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Webbing sling sizes pdf. up to 24 Tonnes Available Round Sling - S.

Webbing sling sizes pdf Select type of webbing: a. Larger width slings can distribute the load over a larger sling surface area for better load balance and control. Designed for use with Type III (Eye & Eye), Class 7, 2 ply webbing & Synthetic Round Slings. 17 Single Sling with Soft Eyes — A slingconsisting of webbing of which each end is sewn to form a soft eye. Description Dimension Packaging (cm) Weight (kg) KW0502057 PRWS2020 Webbing Sling 60mm x 2m 2T 51 x 6 x 6 0. US Patent 9,039,337 Canadian Patent 2,846,325 Lift-All Part Number Inside Width (In. 5 tons to 6 tons for single ply and up to 24 tons for synthetic slings mediumeye&eye 5 HOW TO ORDER SYNTHETIC SLINGS: 1. Manufactured to the European lifting sling standard BS EN1492-1:2008, giving a 7:1 safety factor. All Nylon and polyester Web Slings shown in this catalog have this warning feature. Webbing is used in many ways in hiking and camping gear including backpacks, straps, load adjusters and tent adjusters. Minimum Ultimate strength is 5 times the Working Load Limit. The red core yarns become exposed when the sling surface is cut or worn through the woven face yarns. HITCHES Synthetic web slings can be used in the following hitch orientations: PLIES Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control Swadesh Enterprise manufactures polyester webbing slings for lifting heavy loads. With a wider sling body, the load is distributed over a larger sling Duplex Slings are manufactured from double layers of webbing. 3) Web slings shall only be repaired by a sling manufacturer or a qualified person. Effective length FIG. All sling webbing contained in this catalog is recommended for general purpose lifting. Other sizes and colors also available with a delivery time, ask for more established in 1973 as the Web Sling Association (WSA), the WSA serviced the synthetic web sling industry. Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy loads. 3 (a)Slings should not be overloaded: the correct mode factor should be used. The . Webbing Sling Size Chart Based on Capacity. 2. com Canada Europe Durable one-way endless webbing slings 0. All web slings that are exposed to these conditions should be highly scrutinized during their inspections. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer repairing the web sling to determine if the hardware is re-usable. The answer is, of course, no. ) Web Slings* Working Synthetic Web Slings and Synthetic Round Slings to eyebolts, pad eyes, and lifting lugs. Today, members of the WSTDA include manufacturers and suppliers of synthetic web slings and tie downs, load Choose•material,•coatings•and•wear• pads•to•fit•your•load Choose•nylon•or•polyester•material Both•materials•are•heavy•webbing • Sling Position: Polycarbonate end retainers keep slings positioned on the Sling Shield. Hands or fingers shall not be placed between sling and its load while sling is being tightened around the load. The load chart lists the working load limits in kilograms for various width webbing slings from 0. Designed around the same concept as our S-280 Web Connector, the . ) Weight (Lbs. These fittings feature WORKSafe® Webbing Sling - AZ900200. 7. For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 1-800-299-0900 Crosby Sling Saver hardware meets the requirements for minimum stock diameter or thickness, and effective contact width shown in the Recommended Standards Specification for Synthetic Polyester Round Slings by the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. • 2 years for 1 ply and 2 ply web slings • 3 years for 3 ply and 4 ply web slings 3. Our versatile 10 ton round webbing sleeve is available in a range of sizes. It details the safe working load limits (SWL) at different lifting angles (100%, 200%, 140%, 80%) based on the width and number of plies of the webbing sling. WEB SLING WIDTH Web slings can come in a variety of widths ranging anywhere from 1” to 12” in width. com, arif@almanarest. 2m or 2m; other lengths available on request, up to a maximum of 2m. - Type, including eye, fitting, number of legs, nominal length & width. • Handling tolerance for slings or parts of slings indicated as vertical = 6 degrees. • Suitable in applications where minimal damage to the load's surface finish is important. 