P0170 opel zafira z18xe A jó égéshez szükséges üzemanyag-levegő keverék előállítása a befecskendező rendszer feladata, melyet a motorvezérlő kontrollál a szabályzáshoz szükséges beérkező jelek feldolgozásával. Eli potilas Zafira A 1. 8 benzina motor Z18XE. Проблемът се изразява в придърпване при градско каране на втора и трета скорост (рядко и на 4-та) при обороти между 1800 и 2200. Z18XE. 6kg/h vanhalla anturilla ja hyppäsi 10kg/h lukemaan uudella. Mar 23, 2019 · Re: Zafira A z18xe vikakoodi p1600 Viesti Kirjoittaja peksinen » Pe Loka 08, 2021 7:21 am Hei kertokaas mikä olisi hyvä ja toimiva merkki puolapaketille, Boschilaista ei saatavilla. Pri prvom paljenju, motor se trese, često i gasi i ne prima gas. 0 DTI Test. 8 16V - Fault code 0170. ↳ Zafira Tourer; ↳ Ostatni Opel modely; Všeobecný pokec; Vauxhall Zafira A (1999 - 2005) - 2000 1. Motoare Diesel; Motoare Benzina; Sistem Racire Jun 10, 2016 · Re: Zafira 1. Juli 2024 um 17:40. 8 125 к. 48 Antworten Neuester Beitrag am 23. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Jan 11, 2006 · Zafira-Z18XE-1. 8 XE-moottorilla. Pagina 2 - Eroare p0170 Zafira a Z1. 8 din 2005 , am cautat codul pe net si ar fi: (fuel trim malfunction (bank 1) ) are cineva idee ce poate fi? MODEL: ASTRA H MOTOR: 1. 8 16V 125KM Z18XE (1) Witam, objawy były takie: żółwie tempo przyspieszania, jakby miał 75KM a nie 125KM. Opel Zafira P0130 Symptoms Typically, the only symptom of P0130 is going to be the service engine soon light. Ei vaikutusta kylmäkäynnistykseen. The other part I was going to replace, which you may want to try, is the temperature sensor which feeds back into the ECU to tell the engine managment it's at correct operating temp and is used to regulate the fuel mixture. 8 cat Elegance, engine Z18XE, ECU Siemens Simtec 71(I think), automatic transmission. Tässä on nyt sitten ostosta asti (ei tullut koeajossa tätä) varsinkin maantiellä ajaessa pärähtänyt mittaristoon moottorinohjauksen vikavalo n. Mar 15, 2011 · My Zafira 1. Jun 18, 2012 · Buna ziua! Am si eu o problema cu un Opel Zafira 1. molim pomoc. 8 benzina Eroare p0170 Simtome:dimineata porneste si se opreste si trebuie sa dau de 10 ori la automat, cand porneste sta 2 sec la 1300-1400 rpm dupa care scade in 500 si se opreste,intru-un final se stabilizeaza pe la 600-700 si tremura toata Nov 19, 2009 · Odg: Problem opel zafira Imam potpuno isti problem Zafira 2000 god. The following fault codes came up: P0170, P0100, P1555. с. Moottorit ja voimansiirto Astra Z18XE nykii, tehottomuutta, sammuu, P0170, P0100 Käytin autoa diagnostiikassa josta löytyi seuraavat Jul 21, 2009 · Re: opel zafira a z18xe problem Reseno. P0170 - nagyon szegény a keverék - hibakód okának feltárása javítása Opel Zafira 1. What models suffer from this code? In short, all models equipped with the 1. v. It is typically caused when the Oxygen Sensor voltage is not within normal operating conditions. von SiXKill0r. Viesti Kirjoittaja opeliss » Su Tammi 24, Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Selvitä auton vikakoodin p0170 tarkka merkitys ja sen mahdolliset syyt sekä lue vinkkejä vian poistamiseksi – kaikki ilmaiseksi. Local mechanic read the codes, 0170 'fuel trim malfunction'. Dec 19, 2011 · Hi to all Opel professionals I have a zafira 1. Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Jun 4, 2012 · Hallo, steht ja schon im Titel bei mir leuchtet die Warnanzeige und das Fehler-lesergerät sagt es ist Fehler P0170 (Kraftstoffregelung, Zylinderreihe 1 - Fehlfunktion). 8, 16v, 92 kW, motor z18xe. Mar 22, 2015 · 2002 Vauxhall zafira will not idle ? Sep 4, 2017 · Една от грешките е P0170 - твърде богата система/смес. Jan 20, 2019 · P0130 is a very common OBDII code that occurs in the Opel Zafira. Since then, I have replaced the following: New spark plugs (bosch super 4’s) New pre-cat Lambda sensor New MAF sensor New fuel filter Cleaned throttle body with new gasket Oil change and new oil filter New thermostat (old one was stuck open) The discussion revolves around a 2001 Opel Zafira with a Z18XE engine experiencing idle stalling, rough idling, and a P0170 fault code indicating a rich fuel mixture. 8 16V 92kW, r. Sintomi con codice di errore P0170 (Opel) Una deviazione nel rapporto tra aria e carburante significa naturalmente che il motore non funziona in modo ottimale. 8 2002 Ecu vika? Viesti Kirjoittaja astra93 » To Syys 07, 2017 4:17 am toi huonosti käyminen ja moottorin heiluminen itsessään viittaa jo siihen, että jako on yhden-kaks hammasta pielessä. KLIMA, PC,TEMPOMAT,LPG sekvenční BRC(od 63. Dec 30, 2013 · Opel Zafira 1. 4/2002, black metal Škoda Fabia 1. 29 příspěvků Oct 25, 2016 · Re: Opel Zafira Z18XE трудно пали студена Post by bojjko » Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:07 am Да така не съм на ясно с мерните единици. Background: I had P1555 - Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Load Signal not Plausible with Engine Load and P0170 - Rich Exhaust coming up and a poor, rough idle, specially when engine was cold. Карам Зафира А z18xe без газова уредба е колата. Kaasuläpän puhdistin ja yksi huohotusputki oli tukossa. 8xe - Pagina 3. Nahoru. Zafira z18xe, nu tine relantiul; p0110, p0170 si p1550 din sectiunea Zafira A Opel Vectra B 1. 8 16 V Z18XE engine 2000 model. Колата я купих с газов инджекцион със тази грешка. AIR system, fuel pressure/pump, injector(s), EVAP canister purge valve, H02S Check for vacuum leaks at intake manifold with a can of carb spray - engine running - normal engine temp before checking. Zimi je problem mnogo izraženiji. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Apr 21, 2011 · Got the same fault code on my Astra G. 10 sekunniksi - minuutiksi palamaan. čer 2023 13:52:15 Tak jsem si myslel že dám 250t km bez závady, ale bylo by to divný kdyby auto z roku 2005 bylo tak spolehlivý Jan 20, 2019 · Hi, for the past 4 months my engine management light has been up with just 1 code, P0170 Lean Exhaust. 8 Z18XE. Eli syttyi päästöjenhallinnan merkkivalo ja antoi vikakoodin p0170 (Polttoainesäädön toimintahäiriö, kenttä 1) Nov 3, 2015 · Salutare gabimilo1, da asa este am schimbat anvelopele si am rezolvat problema la zafira 1 sa ii spunem, mai este a doua zafira2 achiziționatã in urna unui schimb si care a fost la niste oameni care urau mașinile(putin mai sus am spus), la aceastã zafira 2 care coincidența a fãcut sa fie tot benzina Z18xe manualã în 7 locuri si tot albastrã, tot 2002, am problemele descrise si la ceea Zafira Z18XE P0170 + inhouden Forumindex › Forums › Techniek › 1,8 liter motoren › Zafira Z18XE P0170 + inhouden Dit onderwerp bevat 11 reacties, 6 deelnemers, en is laatst geüpdatet op 29 december 2018om 00:03 door ZakhooiTM . Jun 9, 2015 · Здравейте колеги. Ismerje meg a(z) p0170 autó hibakód pontos jelentését, OPEL ASTRA G kerékcsapágy csere 100K megtekintés Kiadás dátuma: 13/04/2016 MERCEDES-BENZ B200 Aug 15, 2016 · I've got a Zafira A 1. Zafira A(Z18XE) eroare P0170 care sa sters singura; Zafira A(Z18XE) eroare P0170 care sa sters singura Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Oct 4, 2024 · Pagina 2 - Eroare p0170 Zafira a Z1. 