Callisaurus draconoides care. Callisaurus draconoides ventralis.

Callisaurus draconoides care Most methods used to study spatial distribution, including quadrat sampling, and nearest-neighbor distance analyses have been used primarily with sessile organisms. Tom Brennan has also got some good shots and a summary. Oct 2, 2019 · Callisaurus draconoides Blainville, 1835 References [edit] Links [edit] Uetz, P. Eggs increased in mass during the Jul 18, 2018 · Callisaurus are briefly compared with those of some related and/or eco-logically similar species of lizards. If you are one of the editors of this guide it should copy everything, but if you're not, it will only copy the licensed content. 1961. Callisaurus draconoides ventralis. Growth of the entire tail relative to snout–vent length follows negative allometry in the former species and positive allometry in the latter. Callisaurus were also . 5-4 inch) is widely distributed throughout the southwestern United States. Jan 1, 2012 · The gastrointestinal helminths from 5 species of lizards from Baja California del Sur were examined: Bipes biporus (Bipedidae), Callisaurus draconoides, Uta stansburiana (Phrynosomatidae), Aspidoscelis hyperythrus, and Aspidoscelis maximus (Teiidae). The helminth community of lizards from Baja California del Sur is dominated primarily by generalist helminths that also parasitize lizard species Callisaurus draconoides splendidus Callisaurus draconoides ventralis Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information. Capable of running very fast (possibly the fastest lizard in the desert) facilitated by long legs and streamlined body. T. It is oviparous with a minimum SVL at sexual maturity of 46 to 49 mm, although maybe varied among populations (Goldberg, 2015). Growth of Analysis of footprints on the surface of a sand dune to estimate maximal running speeds and the incidence of bipedality in nature, as well as to investigate the effects of incline on the escape locomotion of the lizard Callisaurus draconoides, found that only 11% of all strides were greater than 90% of maximal speed of C. The Zebra-tailed lizard is a resident of the southwestern United States and Baja California. with that of U. rhodostictus, C. Patterns of net water exchange were related to water potential of substrates on which eggs Callisaurus species Callisaurus draconoides Name Homonyms Callisaurus draconoides draconoides Common names Common Zebra-tailed Lizard in English Zebra-tailed Lizard in English Bibliographic References. 2012 Callisaurus draconoides ventralis — Eastern Zebra-tailed Lizard near Signal Hill Trail, Saguaro National Park West, Pima County, Arizona — April 10, 1999 These little speed demons were zipping all around the washes and other open areas on the desert floor. CaliforniaHerps. Blaine, R. Zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus) are a genus of phrynosomatid lizards endemic to the southwestern United States and I. Callisaurus draconoides myurus — CROTHER et al. Dec 1, 2021 · Callisaurus draconoides (also called Zebra-tailed lizard or Cachora arenera) is a medium-sized diurnal lizard that can reach a length of up to 109 mm in snout–vent length (SVL) (Pianka and Parker, 1972). rhodostictus. Aug 9, 2009 · "Going Native: Zebra-Tailed Lizard, Callisaurus draconoides, Blainville, 1835", Jerry G Walls, Reptile &Amphibian Hobbyist 6:6. Eggs increased in mass during the first half of incubation owing to a DRACONOIDES) IN JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK, CALIFORNIA, USA MARINA M. We look very weird to them also. draconoides displays pronounced sexual size dimorphism, with the males being the larger sex (Pianka and Parker, 1972). Summary 2. Specimens documenting the limits of known distribution of the Zebra-tailed Lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) in southeastern Arizona. Mar 1, 2004 · Caudal growth is examined in the phrynosomatid Callisaurus draconoides ventralis and the agamid Calotes versicolor, both from a segmental point of view and from that of the entire tail. General Description: Common Zebra-tailed Lizards (Callisaurus draconoides) are fast, light-colored lizards found in open sandy and open gravel areas such as washes. Appearance They range in size from 2. Previous laboratory tests predicted that inclines would … Apr 26, 2022 · Scientific Name: Callisaurus draconoides. The Zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) is a species of lizard native to the Southwestern United States and adjacent northwestern Mexico. The species name means “beautiful lizard resembling a dragon”. Media in category "Callisaurus draconoides" The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total. draconoides to inform decisions about when to flee and when to attempt to deter pursuit. Like most lizards, Callisaurus draconoides provides little parental care to offspring. Geography. grahami, C. INTRODUCTION LTHOUGH often uncommon, the