How to close a tkinter window and open a new one sleep(2) before win. Here is a very basic example of how to do that: import tkinter as tk root = tk. py it opens the IP camera and give the live streaming. root) self. Now that we have our back-end to your Tkinter GUI application, we're ready to use buttons to navigate to new frames and windows. 1. I have tried various methods to close the Tkinter window - quit() and destroy() both inside buttonAction() and after master. I have a main window which has several buttons and when clicked those buttons a new window will popup which also has a button called cancel. I appreciate any insights! Dec 24, 2014 · For python 2. Sep 20, 2017 · Currently this is what I have to create a window, however I want it to that when the new_window_button is clicked, the new page has its own widgets. This is where the problem is, I can't get it to close for love or money. I got a main menu and inside this menu three buttons. os. The most commonly used protocol is called WM_DELETE_WINDOW, and is used to define what happens when the user explicitly closes a window using the window manager. Feb 24, 2020 · This is used to open new window without closing first one, just minimize first window. Jul 24, 2015 · You say it isn't working, but the code you posted seems to work, and what destroy() is documented to do is exactly what you describe you want to have happen: it will destroy the window. On the other hand, the command root. tn=Button(root,command=open)#root is the first windowname tn. Frame(name_w) f1. Apr 10, 2016 · You probably don't want to have two Tk() instances running. ; Once login is destroyed, the user_name Entry will also be destroyed, and you will not be able to get the name from it anymore. Instead, you can use the after and after_idle methods to schedule callbacks to run after a certain timeout. Dec 5, 2017 · Tkinter - Open one window and close another. Tk() def open_window(): global win_opened if not 'win_opened' in globals(): win_opened = False if win_opened == True: return window = tkinter. Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tk. In such cases, we can use the . destroy() but it close the entire program. Jul 18, 2021 · Then you can set the Parent Reference to the New_Window to None, from within the child Widget self. Toplevel() so your function would be: def open_main_window(self): self. transient(parent) if title: self. I have a login screen which takes the user into the main menu screen. mainloop() To close it you can use standard button [x] on title bar. destroy() method to close the Window in Tkinter. Oct 29, 2022 · button_1 click is supposed to open a new window and close the app window. This can be easily achieved using the iconify method, which minimizes the main window when the close button is engaged. Tk. wm_title("Enter name") f1 = tk. Related Videos:How to create a window in Tkinter: htt I am making a database application for a school coursework project. See this answer on how to use the drawing frame: Embedding a Pygame window into a Tkinter or WxPython frame. destroy()# I am working with tkinter library in python. I am very stuck with being able to press the okay button and close "both" windows. Jul 21, 2020 · If they change settings and press it again I want it to delete the window that's there and open a new one. execute('SELECT * FROM superusuario WHERE idcard = ? ', cardin, cardsal) superusuario is my table in my database and i have one column idcard, cardin and cardsal are the values for my entries, i tried this if c. python tkinter open new window with Jun 9, 2019 · Then a second tk window pops up if login is successful with an okay button. Here is an example code snippet to close a Oct 10, 2016 · I'm having a trouble when i open a secondary window. The easiest and simplest way is to click the "X" button on the window. Mar 5, 2014 · I have a Raspberry Pi with the Piface adaptor board. Feb 23, 2021 · I wanted to know if any of you knew how to keep a tkinter window open when you stop the running script. Label(top, text='new label') newLabel. Tk() root. About this video: In this video, you will learn how to open and close a Tkinter window on a button press. in my window to open a new window and close the previous one. We used the Tk() class to create a new top-level widget and stored the result in the root variable. the proper way to do it is to create a single instance of Tk and then one or more instances of Toplevel. So I removed the mainloop() line. quit() should be login. The challenge when i open several windows and i want to destroy all only one gets destroyed. As tkinter attributes are independent of each other, we can c Aug 15, 2018 · Closing a window and opening a new one via a button in Tkinter (1 answer) Closed 6 years ago . Here's the new full class: Aug 24, 2022 · Your variable window in if window. Thank so much for any help. I am just learning how to write simple GUI app in tkinter and I am stuck on a point when I want to close child1 as the first step of child2 function. newWindow) self. py" I created another file "button_test. newWindow = tk. Nov 8, 2012 · I'm trying to lay out a basic interface, but have run into some trouble. after(1000, open_new_window) window. title(title) self. Tk() b = tk. Jul 15, 2021 · After the new window is created, you need to destroy the login one like this: self. The main window is created by the tk. 2. title('Main Window') root Sep 3, 2021 · You can use the “Toplevel” widget for that. py" with a super simple tkinter window with only one python how to open