Tasmota rule state off. See full list on tasmota.

Tasmota rule state off state as long as that specific object, id 51 on page 1 (in the jsonl file), is what you want. I will give it a try with a single rule: Rule1 on Energy#Current<0. When I use the psyhical (real life) switch, the binary sensor changes state to on and off. Tasmota binary If Timer 3 finishes, set Power3 Off; If Button 1 is pressed once, toggle Power1 output (just turn the main lights on/off on press) rule1 on Rules#Timer=2 do power2 off endon on Rules#Timer=3 do power3 off endon on button1#state=10 do power1 toggle endon Second Rule. All the parts of a rule MUST be in the same line: on trigger do action endon Do not use break after endon. 1: Rule1 on system#boot var1 + ENDON ON var1#state=+ do var2 - endon ON var1#state=- do var2 + endon ON switch1#state=2 DO power toggle ENDON ON switch1#state=4 DO dimmer %var1% ENDON ON switch1#state=5 DO var1 %var2% ENDON ON switch1#state=6 DO var1 + ENDON I May 11, 2021 · Platform information: Hardware: Raspberry pi 3 OS: OpenHabian Java Runtime Environment: 11 openHAB version: Openhabian 3. 3V / pullup). Each rule is a variation of the toggling rule in the TASMOTA Rules wiki page examples. on analog#a0>500 disable Rule2 and activate Rule3 May 8, 2018 · 5:00 Sunrise timer triggers - OFF; 19:55 Power loss; 20:05 Power restored - Last state OFF I need street lights ON during nighttime. Others (eg DS18B20#Tempera Apr 30, 2018 · rule on Power1#State do WebSend [192. Se ci mettiamo anche che a me piace spiegare bene ed in italiano le cose, con diversi esempi pratici, ecco che si ottengono dei post lunghi! Jul 6, 2023 · After 5 seconds, if the water pump is at or below the limit, turn OFF the water pump. tas discord rules Dec 13, 2023 · In Tasmota, a "Switch" is a input signal tight to the state to the external signal it is attached to. Do not put rules in different lines. using Tasmota 13. Switch1#State: when a switch changes to state use Switch1#state=0 and Switch1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on 0 = OFF 1 = ON Tasmota is the Swiss Army knife of home automation, that said you can likely come up with some rules to make it do what you want. I have a plug with power metering. This works when the ESP is booted and the pins changes there state. -Once all set up, I would like to be able to Dec 23, 2022 · # because the old ones remain, and berry gets called multiple times. A BREAK is already an ENDON. Besides, you have several syntax errors. e. which scheme is used to create the triggers? how can i get a complete list o Dec 9, 2023 · Copy both rules (one at a time) in Console to apply (rules will be saved permanently). The keypad Command Parameters; Sensor29: MCP23008 / MCP23017 I 2 C GPIO Expander configuration Reset<x> = reset all pins x = 1. You have been great help. rule3 4. The rule never se Each rule uses 241 characters of the available 511. 3. Result: on analog#a0>400 disable rule3 and activate rule2. Apr 15, 2021 · First condition of the rule (state=1) triggers when water reaches a certain level within a water tank. Then, when you turn on the relay (e. Maybe I have mistake in rule or don't understanding Aug 28, 2024 · Hi friends, I have a problem with the rules for switching the relay on the Sonoff TX Ultimate (T5 4-Gang). Jan 2, 2021 · With this rule ON Var1#State>0 DO Backlog LedPower1 2; Mult1 1 ENDON. Any number of rules can be placed in each set (though in actuality, it's limited by the device's memory. The console shows that Tasmota is executing "Energy#Current<=0. Reverse states depending on your switch. Then use 2 rules. 5 sec or approx. This rule set is for the Hunter fan which has the need to turn on two channels for Medium (Rule 2) but only one channel for either low or high. The rule should switch power on also switch rule2 on. remove_rule("Switch1#State=1") tasmota. SCREENSHOTS. on analog#a0>500 disable rule2 and activate rule3 May 16, 2019 · Rule2 on switch1#state do backlog power1 1; RuleTimer1 30 endon on Rules#Timer=1 do power1 off endon. Make a rule that checks for uptime of 30 days, and then resets the modem, and then resets itself. Oct 13, 2023 · The basic answer is still to create rules, like using the Event command and rule triggers to match, with the time as a parameter. 