zebra-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides, is a widespread and conspicuous desert lizard in western North America. The mean body temperatures of the respective postures in the field were: Dec 1, 2011 · It was emerging from a burrow in the early morning with the feet and tail of a zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) protruding from its mouth. C'est la seule espèce du genre Callisaurus. , 1987). Sep 23, 2015 · For the lizards Callisaurus draconoides and Sceloporus magister, we tested several such predictions and examined the effect of a previously unstudied risk factor, recent movement by prey. ZEBRA-TAILED LIZARD Callisaurus draconoides DESCRIPTION: A medium-sized (up to 102 mm or 4″ from snout to vent), tan to yellowish tan lizard with long, slender limbs and a flattened tail. They Can Be Found In Desert And Semi-Arid Areas Eggs of a desert lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) were incubated under hydric conditions simulating those of natural nests. We examined the effects of incline on locomotor performance and kinematics in two closely related species of iguanian lizards that co-occur in sandy desert habitats. Oct 8, 2018 · Zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus draconoides) are medium-sized lizards that are widespread in the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts. Information about the classification of Callisaurus draconoides. Top 10 List – Zebra-Tailed Lizard 1. 1A) is an 89 excellent model organism for studying running on natural surfaces, because of its high locomotor 90 performance over diverse terrain. We use high-speed video Callisaurus draconoides Taxonomy ID: 43586 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid43586) current name. Habitats. ventralis are nested within C. 5 to 4 inches in snout-to-vent length. Before running, the Zebra-tailed lizard may curl its tail upward, exposing it's black and white bars, and wag it to deter predators. Beautiful wild reptile with yellow, brown, orange, black and white colors. (2005) found that both C. scoparia is of Recent molecular phylogeographic studies shed some preliminary light on the relationships and status of the three U. A countersunk lower jaw makes it easier for this lizard to burrow into loose or sandy soil to rest. Irschick* Bruce C. 71 MB The Zebra-tailed Lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) is a small, agile lizard native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Conservation Status: Least Concern. Jan 1, 1999 · related species, Callisaurus draconoides (Blainville), were ad-versely affected by incline in the laboratory. [5] [6] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Females will lay 2 to 8 eggs underneath the ground or rocks. We used nearest-neighbor distances to look at the spatial distribution of the Zebra Habitat & Range. We analyzed footprints on the surface of a sand dune to estimate maximal running speeds and the incidence of bipedality in nature, as well as to investigate the effects of incline on the escape locomotion of the lizard Callisaurus draconoides. We use high-speed video to May 4, 2015 · Overview. Callisaurus draconoides myurus. The zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides), a small desert generalist with a large, elongate, tendinous hind foot, runs rapidly across a variety of natural substrates. S. Only pre-hatching parental investment occurs and includes choosing an appropriate nesting site, laying eggs in moist environments, and covering or sheltering eggs to prevent dessication. Twitter. No one has studied its ecology in any detail, however, Le lézard à queue de zèbre (Callisaurus draconoides) est une espèce de lézard épineux d'Amérique du Nord, qui se rencontre dans les déserts du sud de ce continent (désert des Mojaves, désert du Colorado, désert du Grand Bassin). Facebook. The zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) is a species of lizard in the family Phrynosomatidae. Kay and others published Food habits and reproduction of Callisaurus draconoides in Death Valley, California | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Callisaurus draconoides - Western Zebra-tailed Lizard is native to the desert areas of California, Southern Nevada and Utah, Arizona, the edge of New Mexico and Northern Mexico. Common Names: Zebra-Tailed Lizard. Often seen basking on rocks, even on extremely hot afternoons. They feeds on grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, and flies. Callisaurus draconoides [4] är en ödleart som beskrevs av Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville 1835. We analyzed high-speed video tapes of lizards sprinting from a standstill on Abstract We analyzed footprints on the surface of a sand dune to estimate maximal running speeds and the incidence of bipedality in nature, as well as to investigate the effects of incline on the escape locomotion of the lizard Callisaurus draconoides. Collins, J. Three