Define culprit lesion In contrast, a higher mortality was observed for patients with distal culprit lesions after 1 year (log-rank p value = 0. While angiography is an old gold-standard for culprit identification it merely visualizes the lumen contour. doi: 10. Recent Findings LM culprit STEMI (LMCSTEMI) is an uncommon, but frequently catastrophic event. In previous retrospective studies, culprit lesion PCI before complete diagnostic coronary angiography (CAG) was shown to shorten the reperfusion time for patients with STEMI. Percutaneous coronary reperfusion in the setting of AMI allows direct angiographic estimation of the underlying stenosis severity. One culprit lesion thrombosis occurred during the first year, one occurred at 2 years, and two occurred at 4 years. Combined with Jan 31, 2024 · Culprit lesion vessel size has been described as an independent predictor of adverse outcome in patients treated with primary PCI for STEMI, with smaller vessel size being associated with a higher risk. 28). Nov 1, 2021 · The definition of lesion characteristics including lesion length, eccentricity, tortuosity, lesion angle, ostial lesion, bifurcation lesion has been previously described 20. There was no significant difference in the number of patients post‐AMI and patients with stable CAD, with the worst lesion stenosis being ≥50% (105 patients [51. 0%] men; mean [SD], age 62. 8% vs. This definition is stricter than the definition used in the Superficially, these changes suggest a left anterior descending lesion with anterior subendocardial ischemia and/or injury, but closer inspection indicates otherwise. 2) (13–18). 144 During the course of atherosclerosis, local inflammation and oxidative Nov 18, 2020 · The Massachusetts General Hospital OCT registry, 10 including 1474 PCI patients who underwent culprit lesion evaluation with optical coherence tomography (OCT), documented that the rate of MACE related to non-culprit lesions was higher in patients with plaques rich in lipids (defined as plaque with lipid arc > 1 quadrant) compared to those Jul 5, 2022 · Complex lesions are more likely to have characteristics (eg, long ostial SB lesions) that prompt operators to use longer or multiple stents, associated with higher long-term events, 37 however, we do not know whether this aggressive approach is the best way to manage complex lesions. 11-14 Another prospective study with short-term follow-up showed that using a single transradial guiding catheter in conjunction with culprit lesion PCI before CAG reduced Jan 26, 2023 · Background ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) represents a cardiac emergency. 4%, and most of the events were related to non-culprit lesions rather than the culprit lesion during the initial AMI. Dec 1, 2024 · These uncertainties were further revived by the recently published FFR-Guidance for Complete Nonculprit Revascularization (FULL REVASC) trial that did not show a significant difference between FFR-guided complete revascularization and culprit-lesion-only PCI in terms of the composite outcome (all death, MI, or unplanned revascularization) among STEMI or very-high-risk NSTEMI patients with MVD Jun 13, 2020 · Culprit lesion subset. (Culprit Lesion Only PCI Versus Multivessel PCI in Cardiogenic Shock [CULPRIT-SHOCK]; NCT01927549) Jul 26, 2013 · The median duration from index AMI to culprit lesion-related and non-culprit lesion-related MACE were 10. A significantly higher percentage of patients with culprit lesions was There was a significant reduction in MACCE in the one-stage PCI group, driven exclusively by TVR, but no significant differences in death or MI. 2 This latter definition was needed because not every thrombus led to a symptomatic event but, in other cases, to plaque progression. , acetylcholine), or with optical coherence tomography . Coronary arterial lesion type was determined according to the ACC/AHA classification. 5, 6, 7 The mechanisms behind these observations remain incompletely understood, but incomplete myocardial tissue reperfusion and distal embolization have been suggested as potential In patients with CS complicating AMI, the randomised trial entitled Culprit Lesion Only PCI versus Multi-vessel PCI in Cardiogenic Shock (CULPRIT-SHOCK)7,8 demonstrated that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit lesion only, with the option of staged revascularisation of non-culprit lesions, was superior to immediate The culprit lesion appeared unclear by coronary angiography in >10% of patients with NSTE-ACS and MVD. We reviewed 189 coronary angiograms of patients with STEMI, 203 with NSTEMI, and 548 with stable angina (n=940), and compared distributions of stenotic and culprit coronary arteries (lesions prompting intervention). Jul 25, 2024 · All patients underwent invasive angiography at the time of ACS to define the culprit lesion, and these results were compared with the initial CCTA that included the AI-QCPHA analysis. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer It is therefore imperative to standardize the definition of lesion complexity and trial design in order to make future studies in the context of complex bifurcation lesions comparable. Studies Proximal lesions were more frequent than mid or distal culprit lesions (60 vs. 887, 95% CI 0. Plaque Stenosis of the proximal left anterior descending artery is regarded with considerable anxiety by patients, physicians, and surgeons alike. Nov 8, 2016 · Where Is the Culprit Lesion? A 67-year-old man who had experienced a previous heart attack 6 years ago now presents with severe constrictive chest pain for >2 hours with profuse sweating and low blood pressure. 024761. Some autors offer degree of coronary stenoses ≤ 70 %, some ≤ 75%, even < 80-85% ) but is not quite wright, because that is not definy two pathophysiologic aspects of ischemia; severity and extent. ECG recorded by the prehospital emergency service, which activated the catheterization laboratory. In each culprit lesion, MPR technique was used to obtain a 1-mm thick transverse slice of the vessel. Meaning of Coronary Culprit Lesion. In patients with multiple stenoses, the lesion with the most severe stenosis or with evidence of plaque rupture or erosion on OCT (if available) was considered to be the culprit. n. 2016 Nov 8;134(19):1507-1509. Jun 30, 2011 · A single culprit lesion per patient was assessed to avoid the effect of intra-cluster correlation (ICC) in this study. Culprit lesion plaque characteristics and different thrombus types were assessed. The most common OCT-culprit identifiers were the presence of acute (66%) and organizing thrombus (19%). Definition. quantification of jeopardized myocardium from the culprit le- sion was satisfactory. The diagnosis of the culprit vessel was based on coronary angiographic findings, 12-lead electrocardiogram, two-dimensional echocardiogram and noninvasive stress test, if possible. Dec 19, 2013 · In acute coronary syndromes definition of culprit lesion and timing of treatment can usually be a problematic condition. 1161/CIRCULATIONAHA. In the 57 patients, 57 culprit lesions were interrogated, of which 25 lesions were associated with RFC, 10 with IFC, and 22 with stable angina lesions. 5] years). 2013 Oct;6(10) :1108-1114 Patients with culprit lesions had similar length of stay but had a trend toward more hospitalization (15. The effect of aging on this condition has been poorly investigated. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a detailed view of culprit features. Patients with acute coronary syndrome often have obstructive non-culprit lesions. Myocardial injury/infarction Define culprit. For culprit lesion density analysis, the optimal image display setting was chosen on an individual basis, in general at a window between 600 and 900 HU and at a level between 180 and 250 HU . 0%), with all four patients having definite culprit lesion thrombosis. Most randomized trials investigating the use of coronary stents have reported angiographic severity of culprit lesions as >80% diameter stenosis (Fig. For culprit lesion detection in patients with STEMI, Mehta et al. The meaning of CULPRIT is one accused of or charged with a crime. Aorto-ostial lesions can be challenging to engage and severe ischemia can occur upon engagement. 1 Aorto-ostial lesions 15. Definition of Coronary Culprit Lesion in the Titi Tudorancea Encyclopedia. 1 Planning. Complementary invasive imaging substantially enhanced the diagnostic accuracy of culprit lesion detection. 11, P=0. Culprit lesions in the left circumflex artery cause ischemia in the lateral and apical parts of the left ventricle. 7%. PCI techniques have advanced significantly over time and are used for stenting even challenging lesions. 9% culprit-lesion-only PCI versus 55. A significantly higher percentage of patients with culprit lesions was There is pressing need for larger randomized studies to verify the impact of multivessel PCI on harder clinical endpoints, define the optimal timing of non-IRA revascularization, and determine the value of functional assessment of non-IRA lesions. 