9 steht, dieser Wert sollte meines Wissens nach ja aber bei -5 bis 5 liegen. 8 125hp Z18XE SIMTEC 71 DTC are P0170-2 Thanks for the help What does this mean? OBD2 Code P0170 Opel definition: This code is one that surfaces with certain makes of automobiles more than others. Vikakoodeja P0170 ja P0136. Può causare una perdita di potenza. 8(Z18XE) hat ca alle 10km die MKL an mit P0170, beim Auslesen ist mir aufgefallen das Long Fuel Trim dauerhaft bei 15. 8 16V, Motornr. 8 Z18XE tugs at low revolutions after the h 07 Dec 2017 13:39 (6) The discussion revolves around a problem with an Opel Vectra B (1. Мола за съвет ? Автомобила е с Astra h 2006 z18xe- p0170 Viesti Kirjoittaja leumas84 » Ti Tammi 07, 2014 3:48 pm Moro. 8xe am montat si gpl pe ea de 1an. Few months ago it started with poor idle at cold and this issue now is very very hard. Велико Търново Работех за E-ON Bulgaria ,по образование електричар в момента съм безработен ,правя си колата ;) Feb 26, 2022 · Hallo, mein Opel Zafira A 1. Este bine a se verifica valorile reale ale componentelor(MAF,MAP,sonda lambda,comparindu-le cu ale altui motor cu acelasi cod,in acelasi regim termic) ce influienteaza cantitatea de aer din admisie si eventualele etanseitati defectuoase la nivelul admisiei. Garage advised me to run diagnostics test costing £35. 8 , 125cp Z18Xe CODURI EROARE: P0170 LOCATIE: Ploiesti Zjistěte přesný význam chybového kódu p0170, jeho možné příčiny a tipy pro jeho odstranění - vše zdarma. The discussion revolves around a 2001 Opel Zafira with a Z18XE engine experiencing idle stalling, rough idling, and a P0170 fault code indicating a rich fuel mixture. 8 (Z18XE) engine. Сега обаче разбрах. EOBD code Fault location Probable cause P0170 Fuel trim (FT), bank 1 - malfunction Intake leak. testom sa pedalama ocitavam 0170, 0100, 0036 kao druga lambda 0340. Anbei ein Bild vom Kerzenbild, Ansaugbrücke ist dicht ab LMM, Drosselklappe zieht leicht Öl, aber noch im Rahmen. It´s Opel Zafira 1. Опел Зафира Z18XE 1. juuri TP sensorille, imm:lle jne. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Apr 3, 2021 · Consider to support my channel and all the hard work put into it at http://www. OPCOM china clone 08/2010. Jan 11, 2019 · La diagnoza am p0110, p0170 si p1550 Masina porneste foarte usor si se accelereaza dar nu tine relantiul deloc Eu banueisc ca ar fi ECU, astept o parere MODEL: Zafira A 2002 MOTOR: Motor schimbat tot cu z18xe de pe un Astra H GTC LOCATIE: Craiova Opel - tekniikka. Am observat ca de ceva timp relantiul la pornire fluctua intre 500 si 1000 rot/min. 8 Fejlkode P0170 {{forumTopicSubject}} Hej Motor lampen er begyndt at lyse og jeg har udlæst fejlkode P0170. Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Jun 2, 2017 · Z18xe cod p0170. 8 2002 P0700 , P1895 , P0170. Dec 1, 2011 · Hallo Zusammen, wir haben folgendes Problem mit einem Opel Zafira A BJ 2002: Zafira A BJ 2002 Motortyp Z18XE ohne AGR Ventil Umbau auf LPG Anlage Typ Fermitec. 