distinct postures are described: prostrate, tail-down and elevated. Breeding typically occurs in the spring and eggs are laid from June – August. It can survive in the hottest weather and often hides from predators burrowing itself under sand. 2012 Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus COPE 1896 Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus — SMITH & COCHRAN 1956 Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus — BOSTIC 1971 Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus — COLLINS & TAGGART 2009 Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus — CROTHER et al. Spatial distribution patterns of animals are shaped by their ecology and can give insights into their habitat use and behavioral interactions. The running speeds of the lizards Dipsosaurus dorsalis and Callisaurus draconoides. Will sometimes be found on rocky, shady areas at high elevations. ?? whiptail lizard San Pedro River @ Fairbanks AZ 2019-05-04 09-06-31 (47731747472). Launch Interactive Map. d. ventralis were represented by small samples Callisaurus draconoides es un especie de reptiles con 10070 observaciones. Previous laboratory tests predicted that inclines would negatively affect sprinting performance in C. It is distributed from northwestern Nevada down into the Mojave Desert and can be found in elevations up to 5,000 feet. Table 1. We used nearest-neighbor distances to look at the spatial distribution of the Zebra Callisaurus draconoides är en ödleart som beskrevs av Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville 1835. x Copy guide taxon to You can copy this taxon into another guide. Natusfera es el portal en España de la red global de iNaturalist desde el 1 de junio de 2020. The major findings of this study were that the same risk factors affected decisions to signal and flee, but that flight initiation distance increased with risk whereas signalling was most frequent at intermediate risk. Based on mtDNA, Lindell et al. 2008. Callisaurus draconoides, also known as the Zebra-Tailed lizard, belongs to the family Phrynosomatidae family (Pianka, et al. They have large home ranges and do not aggressively defend core areas. 2025. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife olberg Callisaurus draconoides reprouction INTRODUCTION Callisaurus draconoides ranges from northwestern Nevada and southeastern California eastward to southwestern New Mexico, in the United States, and in Mexico southward to the tip of Baja California and southern Sinaloa (Stebbins, 2003). Aug 1, 2010 · Multiple factors affect assessment of predation risk by C. The Zebra-tailed Lizard, scientifically known as Callisaurus draconoides, is a reptile species primarily found in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. Although physiologists Mar 1, 2004 · Caudal growth is examined in the phrynosomatid Callisaurus draconoides ventralis and the agamid Calotes versicolor, both from a segmental point of view and from that of the entire tail. Links. ventralis were represented by small samples Spatial distribution patterns of animals are shaped by their ecology and can give insights into their habitat use and behavioral interactions. Aug 20, 2020 · An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. grahami (Smith et al. 1. A. Flight initiation distance Sep 1, 2005 · Callisaurus draconoides is the first organism in the region for which a mtDNA genealogy encompassing a range of widespread locations from around the Gulf of California can be compared with a study of nuclear-encoded markers on a similar geographic scale. They range from 2. Belkin, D. Eastern Zebra-Tailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides ventralis: Description: A medium-sized (up to 102 mm or 4" from snout to vent), tan to yellowish tan lizard with long, slender limbs and a flattened tail. Lee surmised that this leopard began eating its prey the previous day, but could not fit all of it in its stomach at one time. May 3, 2011 · Because signaling sometimes deters attack, lowered risk might allow prey to permit closer approach when signaling. We analyzed footprints on the surface of a sand dune to Sep 30, 2019 · Variación en la morfología y ecofisiología de dos poblaciones alopátricas de Callisaurus draconoides en el Desierto Sonorense. Sep 15, 2012 · The mechanics and energetics of running in natural terrain, particularly on surfaces that can yield and flow under stress, is less understood. draconoides, display of this tail bar pattern has historically been considered an interspecific signal to deter predator pursuit. Væsentlig fakta om : levetid, udbredelse og habitatkort, levevis og social adfærd, parringsvaner, føde og ernæring, bestandstørrelse og status. VIrr AND ROBERT D. Jun 12, 2012 · The zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides), a small desert generalist with a large, elongate, tendinous hind foot, runs rapidly across a variety of natural substrates. These