Qtablewidget select multiple rows pyqt5 Below is a quick example showing a QTableWidget with a QLineEdit search box. table) with this selection it is possible to select rows but I don't want that the user can edit any cells of this table. By temporarily switching to MultiSelection , selecting the rows and then switch back to ExtendedSelection , the code in my question works great. I can get a list with all the selected items in the listwidget but can not find a way to get a list of the corresponding rows. Call plot for those values """ #calls my class and creates a blank figure where eventually we will plot data on f = CreateFigure. So user selects rows via single click. selectedRowsCount() Jun 4, 2013 · Some options (there are also others out there too): # selectedRanges(), would give you the second cell from each selected row, for example: indexes = [] for Jul 21, 2020 · If you want to delete multiple rows you can do it like this too. setCurrentItem and passing in an individual item, or for multiple-selection calling . First of all I select a user in a qcombobox after that I click a qpushbutton and I populate it from database records; when I select other user and I click the qpushbutton to add data I try to clear with: self. ExtendedSelection, which is also why my row selection code obviously doesn't work. import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets class Main(QtWidgets row – int. Ctrl + F; enter 'selectrow' Feb 5, 2019 · PyQt: Creating a table with multiple header. select() can also accept an index (and a mode of select rows), so you can do this: rows = [1,2,3] indexes = [model. row() for model_index in view. I've spliced some code together from various places (mostly here ), and it seems to work well except that it only copies the cells (data), not the headers. item(row,3). def deselectRow(self, row): if row > self. I found lots of sources (e. I want to clear my QTableWidget. void Widget::on_pushButton_2_clicked() // Select all rows push button { ui->xvalue->selectionModel()->??? } I don't know how to proceed further to solve the problem. currentRow() : Jun 11, 2014 · I have a QTableWidget and want to select multiple cells by a simple mouse click, so that I can select some of them all at once. Oct 24, 2010 · Unfortunately I can't help with the Python specific syntax but you don't need to create any subclasses. Does anyone know how to disable this behavior? Edit: The headers need to remain clickable, because the onClick-function is needed. here, here or here) which describe some aspects of dragging, dropping, inserting etc. As a note, this print function assumes that you only make one selection at a time. But now what I need is when I click a push button "I want all the rows to be selected in the table". I have tried the following: ui. products_table. Jan 3, 2020 · How to select multiple rows in QTableWidget? 2. A B C 1 a1 b1 c1 2 a2 b2 c2 3 a3 b3 c3 I want to get the selected row value Jul 21, 2024 · QTableWidget select multiple cells permanently identical to Ctrl + MouseClick. QtWidgets. setColumnCount(1) # create an item item = QTableWidgetItem('12/1/12') table. setColumnCount(3) Nov 11, 2019 · You can extract the data from each cell of the Table Widget by accessing it by iterating it through each row and column ( which can be done by ranging rowCount() each row & range of columnCount() per each column ) using the item() method. In order to get the first and last item in the selection range you can simply sort that list. Oct 5, 2010 · The documentation makes it look like table. setSelected(True) on the item itself. MultiSelection. SelectRows) Now I can select rows by clicking the cells of the table. Dec 19, 2017 · I'd like to have different selection color when an item is selected. indexes = tableview. Jun 29, 2010 · PyQt QTableWidget signal emitted when selecting no rows. It is a small box which gets checked when selected, else remains blank. This means that the first click will select the row and the second click will unselect the row. tableWidget->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); ui. Maybe there is a tricky way to do this by having 2 actual tables and 1 of those tables having a single row which is a header? Apr 17, 2014 · There are many ways to highlight the items in a listWidget. push_back and fill a new row): tableWidget->insertRow ( tableWidget->rowCount() ); tableWidget->setItem ( tableWidget->rowCount()-1, yourColumn, new QTableWidgetItem(string)); // repeat for more columns 'addRow(self)' to create and populate a row on QTableWidget with values from QLineEdit. PySide2. 