0:0 Apr 22, 2021 · Therefore I set a rule to turn the power1 off at 3 seconds after power1#state=1. Thank you both. rule2 4. What is the obvious that I'm missing and how does one debug a rule other than trying variations? Feb 14, 2022 · Le Rule nel firmware Tasmota sono decisamente una cosa che occupa spazio per essere trattata a dovere. But it publish "Counter1" string in topic. example: rule1 on tele-UptimeSec>2592000 DO backlog power1 0; delay 600; power1 1; restart 1 endon Mar 1, 2020 · PROBLEM DESCRIPTION A clear and concise description of what the problem is. So we only need to describe the rule to make the transition from 1 to 2. We make that transition when we go above the "overall export threshold". Jan 1, 1970 · use Power1#state=0 and Power1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on Power2 for Relay2, etc. You can't change it Alternatively, a Relay is an output that you can control through the Power command Mar 30, 2024 · I called these outputs (under Tasmota Configuration – other) bash2 and bash3 (for no good reason) while ensuring the Tasmota setup was set to include emulation – Hue Bridge Multi-device. Neither in WebUi nor in console or rule: maybe the sentence should be: In this case after boot you can't switch OFF the relay until the next reboot. , Power1 1), Tasmota will turn it off after PulseTime for that relay has expired (i. I think I am starting to understand the source, and yes, the array index is very basic for a limited purpose. Most pre-compiled binaries (builds) have the Rules feature enabled. bin) for ESP8266 which on button press turns Power1 for 2 minutes always, but the power2 should turn on only if the button is pressed in certain time interval of the day. A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. It looks like you have created a rule-loop that triggers itself. But from a power perspective, when the device powers down Power1 is turned off by loss of power and when powered up again Power1 is turned On leading to a state change. Apr 7, 2024 · Hi @sfromis, thanks for the quick reply. Jul 20, 2020 · My goal is to set up one D1 Mini with tasmota 8. Similarly you can disable the rule set using Rule<x> 0 . . Power1#Boot: after Tasmota starts: Button2#State: when a button changes state: 0 = OFF 1 = ON 2 = TOGGLE 3 = HOLD: Switch1#State: when a switch changes state: 0 = OFF 1 = ON 2 = TOGGLE 3 = HOLD (SwitchTopic Apr 3, 2019 · Hi All, I am totally new to all of this and have been trying to create a small rule which I can build on, So the devices I am using are sonoff th16 and a sonoff pow r2, the rule is as follows, rule “Outside Temp belo&hellip; Dec 3, 2023 · I have device with some rules running, 3 temp sensors + 2 relay for valve control, valve is heat exchanger bypass in domestic water heating system. This is my rule: Rule1 ON POWER1#State == OFF DO Publish garage/counter Counter1 ENDON. The rule below does not work as it contains if statement. 2. On switch1#state=1 do backlog pulsetime1 0; power1 1 endon on switch1#state=0 do backlog pulsetime1 120; power1 1 endon. Feb 28, 2022 · Rule Tasmota - Sintassi dei trigger; Minofig: Cat Costume Girl; Tasmota - Il reset nascosto; Minofig : Barbara Gordon; Rule Tasmota - Introduzione alle rule; Console Tasmota - Reset; Minofig : Syndrome gennaio (6) 2021 (118) dicembre (5) novembre (4) ottobre (6) settembre (8) I have a PIR sensor with the presence signal linked to a pin of the ESP32 with tasmota, and the tasmota drives a pwm for leds on another pin and want to drive all the behavior locally on the tasmota with the rules. entity and a binary_sensor. 0. Additionally, the message is sent on tele/DEVICE/sensor and repeated every 5 minutes, but not on a specific topic like cmnd or stat . Can somebody give a hint please, why this rule isn't working as expected? single command on this rule is working (only "var5 55" instead of "var5 55; var6 22") rule2 on var2#state do backlog0 IF (%var4% == 1) var5 55; var6 22 ENDIF; var7 11 endon. To achieve the desired outcome, put. The on event is delayed, the off event is instant. rule1 1 (activate rule1) rule1 6 (one shot detection) optional. 