a new window tkinter GUI tutorial for beginners#python #new #window #tkinter #GUI #tutorial #beginners. py. We will use a simple button, which triggers a destroy call to Dec 14, 2016 · Get early access and see previews of new features. Jan 27, 2016 · I want open a splash window using threading and show loading files page. I'm currently building a holiday-package program, but I'm struggling on how to close a Tkinter window after the user have given the coordinates (from a map) without stopping the entire script, since I'll like to do something with the coordinates that has been given Mar 12, 2013 · If you don't want to hide the root but just make sure the user can only interact with the popup, you can use grab_set() and grab_release(). Dec 13, 2023 · In the _init_ method, set up the main window and create a button (close_and_open_button) with a command linked to the close_and_open method. The main window would then open normally to launch the GUI. Personally, I prefer using grid, since you can achieve a much higher degree of personalization with ease. pack(pady=20) #Automatically close the Apr 4, 2018 · Like the title says, is it possible to make a Tk window open where it was closed? similar to how when you close a browser window, if you open a new one it'll open in the last position you closed it. Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent, title = None): tk. Mar 15, 2022 · I would like to be able to close all open child windows and leave the root window open when closing them. title_font = tkfont. ly/2UaSC5s⭐ Special Offers Feb 28, 2022 · Taken from another stackoverflow question: import tkinter as tk # python 3 from tkinter import font as tkfont # python 3 class SampleApp(tk. title("Window2") window. title('Gym Managem Do you have idea how to connect 2 entries with a sqlite database? my two entries are for 'entry' and 'exit' and i have one button which should be working for both entries, c. pack() def open(): from subprocess import call call(["python3 2. mainloop(), the window will not be displayed for 2 seconds, and I need it to open and close afte Oct 28, 2017 · i have been making a tkinter program in which i have to load new frame/window while clicking the button from tkinter import * import os import tkinter. However, you can open as many TK windows as you like and you can embed a pygame window inside a SDL drawing frame inside a TK window. Jul 13, 2021 · At a time only one instance of mainloop can be active, so in order to open a new window we have to use a widget, Toplevel. Toplevel(self. Tk() window. Feb 23, 2013 · Normally, by just entering wrong information 5 times, it will create the 'Help' window successfully; however, it still keeps the original word (the one that could not be answered), open. destroy self. I've used Toplevel before but it creates a child window without the widgets. Button(root, text="Create new window", command=create_window) b. executable os. title("window1") def open_new_window(): window2 = Toplevel() window2. Is it possible to have May 30, 2019 · Iam new in Python, and my set goal is trying to create an application for myself to list and manipulate some data; in my case some coins. I tried self. I have made a GUI which controls the LED's on the Piface board. Nov 2, 2021 · You have two windows - main window created with Tk and subwindow created with Toplevel. mainloop() Apr 30, 2018 · You are almost there - only two details you have to adapt: The method to remove a widget in Tkinter is destroy, so login. From there, the user can open up a customer form. Toplevel() rather than declaring a new instance of Tk() altogether, then you can use grab_set to prevent the user from interacting with the root window while the creator window is open. destroy() or . py which will open USB camera and give the video steaming and the other one is ipcam. . First tkinter window: Aug 13, 2018 · Example :let file containing next window to be opened be 2. title("Game window") root. messagebox as tm t=Tk() t. system expects a "command" for the operating system:. I've searched a lot to find a solution to this simple problem, but didn't understand how to do that. It uses a Threading. That might sound confusing so let me explain. bind('<Destroy>', False_on_close) button = tkinter Feb 16, 2022 · My aim is to generate a window with a button "NewWindow" on it. I would like to open a new window by clicking on button 3. from tkinter import * def open_new_win(): top = Toplevel(root) root. Here's code that I think does what you want: May 14, 2018 · Have a button to open a new window in my code, and have been trying to make the button open a new window called newest_release_window with two things in mind: If newest_release_window is not open, open the window. Aug 15, 2022 · In this tutorial we will explore several different ways we can Close Tkinter TopLevel Windows. Tk class and controls the life cycle of the application. Tk() # usual root configs like title and geometry go here creator Jun 9, 2022 · To align widgets in your window by using pack you should follow this approach, i. May 16, 2019 · import Tkinter as tk def create_window(): window = tk. Code: ServerMainWindow. When this new window is closed, the new word will show up, but there will be two windows: new word + old word. __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self. Instead of destroying windows, you can just withdraw() them. Mar 23, 2022 · Desktop applications can be made up of more than one window. e we can use this method with any of the available widgets as well as with the main