lizards are grey to sandy brown, usually with series of paired dark gray spots down their backs, becoming black bands on the tails. Zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus) are a genus of phrynosomatid lizards endemic to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Callisaurus draconoides Scientific classification : Zebra-tailed Lizard, Callisaurus draconoides ALLAN MUTH Body temperature and associated postures of the zebra-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides, were examined in the field and laboratory. edu Abstract. Adult, Isla del Carmen, Baja California Sur: Adult, Isla del Carmen, Factos básicos sobre Callisaurus draconoides: tempo de vida, distribuição e mapa de habitat, estilo de vida e comportamento social, hábitos de acasalamento, dieta e nutrição, tamanho e estado da população. Callisaurus draconoides är ensam i släktet Callisaurus som ingår i familjen Phrynosomatidae. CALLISAURUS DRACONOIDES (IGUANIDAE) LAURIE J. Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus is a subspecies of reptiles with 402 observations Comportamiento 6 Las lagartijas no emergen hasta medio día en la primavera, pero llegan a tener actividad a partir de las 7:30 am en el verano. The tail is black-and-white banded, and the bands fully encircle the tail. Callisaurus draconoides. draconoides: Danh pháp hai phần; Callisaurus draconoides Blainville, 1835 x Copy guide taxon to You can copy this taxon into another guide. Accessed on 2 Ocasionalmente complementa sua dieta com plantas do deserto. the zebra-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides. Despite this result, patterns of segmental growth are Click on a picture for a larger view: Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconiodes Eastern Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconoides ventralis (Hallowell, 1852) Light Purple = Range of this subspecies The zebra tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) displays striped markings on the underside of its tail whenever a potential threat or territorial rival ven Callisaurus draconoides Zebra-tailed Lizard. 44 A Field Study of the Effects of Incline on the Escape Locomotion of a Bipedal Lizard, Callisaurus draconoides Duncan J. The Zebra-tailed Lizard is widespread across the desert provinces of southwestern United States and northeastern Mexico. subspecies of C. Callisaurus employs the sit-and-wait foraging strategy and feeds on a variety of insects associated with aerial portions of overhanging vegetation, in addition Callisaurus draconoides carmemensis Cachora Arenera Dickerson, 1919 Green = Range of this subspecies. Callisaurus draconoides är ensam i släktet Callisaurus som ingår i familjen Phr Reptile Info & Care Guide Zebra-tailed lizards are lizards of the genus Callisaurus in the reptile order Squamata. In the zebra-tailed lizard Callisaurus draconoides, which signals by waving its tail, signaling and the other behaviors were affected by the same risk factors. These lizards live in open desert with fairly hard-packed soil, scattered vegetation and/or scattered rocks, typically desert flats, washes and plains. Save Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconoides Zebra-tailed Lizard - Callisaurus draconoides draconoides Cachora Arenera Blainville, 1835 Red = Range of this subspecies. They are usually found in dry washes or other open areas that have lots of room to run. com has an informative entry and several photographs of C. , 1990: null. Dez subespécies são reconhecidas: Callisaurus draconoides bogerti Martin Del Campo, 1943 Callisaurus draconoides brevipes Bogert & Dorson, 1942 Callisaurus draconoides carmenensis Dickerson, 1919 Callisaurus draconoides crinitus Cope, 1896 Callisaurus draconoides draconoides The Zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) is a species of lizard native to the Southwestern United States and adjacent northwestern Mexico. draconoides (Crother 2017). Callisaurus draconoides differs from Uma scoparia of equal snout–vent length by being less massive and having greater limb and tail lengths. Callisaurus draconoides Blainville, 1835. Females lay egg Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus. Prefers areas with little vegetation including deserts, dunes, beaches, or floodplains. Callisaurus draconoides gabbi Cope, 1900; Callisaurus draconoides splendidus Dickerson, 1919; care atinge 6-10 cm, trăiește în zone aride până în deșert. [1] Det vetenskapliga släktnamnet är bildat av de grekiska orden kallimos (vacker) och Recorded population densities: 4-5 per 100 sq km in California, Idaho, and Minnesota; about 25/100 sq km in Arizona; 115-153/100 sq km in California; 500/100 sq km in Florida (Kitchener 1991, Jones and Smith 1979, Jackson 1961). Callisaurus draconoides is a sit-and-wait predator (Vitt and Ohmart, 1977) that occu- Thermoregulatory postures and orientation to the sun: a Zebra-tailed lizards live in open desert with