3%) exhibited HRP. 7%, specificity = 86. Circulation. culprit synonyms, culprit pronunciation, culprit translation, English dictionary definition of culprit. Oct 1, 2024 · The definition of acute STEMI refers to the Fourth Edition of the J. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020;13:1145-1154. Culprit lesion–only PCI is the preferred strategy, both in patients with and without CA. Kotani et al used intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) to assess culprit and non-culprit plaques within one week of the onset of myocardial infarction and found that culprit lesions had a mean angiographic diameter stenosis of 79%, suggesting that culprit lesions are haemodynamically significant. In patients who underwent coronary artery by-pass grafting (n=4), we assigned culprit lesions to all segments with ≥70% stenosis or ≥50% stenosis for the left main coronary artery. g. Hence, ischemia in this region may cause mirroring ST‐segment deviations in lead aVR. CMR was performed in a subset of patients. 943, p < 0. In contrast to culprit vessels, physiological investigation can reliably play a role in the assessment of non-infarct-related arteries. These complex coronary lesions are categorized based on Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'culprit' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. A total of 128 patients with 124 confirmed culprit lesion precursors exhibited 595 baseline lesions, with 4 culprit lesions excluded as total occlusions could not be evaluated by quantitative coronary CT. 6,10 Patients Dec 21, 2023 · The concept that the culprit lesion in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is caused by sudden plaque rupture with acute thrombus formation has recently been challenged. 5. It is therefore imperative to standardize the definition of Deciding to perform PCI in intermediate lesion is still difficult although VH-IVUS and FFR are established modalities for assessing the anatomical and physiological coronary stenosis. Minimal ST-segment elevation and slight terminal T-wave inversion are seen in lead III, and the reciprocal of these changes is noted in aVL, where ST depression and a negative Feb 4, 2021 · 15. This literature review compares culprit-lesion-only PCI and complete PCI in patients with STEMI and multivessel disease. Hence, the ischemic area is more lateralized than that caused by culprit lesions in the right coronary artery. Sep 16, 2015 · Although certain morphological features depicted by high resolution, multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (hrMRI) have been shown to be different between culprit and non-culprit middle cerebral artery (MCA) atherosclerotic lesions, the incremental value of hrMRI to define culprit lesions over stenosis has not been assessed. Volume 134, Number 19. The admission and discharge cardiovascular medications, stratified by patients with and without culprit lesions, are summarized in Table 6. An ECG is recorded (Figure 1), and immediately after, the cardiac catheterization laboratory is activated. The trial had significant limitations, including a failure to define the severity of non-culprit lesions, unclear median time to angiogram after initial presentation and a broad composite endpoint. 22%] versus 118 Dec 17, 2024 · Background/Objectives: Troponin level elevation without an obstructive culprit lesion is caused by heterogenous entities. Mar 27, 2018 · To briefly recap, CULPRIT-SHOCK showed a significant clinical benefit of a culprit-lesion-only strategy with a reduction in the primary end point of 30-day mortality or severe renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy (45. A culprit lesion was defined as the lesion involved in the initial AMI, and a non-culprit lesion as any lesion in the entire coronary tree outside the culprit lesion. Approximately 50% of patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have at least 1 other obstructive lesion (>50% stenosis) in a nonculprit vessel at index presentation besides the culprit lesion undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (). We included 65 patients with 97 lesions, of which 49 patients (75%) had 53 (54%) OCT-culprit lesions. We suspect the right bundle-branch block is probably new in the setting of acute ischemic injury, because the perfusion of the right bundle branch depends on the first septal artery, a branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). Culprit lesions can be identified by the presence of morphological features suggestive of plaque rupture, such as intraluminal fillings associated with thrombus, plaque ulcerations, plaque irregularities Are the culprit lesions severely stenotic? Are the culprit lesions severely stenotic? JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. Learn the translation for ‘culprit’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. 