tkinter window. Aug 19, 2017 · I would like to generate a window with two buttons, both of which will execute a function and then close the window. Mar 24, 2015 · The other method is made a lot easier by using a Class to represent your program. thanks Apr 20, 2013 · I am writing a program which should: Open a window with the press of a button. The iconify() method minimizes the window, or turns it into an icon. mainloop() Sep 21, 2008 · Tkinter supports a mechanism called protocol handlers. system(file) Dec 17, 2017 · You are getting multiple windows because of the way your code is designed. Secondary windows, also known as popup or child windows, might be created on application startup or in response to an event (for example, a button press) via the tk. What I'd like (and sort of expect tkinter to do) is that calling . We then used the ttk. import sys from tkinter import * #Green button pressed Back to your question, a solution could be setting the Toplevel window as an attribute of a class where you wrap all your application, and only open a new window if this attribute is None. Close and Open Another Window. Button() class to create a Button widget. import tkinter as tk class Main(tk. Hello I've been trying to create an exit button for my second window but whenever I would click the "End call" or close it, it affects the main window. newWindow= Toplevel(self. I've encountered many logic errors when attempting to alter my attempts variable for the elif statement to work after many failed logins as well as getting the tkinter window to terminate/close based on the relevant if/elif statement. Hello r/learnpython. How to close a current window and open a new window at the same time? 1. 0. destroy() on the New_Window: 1st Bonus: this code prevents the opening of more than 1 instance of a Window at a time. Here is your code: from tkinter import * window = Tk() window. You can use the . See this answer on how to create multiple windows in tkinter: How to open multiple windows in Tkinter Aug 26, 2015 · It opens up the dialog fine, but after a file is chosen the dialog box stays open for the duration of the execution of the rest of my code, which is 3-4 min. If newest_release_window is open, set focus on the said window but do not open a new window. import Tkinter as tk import ServerEditWindow as editWindow class ServerMainWindow(tk. OR you may create global variable my_top = None to keep created toplevel - and when you click second time then you create window only if my_top is still None. Sep 4, 2017 · The below code can be used for the desired effect and is commented to show what is happening each step of the way: from tkinter import * #Imports Tkinter import sys #Imports sys, used to end the program later root=Tk() #Declares root as the tkinter main window top = Toplevel() #Creates the toplevel window entry1 = Entry(top) #Username entry entry2 = Entry(top) #Password entry button1 = Button About this video:In this video, you will learn how to open and close a Tkinter window on a button press. destroy(). Then you can close the previous windows using destroy() or withdraw() function. – Dec 16, 2021 · To open a new window you use tk. If I press the button, the program should open a new window. Apr 20, 2021 · Instead of deleting the original window, just re-use it. geometry("750x270") #Initialize a Label widget Label(win, text= "This window will get closed after 3 seconds", font=('Helvetica 20 bold')). How to Open a New Window With a Button in Python Tkinter Aug 30, 2016 · I have a login window. However, I can't seem to get the window to close. destroy() # close the current window self. here is the code Aug 31, 2015 · Closing a window and opening a new one via a button in Tkinter 0 Python Tkinter: Close a window opened by a function not running anymore May 25, 2016 · I want a button in my window to open a new window and close the previous one. Toplevel(root) name_w. Which is the better way to generate single secondary window and not generating a new window instance? I leave the code that I'm actually Apr 18, 2017 · But even with the second one, the tkinter window remains after I close the messagebox. destroy(), etc but it still affects the main window. Sep 25, 2016 · Try redefine your Demo1. Even upon closing the newly created window, the ticker would not restart. Sep 7, 2015 · I was wondering if there was a way to open a new instance of Toplevel () and close the current one via the press of a button, i. There are many different ways to close a Tkinter window. Toplevel widget. BUT Apr 3, 2015 · But while the top_level window is open, the root window is still visible and the user is able to close the root window via usual methods (this is intentional). Aug 29, 2020 · Your best bet is probably to make the button open a new window using tk. destroy() method to close the window. mainloop() - but neither has worked. Tkinter is single threaded so using one mainloop() is sufficient for all the windows. Button(root, text='click me', command=newWindow) button. Now I'm just creating a toplevel window with a button and I need to open the same secondary window If i click the button (not generate a new instance). To close both the new window and the main window, you can pass the latter to the former when you create it, and then destroy() that in your qExit() function (as well as the new window itself). Mar 4, 2021 · This code doesn't open only one window that's the problem. So when I close the main menu it should close all the other windows. Frame): def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): super