Angular change table row color on click src. Regards, Rupesh Jul 21, 2018 · Learn how to add a click event to a mat-row in an Angular Material table. <table> <tr> <td> < Jan 24, 2019 · I need to add a checkbox to material table showing multiple rows of data and if a user checked it, the full row should change color to a green or something else. Aug 7, 2018 · I have a button that changed its text to enable and disable on click. selected td, but it does not work. Green--button highlights another 5 rows In the table overview examples page they explain the SelectionModel for handling selections - which incidentally also handles multi-selection. There are many different buttons and each of them should select some rows but each in a different color. – Elvira Emm Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 20:56 Nov 21, 2018 · How can you trigger a modal with a button inside a mat-table without triggering the rows (click) event? I've seen and read with Angular Material 2 Table Mat Row Click event also called with button May 28, 2019 · I have an Angular Material mat-table which I used CSS styling for alternate row colors. This post also explains how to change color of an element on click by applying the concept of class binding. Aug 27, 2021 · You may try this CSS stylesheet. Each of the row has a checkbox. I am unable to populate the input Textarea field using jquery I have written my code below in description can anyone help me with this. 1, Node 16. Jul 20, 2020 · Alternate color with Angular Material mat-table with parent child rows. So i tried with onrowClicked, but doesnt seem to work. Based on success or failure response I want to change my button color. Nov 27, 2018 · Hello I have an Angular application that displays in real time the status of processes running in a scheduler engine. In my html table I want to change the cell color if changeColor is true. If column "anzahl" is null, the row background-color has to be "gray" and the column "anzahl" background-color goes to "red. How can I do it? jquery; html; css; angular; Angular change color on table row. getElementsByTagName("tr" Mar 12, 2018 · How to change the background color of a table cell on click with angular2? of row in table on button click in angularjs. Is there a way to change it through CSS? Apr 2, 2021 · So my problem is that I have a table and I want to change background color of rows and header depends on the TEAM object, each team have a specific color. 9. I have the following table to display those processes: What I want is to dynam Sep 20, 2021 · I would like to know how to change the color on click when we have a class defined in the css file? should we use ngClass or ngStyle? Thanks in advance. For every third & forth row (even row with its detailed row), background-color: #eee. i have tried to populate textarea through this $('[name="remarks[]"]'). Making a toogle effect between labels and inputs. My code <div flexLayout="row"> <button ma May 23, 2018 · Learn how to add focus to a table row in HTML using CSS and JavaScript. 0. Like I am clicking a link in table 1 row 1, then contents of table 2 changes and till the time I click on any other row in table 1 that same row should stay highlighted. I need to change the color of header checkbox after selecting any checkbox from row. Angular Material table Sep 2, 2021 · I need to add table border and header row background color to my Angular datatable. Currently all my rows are changing colors instead of only the row where Yes/No was clicked. 0, Npm 8. Row color change according to property condition angular 4. How can I set the row background-color dynamically with color code in data set? Here is the stackblitz Change row color in Angular Material table. For an instance if the cell value is equal to 100,then change the color of the row to red. columnName; }, renderComponent: NewComponent, Jul 19, 2021 · Angular - Datatable click row event. Each row has an edit link. Starter project for Angular apps that exports to the Angular CLI. My mat-row element is as shown below. In this quick guide, you will learn how to add the row hover effect in Angular Material Table by adding a small snippet of CSS code. style. e. Mar 17, 2023 · In this tutorial we will customize the Angular Material table border, box shadow, header font size, text color, and background color, row background color and text color, plus hover styling. Feb 15, 2012 · for just a standard the above solutions work, but if you are using datatables, you have to override the default datatatables. Code should be something like this: "If (data. Now I would like if you click on that table row the backgroundcolor changes. Angular - Change BackGround Color of Row in Table After click Sep 27, 2021 · <mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: columnsToDisplay; let i = index" [ngClass]="{ highlight: selectedRowIndex === i }" (click)="getNabewerking(row, i)" ></mat-row> This only works for the even rows, due to the alternate colors. mat-row:nth-child(4n) { background-color: #eee; } Sample Solution on StackBlitz Feb 5, 2015 · Is there any way to add classes on row or column depends on values. I have this html code: Oct 15, 2015 · I have a table which is contructed via ng-repeat, each row contains a set of yes/no buttons in order to "approve" or "decline" the data visible in each row. Red-Button selects 10 rows and highlights them in red. I tried the following using jquery : May 10, 2023 · I'm unsure how helpful a column key would be for handling a row click so I assume that having the row data contained in the row template variable will provide enough information for handling the click event. Oct 13, 2016 · I'm using jQuery bootstrap-table plugin and I need to change the color of the selected row and restore the original color when I click the next row. Blow is my . I want to edit only a particular row on click of edit link. padding applies to all elements except table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group and table-column. If I use table-success or table-dark (in className), the hover works and the hover-color is grey. Controller Code Oct 12, 2018 · I want to color entire table rows containing 20 < PH Value < 50. I am using angular. Angular 14. After clicking the submit button a rest call will be fired. Normally, you can use the odd and even variables for this. mat-row:nth-child(odd){ background-color:#ffffff; } This works when my mat-table does not have defined child rows. Jul 31, 2017 · I want to make each row of a table clickable in Angular 2. The Checkbox should be checked on clicking the checkbox itself, not the row. Nov 2, 2020 · Currently, color of mat-icons in all the rows gets changed if i click on the icon of any row and if i click the second time, color of all the rows gets changed again. I have tried to modify the rowTemplate by adding ng-mouseover and ng-mouseleave callbacks which set the background-color. can somebody help please Feb 23, 2018 · I am using the new p-table component of primeng and I would like to use different colors for the selected rows in the table on button click. mat-header-cell { background: var(--background-color) } Component. That way you do not have to worry about css-priority and your code will not be fragile to changes in the @angular/material implementation of component color. Nov 22, 2017 · I'm working with Angular 4 and I have a problem with conditional style changing. However, I'm now building up my table rows inside an ng-container so I can conditionally create one or more rows per iteration. Heres what happen: I click on a row, it highlights it. Jan 25, 2018 · I have a table in which I'd like to give the odd and even rows a different background color. When I select a team, I'm able to modify my variable and put the name inside my variable and the color inside another variable. Hope this will help you. However, only the parts of the cell that contain data are clickable. 5. Feb 13, 2019 · You are just using isSelected, it doesn't point to any particular item in the array. I've tried to understand different solutions here on SO, but eventually couldn't make it work. And revert back to its original colour when clicked again. row selection color and header color as well. I want to change the background color of a row in ag-grid table ,on click of the row . Ask Question Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. EmpKey. mat-row:hover { background-color: #e2e2e2; //required color } Jun 14, 2017 · Angular Material table row (click) event triggered when clicking an action in a cell within that row. getElementById("tableId"); var rows = table. Note: I have added conditions with my name If(GetUsers. tableRowClicked() should return the class name. All the rows acquire same color after the click. mat-row { background-color: white; } . text-color: { color:red; } html Therefore, based on certain conditions you can change the color of cell dynamically. I have a dropdown list giving a list of teams. Please try this . May 26, 2012 · I need to add the following feature to my table: When the user clicks on a row (selects it), the row is marked with the color #FFCF8B (the same as hover). Could you please provide me the code how can I change the colour of the mat-table row on single or double click on row . i. e. forEach() method to iterate over them. Oct 17, 2018 · table with a tr in it. The NgClass directive allows you to set the CSS class dynamically for a DOM element. I need to update the table row color dynamically according to the color