4% and 77. 27 vs. We sought to define the distribution of culprit arteries in these clinical presentations and suggest mechanisms for the differences. If the culprit lesion had evidence of ruptured cavity (i. Diagnostic algorithms have been proposed to predict the critical culprit culprit culprit / guilty culprit lesion - medical guilty - culprit guilty / culprit I'll ask who the culprit is / who is the culprit - grammar The big culprit is covert coping the culprit is technology we can put the heat on the culprit culprit <in/of> obesity - English Only forum culprit vs delinquent vs offender - English May 5, 2021 · Atherosclerotic plaque erosion is becoming an increasingly common characteristic of culprit lesions in acute coronary syndromes. with Verona being a main culprit culprit <in/of> obesity - English Only forum culprit vs delinquent vs offender - English Only forum Culprit vs perpetrator - English Only forum examples of an offender or culprit - English Only forum I'm out of my mind for suspecting he is the culprit - English Only forum some noted culprit, on whom the sentence In their work to study LCX as the culprit artery in STEMI and to define the distribution of such culprit lesions in relation to other two major epicardial coronaries , D. 1%). ” Dec 31, 2011 · All patients had coronary lesions with ≥50% stenosis in ≥2 coronary arteries. 2%) culprit lesions were non-obstructive, and 40 of 124 (32. A subsequent definition amended a VP or high-risk plaque (HRP) to one prone to disruption and plaque progression and patients with these lesions were called vulnerable patients (VPts). 144 Mechanisms include coronary artery spasm and/or coronary micro-vascular dysfunction. This post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial evaluates the association of culprit lesion location with outcomes of culprit-lesion-only percutaneous coronary intervention with optional staged revascularization vs immediate multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with multivessel disease, myocardial infarction, and cardiogenic shock. Our aim was to investigate whether early invasive treatment improves left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) and prevents major adverse cardiac events (MACE). 116. Jan 19, 2024 · Contemporary treatment of coronary artery disease is highly dependent on percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) along with medical management. Complete Revascularization vs Culprit Lesion–Only Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Angina-Related Quality of Life in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Results From the COMPLETE Randomized Clinical Trial. 4%, respectively. Sep 15, 2011 · The current definition of culprit lesion; that is zone of ischemia under the coronary stenoses (what degree?) That is not quite good definition. 3 In case of diagnostic uncertainty, intracoronary imaging may facilitate the identification of hallmarks of the culprit Aug 25, 2018 · In all patients, the culprit lesion was treated first, with the use of standard PCI techniques and with the recommended use of drug-eluting stents. In this Review, Fahed and Jang discuss the patient phenotype and Apr 30, 2019 · Significant CAD was defined as >50% luminal narrowing of at least 1 major epicardial artery. This finding is in line with the results of the Apr 6, 2022 · Purpose of Review There is a paucity of data regarding the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of patients presenting with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) due to left main (LM) culprit vessel. Oct 7, 2024 · Objective: Although certain morphological features depicted by high resolution, multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (hrMRI) have been shown to be different between culprit and non-culprit middle cerebral artery (MCA) atherosclerotic lesions, the incremental value of hrMRI to define culprit lesions over stenosis has not been assessed. Conclusions: The incidence of MACE among patients with OSA and AMI was 18. What does Coronary Culprit Lesion mean? Proper usage and sense of the word/phrase Coronary Culprit Lesion. lesion A useful and widely used medical term meaning any injury, wound, infection, or any structural or other form of abnormality anywhere in the