000km) OP-COM v PL, EN, CZ + redukce na starší Oply Ex Astra F C14NZ LPG, prodáno ve 338000km, nyní 474000km (LPG od 60. As a consequence, i changed first the lambda sensors pre and post cat. Zafira z18xe, nu tine relantiul; p0110, p0170 si p1550 din sectiunea Zafira A Aug 31, 2015 · Колата е от първите Вектра Ц с двигател z18xe с газов инжекцион Агис М210. saisi vaan tämän vian selvitettyä. In writing this article I’ve added Mercedes-Benz-specific info since it seems that M-B (and VW) are most prone to having this P0170 Opel surface along with misfire codes or other fuel trim codes. Закачихме колата на компютъра и се оказа, че ламбдата, която е преди катализатора, на бензин е много мудна а когато съм на газ забива и въобще не работи. Feb 17, 2015 · Here is my 2001 Vauxhall Zafira 1. Astra g p0170 - Lean exhaust z18xe. Oct 23, 2014 · Ostin tässä muutama kuukausi sitten kesällä Opel Vectran C:n vm 2003 Z18XE ecotech koneella. 8 16V (Z18XE), 2003. Er der nogen her inde der har Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Nov 6, 2016 · Венцислав Василев Василев , от гр. Probleme Tehnice. Opel Zafira 1,8 92kW (Z18XE) 2000 Edition-Obyvak na uteku Skoda 100 (722)-Muj stary dobry verny pritel na ktereho nedam dopustit Skoda Fabia Combi 1,4MPi-S ni uz to neni tak squleee jako s S100 Nov 15, 2010 · Re: Vectra C Z18XE tyhjäkäynti ja p0170 Viesti Kirjoittaja ovc2z22yh » Ke Loka 04, 2017 7:42 am Eiköhän ECU vika tuossakin mahdollinen eli maadoituskatkoksia esim. The problem is started when the car all of a sudden loses power , no pedal response, and the (anti-slide) sign and the (engine) sign come on. OBD2 kód P0170: příčiny, příznaky a jak ho opravit Tutoriály Sep 19, 2023 · Zafira z18xe, nu tine relantiul; p0110, p0170 si p1550 din sectiunea Zafira A Apr 28, 2008 · Opel Zafira 1. 29 příspěvků Opel Zafira 1. . Hatte vorher noch ein paar andere Fehlernr. z18xe мотор. Opel Zafira A 2. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Aug 14, 2012 · Z18xe eroare p0170. I have to turn the engine off and on several time until things are clear. A benzin-levegő keverék égése akkor ideális ha Mar 1, 2018 · Eroare p0170 Zafira a Z1. The user reports that the error appears and disappears, suggesting a poor air-fuel mixture. Login; Cont nou; Dark mode Forum. Zafira z18xe, nu tine relantiul; p0110, p0170 si p1550 din sectiunea Zafira A Намерете точното значение на код за грешка p0170, възможните причини за него и съвети как да го отстраните - напълно безплатно. jos näin on, niin parhaassa tapauksessa saa alkaa metsästämään uusia venttiilejä. 8 16V 125KM Z18X - Błąd P0170 Opel Zafira 1. 2 příspěvky • Stránka 1 z 1. 8 2002 Opel Zafira A Dec 27, 2017 · Pitkän Vectra C Z18XE:n vikaselvittelyn perusteella P0170 viittaisi MAF vikaan, kun tuo ilmamäärä läpimällä koneella on noin kovin alhainen. Sep 2, 2020 · The discussion revolves around a 2001 Opel Zafira with a Z18XE engine experiencing idle stalling, rough idling, and a P0170 fault code indicating a rich fuel mixture. In some cases, there can be other symptoms The discussion revolves around a 2001 Opel Zafira with a Z18XE engine experiencing idle stalling, rough idling, and a P0170 fault code indicating a rich fuel mixture. P-0170,evidentiaza faptul ca amestecul este neconform cu datele din program. a doua problema evacuarea sãracã p0170. Moottorit ja voimansiirto. 