Apr 30, 2021 · I have a small test Tkinter window with Labels and Entries in a file called "customer. Apr 10, 2024 · You can use the root. I'm working with Python 3 in Windows 10. acw1668 I suppose that would work fine, as long as it opened up the tiny window first with the label and updated the label with each press. Instead, the widgets are added to the parent window. Ask Question you click a button to open another window. overrideredirect(True) method. Here is the code in question: self. Create a function or class to create the login window, and another one to create the main program. I would like to close the current tkinter window, and open a new tkinter window when the user inputs text into an entry widget. Below is a quick and dirty example: import tkinter as tk root = tk. This method effectively closes the window and terminates its mainloop, without closing the entire application if there are other windows open. Dec 29, 2016 · I have created a top level window to ask the user for a prompt and would like the window to close when the user presses the button of their choice. destroy() because newwindow is a function not a tk. destroy() #This bit is new Then it will all work as expected. create a Frame for each new row and then packing widgets via side=tk. org Dec 9, 2020 · To close a tkinter window, we can use the destroy() method. 6): Apr 7, 2019 · Call Toplevel() if you want to create a new window. Here’s how you can do that: from tkinter import * # NOTE: You can replace the variable names with your own # Defining a function for a new window to appear def new_window(): # You can also customize this toplevel with similar attributes new_toplevel = Toplevel() # Creating the main GUI root = Tk() # You can customize the root window with Apr 3, 2012 · You could create a class that extends the Tkinter Button class, that will be specialised to close your window by associating the destroy method to its command attribute:. command=root. At the exact moment the progress bar reaches its 5 second lifespan the window closes. My code is included below. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", quit_win) to assign function quit_win to the close button. wm_withdraw() top. However, this method is rather crude and not very suitable for all situations that you may come across. The code will run endlessly and the window does not close. I write a simple code to open a new window and close after 1 second: import Tkinter as tk from threading import Thread as Jul 27, 2022 · I believe what you are looking for is a Toplevel window and it behaves just like a normal root window. Closing a window and opening a new one via a button in Tkinter. In my code now its doing what i almost want. master) You are not creating a new window independent completely from your root (or master) but rather a child of the Toplevel (master in your case), of course this new child toplevel will act independent of the master until the master gets detroyed where the child toplevel will be destroyed as well, Jul 27, 2020 · Tkinter - Open one window and close another. Because the variable doesn't exist, you can't see it, so the next code will help you up. destroy() # proper way with db os. This window I stored in a class "NewWindow" to quickly May 16, 2015 · In your code: self. Learn more about Labs. TclError: can't invoke "wm" command: application has been destroyed. Related Videos: How to create a window in Tkinter: • Creating Mar 4, 2020 · Create empty window and run mainloop() (event loop) to keep it open. You also generally don't need to call mainloop() more than once. py"]) Similarly if you want to close current window,you can use . What we do here will be your typical methodology for adding more and more pages, basically to infinity. Here is my code so far but i just get: tkinter. Tk() def newWindow(): top = tk. You won´t get more than 1 New_Window on the screen. Toplevel. iconify()#Hide from user site, still exists as a minimised window def submitSecretWord(): #code to collect secret word or what ever root. name = tk. Now as you've asked that you want one button in one window and a label which updates in the second window, and also you can reopen the window without losing any progress if you close the second Feb 12, 2018 · After the radio button is selected and the OK button is selected, the Tkinter window does not close. Dec 28, 2018 · I have this few lines of code here which opens tkinter toplevel window which can be destroyed by clicking on the destroy all button. mainloop() Oct 4, 2020 · similar code and it works the same, choose whichever is easier for you. For the login screen there's two routes you could go. I only want all the toplevel Apr 24, 2019 · Use Toplevel() window instead of using Tk() as secondary windows. When I click an option in the main menu it imports a python file with code that makes a new window (couldn't use Toplevel for the new window for some reasons). Here’s an example: Oct 20, 2022 · You should create your creator window as an instance of tkinter. After one opens windows 1 & 2, I would like the third button to close windows 1 & 2 only. Jun 11, 2014 · I am very new to Python and have to write a simple GUI program, which I chose to do in tkinter for simplicity. And you activate it back in function which toplevel uses to close it. login_window. Each of those routines creates a new "root" or "master" window with a call to Tk(), and they do it each time they're called. If I minimise the existing pop up window and again I will run same script, it