2. QTableWidget() self. Select QTableWidget rows only by clicking row header. QAbstractItemView. From my experience I have come to the conclusion that you can not copy a widget (Qt does not allow it either), so instead of copying a widget you must copy more relevant features (1) of a widget. Code above doesn't work when model has rows without Qt::ItemIsSelectable or Qt::ItemIsEnabled flags. text() Or if cells are selected over multiple rows: I am trying to add a checkbow to every row in a QTableWidget, unfortunately it only seems to appear in the first row. The code below supposes to do the job it adds a new row as user wants, expect from its contents is not copying with? I tried to print to see the problem. The code I populate with is: Apr 1, 2014 · While begin/endInstertRows is a more subtle way to notify the visuals that a new row has been added and its location. I could able to add a single button using below code. Apr 13, 2021 · I want to make that when i click on particular cell on the QTableWidget it will block the corresponding rows and I want to return the value of each row selected into the QLineEdit. To accomplish this I connect QTableView's clicked signal to a custom viewClicked() method which receives the clicked QModelIndex automatically: Apr 15, 2015 · If I understand your question correctly: def set_button(self, row, col): # create a push button btn = QtGui. I don't see anyway in Qt to add additional header rows or prevent scrolling of a single row. Taycher Commented Oct 5, 2010 at 7:08 I'd like to prevent any of the 4 headers (first two rows) not scroll off the screen as the user scrolls down. setCellWidget(row, col, btn) def remove_row(self): # find what is clicked clicked = QtGui. I am not sure if I am missing something. selectedIndexes()] rows. cellClicked(row, column) to your own slot. Jun 26, 2019 · In your case copying the row involves copying the widgets. i'm sorry im not a VS2008 developer, but this solution can be easy convert to VS2008 code. So there are two specific questions that I have: How to convert a cell selection to a row selection? When user enter input to cells, and user would like select a row, and click on copy_button to copy contents and add an new row below the selected row with same content. How can I make a cell blue, say the cell located at row 1 and column 1, programmatically. May 8, 2011 · After watching many threads about getting selected rows numbers, I am really confused. In this situation, if the user clicks another button, the previous columns and rows are removed, and the table gets 10 columns and 20 rows. Dec 14, 2015 · When a user clicks the first button, the empty table gets 2 rows and 4 columns. . Select | QtCore. QTableWidget. select(topLeft, bottomRight). setSpan(row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan) Parameters: row – PySide. I use the following code to retrieve the data from the selected cell: row = self. The table is meant to show stats which will be aggregated in the SQL query, which will return only one row. if row_id in QSETTINGS: for col in table. You can set the background color, foreground color or completely change the font of the items to be highlighted. table. select() methods -- one which takes individual QModelIndex objects (single selection) and another that accepts a QItemSelection. item(row, col) if item: item. QPushButton('Remove row') # connect to action btn. QSqlQuery. int column – PySide. currentRow() if row & Jan 17, 2015 · When one of the QTableView's QModelIndex is clicked I want to select an entire row of the same-row-indexes. int row) that makes part of the selection. ) Oct 5, 2010 · The documentation makes it look like table. Qt. For one click to edit, the code should be. setObjectName('table') self. How to set each item's selection color of QTableWidget in PyQt5. qApp. QtWidgets import * from PyQt5. 13. But I want to be able to select rows only by clicking the vertical header labels. def deleteProduct(self): row = self. I have set its selection behaviour with. Removes the row row and all its Mar 18, 2020 · You can use QTableWidget. item(row, 1) row_data = table_item. removeColumn (column) ¶ Parameters: column – int. Jan 18, 2012 · You can remove multiple items at once, The tips, is begin delete the rows from the bottom. Dec 6, 2018 · I need help on this lines of code. Aug 20, 2012 · def editItem(item): print 'editing', item. Right now (with the code below) on a single click on any item in a row, the row header content is detected and is put into a ComboBox. Jun 24, 2019 · The easiest way is to subclass QTableWidget and implement your own keyPressEvent, e. UserRole) row_id = row_data. Nov 4, 2015 · I have a QTableWidget and I want to disable the behavior that a row or column is selected when you click on a row or column header. data(QtCore. May 8, 2017 · I'm having a QTableWidget with 9000 data. Jun 17, 2016 · You need to use setSelected on each QTableWidgetItem. removeRow() has an invalid type". tableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers); with these two lines I could able to select the rows in the table. In my original question, I said I was using QtGui. Jan 15, 2019 · I am designing a GUI with a QTableView in which one would have to select multiple rows when needed. Mar 28, 2017 · I need to select an specific range of cell items in a QTableWidget object directly from my code. def delete_record1(self, model, view): """Delete rows with currently selected cells and/or selected rows of the model""" rows = [model_index. Removes the widget set on the cell indicated by row and column. Maybe there is a tricky way to do this by having 2 actual tables and 1 of those tables having a single row which is a header? Jul 27, 2014 · I have a QTableWidget with a disabled