7. github. Wanted behaviors: on PIR trigger, power is on for 30 secs. Jun 22, 2021 · PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Large rule set created under 9. Set PulseTime1 700. Mar 11, 2021 · If you execute the command IPAddress from a rule, Tasmota will publish the result. SwitchMode1 1 will make Switch1#state to be 1 when ON and 0 when OFF SwitchMode1 1. Anyone has an idea? EDIT: rule1 on Power1#state=1 do ruleTimer1 5 endon on rules#timer=1 do power 0 endon . The eventual goal is to have an easy way to blink my lights in red or blue, and then return to the previous state and color. Sep 17, 2022 · Did you end up getting this working? Probably get an answer there if not. ADDITIONAL CONTEXT Nov 16, 2022 · POWER1 on or POWER1 1 and off again by POWER1 off or POWER1 0. Aug 28, 2022 · After some hours trying to understand tasmota rules and what works in default builds, I came up with this rule that finally sovled the reconnection problems for me completely that I'd like to share: rule1 ON wifi#connected DO ruletimer1 0 ENDON ON wifi#disconnected DO ruletimer1 60 ENDON ON rules#timer=1 DO restart 1 ENDON Apr 25, 2018 · Sonoff Dual R2 (tasmota 5. To send commands and view responses you'll need an MQTT client. 0 and my requirement is Whenever Power1 is turned On, turn on Power2 Power2 is configured to be a Pulse so it turns Sep 29, 2020 · Various Tasmota Rules power4 on endon rule 2 off ON System#Boot DO Subscribe RoomFanspeed, stat/tasmo-ifan02-3793-bedrm1-1/fanspeed ENDON Rule1 on Power1# Dec 30, 2021 · I am trying to get a Sonoff Basic (flashed with V10 Tasmota) to stay on for a certain time delay after switching off. 0 stops working after upgrading to 9. SwitchMode2 1 will make Switch2#state to be 1 when ON and 0 when OFF SwitchMode2 1 Im trying to create some tasmota rules. Sep 22, 2021 · Configure one GPIO as switch and use rules to publish MQTT events and turn it on and off, and turn it on and of within one second. After defining a rule set, you have to enable it (turn it on) using Rule<x> 1 . Read docs for switchmode and pulsetime. Out of the box, Tasmota has 3 rule sets called rule1, rule2, and rule3. state or p1b51#state. Nov 1, 2024 · Rule 1: When disconnecting from MQTT, connect the relay to the switch, activate rule 2 and deactivate rule 3 When connecting to MQTT, disconnect the relay from the switch, deactivate rule 2, activate rule 3 and leave the relay always on Jan 28, 2022 · I sent to send a message when it is turned on or off. Rule1 ON System#Boot DO Backlog Var1 0; Var2 6; Var3 660 ENDON ON Var1#State DO Dimmer %Var1% ENDON ON Switch1#State=1 DO Backlog Speed 5; Var1 100 ENDON ON Switch1#State=0 DO Backlog Speed 40; Var1 0 ENDON Jul 6, 2022 · Good morning everyone. The code in the Tasmota docs suggests the following rule: _Time-delay After Switch Off~ Rule~ Backlog switchmode1 1; rule1 1. Mar 24, 2022 · Do not assume some logical relationship between terms on/off, true/false, high/low, open/closed, connected/not, pushed/not and so on, except that a Tasmota state of "on" generally means input signal high (3. For now Im just trying to have any rule trigger, so I tried this: Rule1 ON power#data==3 DO Backlog fade 1; speed 5; color 3; power 3 ENDON Rule1 1 Rule ON button1#state=3 DO Power1 2 ENDON: When holding the button1 for 2 seconds it will toggle relay 1 (state = 3 means HOLD) ON button1#state=2 DO delay ENDON: Do nothing when short pressing the button1 (state = 2 means TOGGLE) Rule1 1: To enable rules. For a "normal" input, like a simple Button pin, input high means not active, while input low (gnd) means activated. Default: 5 minutes (600 s) fade in/out. 168. 067 do ruletimer1 60 endon on Energy#Current>0. I have an ESP8265/66 4 Relay device running Tasmota 12. Output from Rule1 command: 3:57:55. Those Event commands can Jun 7, 2022 · My approach is to check in the >F Section the GPIO-state, if there is a change to check, if its on or off and if a running timer is either approx. Oct 7, 2022 · TO REPRODUCE. Adding the extra ( ) did not solve it th May 28, 2018 · Set a timer to the time you want to reset and instead of selecting for the output the state ON or OFF, select RULE Then got to the console and type: rule 1 rule on Clock#Timer=1 do Restart 1 endon When left in place for too long, radiator valves might seize. Or you might be trying to do brain surgery with a Swiss Arm knife when what you really need is a precision surgical instrument and the skills of a surgeon. 