body. Nov 15, 2022 · Although these culprit-lesion characteristics inherently relate to each other, previous clinical and histopathological studies have repeatedly shown that vulnerable plaques are associated with large necrotic core, macrophage-infiltration and inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, and activated coagulation and tissue factors, and are Primary percutaneous intervention (PCI) is the treatment of choice for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). No prior ECGs are available. et al. Their definition can be based on different (or complementary) criteria, according to the method used for evaluation (eg, better calcium distribution evaluation Nov 8, 2016 · Where Is the Culprit Lesion? Where Is the Culprit Lesion? Circulation. A significant SB is a branch that one does not want to lose in the global context of a particular patient (symptoms Mar 4, 2024 · In previous retrospective studies, culprit lesion PCI before complete diagnostic coronary angiography (CAG) was shown to shorten the reperfusion time for patients with STEMI. Ninety-seven of 124 (78. Apr 9, 2020 · Objective: In a subgroup of patients with inferior myocardial infarction (MI), both the right coronary artery (RCA) and circumflex coronary artery (Cx) show potentially culprit lesions, and angiography may be insufficient to determine which artery is responsible for the clinical presentation. 04). MACE was defined as a composite of cardiac death, reinfarction and repeat revascularisation. Both of non invasive and invasive methods are useful for determining Nov 25, 2020 · The effect of culprit-lesion-only PCI vs immediate multivessel PCI is consistent across each type of ECG presentation. 6% of the patients, with FFR performed in 3 patients. 7%), and crossover from the complete-revascularization Feb 1, 2022 · The main findings of the study are: 1) culprit lesion was not identified by angiography in 14% of patients with NSTE-ACS and MVD, 2) higher lesion complexity was associated with inability to identify the culprit, 3) ECG showed high specificity but low sensitivity in the detection of culprit lesions, 4) OCT and IVUS assessment allowed the COMPLETE was a multinational randomized clinical trial evaluating a strategy of complete revascularization with PCI of all suitable nonculprit lesions vs a strategy of culprit lesion–only PCI in patients with STEMI and multivessel CAD who had undergone successful culprit lesion PCI from 140 primary PCI centers in 31 countries. Nov 18, 2020 · Comparison between fractional flow reserve and instantaneous wave-free ratio in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Thus Among AMICS patients undergoing revascularization, a LM culprit lesion was associated with the highest short-term mortality, whereas patients with a culprit lesion in the remaining coronary arteries had comparable and lower mortality rates. Der Begriff der culprit lesion bezeichnet die für das Auftreten eines akuten Koronarsyndroms verantwortliche atherosklerotische Plaque, Jul 22, 2018 · A culprit lesion was defined as the following: (1) the only lesion within the vascular territory of the stroke or (2) the most stenotic lesion when multiple plaques were present within the same vascular territory of the stroke. 5 and 20 months, respectively. How to use culprit in a sentence. Jul 28, 2022 · Culprit lesions involve the vessels that supply the right ventricular free wall. 1. However, significant lesions with morphologic features suggesting unstable plaques may confer an increased risk of future cardiovascular events. Key words: culprit lesion, jeopardized myocardium, perfu- sion scintigraphy, single-photon emission computed tomogra- phy, methoxy -isobutyl-isonitrile, coronary angiography Introduction The term “culprit lesion” is used to designate the coronary Sep 1, 2019 · Within the first 45 days, crossover from the culprit-lesion-only PCI group to the complete-revascularization group occurred in 96 patients (4. Figure 1. JAMA Cardiol 2022;Sep 21:[Epub ahead of print]. What is the diagnosis and what is the precise anatomic lesion? Please turn the page to read the diagnosis. Authors Antoni Bayés Aims: Evidence regarding the optimal treatment of non-culprit lesions detected during primary PCI is lacking. , dye is gone or is mildly/moderately persistent after 3 cardiac cycles of the washout phase and Jun 23, 2021 · tion of the culprit lesion and (3) establishment of the optimal myocardial revascularisation modality. Methods and results In 29 patients, we identified 29 culprit lesions and 227 non-culprit lesions. Multidetector computed tomographic image acquisition and analysis Dec 4, 2024 · MI was defined according to the third universal definition. 