setSelectionMode (QTableWidget::NoSelection) and the QTableWidgetItems I fill in don't have the Qt::ItemIsEditable flag. rowCount() #necessary even when there are no rows in the table tableWidget. Jul 22, 2013 · The problem I'm having is when I select a row, it deselects any columns that were selected, and same for column/rows. I made a empty table, but I don't know how to make columns and rows dynamically. Here's what I'm doing: Aug 5, 2011 · To extend @Chris' answer and provide additional information: If you want to add data (i. Oct 7, 2014 · Here is a revised version of three-pineapples answer that is designed for PyQt5 and Python 3. I have a table created with 2 columns and 0 rows called tableWidget_Events. I am getting the following error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QTableWidgetItem' My code: Jul 24, 2016 · I have QTableWidget::selectionMode - SingleSelection, QTableWidget::selectionBehavior - SelectRows. 'sumCol(self)' to loop through each row, add each item of a column to a list, find the total, and print to QLineEdit. Instead, Is there a straightforward way to get the selected rows count of a QTableWidget in PyQt? Something like: QTableWidget. I can selected multiple rows by using ctrl + mouse left click. – May 30, 2016 · Just tried it here, it seems that currentRow of the table returns -1 when clicking the button right after program start, and when first selecting a cell, then selecting the QLineEdit and then clicking the button, the correct row is returned. indexAt(clicked. removeRow(i) model. focusWidget() # position idx = self. PyQt5 QTableWidget: select column with right click, and show a delete entry in context menu. first(); QModelIndex last = selected. connect(self. Here you can find an example of you could do the same thing to a listview. setSelectionBehaviour(QTableWidget. QPushButton('Save') self. I'm using: ui->tableWidget->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); for highlighting the selected row. Jan 20, 2014 · The GUI datamodel needs to have each row of the displayed data remember the ID of the DB table row from where it came — even if it doesn't display this to the user (except maybe for debugging) — so that when you delete the row, you just ask the model to tell you the ID and then delete by that ID. Rows [tableView. I want to send multiple clicks to an MultiSelect QTableWidget and I expect, the clicked QTableWidgetItems are selected afterwards. last(); Dec 20, 2015 · I am working on a small library application. Here is my code: Aug 31, 2018 · Here when I am trying to delete the row selected I am getting the following error: "TypeError: argument 1 of QAbstractItemModel. I don't want that. I have a problem with posting (or sending) QMouseEvents from code to a QTableWidget. g. It also fixes multi-select drag-and-drop and reselects the rows after the move. I want to make rows clickable and when click Mar 13, 2012 · Hello, who knows how select next/previous row skipping non-selectable rows? So it'll emulate down/up arrows pressing. tableWidget. The selectedItems() function returns a list of selected items. selectedItems()] Oct 12, 2019 · I have a QTableWidget but I need to customize the rows so that they have spacing in between them and so that they have rounded corners. I can search data from the table, like, if I search for '10', whole data starting with '10' will be displayed. setSelected(True) PyQt is kind of wrapper on top of usual Qt library. To get the currently selected row, use QTableWidget. setRowCount(1) table. rowCount() - 1 Apr 19, 2015 · When you select any of the cells, it will print out the text in the cell. QTableWidgetItem *QTableWidget::item(int row, int May 16, 2014 · First I have to mention that I'm not that experienced with C++, especially with QT, where my problem is about. 0. May 3, 2018 · I want to select a row (not manually) in a QTableweidget. pos()) # remove this row self. Sets the span of the table element at (row , column ) to the number of rows and columns specified by (rowSpanCount , columnSpanCount ). clear() The data disappears but the rows remain. I can loop through each row of the QTableWidget and check them whether it is selected or not. Now I need to highlight the first row, since it shows the accurate search result. After selecting rows programmatically, I found the buttons in the table were moved to wrong Aug 9, 2017 · When we find a match look at that key's corresponding Table Object, and iterate through that objects rows and select the rows specified by rowV 3. FigureAssembly() print("") for i in tableV: """ tableV: is list of Oct 9, 2013 · In PyQt how can I force a QTableWidget to only accept a single section (so that you can't select more items with Shift or crtl)? Jul 22, 2013 · So, I'm using Python with PyQt and I have a QTableWidget. I couldnt seem to find the solution my code only return when i click it will block the rows but not getting the value. Apr 21, 2015 · I have a situation where i want to add 3 buttons in a QTableWidget. column – int. QtGui import * from PyQt5. setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows) is what you want to select a whole row. I have the selection mode set to QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection and can perform this operation by clicking. How to show that complete row as selected when user clicks any of the cell? Jan 19, 2022 · I'm using QtGui. SelectRows) verticalLayout. int rowSpan – PySide. How to select multiple cells of QTableWidget? 