4. Jan 20, 2021 · The available rule triggers are only the ones explained in the docs at rules (https://tasmota. Rule1 1 activates the respective rule. When POWER state going to ON nothing heppen. Rule1 ON Energy#Current<=0. Select features: Rules, Timers, Web, Interface (Rules and Interface would be the minimum I'd think). Another thing is that having a Switch1#state==1 rule will only take care of state value 1, but state value 0 will still have the default action, unless you have taken other steps to decouple. sw[x] reports switch last state which definitely should change. One switch would control the real relay, and the other two switches would control two remote relays via rules -1 hall sensor set up as a switch to monitor door open/close -1 buzzer. 6 1 = INPUT mode, no reporting, no pull-up 2 = INPUT mode, report on CHANGE, pull-up enabled May 16, 2023 · @dkebler "me a jerk" - haha, absolutely not. Rule1 command returns NO VALID JSON REQUESTED INFORMATION Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before sub Nov 5, 2024 · Rules . Tasmota's documentation says each rule set can hold least 1000 bytes worth of rules). All good. I have one simple rule for example: Rule1 on AM2301-14#Temperature=nan do Power1 0 endon If I activate this rule with command: rule1 1 I got the message: 15:42:55 MQT: stat/son May 16, 2019 · Power1#State: when a power output is changed use Power1#state=0 and Power1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on Power2 for Relay2, etc. For my Harbor Breeze and Hampton Bay fans, each fan speed needs at most one relay latched. Jun 16, 2019 · Rule2 on switch1#state do backlog power1 1; RuleTimer1 30 endon on Rules#Timer=1 do power1 off endon. see problem description Nov 8, 2023 · With factory settings this PIR goes to off state after a few seconds (2. I now have a full article on how I constructed one of these so there is little point explaining the rules here. The rule (found here) which is specified for the 2-Gang switch, for example, doesn't work Oct 20, 2021 · For example a rule-set made of the 2 following rules should makeit for driving LED_2: on power1#state=0 do LedPower2 1 endon on power1#state=1 do LedPower2 0 endon You may have to invert 1 and 0 depending if you want the led on or off Dec 26, 2022 · Default power on state, since state is not save on flash. I did issues "rule 1" to, I think, enable the rule. But it is empty each time. The right Tasmota rules could make on-off and even brilliance/colour commands transfer to my Zigbee device (a lamp). Result: on analog#a0>400 disable Rule3 and activate Rule2. The problem is that the rule will not be triggered if the pin state is set before the ESP is fully Jul 6, 2023 · I am new to Tasmota and currently trying to program a rule for following scenario. :-) I understand the JSON approach, therefor using pwm#pwm4 in the rule. When using poweronstate 4, you never can switch off the relay. Rule1 ON Power1#boot DO POWER1 1 ENDON Rule1 1 in the Console. If i do a manual publish wled/mario on in the console it reacts instant too. Or viseversa. If you want to send the switch status using MQTT, you have switchtopic or rules and publish command. 0l) I want to publish message every POWER (1 or 2) change from ON to OFF and opposite Device publish message from rule only after POWER state going to OFF and send both messages (UP/STOP or DOWN/STOP) in this same time. It notifies me by publishing an mqtt message, and then should switch on the pump (Power3) for 15 seconds, to drain the water out and lower the water level. The trigger Rule#State==1 is NOT VALID and is not going to be added because Enabling and disabling rules as you are doing will wear your flash. To Reproduce define rule on power1#state=0 do event test=0 endon on power1#state=1 do event test=1 endon Expected behavior: It should work like after power on. Rules#Timer=1: when countdown RuleTimer1 expires: Switch1#Boot: occurs after Tasmota starts before it is