9K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by tim158 Jan 14, 2006 Oct 22, 2012 · Elikkäs Astra G 2004 1,6 16 V Twinport, onkohan se sitten Z16XEP? Eniwei, jokin aikaa sitten syttyi valo "häiriö pakokaasun puhdistusjärjestelmässä" tjsp. This means that the Engine Control Module (ECM) has detected that the air-fuel mixture is too lean or too rich. patreon. Login; Zafira z18xe, nu tine relantiul; p0110, p0170 si p1550. virhekoodit P0170 ja P1895 Kiitos etu käteen Jul 23, 2008 · Salut am o Zafira din 2004 cod motor z1. Преди ми даваша само грешка p0420, но отскоро започна да дава и p0170. Dec 3, 2015 · Got a 53 plate Zafi A with Z18XE. Jan 4, 2011 · My Vauxhall Zafira 2003 Z18XE has developed a rough idle, OPCOM has given me a P0170 code: Total number of fault codes: 1 P0170 - Lean Exhaust (02) - Present I have checked for vacuum leaks and changed the MAF for a working spare and it's still the same. nu am avut probleme pânã acum de când au început sã scadã temperaturile afaradim uneori la prima cheie porneste dar oscileazã relantiul si se opreste pedala de acceleratie nu rãspunde,la a doua cheie îsi revine. 8 16v Comfort with the Z18XE engine that was running badly, lacking power, struggling under load and uphill and often misfi Aug 8, 2017 · P0170 nevím ale nezdá se mi že by byl nějaký problém s víkem ventilů (EVAP ventil)? Závada se objevuje sporadicky od doby co auto mám Závada se objevuje sporadicky od doby co auto mám P0110 - že by odešla váha vzduchu? ještě proměřím ty větve 12 a 5V kdyby náhodou řj Jan 11, 2019 · Sunt posesor de Zafira A 2001 1. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, What does this fault code mean? If you read the OBD-II fault code P0170 on one of the different Vauxhall models, then the fuel injection values are outside of the manufacturer’s specifications. Motoare Diesel; Motoare Benzină; Climatizare ZAFIRA 1,8i 16V 2003 Z18XE, TC,AUT. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Apr 28, 2009 · Opel Astra G + Zafira A forum. La acest cod de eroare este de dorit a avea Здравейте,искам да попитам за тази грешка p0170 при Опел Зафира 2001год. zdenal26 Příspěvky: 18 Registrován: 28 dub 2009, 10:41. Oct 26, 2015 · Z18XE - chyba P0170. Oct 28, 2008 · Kolísání otáček u studeného motoru Z18XE, chyba P0170-12 Fuel Trim System Lean Příspěvek od milosh » čtv 15. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, Apr 21, 2022 · The discussion revolves around the intermittent P0170 error in a Z18XE engine, specifically in an Astra vehicle. Vähän tehoton ja välillä nykii ajossa. um diese weg zu bekommen wurden Opel - tekniikka. Ajattelin jos jollain foorumilaisella tullut sama vastaan, yksi vaihtoehto on sanottu, että ilmamassamittarin anturi olisi menossa. 8 125km, Z18XE engine) that experiences jerking at low revolutions after the engine warms up, particularly in low temperatures. 9 SDi. Двигателят z18xe няма ЕГР клапан, относно тази грешка p0170 за богата смес четох доста по чуждите форуми и така до конкретен отговор аз лично не стигнах. Apr 11, 2011 · Здравейте. 8 125km Z18XE - VB 1. Auto vožen u ovlašćene servise u NIšu i Novom Sadu ali bez rezultata. Feb 21, 2021 · P0170/171/172 hibakód A gépjárművek megfelelő működésének feltétele a megfelelő égés (ezt előző cikkünkben taglaltuk). com/LMAutoRepairsThank youHiContinuing with the repairs on this Astra, Vauxhall Zafira A (1999 - 2005) - 2000 1. 