will again pop up new window. Requires that the popup is "modal" (disables the main window). The result was the new window and program would run as designed, but the ticker would freeze. from tkinter import * class quitButton(Button): def __init__(self, parent): Button. Close the newly opened window with the press of another button. Toplevel() For more info on tk. Your code creates new toplevel windows in a loop, so maybe it only appears to not work since the old window id destroyed and the new window is created in the Nov 23, 2024 · Explanation: The command root. The close_and_open method destroys the current window This article explains how to close the tkinter window. Nov 30, 2024 · The default close behavior of a tkinter window is to close the window and terminate the program when the close button (X) on the window is clicked. __init__(self, parent) self['text'] = 'Good Bye' # Command to close the window (the destory method) self['command'] = parent. This two files are opening in two windows how can make this to work in one window Nov 6, 2019 · I see see several problems. What is the method to close a tkinter window in Python? To close a tkinter window in Python, you can use the destroy() method on the Tk root window object. The idea is that there is data coming in, but to rerun the whole programme i need to stop the Feb 24, 2013 · The withdraw() method removes the window from the screen. Tk() win_opened = True def False_on_close(event): global win_opened ; win_opened = False window. close the current window and open a new one. x change the import to Tkinter rather than tkinter (the difference being the capitalization): import tkinter as tk #import Tkinter as tk # for python 2 def create_window(): window = tk. Close tkinter GUI without killing the app. I thought root. Only close one tkinter window. Method 1: use an instance variable in the toplevel class. Toplevel(root) newLabel = tk. Im restarting my program with this line of code: python = sys. The application continues running in the background. destroy() destroying itself, and it's the root window. Usually we use tk. I erased the command line for the exitbutton since I failed everytime lol. Execute the command (a string) in a subshell. A Toplevel widget works pretty much like a Frame , but it opens in a separate top-level window, such windows have all the properties that a main window (root/master window) should have. I want to close that login window when access is granted to a user, and open a new window. winfo_exists() is non-existent, so Python thinks your window variable already exists, but the function can't see it. Your application should only create a single master window -- one call to Feb 23, 2020 · I want to open a window from my main window and then be able to destroy and open the original window again from the window I created. I want to Nov 1, 2017 · How do I create a new tkinter root window on top of the main root window that prevents you from accessing the main window until you close the secondary window? Here is the code that I've written so far (in python 3. Tk() to create a new Tkinter window, but this is not valid if we have already created a root window. Here is my code for the main Jul 29, 2014 · I think it would be easier for you to achieve this without threads, which Tkinter does not integrate with very well. fetchall May 10, 2014 · Ex : I have two files one is usbcam. To set this attribute to None when you close the window, you can use the protocol method to set a callback. py' # or you can do it root. The main one being that you can't call newwindow. I've been struggling for the past 2 hours. LEFT. Here, the term protocol refers to the interaction between the application and the window manager. The destroy() is a universal widget method i. The deiconify() method will redraw the window, and/or activate it. Mar 2, 2024 · One standard way to close the top-level window in Tkinter is by invoking the destroy() method on the top-level window object. So with my code i press ok on the first window it brings me to the second one, but I want the first one to close. my question is how can i close the previous window and where can i start and open the new window? May 19, 2017 · I want my script should work in such a way that, close all the previous windows in tkinter. Have tried the quit funtion but it close all the window including the the root window. May 9, 2020 · You don't really need to use the threading module. master = tk. quit() on the root window will cause all of root's children to be terminated. app = Demo2(self. new_window() as below: def new_window(self): self. Toplevel() check out this tutorial May 30, 2020 · The window should stay till the animation is completed, and then it would disappear. app = LibraryManagementSystem(self. new_window = None in a close_me() method right after you call self. One classic approach is to adjust the default behavior of the close button, allowing it to minimize instead of completely exiting the application. How can I close the already existing window, when i run script again? Simple code: import Tkinter as tk root = tk. master) # create Demo2 window self. 3. But I am not being able to simultaneously open the two windows one after the other as mentioned. mainloop() root = Tk() Button(root, text="No", command=open_new_win). Function would be something like: Function would be something like: def login(): if username == "admin" and password == "admin": file = 'python3 main_menu. 7 and 3. Toplevel(root) root = tk. import tkinter as tk window = tk. import