initializated. The associated GPIO state will be high or low according to whether the relay is configured as Relay<x> or Relay<x>i. since the PIR sensor sens a long pulse, i assimilate it as a switch more than a button. You don't need all those rules. Feb 4, 2019 · I'm not seeing any rule output when running the following rule rule1 on Switch3#state=0 do POWER1 on break on Switch2#state=1 do POWER1 off endon GPIO14 is configured as switch3, TX as switch2 switchtopic2 and switchtopic3 are both set t Nov 13, 2024 · Hi all I created a simple Rule that should trigger if the measured temperature on DS18B20>55. Aug 30, 2024 · Many state machine are complex and require visual diagrams. The exception being tasmota-minimal. everytime it receives the trigger code the rule should run. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. I'm afraid that you are creating a monster and your Tasmota may becomes unresponsive Nov 19, 2019 · When two (or more) switches are defined as input and you want to distinguish these in the RESULT topic without the use of Relays, then consider the following rules. REQUESTED INFORMATION Mar 6, 2021 · For what you are trying to do you don't need to overcomplicate it with rules. there have been many changes to tasmota switches since that time. is that caused by var being a list ? 14: Jan 1, 2013 · *** decode-status. Some rule triggers (eg Power1#State, and Analog#A0div10) fire strictly only upon state-change. Sep 15, 2019 · BUG DESCRIPTION Hi, I've compiled with the following #define USE_EXPRESSION // Add support for expression evaluation in rules (+3k2 code, +64 bytes mem) #define SUPPORT_IF_STATEMENT // Add support for IF statement in rules (+4k2 code, -3 Jul 12, 2018 · Here are the three rules. 0 on shelly and playing with rules. Hello community, I have two ADC Inputs assigned to GPIO34 and GPIO35. Here are the three rules. After powering on the machine, a timer for 45 minutes should be started after which the plug turns the power off. Using Backlog IPAddress from a rule, you can use a rule like on IPAddress1 do var1 %value% endon to capture individual fields. EDIT2 (without backlog, using pulsetime): pulsetime1 5 Apr 26, 2023 · send randomly the RF-code, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn´t trigger the rule. Timer 1-16 work fine for switching outputs. 014 CMD: Rule1 Oct 14, 2020 · I used this rule in tasmota 8. This state machine is simple and can be described in text: When in state 1 we can only travel to state 2. 12. button1#state=3: Trigger on long press. They are mutually exclusive. That's unfourtnately not true. ) They are stored in flash and therefore will survive a reboot. (Exemple is for switch and relay1. 5. Nov 20, 2020 · Writing a simple “if power consumption drops below 1100 Watts, turn relay off” rule would be enough, except there’s no way to distinguish between the thermal interlock tripping and the carafe being removed for a quick pour. So I'm missing something trivial but don't know how to trace for debug. io Rule sets are defined by using the Rule<x> command. Rule2 4. You should split it in two lines like: ON Power2#state=1 DO Power1 off; LedPower on; ENDON ON Power2#state=1 DO IF (Mem1==0) Var1 Var1+1; Mem1 1 ENDIF; Delay 10; Power1 on ENDON Example Rule used to control pressure cooker with a Sonoff S31. entity in Home Assistant. Jun 2, 2021 · I have a rule that runs every second, assigning a value to a variable But tasmota posts the “result” every time it’s calculated, to stat/devicename/RESULT topic Sep 4, 2024 · @garyjmilne is there a way to configure a switch to act as a button, or with an option like to Enable auto off option? I modified a Sonoff switch to act as a dry switch to use it at a garage door connected to the door motor, but it just turns on or off. Use switchmode1 2 or 3 depending on the type of switch. 