8 The identification of non-culprit lesions who may benefit of interventional versus Mar 9, 2023 · Culprit lesion morphology was defined as plaque rupture, plaque erosion, and calcific nodule. The first 100 study patients with a de novo culprit lesion and a per-protocol mandated preintervention pullback directly after vessel wiring were subject to a predefined imaging analysis. No differences were observed for mortality with respect to either culprit vessel (log-rank p value = 0. Did you know? Apr 8, 2024 · In the culprit-lesion-only group, the assigned strategy was followed for 99. aQFR had an optimal cut-off for predicting ischemia of 0. 4% immediate multivessel PCI group; relative risk, 0. ICA was performed in 32 out of 37 patients with ACS. The appellation widow maker, which has been applied to this lesion (in part because of the large amount of myocardium that the left anterior descending artery supplies and its proximity to the distal left main coronary artery), has done nothing to allay The pathophysiological mechanism underlying type 2 myocardial infarction (MI) is an acute mismatch between oxygen supply and demand, leading to acute ischaemic myocardial injury. The following are key points to remember from this state-of-the-art review on the evaluation and management of nonculprit lesions (NCLs) in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients: Dec 1, 2024 · Whether physiology-guided complete revascularization of nonculprit lesions is superior to culprit lesion-only percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and multivessel disease remains debated. 001). aQFR could predict ischemia of non-culprit lesions with very good diagnostic efficiency (AUC = 0. 80 (sensitivity = 83. Staged The definition of coronary bifurcation lesions adopted by the EBC is pragmatic: a bifurcation lesion is ‘‘a coronary artery narrowing occurring adjacent to, and/or involving, the origin of a significant side branch’’ 2. concluded that LCX plaques seemed less prone to rupture and that its proximal segment was even less so. 460 patients with STEMI and MVD will be randomized to either OCT guided revascularisation of the non-culprit arteries with high risk plaque morphology or May 19, 2020 · Evaluation and Management of Nonculprit Lesions in STEMI. Online databases were searched for randomized controlled trials comparing physiology-guided complete revascularization and culprit lesion-only PCI in patients Nov 8, 2016 · The ECG demonstrates sinus rhythm at 82 bpm with a very long QRS duration of at least 160 ms as a result of right bundle-branch block. Plaque rupture was defined as a discontinuity in the fibrous cap of the plaque along with a cavity formation. (Culprit Lesion Only PCI Versus Multivessel PCI in Cardiogenic Shock [CULPRIT-SHOCK]; NCT01927549) 必应词典为您提供culprit的释义,美[ˈkʌlprɪt],英['kʌlprɪt],n. It is best to have a guidewire preloaded within the guide catheter before attempting to engage, so that the wire can be immediately advanced into the coronary artery upon engagement, allowing subsequent guide disengagement to prevent ischemia (“hit and The Culprit Lesion Only PCI vs Multivessel PCI in Cardiogenic Shock (CULPRIT-SHOCK) trial has found a significant benefit of culprit-lesion-only percutaneous coronary intervention with optional staged revascularization (CL-PCI) over immediate multivessel PCI (MV-PCI) with regards to risk of death or kidney replacement therapy at 30 days, which The primary endpoint (definite or probable new thrombosis of the culprit lesion) was met in four patients (7. , intraplaque haemorrhage defined as a low intensity region without attenuation), overlaying late thrombus and/or healed plaque adjacent to lipidic plaque, it was categorised as plaque rupture12-14. The PROSPECT, a large landmark study, showed that non-culprit lesions have a similar prevalence of future MACE in compared with those of culprit lesions . 5 Multiple randomized studies over the last decade have investigated the outcomes of full revascularization at the time of ACS presentation using either an angiography-guided 6-9 or a Nov 1, 2022 · To assess if intravascular coronary imaging guided multivessel PCI in non-culprit vessels can provide superior results is the subject of investigation in the OCT-CONTACT trial (NCT04878133). Ghanem et al. Fluid resuscitation should be considered and vasodilators avoided. 