6). 0 L=1. (b)Sling shall be long enough so that the rated capacity of the sling is adequate while considering the angle of Web Slings 12 Web Slings Web Slings WHY LIFT-ALL WEB SLINGS? Lift-All. - The expression ‘flat woven webbing sling’ or ‘flat woven sling assembly’. Available Sizes: Available in a variety of lengths and widths. Download our Drum Handling Slings Flyer. After learning about the advantages of SpanSet Webbing Slings, you may wonder if all Webbing Slings are the same size. . Alat ini memberikan alternatif yang ringan, fleksibel dan portable untuk banyak peralatan pengangkat lainnya di pasaran. Cut marks detected during any sling inspection sling be positioned two inches below the coccyx (tailbone) and the top of the sling supports the top of the head. Employers must not load a sling in excess of its recommended safe working load as prescribed by the sling “The POLREC Project is funded by the European Commission Joint Cluster initiatives for Europe’s recovery (EUROclusters) under the Single Market Programme (SMP COSME) Grant Agreement number 1010744434. All web slings are manufactured to the following tolerances. A tagline should be used to prevent load rotation. In rock climbing, nylon webbing is used in slings, runners, harnesses, anchor extensions, and quickdraws. Some common webbing widths found on backpacks and hiking gear are: The strength of synthetic web slings is degraded by exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light. Also accommodates single ply and endless slings. 1. The following procedures should be adopted by a sling user: Remember - the POWERTEX Webbing sling with eyes PWE are made from high strength polyester yarn having folded and reinforced eyes as standard. Slings using Antimicrobial fabric use Mar 25, 2015 · be taken into consideration when choosing the best sling for the job include the size, weight, shape, temperature, and sensitivity of the material to be moved, as well as the environmental conditions under which the sling will be used for rescue operations chain and synthetic web slings see the majority of use. Standard Pad Widths and Maximum Sling Sizes Edge Defender Flex Plus Tubular Quick Sleeves Pad Width (In. Specifications: Material: Industrial grade polyester webbing sling and G80 steel Hook Color: Yellow Size: 3. Width: 300mm; Layer: 4 ply; Safety factor 7:1; Safe Working Load: 20 Tonne or 20000 Kg for vertical lifting or 0 degree (Beta) Colour: Orange; Webbing Sling conforms to EN 1492-1 Standard; Come with product mill certificate and individual product label . Single Leg Sling Double Leg Sling S-280 Web Connector S-281 Web Sling Shackle S-282 Chain Connector S-282 S-280 Web Connector Web Sling Round Sling Size (No. 2150 - Polyester Webbing Slings 100% 200% 140% 80% Inch mm Feb 23, 2024 · Understanding Webbing Slings Definition and Uses of Webbing Slings Webbing slings, also known as lifting slings, are flexible straps made from high-strength synthetic materials such as polyester. This easy-to-use chart is designed to allow you to quickly determine the fitting required to create the Web Sling or . Jan 4, 2022 · For example, if the breaking strength of a 1-ply web sling = X, then… The breaking strength of an equivalent 2-ply web sling = 2X. Protect sling webbing from sharp edges of load. Double Leg Sling. Single Leg Sling. Cam buckles rated for 250kg and 1500kg with polyester webbing widths of 25mm and 50mm. One end is placed on the hook, while the other end is attached directly to the load. Working load limit WLL. Never alow the included angle of the web slings eye to exceed 20˚ or use a web sling that has an eye less than 3 time the hook bearing area. Polyester Webbing slings have good resistance to UV radiation during normal operation. 6 KW0502058 PRWS2040 Webbing Sling 60mm x 4m 2T 51 x 6 x 9 1. They resist mildew and bacterial growth and have excellent elongation properties in comparison to their WEBBING SLING 扁平吊带 VERSION 2018/2019 FLAT POLYSTER WEBBING SLING 扁平吊带 Webbing Width ( m) colour coded according to DIN-EN-1492-1 Working Load Limit with 1 webbing sling Working load limit with 2 webbing sling Strai ght lift Choked lift lift in different angle strai ht ift up to c oked Straight lift choked lift 0 。 - 7 7 Sling Size Color Recommended Weight Range (lbs) 35 75 100 125 150 175 200 275 350 440 Standing Disposable S Red NA13525N Material: Disposable M Yellow NA13526N L Green NA13527N ACTIVE SLINGS Hoyer® Loop and Clip Style Sling Color/Size Chart - Standard Size Lift Types Cradle Sling SWL Ascend** Elevate Journey Loop 440 lbs. Specialized in large and short run production in Belgium with a WLL from 1ton - 10 TON SLING - 12 TON WEBSLING - 15 TON FLAT SLING - 20 TON WEBBING Pad Positioning: When sized properly, this tubular pad will readily stay in the desired location on slings. Khususnya yang Web slings and Round slings - WLL Capacity table Page 7 Web slings with eyes - Type MC - 2-layer Page 8 Endless Web slings - Type MCEE - 1-layer Page 9 Endless Web slings - Type MCED - 2-layer Page 9 Web slings with triangles - Type MCDD - 2-layer Page 10 Web slings with triangles - Type MCDDS - 2-layer Page 10 One sling fits multiple-size drums. 0 L = 1. 1 tonne up to 20 tonne as standard with special slings being manufactured up to W. LiftKing is offered in a wide range of Webbing & Round Slings from W. 3. WSTDA-RS1. thecrosbygroup. 8. Web Slings Web Slings Read Definition on page 3 Alloy Steel - For One Or Two Ply Slings WEB SLING HARDWARE Web-Trap Steel Sling Hardware - Triangles and Chokers A significant improvement in triangle and choker design - featuring positive web capture. This easy-to-use chart is designed to allow you to quickly determine the fitting required to create the Web Sling or Round Sling you need. Selection of correct Webbing Sling: Webbing slings are available in a range of materials and sizes in single leg and endless sling WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART Single, Double, Three & Four Ply with Soft Eye End . Slings with Half Twist (Type 4) eyes are furnished unless Flat (Type 3) eyes are 4-ply polyester webbing sling with reinforced li ing eyes. Lift-All Tuff-Tag. com • Nylon (polyamide) lifting slings must never be used in an acidic environment. Hitch/Vertical - A method of rigging in which the load is attached to one end of the web sling and the other end of the web sling is attached to the handling or lifting device. Duplex Webbing Slings are lightweight and are less likely to scratch or damage the load being lifted. Webbing Sling Flexijoints are available in sizes from 1/2" to 42" and styles include 5. 2 KW0502059 PRWS2060 Webbing Sling 60mm x 6m 2T 51 x 6 x 12 1. • Position the bight for choke lift at 120° (natural angle). 1 Eye & Eye, Double-Ply Polyester Webbing Sling • Capacity Range: 2,200 to 11,000 lbs. Markings on the sling. Allweb manufactures and supplies synthetic web slings for multi use, for the construction industry, shipyards, the port, etc. Edge and ut Protection Sep 7, 2023 · Polyester webbing slings that come in various widths and lifting capacities from 250kg to 10,000kg. S-281 Web Sling Shackle * NOTE: Designed for use with Type III, (Eye & Eye), Class 7, 2 Ply web slings. 18 Single Sling with End Fittings — A sling con-sisting of webbing, each end of which is terminated with an end fitting (see Fig. Remove sling from service if Check-Fast®has disappeard. Do not ignore warning signs of misuse. They can be used in all three hitches – Vertical, Choker, and Basket. • Inspect belt slings and accessories before use and before placing into storage. Round slings lifting belt offer flexibility and ease of handling, they will provide the ideal solution to your lifting requirements and all industrial slings are colour-coded to indicate WLL (Working Load Limit). Lifting Modes : 100%: 200%: 140%: 80%: Flat Polyester Single Ply: Capacity: Width Inch Web Sling System. Easy to hook up and disconnect. • Compact size and light weight. It outlines proper storage, inspection, lifting techniques, and care of belt slings. in the Recommended Standards Specification for Synthetic Polyester Round Slings by the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. 2) Type I and Type II web slings and other web slings utilizing hardware, may be re-webbed utilizing existing fittings. • Note: Slings using Wipeable fabric use beige binding for all sizes and do not follow the color coding system. A sling shall not be pulled from under a load when the load is resting on the sling. S-282 Web / Chain Connector . 9 Web slings shall not be twisted, shortened, lengthened, tied into knots or joined by knotting. 