value which is comes with the data set. Change BackGround Color of Row in Nov 28, 2017 · I have an angular material design table component, and I can't achieve to change the font color of a selected row. Like on clicking yes green colour should be set and on no button red colour is set. But it is not the what I am looking for. getCategoryColor(item. html <mat-chip-list> <mat-chip (click)="onSectorChipSelect(sector)" [color]="chipColor(sect Mar 28, 2019 · . I am using following code : <tr *ngFor="let Oct 7, 2016 · I have a table generated from ng-repeat. btn-default { color: white; background-color: blue; } . Jan 28, 2020 · After clicking on the delete icon, Everything works fine except when I click on the already selected row it does not de-select. You should use comparison operator in the [ngClass]="{ select: selectedUser === i }", here the i is the index of the item, when the user clicks the the tr onSelect(i) gets invoked with the current item of the array. On hovering over this element the mouse pointer doesn't change. You can user renderComponent feature. Css. I want to change the background color of a row of the table when I click on it, and when I reclick on it, set it back to the original color. The separated borders model: border-collapse: seperate Jul 8, 2021 · I want to know if it is possible to change row Color depending on date order, I have a field in the table (mat table) which is a date, and I want the row with the closest date to be red till green for the furthest date . I have a table and values in it. export class AppComponent { constructor() changeColor() { // set new color here document. Angular 7 single click and double click events. I have this table: Angular - Change BackGround Color of Row in Table After click the Buttom. Sep 8, 2018 · This post aims at explaining the concept of class binding in angular and how it can be used to add classes to HTML elements dynamically based on a condition. Angular 4 on click event change button text and style. So that user easily moves their eyeballs horizontally on correct rows and release the finding sensation. e white can anyone help? thanks Apr 12, 2023 · I'm using Angular material. Here's a part of my HTML template: <mat-table #table [dataSource]="dataSource" Oct 7, 2019 · I am using ngx-datatable with Angular 7. How can I keep the color persistent for each time I click any row? I have this in my HTML: Aug 20, 2021 · table-active: This class applies to the hover color of the table row or cell with grey color. table-primary: This class indicates the important action. Dynamically change row color in ngx-datatable. In order to set the CSS style for the currently selected table row, leaving the other rows in an unselected CSS style try the following (some properties may vary slightly like the id of each object): Apr 19, 2019 · I am trying to call a function whenever i click a row in an HTML table but it is not working and it is not giving any errors. Feb 17, 2021 · I am using primeng p-table along with p-checkbox. (click) which is similar to ng-click Aug 21, 2017 · I have a table with select and select all check box , i want to make the selected row editable on select and click of edit button. Here is the HTML for the example. val(json1[i]. How to create Dec 26, 2018 · I'm a beginner using Angular 6. How you set a border for table rows and specify a margin and padding depends on the border model (collapse or separate) you use. <tr mat-row Nov 27, 2015 · I want to highlight an entire row of angular-ui-grid when the mouse is on top of it. Although this changes the background for all rows. My goal is to update and delete data, from specific row. g. Whatever you want to do, you need to handle the row click event. categories[0])" Make sure that a border is always present, for example with a class style: Aug 9, 2021 · I can change color of a cell when i click on showProfile(). And I would like it if you click on this table row that the background color of the whole row changes. 12. highlight(row) { this. Best practices for handling row click events in Angular Material table. Update. May 12, 2019 · I am using the mat-chips for filtering a table and everything seems to work just fine: home. Related Post: HTML Table Conditional Color using JavaScript; HTML Table Conditional Color using React; Prerequisites. Name="Sanjay kushwah","background:red","background:grey") My name will not be available in your Database so you will see same color(ie. Regards Nov 14, 2013 · On my webpage, I have a table and I'd like to change the background of a row, and in the process, check the radio button corresponding to that row when the row is clicked. Angular change color on table Oct 21, 2015 · If i have a table with 10 rows i want to be able to set a