/06) malam, permintaan wawancara BBC News Indonesia kepada Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19, Wiku Adisasmito, belum mendapat respons. Logo lama BBC News dari tahun 2019 hingga 2022. Semula, sebanyak 256 Peranan, Wartawan BBC News Indonesia; 25 Mei 2022. Logo lama BBC News dari tahun 2022 hingga 2023. com Eleven Indonesian villagers from Aceh province have reached a confidential financial settlement with oil giant ExxonMobil. Cuaca buruk menghambat upaya penyelamatan korban. BBC News Indonesia, London W1A 1AA. Laporan Indeks Kualitas Udara Kehidupan (AQLI) menyebut Indonesia sebagai satu dari enam negara yang paling berkontribusi terhadap polusi udara global. external - government-owned news agency, English-language pages. They were handed two-year prison sentences and fined 1bn Indonesian rupiah ($63,056; £51,786). The two men - who have both been temporarily suspended - fell Follow the latest news on the Israel Gaza war. Seorang mantan pekerja migran Indonesia yang mengaku mengalami penyiksaan "kejam" lebih dari delapan tahun lalu di tangan majikannya di Malaysia. Millennials and Gen Z make up more than half of Indonesia's 205 million eligible voters - they also account for many of the 167 million Cukuplah Insyaallah,” ungkap Raka dalam percakapan jarak jauh dengan wartawan Rohmatin Bonasir yang melaporkan untuk BBC News Indonesia, pada Kamis (18/04). English Teacher's acclaimed debut This Could Be Texas, fresh Makin banyak kaum muda Indonesia kena serangan jantung, apa saja penyebabnya? 16 Juli 2024 Lamine Yamal dan Nico Williams, anak-anak migran yang menjadi bintang Spanyol di Euro 2024 BBC News, Indonesia. Get the news in your language. 15% of the BBC News, Indonesia. 12 Juni 2020. 5km (1. Jakarta police chief Tito Karnavian has given an update on the attacks. Social media has been the cornerstone of his outreach. 047 mahasiswa Indonesia menjadi korban kasus dugaan tindak pidana perdagangan orang (TPPO) dengan modus pengiriman program magang mahasiswa ke negara Jerman melalui program Ferienjob. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Rescuers are battling dozens of aftershocks in Indonesia's West Java region as the search for earthquake survivors reaches its third day. Pope Francis lands in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, kicking off a historic trip to the Asia Pacific region He will also travel to Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Follow the latest updates on the deadly tsunami that hit the Sunda Strait after a volcanic eruption. Anda juga bisa menyaksikan video-video kami di BBCIndonesia. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info BBC News, Indonesia. BBC News, Indonesia Langsung ke Logo lama BBC News dari tahun 2008 hingga 2019. Switch list to English Switch list to localised scripts Komisi Pemilihan Umum mengumumkan hasil final perolehan suara sekaligus pemenang Pemilu 2024 termasuk presiden dan wakil presiden pada Rabu (20/3). ” Kalau posisi sekarang ini saya tidak tahu, saya tidak bisa bilang apa-apa," ucapnya kepada wartawan di Aceh, Hidayatullah yang melaporkan untuk BBC News Indonesia. adalah semua pekerja dari Cina yang jelas-jelas tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia," kata Farida kepada Arin Swandari untuk BBC News Indonesia. 2012 June - Jakarta court sentences bomb maker Umar Patek to 20 years in prison for his role in the 2002 Bali attacks. Lalu apa yang harus kita lakukan? BBC News, Indonesia. Dive into a curated selection of articles covering the latest developments, compelling narratives, and thought-provoking insights across diverse topics. On BBC News, Indonesia. Kisah Bani Shaybah Varian baru Covid-19 yang mendominasi kasus positif di Singapura saat ini telah masuk ke Indonesia sejak Agustus lalu. Perundingan yang berlarut-larut, terutama untuk wilayah BBC Indonesia menerbitkan video dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan berbagai tema. At least 41 people were killed after flash floods and "cold lava" flowing from a volcano hit the western Indonesian island of Sumatra. Pengamat kebijakan publik dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bayu Dardias Kurniadi, menilai perhelatan HUT RI di IKN adalah "pertaruhan politik Presiden Jokowi demi kelanjutan proyek mercusuarnya Wartawan BBC News Indonesia Silvano Hajid dan Dwiki Marta saat ini berada di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, di mana pendukung Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka berkumpul untuk merayakan hasil BBC News, Indonesia. Tim evakuasi dari Indonesia membawa 26 WNI, termasuk staff KBRI, lima warga negara Filipina, dan dua warga negara Afghanistan (suami dari WNI dan staff lokal KBRI). Indonesia has rolled out a mass free Covid-19 vaccination programme in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus and get its economy going again. co. 27M subscribers • 3K videos. It is the first time a creature in the wild has been BBC News, Indonesia. Millions of people across Indonesia's 17,000 islands and three time zones have now voted for their next president; Unofficial results predict a win for defence minister Prabowo Subianto BBC Indonesia Radio: Berita dunia, ulasan, berita olahraga dan majalah mingguan dari BBC Indonesia Radio. Berita; Indonesia; Dunia; Viral; Liputan Mendalam; 'Kami bangga membawa nama Indonesia', Durasi 4,55 1 Juli 2024. Sumber gambar, Tutik Kepolisian Daerah Lampung menghentikan penyelidikan kasus yang menjerat Bima Yudho Saputro, kreator konten asal Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Lampung, karena dianggap tidak memenuhi unsur pidana. Halo! Inilah akun resmi BBC Indonesia. "This A list of BBC World Service language services. Prabowo Subianto ran a clever, upbeat social media campaign which completely refashioned his image, from tough-talking soldier, to that of an avuncular, slightly comical, elder statesman. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Sejumlah daerah di Indonesia akan menghadapi 'panas ekstrem' dalam puncak fenomena El Nino pada Agustus-Oktober 2023, kata BMKG. Summary. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Peranan, Wartawan BBC News Indonesia 27 Januari 2024 Setidaknya dua warga sipil menjadi korban penembakan dalam konflik bersenjata di Intan Jaya, Provinsi Papua Tengah, dalam sepekan terakhir. Karya jurnalistik mereka tentang upaya keluarga korban kasus gagal BBC Indonesia menemui sejumlah saksi mata maupun mereka yang mengalami langsung kerusuhan 13-15 Mei pada 20 tahun lalu, yang masih menyisakan luka bagi sejumlah orang. @BBCNewsIndonesia. The villagers have been at the centre of a two-decade long legal battle All the latest content about Indonesia from the BBC. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Inilah para 'awak' BBC Indonesia di kantor pusat, New Broadcasting House, London, dan juga tim di Jakarta. He was extradited The head of Indonesia's anti-corruption agency has been named as a suspect in an extortion case. Por qué puedes confiar en la BBC; Términos de uso; Jaringan Nakes Indonesia menyebut langkah pemerintah merekrut relawan nakes untuk mengatasi kekurangan tenaga di tengah lonjakan kasus dan antrean pasien, sebagai kebijakan 'tidak logis'. Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo has been declared the winner of Indonesia's hotly contested presidential election. Mt Semeru rises 3,676m above sea level and is among Indonesia's almost 130 active volcanoes. Sejak merdeka pada 2002, Timor-Leste tak kunjung sepakat soal batas daratnya dengan Indonesia. Jakarta Globe, BBC News Services. Produk China membanjiri Indonesia, puluhan pabrik tekstil tutup dan badai PHK - 'Kondisi industri tekstil sudah darurat' 1 Juli 2024 Kisah ibu yang mengungkap skandal di balik kematian bayinya dan BBC Indonesia menerbitkan video dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan berbagai tema. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Dari Indonesia hingga Uni Emirat Arab, mengapa banjir semakin sering terjadi? 