5 The presence of a culprit lesion was determined based on the interventionalist’s experience and, however, included the following characteristics: intraluminal filling defects, ulcers with overhanging edges, extraluminal contrast, acute occlusion Nov 8, 2016 · Where Is the Culprit Lesion? Antoni Bayés de Luna, MD, and Miguel Fiol-Sala, MD Author Info & Affiliations. There are methods to establish the culprit lesion over and above angiography , including territorial ST-segment changes on the electrocardiogram, segmental hypokinesia on echocardiography or ventriculography, provocative testing (e. A CCLL was defined as a culprit lesion with a >70% diameter stenosis of the LM, LM equivalent (>70% diameter stenosis of both proximal LAD and proximal circumflex), proximal LAD or last remaining vessel. 罪犯;肇事者;犯错的人;引起问题的事物; 网络释义: 犯人;罪魁祸首;刑事被告; For instance, to define culprit microbes the authors have proposed to perform a next-generation microbiome sequencing of samples obtained from gut or brain of people with a history of voluntary active participation in certain religious rituals. 7 [11. Aug 3, 2020 · “Additionally, if a patient needed unplanned revascularization during follow-up, it was not possible to ascertain whether this event was related to 1) a previously FFR-interrogated lesion; 2) the original culprit lesion; or 3) a lesion in neither category. 39±7. PCI options for these patients include: (1) primary PCI of the culprit lesion followed by PCI of non-culprit lesions only for documented ischemia on invasive tests or intermediate or high-risk characteristics on pre-discharge non-invasive testing; and (2) primary PCI of culprit arteries followed by routine PCI of non-culprit lesions. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer Oct 29, 2024 · After excluding culprit lesions, patients post‐AMI still presented with more lesions than patients with stable CAD (11. In 116 patients, 116 culprit lesion precursors were found out of 548 lesions (80 [69. In patients in the culprit-lesion-only PCI group Aug 6, 2021 · Methods: In the CULPRIT-SHOCK trial, a core laboratory reviewed all coronary angiograms to identify CCLL. Methods: After screening 24,775 patients between 2010 and 2021, this study included a total of 373 patients with elevated troponin levels without an obstructive culprit lesion or suspected myocardial Jan 27, 2021 · Aims The aim of the study was to identify the characteristics of the culprit lesions compared to non-culprit lesions in patients with non-ST-elevation-myocardial infarction using dual energy computed tomography (DECT). Information about Coronary Culprit Lesion in the Titi Tudorancea encyclopedia: no-nonsense, concise definitions. Dec 21, 2017 · Crossover from the culprit-lesion-only PCI group to the multivessel PCI group was reported in 43 patients (12. Comparison of coronary culprit lesion morphology determined by optical coherence tomography and relation to outcomes Oct 20, 2016 · Comparison of Coronary Culprit Lesion Morphology Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography and Relation to Outcomes in Patients Diagnosed with Acute Coronary Syndrome During Winter -vs- Other Seasons. e. The current analysis included 287 patients (mean age 67 years; 73% male) who had 1,527 lesions in ischemic vessels, including 264 culprit lesions and 1,263 Apr 19, 2022 · Data was collected between July 20, 2012, and April 30, 2017, with analysis taking place between October 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021. However, current guidelines do not recommend revascularization of non-culprit lesions unless complicated by cardiogenic shock. 1. Additional evidence culprit lesion has long been the standard approach for STEMI, but the role of complete revascularization, involving PCI of both the culprit and non-culprit lesions, remains a subject of debate. 83; 95% confidence Accuracy of aQFR in the assessment of hemodynamic relevance of non-culprit lesions was 85. applied artificial intelligence algorithms to identify culprit vessels in patients with STEMI by using 12-lead ECGs and single-lead ECG segments, achieving an overall accuracy of 79. 6 documented the reproducibility of assessments of non-culprit lesions with FFR in 101 patients diagnosed with AMI performed at the time of PCI of the culprit lesion and repeated after 35 ± 4 days. 54). 