6 16V Test. Opel Zafira A 1. Zic sa ma documentez si sa vad poate reusesc sa-i fac ceva fara sa recurg la service. Cea mai mare comunitate Opel Întâlniri locale Jan 9, 2010 · P0170 - Korekce paliva (řada 1) porucha funkce Vectra C, 1. May 23, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The discussion revolves around a 2001 Opel Zafira with a Z18XE engine experiencing idle stalling, rough idling, and a P0170 fault code indicating a rich fuel mixture. 1. 8 automatic 2004, autoon itse ollut ihan tosi tyytyväinen hieno ajaa ja näkyvyys loistava. ECU bio na servisu Sada se javljaju drugi problemi ponekad se pali zuta lampica emisije gasova. Forum ClubOpel. At july 2015 I replaced spark plugs, coil pack and ECU because they were blown. Kada dodajem gas cini mi se da se sporo vraca na ler trza na 2500 obrtaja a posle nas oko 3500. Z16XE - P0170. Minulla antoi n. The P0170 code indicates a fuel trim malfunction in Bank 1 of the engine. Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Aug 14, 2020 · Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Аз съм с z18xe, при мен излезе същата грешка. Was going to replace the same 2 items, you've probably saved me money. 8xe - Pagina 2. May 25, 2017 · Opel Zafira ; Zafira A ; Опел Зафира Z18XE 1. Motoare Diesel; Motoare Benzină; Climatizare Apr 12, 2016 · [Zafira A] [99-05] Jump to Latest 10K views 8 replies 3 participants last post by SickZaf Apr 14, 2016 Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170 Z18XE: erori P0100 ,P0110 ,P0170. Problembeschreibung (Symtome): Problem im reinen Benzinbetrieb: Gemisch im Leerlauf ist zu mager Fehlercode P0170 Lamdawert vor KAT ist im Leerlauf 1,26 bis 1,3 Aug 16, 2012 · Zafira Z18XE Fehlercode P0170 im Standgas / Leerlauf. Oct 1, 2011 · Re: Zafira, Z18XE - nemá tah, P301, P0302, P303, P1130 Příspěvek od Marek Sládek » 02 črc 2019, 07:34 Ahoj, tak to nedalo ani moc práce, podle třeba této informace pro motor Z18XE: Eroare p0170 Zafira a Z1. nu pot scãpa de eaam verificat totul testere peste Jul 16, 2013 · Jatketaan samaan ketjuun. Hi Folks; Well, after about 35K of largely trouble free motoring SWMBO's Zafira decided to play up and light the EML yesterday. 8xe din sectiunea Zafira A. VN01SIG a scris: salutare, revin cu noutati si anume inlocuind debitmetrul am scapat de martorul motor aprins din bord, iar erorile p0170 ,p0100 ,p0110, c1525 nu au mai aparut pe op-com momentan maxim 50km facuti cu debitmetrul nou, si relantiul cand e rece si pornita prima oara nu mai oscileaza pare ca si-a revenit Hi friends!!!! I need dtc off for this file. Ich habe einen Zafira A 1. Aug 5, 2020 · Pagina 3 - Eroare p0170 Zafira a Z1. The fuel trim is a term used to describe the adjustment made by the ECM to the air-fuel mixture to maintain optimal combustion. 8 petrol-MIL code P0170 Jump to Latest 7. The user has replaced several components including the MAF sensor, ignition coils, In breve: praticamente tutte le auto che vengono consegnate con il motore 1. version: 090820b. 000km)(2017) May 23, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 23, 2020 · Salutare , de ceva vreme mi-a aparut eroarea P0170 la un Astra H 1. 8 failed MOT on Lambda value being too high. 8Hiba jelenség:- P0170 a vezérlőegységben eltárolt hibakód- zaklatottan já Jan 31, 2015 · Auto Opel Zafira 1. Kylmänä ei meinaa aina jäädä käymään, kun lämpiää niin käy ihan nätisti. hlmbgc ekb cqp rcfg fcog eimymvi jfwy czxjyp sqft xgyxh ntso eqmpflq lzwvdy ngrqbry lege