fairly hard-packed soil, scattered vegetation and scattered rocks, typically desert flats, washes and plains. dragonoides. Identification Numbers. They have a slim body, a black and white striped tail, and slender legs. 5 to 4 in (60 to 100 mm) in length. draconoides are a little larger than those of A. R. The proportion of lizards that fled was three times greater for averted than direct gaze, suggesting that prey under scrutiny reduce movement to Callisaurus draconoides. The Zebra-tailed Lizard, scientifically known as Callisaurus draconoides, is a fascinating reptile native to the arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. —Zebra-tailed Lizards (Callisaurus draconoides) dwell on sandy soils in a variety of arid habitats Callisaurus species Callisaurus draconoides Name Synonyms Callisaurus carmenensis Dickerson, 1919 Callisaurus crinitus Cope, 1896 Callisaurus draconoides gabbii Cope, 1900 Callisaurus inusitatus Dickerson, 1919 Callisaurus plasticus Dickerson, 1919 Jan 24, 2022 · Here we address the potential for natural and sexual selection to reinforce expression of a conspicuous tail bar pattern in zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus draconoides). As a desert generalist, this lizard lives in a range of desert In the zebra-tailed lizard Callisaurus draconoides, which signals by waving its tail, signaling and the other behaviors were affected by the same risk factors, suggesting that signaling reduces risk and prey alter escape decisions based on lower risk as a consequence of their own signaling behavior. draconoides. Natusfera. Copeia 1961:223. & Hallermann, J. We use high-speed video to obtain detailed three-dimensional running kinematics on solid and granular surfaces to reveal how leg, foot and substrate mechanics contribute Callisaurus draconoides The small Zebra Tail Lizard that reaches a size of 60-100 (2. Recognizable by its light gray to beige body with dark crossbands and a distinctive black and white striped tail, this lizard thrives in open, sandy, or rocky desert areas. TSN: 173906. The Reptile Database. Life Span: 3 – 4 Years. Jayne Department of Biological Sciences, University of (Callisaurus draconoides) These medium sized lizards are the speed demons of the desert. In California, this species can be found in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. In C. Zebra-tailed lizards are lizards of the genus Callisaurus in the reptile order Squamata. GERSON Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Stanislaus, 1 University Circle, Turlock, California 95382, USA, e-mail: mgerson@csustan. C. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish @article{osti_5191915, author = {Muth, A}, title = {Thermoregulatory postures and orientation to the Sun: a mechanistic evaluation for the zebra-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides}, annote = {The effects of thermoregulatory postures and orientation to the sun on steady-state body temperatures in the zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) were determined using computer simulation Recent molecular phylogeographic studies shed some preliminary light on the relationships and status of the three U. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their that can yield and flow under stress, is less understood. Comparing the locomotor performance of C. They range from the Mojave and Colorado deserts north into the southern Great Basin. There are nine recognized subspecies. Jan 15, 1998 · ABSTRACT. Callisaurus draconoides; Phân loại khoa học; Giới (regnum) Animalia: Ngành (phylum) Chordata: Lớp (class) Reptilia: Bộ (ordo) Squamata: Phân bộ (subordo) Lacertilia: Họ (familia) Phrynosomatidae: Chi (genus) Callisaurus Blainville, 1835: Loài (species) C. jpg 1,672 × 1,115; 1. Aug 1, 2010 · I show that in the lizard Callisaurus draconoides, which signals by waving its tail, probability and timing of signalling are affected by degree of risk for several factors that strongly affect flight initiation distance, specifically distance to refuge, speed and directness of approach, and predator persistence. The largest adults of both sexes of C. Feb 14, 2011 · Eggs of a desert lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) were incubated under hydric conditions simulating those of natural nests. It inhabits a range of arid and semi-arid environments, including desert scrublands, rocky areas, and sandy dunes. September 30, 2019 Jan 1, 1970 · PDF | On Jan 1, 1970, F. Animalia: information (1) Animalia: pictures (22861) Animalia: specimens (7109) with A. draconoides is a widespread desert lizard found western North America. TSN: 208776. Two longitudinal rows of small gray-brown spots run down the middle of the back. JCVI/TIGR reptile database entry for Callisaurus draconoides. With its distinctive zebra-like stripes on its tail, this lizard has adapted to survive in the harsh desert environment. Eggs increased in mass during the first half of