background color for the row with number 6 for example. setProperty(`--background-color`, 'red'); } } Mar 22, 2018 · I have this image: What I'm trying to do is, the cells have different colors. border-color]="api. Apr 12, 2022 · Angular change color on table row. css settings and add the following code to custom css, In the code below row-select is the class that I added on datatables as shown in the html. I have implemented bootstrap 4 data table 4 in angular 4 but not able to change or modify row color. I am using the data table 4 example : https://gi Nov 25, 2021 · What should I do to remove the yellow color from a row when I click another row? – Rocket Monkey. Try with custom as a type instead of html. Oct 27, 2023 · I have an Angular material table and want to change the background colour on hover but cannot get this to work. find('#'+IDClicked). selection is a SelectionModel defined in your component. Apr 30, 2017 · I'm trying to add an onclick event to a table row through Javascript. 3. Apr 30, 2023 · To put more focus on specified rows, it’s always a good idea to add a hover background colour on table rows. Onselction of checkbox i want to higlight that row with some background color. Mar 6, 2018 · I have a table in Angular Material and I would like to click on a row and have it return a cell element of my choice in to a variable so that I can use it elsewhere I have one button, i want to apply a default style of a button and when user click on a button change a button style color to red and background-color to white. Feb 11, 2016 · I've a div with the Angular ng-click directive attached to it. But if I click next row the previous color disappears. Now, I want to change the colour of the clicked row to one common colour(say blue). Solutions. if one cell contains more data than another, and so has a greater height, the empty bit of the smaller cell is not clickable. I want to change the color of the mat-icon of the specific row which i click and not the mat-icon color of all the rows. The functionality is working fine with my code. On selecting a row using checkbox in table and click on update button, i need row id, row name, row va Jun 5, 2017 · Thanks again! EDIT for Clarification - The user will select an employee from a dropdown list which will give me the index of the employee that was chosen. <tr ng-repeat="list in results"> Jul 1, 2017 · Now I want to change the color of one row when this happens: When I add a new row to the list (Green color). Feb 8, 2021 · One of approach is to use Css Var and change variable value programatically in component. I'm almost done, but when I click the button, all the rows are affected. I am going to use [ngStyle] attribute to change the background color of the columns. I want to visible button of save and cancel on checkbox change event for that particular row in table. Angular 8 Material table highlight a row on click and kep the background color after click on other row. remarks); But same value is populating to all the field Oct 28, 2021 · Since the list is too long, I want to remember where I have clicked. I need the values in a column to be changed depending if the value is greater or sm Oct 5, 2016 · I want to change the color of a button on a condition: on clicking the "Add" button, the modal window appears, if comments are added to text area I want to change the color of the button. Maybe you want to open a modal with more information about the row, or you want to delete the row. I want the rows which are checked to change their background color. I have tried rowClass feature. Oct 19, 2012 · I have created a table having rows with alternating colours(say yellow and red). Conditionally change color of table data Angular 2+ 3. from there, I want to filter out the results that don't contain that EmpKey by using the value from empInfo[selectedEmployee]. 1. Viewed 5k times Nov 1, 2017 · You can apply colors to rows based on condition as well. btn-change { color: Red; background-color: white; } Component. And also change the color back to original color if i Feb 3, 2021 · thanks for your support. New File Dec 31, 2021 · In angular, we can use ngClass to bind a css class to an HTML element. For that, I want the row color to change on button click. Change attribute [disable] value on button click within a row of a table- angular 6. Jun 3, 2020 · I needed when the table is loaded, changed the row background color dynamically when current time minus traded time is less than 5 seconds to yellow. I understand what the mistake is, but dont know how to solve it. I want to be able to highlight the clicked row (or the row content) without checking the checkbox. Also I want to Apr 3, 2017 · When I click the icon, I show another table below that clicked icon's