1 sec or more than 2 sec. However it never triggers and I cannot figure o Nov 22, 2021 · I would like to ask you a general question to the rule triggers: the docs only provide an excerpt of some rule triggers. PowerOnState Control relay state after powering up the device. Following rules will force actuation every week in order to prevent this. 070 do ruletimer1 0 endon on rules#timer=1 do power off endon Feb 17, 2023 · PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Power#State rules aren't triggered on Boot. 20 DO RuleTimer 5 ENDON ON Energy#Current>0. So, if your light was ON, and you turn it OFF when there is no power, it will start at OFF when the power comes back. By default the button won’t turn on or off all relays. EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR. And also, if your light was OFF and you move your switch to ON position, it will be ON when the electricity comes back. Setoption 15 is 0 indeed, don't need the sliders etc. 0 / OFF = keep relay(s) OFF after power up 1 / ON = turn relay(s) ON after power up 2 / TOGGLE = toggle relay(s) from last saved state 3 = switch relay(s) to their last saved state (default) Nov 17, 2024 · if I do check rules docu rule1 ON LD2410#Distance DO %value% ENDON should shown anything with the value of trigger in the output. The issue is that the SENSOR topic shows the position based on the TELE interval (30 sec for me). I… Mar 11, 2019 · In one message: TOPIC: cmnd/DEVICE_TOPIC/backlog PAYLOAD: SwitchMode 11; SetOption32 10; Rule1 1;Rule1 on system#boot do var1 + ENDON on switch1#state=2 do backlog DIMMER 80; POWER TOGGLE ENDON on switch1#state=4 do DIMMER %var1% ENDON on switch1#state=7 do event upordown=%var1% ENDON on event#upordown=+ do var1 - ENDON on event#upordown=- do var1 + ENDON In this case after boot you can switch OFF the relay until the next reboot. (0 - Closed, 1 - Open) The logic of operation is working I just want the last bit of keeping track of valve state in HA. Then I try to write a rule which acts on values of ANALOG#A1 and ANALOG#A2 as they appear in the SENSOR JSON. 0. That p1b51#state seems to be entirely a figment of your imagination. Rule1 1 (activate Rule1) Rule1 6 (one shot detection) optional. 5 seconds) so we need to use this rule instead of the one in the example. use Power1#state=0 and Power1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on Power2 for Relay2, etc. Every command for setting the relay state is "recorded" in the variable and saved to flash (depending on SetOption0 Oct 10, 2021 · Sorry for the delay. , switch state change, temperature threshold, events like system boot, a defined timer elapsing, custom defined events, etc. For a single button multi output power strip. Jan 29, 2020 · Rules perform actions based on triggers (e. Wha May 5, 2018 · Make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your issue - Thank you! -[x] What hardware you are using Wemos D1 Hi, Could you add a checking of state Switch ON/OFF in TELE in SENSOR string "S After software restart first event from rule on power#state doesn't fire. fires a mqtt message PIR ON and OFF (this behavior works on power#state=1 do ruletimer1 5 endon on rules#timer=1 do power off endon. NOTE: There is no state value for "double press" for Buttons. Steps to reproduce the behavior: use the rule. , 600 seconds). Nov 5, 2024 · PROBLEM DESCRIPTION A clear and concise description of what the problem is. 20:00 Sunset timer triggers - ON; 4:55 Power loss; 5:30 Power restore - Last state ON No need in ON street lights during daytime. Rule1 ON switch1#state=1 DO Backlog Power1 on; ruletimer1 0 ENDON ON switch1#state=0 DO ruletimer1 300 Mar 13, 2024 · Hi ! I just want to publish counter value if button unpressed. Valve can be open or closed correspond to mem1 variable in rules. Using both will make Tasmota to not understand what you are trying to do. # call our function every time the switch report on tasmota. Something like Event p2=300 for 5 minutes (the value you use in the RuleTimer command from the rule picking up the Event). IIRC, RESULT topic may show state change of switch2 - but using it is a problem if I reboot HA then it never receives an update so it's state is unknown in HA until the door has opened. See full list on tasmota. last_state[i] = button; // Update switch state before publishing MqttPublishSensor(); Jan 15, 2023 · Using SetOption114 and SwitchMode15 Tasmota always sends ON and OFF. Apr 1, 2021 · Tasmota Rules are your friend. Nov 18, 2022 · I have tested other rules such as when a relay is powered on sending a MQTT message to a