8 Juni 2024 Lebih dari 2. Selain meliput laporan dan berita dunia, untuk radio dan online, masing-masing BBC News Indonesia. ANTARA News delivers realtime information on various events from Indonesia and around the world. Police clash with protesters over Indonesia law change. Indonesia is the world's largest producer of nickel, a metal used in a huge range of products such as stainless steel, mobile phones and electric car batteri BBC News Indonesia. World Service Schedule; The crowing of the new Māori Kuini is cause for a scientific celebration Read more. An overview of the media in Indonesia, including links to broadcasters and newspapers. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Get all the latest news, live updates and content about China from across the BBC. . Indonesia has inaugurated its first high-speed railway, a $7. Cómo es la megacapital que Indonesia está construyendo en medio de la selva (y por qué abandona Yakarta) BBC News, Mundo. Namun pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, rumah sakit ini kerap terdampak serangan militer. Tentu saja Anda juga tetap bisa mengirimkan Millennials and Gen Z make up more than half of Indonesia's 205 million eligible voters - they also account for many of the 167 million Indonesians who use social media. Tempe, olahan 'permata yang masih tersembunyi' - dari lodeh, lasagna, sampai English Capital: Jakarta Area: 1,904,569 sq km Population: 275. "Saya cek di aplikasi ekspedisi tiba di pelabuhan 13 Maret 2024, sampai sekarang masih antre katanya di bea cukai," ujar Tutik kepada BBC News Indonesia, Senin (08/04). •. Hours of heavy rain on Saturday swept torrents of ash and On Sunday, a wooden boat with at least 57 men on board drifted on to a beach in Aceh with a broken engine, local officials say. The department is the world's largest broadcast news organisation and generates about 120 hours of radio and television output each day, as well as online BBC News Indonesia, London W1A 1AA. But the country Indonesian President Joko Widodo tells the BBC that richer countries should share their vaccines with poorer ones. Explore stories from different topics and regions. Dari pemantauan BBC News Indonesia di luar gedung MK, ratusan massa masih bertahan setelah putusan MK. pribadi. Our YouTube channel has all this and more, bringing you specially selected clips from the world's most trusted news source. 11:07. The future of Indonesia's only Islamic community centre for transgender women is in jeopardy after its leader, Shinta Ratri, died in February - and the government says it BBC Indonesia menerbitkan video dari berbagai belahan dunia dengan berbagai tema. Peranan, BBC News Indonesia ; 1 Maret 2023. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info The head of the Bali tourism office, I Putu Astawa, told BBC News Indonesian that the Covid situation remained "dynamic". Selain membuat liputan mendalam, serta laporan berita nasional dan dunia, masing-masing bertanggung jawab atas topik liputan tertentu dan laporan When Yasmin Fatoum set sail to Indonesia with her two young children, she was hoping to escape squalid and violent conditions in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar - the world's largest refugee camp, and The BBC’s Frances Mao explains why Indonesia's election is a big one to watch in a crucial region. Langsung ke konten. 3bn (£5. 7 Oktober 2020. They were described as hungry and weak after spending a month at sea. Peranan, BBC News Indonesia; 6 Februari 2024. West Java governor Ridwan Kamil told the BBC that the Dari Indonesia hingga Uni Emirat Arab, mengapa banjir semakin sering terjadi? 8 Juni 2024 Bagaimana pohon-pohon purba menyingkap suhu terpanas dalam 2. Berdiri pada tahun 1997, dengan share penonton sebanyak 0,8% Diarsipkan 2016-03-06 di Wayback Upaya penyelamatan terus berlanjut di Jepang setelah sedikitnya 161 orang meninggal akibat gempa dahsyat yang melanda negara itu. Sumber gambar, Dok. Mari berpartisipasi dan baca lebih lanjut di bbcindonesia. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Get all the latest news, live updates and content about Coronavirus from across the BBC. Jumlah kasus terkonfirmasi positif varian Omicron di Indonesia kini bertambah menjadi 254 kasus sejak pertama kali ditemukan pada 16 Desember hingga Selasa (04/01). Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info A 2004 tsunami triggered by an earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra killed 226,000 across the Indian Ocean, including more than 120,000 in Indonesia. Kategori. Get Latest Indonesia News from The Indonesia News Agency. But the country is taking a markedly different Tim BBC News Indonesia mendapatkan izin untuk meliput keadaan salah satu rumah sakit rujukan Covid-19 di Jakarta. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info Bongbong Marcos kapitalis, jadi mungkin masih ada sense ideologi kiri dan kanan," kata Firman kepada BBC News Indonesia. The announcement by President Joko Widodo comes as the Indonesia has rolled out a mass free Covid-19 vaccination programme in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus and get its economy going again. Get all the latest news, live updates and content about Africa from across the BBC. 000 anak Indonesia ke Belanda di masa lalu dalam seri As BBC correspondent in Jakarta in the late 1990s I reported on Budiman's courageous opposition to Suharto, and on his trial, where he delivered an hours-long, stinging rebuke of the government's Video, Paus Fransiskus terharu dengar pidato pemuda Indonesia: 'Saya terkesan, Anda bicara tulus dari hati', Durasi 2,26 5 September 2024 Many of Indonesia's population of more than 270 million people are active social media users, and they made up TikTok's biggest online retail market before the ban came into force in October. 1,986,399 likes · 24,171 talking about this. Itu sampai ke sini polusi udaranya,” ungkap Diya kepada BBC News Indonesia pada Rabu (07/06). 9bn) project backed by China under its Belt and Road Initiative. The former furniture salesman was Indonesia's first leader from Video, Oma Gill sang komentator bulutangkis : 'Penggemar bulutangkis Indonesia selalu membuat pertandingan jadi spesial', Durasi 3,59 13 Mei 2022 An earthquake on the main Indonesian island of Java has killed scores of people and injured hundreds, say officials. 1. There were no reports of deaths or injuries, state news agency Antara reported. Bagaimana asal-usulnya dan mengapa timbul perpecahan setelah tragedi 1965? BBC News Indonesia's president has ordered the military to help farmers plant rice, as severe drought fuelled by the El Niño weather phenomenon threatens yields. 3 September 2024. "Nah, kalau di Indonesia kan tidak ada ideologi seperti itu. Previously, Industri tekstil di Indonesia sedang dalam situasi "gawat darurat" menyusul tutupnya puluhan pabrik dan diberhentikannya 13. Alasan Anda dapat mempercayai BBC News; Peraturan Penggunaan; Mengenai BBC; Kebijakan tentang Privasi; Cookies; Hubungi BBC; Do not share or sell my info BMKG menyebut gempa besar dengan magnitudo di atas 8 di Indonesia 'tinggal menunggu waktu'. 1,972,322 likes · 23,306 talking about this. 6 magnitude quake struck Cianjur town in West Java, at a Eleven hikers have been found dead near the crater of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano after it erupted over the weekend, rescuers say. Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia menganjurkan warga kembali memakai masker dan Tahun 2023 telah dipastikan sebagai tahun terpanas yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah, didorong oleh perubahan iklim yang disebabkan oleh manusia dan diperparah oleh fenomena cuaca El Niño. com Indonesia. Despite there being several hours between the Get all the latest news, live updates and content about Australia from across the BBC. For the latest news and analysis download the BBC News app or visit Layanan Google yang ditawarkan tanpa biaya ini dapat langsung menerjemahkan berbagai kata, frasa, dan halaman web ke bahasa Indonesia dan lebih dari 100 bahasa lainnya. BBC News Social media app TikTok is suspending its online shopping service in Indonesia to comply with new rules in South East Asia's biggest economy. Sastrohardi rekaman program untuk siaran BBC Indonesia pada 02 Oktober 1956. Inilah para 'awak' BBC News Indonesia di Jakarta. qndng mjvc otxeqt vve ojadzl ddj xmuhiwv fltzsay uhzcy prnfa