row. grey) of each row so please alter Jul 21, 2017 · How to change the background color of table row based on value in table cell? Hot Network Questions Star Trek TNG scene where Data is reviewing something on the computer and wants it to go faster Feb 27, 2019 · how to change the color of whole row when click on checkbox like when checkbox is selected the whole row should be dark or whatever and when unchecked should go to previous color i. Right now its' showing edit option for all the rows. By default, all the rows (included detailed rows) will be background-color: white. Oct 14, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 29, 2020 · Take a look at this to change the background color of row on hover,so whenever the user uses a mouse scroll, the row on which the mouse rests will be highlighted : . For this task, we can save the row index in a variable when the user click on a row and use it in ngClass to change the background color. I have done the following so far: TS. mat-row:nth-child(odd) in typescript? Aug 5, 2015 · I have html table and also had some rows with checkbox. 4. Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it! Sep 20, 2019 · Hi I am developing an angular application. Here is my HTML: Oct 29, 2019 · How to add "highlight" to an row on click - angular 8. remarks); But same value is populating to all the field Sep 22, 2021 · Angular change color on table row. <tbody> <tr *ngFor='let row of rowData'> <td Oct 24, 2018 · Since you're using @angular/material, you should bind to the color @Input of their component rather than just adding a css-class of your own. Sep 28, 2019 · How to highlight angular-material table row conditionally? 1. mat-row:nth-child(4n-1), . I've only managed to change the color of the whole table (pool-row). Here is the CSS styling:. change background color of header row add: row { background-color: black Angular 8 Material table highlight a row on click and kep the background color after click on other row 2 How to expand multiple rows in a Mat Table on clicking of a row in Angular? Apr 25, 2018 · I am new to angular. Then, if the same row that was previously selected is clicked on again, change its background color back to default (white). How to set a material table cell's background color Oct 9, 2018 · change table row color in Angular 6 / HTML5 based on a date value. informationstyp == 'ABC123') then change color to green" May 17, 2018 · Angular change color on table row. Current. Css file . table-row:focus mat-cell { color: white; } Stackblitz Demo highlighting table row on click with changed color Share Apr 15, 2020 · If total ('Toplam') row's value in each column is not matched with another table's totals, then total row's background color changes into red color. Is it possible to override this? Or maybe disable the . Why I want this is because I am using a tree table to open up this table row. push(row); } HTML Mar 25, 2021 · I want change the background color of the button from green to blue of selected row after click the button I tried but change the color of all rows. backgroundColor='blue'" I am writing this in <tr onclick="this. To add an onClick event to table rows in JavaScript: Select the tr elements in the table. Here is my rowTemplate--I expect the first three lines to change the entire row color to red. I'm able to change the colour using this code $("#mainTable"). change to Green on enable and Red on disable <button (click)=" Apr 9, 2018 · Learn how to highlight a table row on mouse over using Angular Material. May 15, 2018 · How to change the selected table row color using inline Javascript in HTML I am trying in this way onclick="this. Here Jul 22, 2022 · But I want to set the color till the time row is selected not only on hover. Aug 8, 2019 · I have a table where data is populating. I want to create tabs, clicking on each calls a different function. Angular material table highlight a row on click. When a row is either approved or declined, the color of that row will change to either green or red. Dec 26, 2023 · 3. Here's what I have done so far. I tried using [pSelectableRow] but it also checks the checkbox in addition to highlighting it. 2. Jan 30, 2018 · Dear Angular 4 Material Team, I have been using Angular 5 and Angular material. How can I also change the button color, For e. how to change color of background, row , row selection and header in angular 4 with bootstrap 4 data-table. May 28, 2020 · Change row color in Angular Material table. Specifically what you're looking for to change the background color for odd vs even rows is to change the @rowcoloreven and @rowcolorodd fields. table-default: This class is applied to change the color to white when the default row is selected. After 5 seconds, the background is changed back to white. Currently I'm struggling with some issues. 