1. QItemSelectionModel. With some checkboxes, lineedits etc I want to have the possibility to show only May 16, 2014 · First I have to mention that I'm not that experienced with C++, especially with QT, where my problem is about. On deleting , the row shifts up and I should be deleting row 3 again . But the QTableWidget::item:selected{ background-color: } only works when there is only one item selected, otherwise all selected Apr 23, 2020 · I (simply) want to be able to use a QTableViews Drag&Drop mechanism to move existing rows. Nov 8, 2016 · In the python plugin, I'm developing, I need to retrieve the number of selected rows in a QTableWidget. Now I want to do the other way around, one click to edit the cell and double click to select the row. setEditTriggers(QtWidgets. setCellWidget(0,4,saveButtonItem) But i want to know how to add multiple (lets say 3) buttons. myTableWidget. Jan 6, 2018 · Why is always one row not deleted when I select multiple rows and what do I need to change to delete all selected rows? The problem is caused by removing a row by resetting the positions, for example, say that you remove 3,4,5, first remove 3, then 4 becomes 3, and 5 becomes 4, then you eliminate 4, remove the 4 current so that the initial 4 is not deleted. After your QListWidget is created, call setSelectionMode() with one of the multiple selection types passed in, probably QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection is the one you want. 2 Python PyQt5 - Detect Click on vertical header item Jul 23, 2019 · The user of the application should be able to select multiple QTableWidgetItems so that the information of the row the item is inside can be transferred to another Mar 8, 2013 · How to delete multiple rows in a QTableView widget? 1. setItem(0, 0, item) # if you don't want to allow in-table editing, either disable the table like: table. Here the Python code. Of course the user should not be able to change the selected rows by clicking here and there. Here's the way in QtDesigner: Jan 10, 2020 · What i want to achieve is that, if am having 8 rows (from 0-7) having correct values and at rows 3-6 having wrong values, I'll be clicking row 3 first, click delete . self. Nevertheless, a cell that has been clicked gets some kind of cursor (the black line at the bottom in my case): Jul 29, 2020 · How to delete multiple rows in a QTableView widget? 1. How do you get ROW numbers in QTableView using QStandardItemModel I used below selection model and behavior as Jun 8, 2020 · In this PyQt5 tutorial, I will be showing you how to add, copy, and remove rows on a QTableWidget. table = QtGui. Mar 13, 2014 · And this works. 5. selectionModel(). I brought in the tables from pandas using the very useful tutorial on the subject (Display tables in PyQt5, QTableView with conditional formatting, numpy and pandas). Here's what the table and grid of buttons look like: Using the value from the spinbox, I want to insert the button text as mentioned in a comment by Sven on the second answer to this question, if you have a static number of rows and columns in your QTableWidgetItem you can select the properties of the cells with Qtdesigner if you use it to create the screens for your application Oct 28, 2020 · To change the variable based on the selected row, you can connect the signal QTableWidget. setItem(row, column, item) Code language: Python (python) PyQt QTableWidget example Many thanks to @learncode comment above, I manage to get the copy part. Removes the column column and all its items from the table. Jan 7, 2020 · I changed the normal given headers (numbers) to be names of employees (rows) and working days (columns). select() Jun 14, 2013 · I create a QTableWidget with: self. Oct 17, 2008 · I am looking to select multiple rows in a tablewidget at once, as if the user had Ctrl+clicked or Shift-clicked on the vertical headers. I'm in Python3, please describe there if possible. For adding Check box in application QCheckBox class is used. select(index, mode) for i in indexes] May 15, 2021 · I have an object of QTableWidget. For a single index like first column I can get the data. verticalHeaderItem() with the table's current row. Oct 10, 2020 · QSelectionModel has two . listWidget. Here is my 'design. To get a list of the selected items in the listwidget I used the following code: print [str(x. ui. QtCore. I'm using QtGui. I want a user to be able to click on a row (I only have one column and a variable number of rows) and click the QPushButton to delete that row from the QTable. tableWidget = QtGui. Jun 4, 2014 · I want to highlight the entire row of a my QTableWidget when I click on one cell of this row. text()) for x in self. QTableWidget() saveButtonItem = QtGui. Oct 10, 2020 · I am creating an app with three different tableviews that are on three tabs. But is one or more span is/are in the table and i want to add