specific topic, and that rule works, so rules are enabled. var4 2 Dec 25, 2018 · (These are not real rules you can use with Tasmota) on VAR1#State do backlog ADD3 1; event hot_tolerance 619 do VAR1 0 endon on Time#Minute do ADD1 1 endon on Dec 12, 2023 · No one suggested a rule trigger p1b51. I am using the standard Tasmota image from the web installer on the Tasmota web site. add_rule("Switch1#State=1", buttonTriggered) # our feed command - use like "feed 4" to feed a 4 portion meal. A set bit (1) means the corresponding relay is turned ON. Nov 27, 2019 · I have a sonoff basic switch with PIR sensor connected as switch2n (gpio1) and piano button connected to switch1 (gpio3). Multiple condition rules I have the rule below that when the power switches on it turns on another light then 3 minutes later turns it off again. 1 Issue of the topic: I am trying to create a rule that will let me toggle lights on or off when i press one button (The same button) The button is actually a tasmota device that has a keypad, and the lights are tasmotized 3stone rgb lights using hue emulation. 3 to have the following: -1 real relay to turn on/off porch light -3 physical touch sensors working as switches. Tasmota already publishes IP address when it is assigned, after boot or reconnect. Aug 4, 2023 · You can make a fully fan controlled on/off switching thermostat with a Tasmota device and rules. ; SetOption1 1: Restrict button actions to press and hold. None of us are being paid here, and I dip in and out every 2 years or so, throw in a load of shit, and then dissappear completely (then it takes me 6 hours to get my build env going again!!!). I'd suggest using test rules like on Switch1#state do var1 %value% endon to verify that you even get the switch state values you expect, at the right time. I can't create a rule that allows you to execute multiple commands by pressing a single button in succession Example I press button 1 and the command publish "xxxxxxxx" m Feb 5, 2021 · Problem was Fixed, much Thanks to barbudor, he says: The problem in the logs was that on DS18BX20 was executed before the last parts of the previous occurence was completed Mar 19, 2023 · Rules are defined within a rule set which allows similar rules to be grouped togoether. A time of 600 seconds should be long enough for slow actuators to open fully, adjust yours as needed. The webquery works fine standalone. io/docs/Rules/). homey. Timer 16 can not trigger a rule R Jan 1, 2021 · ok, this used to work 1 year ago. Switch1#State: when a switch changes to state use Switch1#state=0 and Switch1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on 0 = OFF 1 = ON Nov 29, 2018 · rule2 on switch1#state do backlog power1 1; ruletimer1 30 endon on rules#timer=1 do power1 off endon. I want to send a webhook to a Homey Bridge. bin. Essentially, there is no processing after the [x], it only works if the index is the last part of the trigger, meaning it has to point to a simple value, not yet another structure. " But I still have the problem in my rule, that a PIR detection triggers the rule every time, even if the Shelly is turned on manually. Rule3 on switch1#state do power1 off endon. 1 (tasmota. The command that is expected by the homey bridge is: webhook. Thanks, I'll try it. 0 and it worked there, but stopped working in 8. If you want to send all your switches status as a periodical snapshot, you can use a ruletimer and publish command. Feb 11, 2023 · Trying to figure out how to write a rule for standard release of tasmota v. A tele/%topic%/STATUS message (sent every 300 seconds by default) may appear exactly after you issue Power off command and before you receive stat/%topic%/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} message. 20:5005] {} endon Now my Shelly 1 is my doorbell and sends a http command to the homebridge-videodoorbell plugin and i get a notification from the HomeKit App on my Phone that someone ring the doorbell and i can watch the kamera. app/secret Feb 17, 2023 · As I understand, the logic behind Power1#State rule is to trigger it on a state change and on a cold boot the power is restored and hence not a state change. 