tkinter root = tkinter. The result of this is the ticker continues to Nov 24, 2023 · I want to close the current window 2 seconds after it appears if you insert time. Tk() # create another Tk instance self. DoubleVar() name_w = tk. I'm using classes so I can insert the code into a la Jan 18, 2016 · My problem is when I first wrote the program I called mainloop() with each new window I opened. It essentially boils down to the need for a global (or scope of the class instance) variable. parent = parent self Feb 14, 2022 · Then you can use import os to close and open scripts. pack() button = tk. I am self teaching code, but there are many thing I do not May 3, 2022 · Topic: How to Open a new Window with a button in Tkinter Python Module 2022🔔 Subscribe to get New Videos Every Week: http://bit. argv) Jun 16, 2019 · I need the next tkinter window to become active automatically after destroying the previous one. Your program should then exit when the instance of Tk is destroyed. Apr 30, 2021 · #Import the required Libraries from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #Create an instance of tkinter frame win = Tk() #Set the geometry of tkinter frame win. __init__(self, parent) #associate this window with a parent window self. more. It would need to check if the window was there, if not open it. Feb 26, 2017 · How would I open the second window and close the previous one I was one. The method destroys all widgets and exits the mainloop. quit() only stops the mainloop() but does not close the application completely. Example app, tested with Python 3. pack() root. grid(column=1, row=0) . deiconify()#Make visible second_window. destroy() Nov 3, 2016 · Sorry to necro but I came across this and found the answer and wanted to share in case others run into it. Once then user press the okay button, both tk windows (the one requesting username and password and the login successful msg window) will disappear and the program continues to run. pack Jan 13, 2022 · I n this tutorial, we are going to see how to open a new window with a button in Python Tkinter. like python3 myscript. parent. mainloop() Nov 11, 2020 · Closing a window and opening a new one via a button in Tkinter. First, we need to just slightly modify our SeaofBTCapp class. 8: Oct 13, 2018 · Here's how it could be done by making the file searching function run in a separate thread, as I suggested in a comment. destroy() would close the open file dialog like it closes other Tkinter windows but that doesn't seem to be the case. mainloop() May 10, 2017 · Two additions to your code may give the expected result. You could withdraw the root window and make the login screen a Toplevel withdrawing the root window upon the Toplevel's initialization window and once the login is successful destroy the toplevel and raise the root window. Any help to fix this would be much appreciated :) Here is my code : Mar 4, 2021 · How do I close a tkinter window - Creating an application using tkinter is easy but sometimes, it becomes difficult to close the window or the frame without closing it through the button on the title bar. There is a Python file which is a main menu. How can I program the class so that I only have to press a button (either Ok or the X in the top right of a window) once to close all windows (whether that is one or two)? Oct 22, 2017 · I'm working on a GUI using tkinter. destroy). execl(python, python, * sys. Sep 19, 2022 · what i except is, When the user finishes and clicks the button (i have it in my code), the window is closed and a new window is opened. import tkinter as tk root = tk. To disable the close, maximize and minimize buttons I have used the root. One button on the GUI opens a new window which, on the press of a button, starts Use NewWin. I've tried all sorts of command lines like command=window. You have three main routines: adminLogin(), CheckAdmin(), and Signup(). destroy() effectively shuts down the application, stopping mainloop() and closing the window entirely. Dec 31, 2020 · I have this application in Python Tkinter. after() method to open a new window a little after. Another is the janela1. Event to communicate between the main thread which is running the tkiner GUI, and the thread doing the searching. pack() See full list on geeksforgeeks. Toplevel class. Thanks. The GUI I want should be very similar to the dialog one often experiences when instal Nov 6, 2024 · Top 5 Methods to Handle Tkinter Window Close Event Method 1: Minimize on Close. windowname. master. Font(family='Helvetica', size=18, weight="bold", slant="italic") # the container is where we'll stack a bunch of frames # on top of each other, then Jun 20, 2020 · If you want to open and close multiple windows. Tkinter - Open one window and close another. When you use close button to close main window then it should also close all subwindows but when you close subwindow then it doesn't close main window (parent window) but only own subwindows - because usually it can be useful to display again main window to select other options and open again subwindow. mainloop() so i would like to desactivate the button bwhile a new window is still open. e. My sample code is below. I've tried rewriting with func Oct 6, 2016 · It has to close and display a fail message after 3 failed login attempts. mainloop() Jan 8, 2021 · yes, you can deactivate button in function which you use to create toplevel. You have to use CTkToplevels for the windows with no mainloops. obdmzqq hozxp nysatr subjmb jbqnzv kacftm vbl cgrqz hgr kdyxy lku qpyf rps nsdevg gvckgs