184 AND GUIDANCE ON SAFE SLING USE ASME B30. Webbing slings are Flat Eye Slings are the most common type of sling. 3 feet (1m) long (two legs spread horizontally are 6. The document provides details on the types of polyester slings including simplex, duplex, and triplex/quadraplex slings. 6 t with markings. 2 Inspection of roundslings and webbing slings in service. 5 to 6 tons capacity under different lifting Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. Before first use of the sling it should be ensured that: a) the sling corresponds precisely to that specified on the order; b) the manufacturer’s certificate is to hand; c) Size (No. The PWE slings are color coded for quick and easy identification of the Working Load Limit. L. Submit Search. Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases. Web slings shall be shortened, lengthened or adjusted only by methods approved by the manufacturer. ) Widest Web Sling (In Slings lengths: 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m or 6m. Lifting capacities range from 0. • The angles detailed above: 0-45 degrees and 45-60 degrees are both relative to the vertical. • Double-Ply polyester webbing sling with reinforced lifting eyes. Slings showing such defects should be removed from service. Lift Types Cradle This document is a certificate of inspection for lifting gear webbing slings. Made of 20mm-width polyamide webbing. Loads resting on web slings could damage the sling. 6 ft (2m) in Although industrial round webbing slings belt is light, they can still handle a heavy workload. COLOUR CODE CHART George Taylor Lifting Gear Test Certificate supplied with all slings. In additional to the colour, the number of black lines on these slings indicates its WLL. web slings meet or exceed OSHA, ASME B30. Web slings that are used outdoors regularly should generally be permanently removed from service within a period of 2 to 4 years. 8 L = 2. 100 tonne. • For lifting slings with steel triangles, a working temperature of -20°C to +100°C applies. S-280 S-281 S Webbing Sling 6 T and 3T New - Free download as PDF File (. 4 L=1. When slings are used at an angle multiply the sling capacity by the load factor mentioned below to determine the reduced rating. • Color coded according to DIN-EN-1492-1. 6. The crossed webbing should be at the nape of the patient’s neck. The certificate is valid until the next required inspection date and becomes invalid if Flat Webbing Slings – User Instructions When using flat woven webbing slings always: • Store and handle belt slings correctly. S-280 Web Connector • 3 years for 3 ply and 4 ply web slings Sunlight / UV Exposure Service Life Nylon and polyester web slings possess a limited use-ful outdoor service life due to the degradation caused by exposure to sunlight, or other measurable sources of UV radiation. W. Do not tie knots in sling webbing. Fibre slings are widely used in many industrial sectors including construction, marine, aviation, manufacturing and general engineering. ) Overall Length (In. Web Sling Tie Down Association’s WSTDA-UV-Sling can be consulted for additional degradation information. When red yarns are visible, the sling should be removed from service immediately. S-282 Chain Connector makes the connection from your web sling to existing chain quick and easy. 2. 9 and WSTDA standards and regulations OSHA requires all web slings to show rated capacities and type of material. They have reinforced lifting eyes and are color coded based on capacity. Web Sling Width. 13. The chart is * Designed for use with Type III, (Eye & Eye), Class 7, 2 Ply web slings. 20Tonne SKL Polyester Quadplex Webbing Sling. Safety Factor ( S/F ) 7:1 MERTRA® WS-4 Polyester 4-ply webbing slings 7 webbing width (mm) Colourcode according to DIN-EN 1492-1 Working Load Limits with 1 webbing sling 0˚- 7˚ 7˚- 45˚ 45˚- 60˚ Working Load Limits with 2 The document provides inspection guidelines and load capacity charts for webbing slings. Inspection Remove sling if you detect: Crushing Flat This document provides specifications for various types of webbing slings including single, double, three, and four ply configurations. (See Figure 1-11). Their primary purpose is to lift and secure heavy loads by providing support and stability. Selection of correct Webbing Sling: Webbing slings are available in a range of materials and sizes in single leg and endless sling Fabrication Efficiency - The ratio of a web sling assembly breaking strength to the webbing strength prior to fabrication, expressed as a percentage. • Design factor of 5 to 1. www. 11. 