more, QTableWidget. I want my script to automatically select rows in the other tables (based on Oct 6, 2020 · You can use the table selectionModel() and its select() function, using the Deselect and Rows flags:. text()) How do I select multiple cells at the same time to open multiple files? If you know the number of rows and columns that the table may have at the time of creation, you can use the following: table = QTableWidget(rows, columns, parent) Code language: PHP (php) To add an item to the table, you use the setItem() method: table. Jul 31, 2021 · Based on your comments, you are using my previous answer as a basis, but as you point out these are failing because the context of the previous question differs from your current code, in the previous case there is a parent widget where the button is set, and that widget is just set in the QTableWidget. Aug 19, 2016 · With this I can select the row with only one click, and double click to edit the cell of table. Using selectRow(int) clears the previous selection. If the selected cells are all in the same row, you could do this (table refers to the QTableWidget). remove_row) # set in cell self. text() # initialize a table widget somehow table = QTableWidget(parent) table. table_view. but I'm still struggling to make it work for my case. Jan 19, 2022 · Edit. e. How can I accomplish that? Mar 17, 2011 · Open Qt Assistant. On a double click it detects the employee again and opens up another window to customize the employee. But its not happening. I want to select a row and delete the row from the table as well from database. Whenever, I click on a cell of the table, it becomes blue. selectedRanges() returns n*m selectionRanges if if select a nXm selection. May 22, 2021 · I need to disable the editing and resizing of my QTableWidget while keeping the scrolling enabled. removeRow (row) ¶ Parameters: row – int. verticalHeaderItem(row). Is there a simple way to do that? I mean, there is a select_all option, but I can't find anything to deselect all Jul 26, 2014 · The default qt table copy only copies one cell, whereas I need the entire selection, which can be multiple columns and multiple rows. You can either build QItemSelectionRange objects, or use the simpler method of passing a top left and bottom right QModelIndex to QItemSelection. NoEditTriggers) But the user is able to drag and resize the width of columns. Look for QTableWidget; Find and click on 'List of all members, including inherited members', it is in the beginning. insertRow(currentRowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem("Some text")) To clarify the last line of code, the first parameter of insertRow() is the current row, the second one is current column (remember it's always 0-based Mar 17, 2020 · I want to copy multiple cells from the table and paste in other row in the same table. currentRow() label = table. Jan 8, 2018 · I have a QTableWidget with 7 colums in a QDialog, where every row has information about files in a specific directory. And then sent to qtablewidget. All three tables have a “join” field that could be used to connect them. What I want to do is to, at some point, deselect everything in the QTableWidget. However, I'm not. I have searched a lot for the c May 17, 2021 · How to get the all column data for the selected row of a qtableView. removeRow Oct 11, 2011 · @vsorokin said in How to select complete row from QTableWidget: Call this method for you QTableWidget @setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);@ It works, thank you for sharing. Dec 27, 2013 · I can think about 2 ways to force tablewidget to render multi-line text: Setup QStyledItemDelegate item delegate and render text yourself in the delegates paint method. QTableWidget Selection of rows is too slow. indexes() indexes will be a list of selected rows total number of column times, e Nov 25, 2015 · I have a Qlistwidget in which I can select multiple items. Also, the user should be able to select and copy data from the table. Aug 11, 2021 · I'm trying to connect a row selection in multiple QTableWidgets which have the same number of rows. selection(). 1. setEditTriggers Oct 1, 2015 · I am trying to index of selected row but when I try to do 1. py' module: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi( Apr 25, 2022 · In the original documentation's QTableWidget's SIGNALS section I found only "Clicked" signal, which works but only for one row - when I'm clicking on one row, it's works after mouse release, but when I'm click and drag (to select multiple rows) it's not emitting signal after mouse release. Jun 1, 2014 · here is an example of catching key presses in a QTableWidget; i have used it to implement things like allowing the user to select multiple rows and then hit the space bar to set or reset the check boxes in multiple table rows. So I want to go from one row with multiple columns, to 2 columns with multiple rows. For example: QItemSelectionModel *selections = this->ui->tableWidget->selectionModel(); QModelIndexList selected = selections->selectedRows(3); qSort(selected); QModelIndex first = selected. So far, I can do the same on single cell, but is there a way i can do multiple cells at the same time?? Also, if possible, to copy multiple rows and paste it in same table below? I tried looking at some answers in SO but quite didn't get it to implement in PyQt5. sort(reverse=True) for i in rows: model. table_item = table. (This table will only have 2 columns, one for the previous column names and one for their values. I want to know how can i create filters for it like in excel. Oct 17, 2008 · Hello, I am looking to select multiple rows in a tablewidget at once, as if the user had Ctrl+clicked or Shift-clicked on the vertical headers. 