0. My HTML: <ng-container matColumnDef="Status"> <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> Status </mat-header-cell> <mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{row. Angular `ng-click` not working in DataTables table row. documentElement. I tried #newspaper-b tbody tr. see the below screenshot. css("background-color", "#bbbbff"); Jul 24, 2013 · How can I click on a specified table row, and change the background color of the selected row (for this example, lets use the color red). When you click on a row in an Angular Material table, you want to be able to do something with that row. I want to de-select the row if I click on the delete icon again. Nov 28, 2019 · Angular 8 Material table highlight a row on click and kep the background color after click on other row 0 Changing button background colour based on the element of the table-element Angular Toggle Color Of Clicked Row In Angular Table. table-secondary: This class indicates the less important activities. css and component. List. You need to write css for your css-class that serves your purpose: Jun 17, 2021 · I have a mat table, in which I want to change the Background color of a particular cell conditionally. mat-row:nth-child(even){ background-color: #e4f0ec; } . I have an object which has a variable called changeColor. Result: I am attaching OML also. i have tried using the getRowStyle and getRowClass, but that seems to work when the table is loaded initially . Files. 4K views 240 forks. Modified 6 years, 3 months ago. However, the rows are not having alternate color like css class 'table-striped' after I click on the icon. Use the addEventListener() method to add a click event listener to each table row. ts Dec 20, 2018 · You can use [ngClass] for doing this and assign a class to table row. table-row:focus { background: tomato; outline: none; } . function addRowHandlers() { var table = document. Use the Array. So, I'm trying to make a dynamically rows into Angular Mat Table. add your CSS class/Style whatever you want to cell . ngclass change color when click. Dec 10, 2023 · Hi @Prem Ganwani,. Status}} </mat-cell> </ng-container> Mar 7, 2024 · # Add an on Click event to Table Rows in JavaScript. Dec 6, 2021 · Angular 8 Material table highlight a row on click and kep the background color after click on other row 5 Angular 7 - Change color of Mat-select-value based on condition Sep 28, 2015 · I am creting a table using ng-repeat in angularjs, and i want to change background colour of row on button click. highlightedRows. Set different colors each row index in html table using Angular 4. main action=1 green and action=0 red color. User. I get the cursor changing to a pointer and if use the bg-blue-100 without the hover utility then I get all rows in blue but it wont change the row to blue when using the hover utility. I am using mat buttons for it. Share Improve this answer Feb 4, 2020 · I have a table that a user can select two options, remove or retain. Jun 17, 2018 · You can set the border color with: [style. What can I do to make the table row's css as 'table-striped' Mar 26, 2013 · Using table-hover gives inconsistent results for me. Commented Nov 25, 2021 at 10:37. I was trying it using ng-class but did not help, As soon as I select one checkbox, all the rows get their background changed. 1. In the first column header I have a remove all and retain all radio button that will select every row in the dataSource. What should I do to only change the color of the selected row? HTML: Sep 29, 2019 · set value in component state that renders clicked rows background to a different color; set all other rows background to the original color; I can use conditional rendering based on a value held in state to change the background. having this stackblitz, if a user Mar 25, 2022 · I want to use the angular material table which should return a class for table row when it triggers click on it. type: 'custom', valuePrepareFunction: (cell, row) => { return row. Angular - Change BackGround Color of Row in Table After click the Buttom. Mar 14, 2017 · I would like to know how to get the table row values for the selected row in the below plunkr. How can I set that. This is my table The best and easiest way to do this in my opinion is use the provided ui-grid customizer!. . Oct 27, 2021 · The suggestion below has worked for me with Material tables and will work if your data source objects have a unique record identifier. In this case, every iteration creates 1 or 2 rows, depending on a Jan 26, 2019 · When you used valuePrepareFunction pass type=custom. yihbb imrmfbt eqqcau oydnqb qybardn pcam rowgao mtjssogm fsokp odnqbwq ixkmvll azgqi zbsntb cycl kgyolnm