11,12,13,14 Another prospective study with short-term follow-up showed that using a single transradial guiding catheter in conjunction with culprit lesion PCI before CAG . Introduction. A small study by Ntalianis et al. 11 IDR was defined by the presence of all the following criteria: 1) Canadian Cardiovascular Society class ≥2 angina despite optimal medical therapy; 2) PCI or coronary artery bypass graft of the culprit lesion (within 5 mm of the stented segment) or a designated NCL; and 3) 1 of the Oct 5, 2015 · Patients with culprit lesions had similar length of stay but had a trend toward more hospitalization (15. 55 versus 9. This finding is in line with the results of the In patients with CS complicating AMI, the randomised trial entitled Culprit Lesion Only PCI versus Multi-vessel PCI in Cardiogenic Shock (CULPRIT-SHOCK) 7, 8 demonstrated that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit lesion only, with the option of staged revascularisation of non-culprit lesions, was superior to immediate Apr 24, 2023 · There is the ground-glass appearance (“blush”) or opacification of the myocardium in the distribution of the culprit lesion that clears normally and is either gone or only mildly/moderately persistent at the completion of the washout phase (i. Sep 26, 2024 · The significance of the incidental nonculprit lesion is not clear. They also studied LCX culprit lesions in NSTEMI and Dec 22, 2022 · Although the presence of obstructive lesions in non-culprit coronary vessels is associated with worse short- and long-term outcomes, there is a risk for inappropriate assessment of lesion severity resulting in unnecessary interventions as well as complications. Multivessel disease patients had similar prognoses irrespec … Apr 2, 2022 · Mehta SR, Wang J, Wood DA, et al. Time to diagnosis, identification of culprit lesion, and intervention are important. There are, however, some lesions that present challenges via the conventional PCI route. 2 Mar 28, 2023 · These patients with CA were younger and had fewer comorbidities, but CA was an independent predictor of 1-year mortality. The territory can be supplied by the right coronary artery (RCA) or the left circumflex coronary artery (LCx). 9%, P=0. The authors correspondingly advise an immediate culprit-lesion-only PCI strategy in patients with CS related to AMI and multivessel disease, regardless of the ECG presentation, with staged PCI to be considered later. Culprit lesions can be identified by the presence of morphological features suggestive of plaque rupture, such as intraluminal fillings associated with thrombus, plaque ulcerations, plaque irregularities and dissections. 15 A lesion was considered probably a culprit plaque if it was within the same vascular territory of the stroke but Methods: Among patients with extensive anterior-wall ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to proximal left anterior descending artery lesions who had reperfusion within 3 hours of symptom onset, 60 patients undergoing both intravascular ultrasound and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging were enrolled. Inferior STEMI represents a dilemma for cardiologists. 5%); reasons for crossover are shown in Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix. 68±7. One charged with an offense or crime. Five randomized clinical trials comparing complete revascularization (CR) with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to culprit-only PCI after STEMI have been published: PRAMI (Preventive Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction) , CvLPRIT (Complete Versus Lesion-Only Primary PCI Trial) , DANAMI-3 (Danish Study of Optimal Acute Treatment of Lesions were classified as OCT-culprit or non-culprit, and characteristics compared. If the culprit lesion had only late thrombus and/or 全面了解英语单词“CULPRIT”的所有含义:定义、翻译、同义词、发音、示例和语法分析——所有内容尽在完整资源中。 Invasive physiology of the culprit artery should therefore generally be avoided until at least 4 days after presentation with an acute coronary syndrome . Prior meta-analyses and registries have described a varying prevalence of LMCSTEMI These patients with CA were younger and had fewer comorbidities, but CA was an independent predictor of 1-year mortality. Quantitative values such as the effective atomic number (effective-Z) and Dec 18, 2024 · The culprit lesion was identified by abnormal manifestations of coronary angiography, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, or left ventricular angiogram if available. Clinical presentation typically includes hypotension, jugular venous distension, and clear lung sounds. We assigned the culprit lesion to coronary segments, in which percutaneous coronary intervention was performed. 832–0. 13 %, p < 0. rfl trvf xarkam gel qzb xwgjbres oxqyj ithynk vkaq xoj vgx dgirhda ugregj snxk fzfp