4. Jun 13, 2016 · I know this is a bit of an older question, but I think this is more concise and does the trick. May 11, 2020 · Check Box is one of the PyQt5 widgets used to select one or more choices from multiple options. How to append those selected data int Dec 27, 2023 · To create a basic table with QTableWidget, we need to perform the following steps: Import required modules: from PyQt5. Example of input: [0, 1] [0, 2] [0, 3] Sep 3, 2021 · Once you have them, you can select a given item by calling . clicked. I know how to make rounded Feb 8, 2019 · I want to be able to select a specific row of the table, and execute a function based on the selected row. Taycher Commented Oct 5, 2010 at 7:08 Dec 28, 2012 · I am using QTableView to display data retrieved from QtSql. Here is my code: data = ['first_row', 'second_row', 'third_row'] nb_row = len( Aug 10, 2016 · I have a QTableWidget. I am getting data from an excel sheet. 4 Select QTableWidget rows only by clicking row header. tableWidget->selectRow( 2 ); But still I cannot see it selecting/highlighting the second row. int . Normally it can be done by Ctrl + click, which works fine. Oct 11, 2011 · I have created a Table using QtableWidget and inserted cells in it using QTableWidgetItem; When i click any cell only that particular cell gets displayed as selected. In the above image i need to get the filters for All heders (Sh_Code,SH_Seq,Stage) The filters will have unique values in of that column on which we can filter. Buy Me a Coffee? Your support is much appreciated! Apr 13, 2019 · I need to be able to programmatically select some rows of a TableView, hence showing the selected rows to the user. submitAll() model. Mar 26, 2013 · Hi, I am using PyQt 4. Moverover, I modify a bit to support copy to Excel with corresponding order of cells: Mar 11, 2020 · @VirenKheni I've updated the answer, the function uses tableRow to access the correct model, remember that if you are still using the first row for the "headers" (but, again, you shouldn't), you have to take that into account; so, in your case, you should call copyFromRow(1) to copy from the first combo, while normally rows should start from 0. I'd like to prevent any of the 4 headers (first two rows) not scroll off the screen as the user scrolls down. I already put a connection between an activation of my cell and my function highlightRow : QObject::connect(ui->variableTableWidget,SIGNAL(cellActivated(int,int)), this, SLOT(highlightRow())); Feb 27, 2018 · I'm trying to build a very simple application using pyqt5, I have a tableWidget with 5 rows the first row is hidden that has the ID from MySQL database. setRowCount(5) table. Sep 4, 2020 · I want to create a table widget with two buttons of each row and select some rows after inserting rows. addWidget(self. currentRow() path = (self. tableFriends. But I want all datas in an array. – Roman A. setSelectionBehavior(QtGui. Currently, the only way I found to disable the user's interaction is with: self. However, when clicking the same row again, it isn't desele Mar 28, 2018 · Ideally, in a QTableView. First I tried this. columnCount(): item = table. Jul 29, 2020 · How to delete multiple rows in a QTableView widget? 1. For example if i selected 3 rows in a column, there are 3 selectionRanges. setEnabled(False) Feb 18, 2020 · When I select one row/cell and click a QPushButton it opens the specific vector/ratser layers in the QGIS. I want to be able to select rows with the ExtendedSelection behavior and columns with the SingleSelection behavior, but independently of eachother. index(r, 0) for r in rows] mode = QtCore. If the row added is not in the current view, then it can be ignored (or just scrollbars updated/redrawn) – Apr 17, 2014 · There are many ways to highlight the items in a listWidget. QtCore import * Create an instance of QTableWidget, set row and column count: table = QTableWidget() table. int columnSpan – PySide. And on the console is written 3 times Aug 27, 2018 · QTableView. row = table. 4 I have a widget that is composed of a QTableWidget and a QPushButton widget. My input is a list with the cell coordinates (int column. But due to better usability I would like to change that behaviour! Dec 24, 2017 · I have a PyQt5 QTableWidget for which I want to detect double-right-click events. Jun 4, 2014 · tableWidget = QTableWidget() currentRowCount = tableWidget. What I'm trying to achieve: selecting a row in one table by clicking on a vertical header button -> other tables has their rows selected at the same index. hvfhdr ihwi ncu sxd imev oqggxud ilj beleh hsrmf ovdn ukxthunt tuuhs imovlj sdudbl oaeoq