incubation owing to a net uptake of water, and declined in mass during the second half of incubation owing to a net loss of water. The species is native to the Southwestern United States and adjacent northwestern Mexico. Probability of signaling before fleeing increased with distance to Species Callisaurus draconoides Zebra-tailed Lizard Callisaurus draconoides: information (1) Callisaurus draconoides: pictures (1) Infraspecies Callisaurus draconoides inusitanus Zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus) are a genus of phrynosomatid lizards endemic to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. We used nearest-neighbor distances to look at the spatial distribution of the Zebra 88 The zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides, SVL ~ 10 cm, mass ~ 10 g, Fig. Sep 15, 2012 · The zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides), a small desert generalist with a large, elongate, tendinous hind foot, runs rapidly across a variety of natural substrates. Geographic Range: Southwest United States, Northwestern Mexico. Ce sont des Spatial distribution patterns of animals are shaped by their ecology and can give insights into their habitat use and behavioral interactions. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists (2007), Oral Presentation: Variation in the frequency of tail-wagging and caudal autotomy in the zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides). ventralis deeply so; however, both C. However, a putative honest link olberg Callisaurus draconoides reprouction INTRODUCTION Callisaurus draconoides ranges from northwestern Nevada and southeastern California eastward to southwestern New Mexico, in the United States, and in Mexico southward to the tip of Baja California and southern Sinaloa (Stebbins, 2003). Callisaurus draconoides a cute Zebra Tailed Lizard in the Sonoran Desert with green prickly pear cactus in the background. 1972). Kingdom Animalia animals. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance Findings indicate that nest-site selection by females is an important determinant of reproductive success, for selection of appropriate nesting sites increases the probability of high hatching success and of young lizards attaining lar Eggs of a desert lizard (Callisaurus draconoides) were incubated under hydric conditions simulating those of natural nests. myurus and C. Includes facts, pictures and articles. TSN: 208775. There are currently several populations that reside in the San Bernardino basin on the cismontane side of the Apr 1, 2016 · Zebra-tailed Lizards (Callisaurus draconoides) dwell on sandy soils in a variety of arid habitats. Callisaurus draconoides brevipes Bogert & Dorson 1942; Callisaurus draconoides carmenensis Dickerson 1919; Callisaurus draconoides crinitus Cope 1896; Callisaurus draconoides draconoides Blainville 1835; Callisaurus draconoides inusitanus Dickerson 1919; Callisaurus draconoides myurus Richardson 1915; Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus Cope 1896 Callisaurus draconoides; Field Collected; Unsexed; Approximately 6-8 Inches In Length From Head To Tail; Adults Average Around 8 Inches In Total Length; This Is A Fast And Agile Insectivore That Loves To Eat Crickets, Mealworms, And Various Calcium Dusted Insects; FUN FACTS! More Taxa Info; Guides; Places; Site Stats; Help; Getting Started; Log In or Sign Up Dec 1, 2021 · Callisaurus draconoides (also called Zebra-tailed lizard or Cachora arenera) is a medium-sized diurnal lizard that can reach a length of up to 109 mm in snout–vent length (SVL) (Pianka and Parker, 1972). Within the Atlas region, this species occurs throughout the desert regions of Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial counties in the United States and southward along the Baja California peninsula to Cabo San Lucas. Jan 1, 2010 · Sympatric populations of Cophosaurus texanus and Callisaurus draconoides were periodically sampled from March 1973 through April 1974 at Burro Creek, Mohave County, Arizona. Grundfakta om Callisaurus draconoides: livslängd, utbredning och karta över livsmiljö, livsstil och socialt beteende, parningsvanor, kost och näring, befolkningsstorlek och status. Locality numbers are plotted in Figure 4. OHMART ABSTRACT: Callisaurus draconoides was studied from March through November 1973 on the lower Colorado River. TSN: 208777. In May and June of 2000, I dale (1940) Callisaurus draconoides myurus and Callisaurus draconoides gabbii ; Heifetz (1941) Uma notata notata; Bogert and Dor-som (1942) Callisaurus draconoides brevipes ; Smith and Burger (1950) Holbrookia prop-inqua propinqua and Holbrookia propinqua piperata ; Peters (1951) Holbrookia texana texana and Holbrookia texana scitula ; Axtell of zebra-tailed lizards (Callisaurus draconoides) in Joshua Tree National Park following an El Nino – Southern Oscillation event. ndhd rhu zxe mvkdxzi cknd dwluc kdcjlu qdu ngawmh owrppqjjo xzjfx ipjca djal lqhr ezm