0, Core 2. bin or tasmota-lite. Timer 1-15 work fine for triggering a rule. py v20180730 by Theo Arends *** Decoding information for device Sonoff from status report taken at 2018-09-04T18:31:38 Options 0 (ON ) Save power state and use after restart 1 (OFF) Restrict button actions to single, double and hold 2 (OFF) Show value units in JSON messages 3 (ON ) MQTT enabled 4 (OFF) Respond as Command topic Dec 6, 2018 · I've got the below sensor in HA that's showing the state of door. did you try with button and (PUSH_IGNORE) ? code: case PUSH_IGNORE: Switch. If using above windowstop code, skip Rules#Timer=1 as you already have it set. Rule on button1#state=3 do power1 2 endon: When holding the button1 for 2 seconds it will toggle relay 1 (state = 3 means HOLD) on button1#state=2 do delay endon: Do nothing when short pressing the button1 (state = 2 means TOGGLE) Rule1 1: To enable rules. on analog#a0>500 disable Rule2 and activate Rule3 Jul 28, 2024 · Hi there, i have little trouble with MQTT and my rules; so I want to check up my Finnish "Waschmaschine" and send the Finnish over MQTT; so I have 3 Rules for this: Rule1 on Energy#Power<3 do backl May 18, 2022 · Ok, thanks. In my example i use rules to trigger another esp via MQTT. Binary sensor Off > turn off zigbee light. Also make sure that POWER1 is the right switch altogether. I have a tasmota that i have detached, so now I have a switch. 1. Mar 3, 2022 · No, with the above rule, your device will just copy the state of your switch. 20 DO RuleTimer 5" while the device is turned OFF. What I suggested was a global variable in Berry named p1b51. Dec 27, 2019 · Mount the Rule but they all work with a time of 2s, can I make a condition to be able to use the 3 types of triggering? Rule1 ON Power1#Boot=1 DO Power1 0 ENDON ON Power1#state=1 DO Backlog Delay 2,0; power1 0 ENDON ON Button1#state=1 DO delay ENDON ON Button1#state=3 DO backlog power1 1; Delay 7,0 ENDON ON Rules#timer=1 DO power1 0 ENDON Rule1 1 Sep 26, 2018 · That is why in rules, there are the triggers switchX#state to inmediatelly run a rule when a switch change its state. So I can catch this with rules like ON Switch2#state=0 DO Color1 #ABABAB ENDON. Otherwise we say in state 1. Custom parameters: #define USE_EXPRESSION #define SUPPORT_IF_STATEMENT #define USE_PING Select version and compile: Tasmota 8. Rule3 4. So far so good :-) But I cant make the rule working that is supposed to switch on the Relay or LED on when the temperature from one of the DS18B20 exceeds a certain temperature. g. I then created an automation that when binary_sensor goes on -> turn on Zigbee light. Jun 24, 2024 · PROBLEM DESCRIPTION A clear and concise description of what the problem is. The option I am looking for is like the one that is included on a Virtual switch like this, with the Auto off option I guess I can set a RM Apr 10, 2023 · ->relay is at state 0; toggling relay: tasmota switches gpio to gnd for pulsetime(x) seconds; tasmota switches gpio back to high level-> relay is now in state 1; toggling relay to state 0: same procedure like above; SCREENSHOTS ADDITIONAL CONTEXT (Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed) What I want is to change the color of the LED depending on the pin state of the charge controller. One event/rule per power channel, if you want multiple channels. Combines 1 actions in rule2 Rule on button1#state=3 do power1 2 endon: When holding the button1 for 2 seconds it will toggle relay 1 (state = 3 means HOLD) on button1#state=2 do delay endon: Do nothing when short pressing the button1 (state = 2 means TOGGLE) Rule1 1: To enable rules. 20 DO RuleTimer 0 ENDON ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Power1 0 ENDON. rule3 on switch1#state do power1 off endon. For my espresso machine, I would like to implement an automatic power off function. 1, English, Sonoffs 1MB, 80Mhz Oct 14, 2018 · I serched on google and nowhere could not find the solution. The result is then 0(off), 1(on), 2(fastblink) or 3(slowblink) If the result changes it will be published via MQTT. ) Tasmota tracks the relays' state in a masked variable. Unfortunately, the rule is not considered at all, totally ignored. fuywjjg fuot hfu jcyyp dlmal nxzb zttmtqt nkxuih lfb lrardz dyre gbhl uqtigu moo pko