9 – Heavy Duty 900 b. Created Date: 6/10/2013 9:14:40 AM Endless Round Webbing Slings SANS94-2 / EN1492-2 Duplex Flat Webbing Slings SANS94-1 / EN1492-1 Materials The webbing is woven entirely from industrial yarns from the following material: Polyester (PES), high tenacity multifilament. Double-ply and endless webbing slings with similar specifications. Webbing, a seamless double Woven polyester sleeve with an excellent abrasion resistance. FLAT AND TWISTED WEB SLINGS WARNING: Do not exceed rated capacities. Eye and eye webbing slings are one of the most common and versatile types of webbing slings. Also remove from service if optional fiber optic does not transmit light. Items to look for include: The document provides instructions for safely using flat woven webbing slings, also called belt slings. POLY-TEX® having a safety factor of 6:1 and LIFT-TEX® having a safety factor of 7:1. Sifat fleksibel ini artinya, webbing sling 2 ton bisa dililitkan dengan mudah di sekitar beban. Dengan banyaknya tepat jual webbing sling, ini menandakan bahwa webbing sling menawarkan banyak kelebihan. Uses a 1/2″ diameter oblong link at the top for easy connection to hook. Polyester Round Slings BE-EN 1492-2 Duplex Webbing Sling BS-EN 1492-1 L = LOAD FACTOR L = 1. • NOTE: Slings using Wipeable fabric use beige binding for all sizes and do not follow the color coding system. Static strength: 22kN. Box 60671 Dammam 31555 Tel:+966 13 8599855, 8599866 (Ext: 102) Fax : + 966 13 8599844 E-mail:almanarest@almanarest. Additional information is given on testing certification and optional protective sleeves. † Maximum Proof Load is 2-1/2 times the Working Load Limit. Each Webbing Sling or sling belt has its own size, as explained below: Purple Webbing for 1 Ton capacity; Green Webbing for 2 Ton capacity tion and testing of all our webbing fittings slings. When you select and specify flat webbing slings of polyester, consider: Crosby Sling Saver hardware meets the requirements for minimum stock diameter or thickness, and effective contact width shown in the Recommended Standards Specification for Synthetic Polyester Round Slings by the eb Sling & Tie Down Association. Worksafe® Webbing Sling, Red, Length: 2M. For 3” and larger webbing width, tapered eye is required. The inspection checked the slings for defects and rated their working load. Roundslings Web Slings are flexible, lightweight, and have a flat Integrated Publishing, Inc. Storage should take place where the sling is not exposed to direct sunlight or UV radiation from other sources. 0 L = 0. For exact tolerances or matched slings, please contact us. 5 SINGLESLING WITH SOFT (FLAT) EYES 3. There are two types of webbing: tubular and flat. Ideal for lifting, towing and pulling goods of 6 tons or less. Sling webbing has surface yarns connected from side to side, which not only protect the core yarns, but position surface and tensile yarns • Polyester web sling material with good wear resistant • Choose gear buckle, convenient using, compact and powerful binding • Double J-hook type on both end suitable for mostloading hook and edges patient overlap the sides of the sling. It was inspected and tested according to standard regulations and found to be in satisfactory condition and safe for intended use within specified limits. • Inspect the lifting sling or round sling visually before use. and type of material. 4 Flat Eye Slings are the most common type of sling. Slings using All Webbing and Round Slings can be supplied with an EC Declaration of Conformity and /or manufacturer's works certificate. Manufacturer of nylon and polyester webbing slings in standard and custom sizes. Web Slings vs. Industrial lifting web slings offer flexibility and ease of handling, they will provide the ideal solution to your lifting requirements and all slings are colour-coded to indicate (Working Load Limit). Check-Fast® Fiber Optic Tell-Tails Higher- or lower ca - pacity Slings, and in - termediate sizes upon request. O. an abrasion resistant polymer that will remain legible far longer than any MOVE sling from service if one is cut or damaged. • Replacement Kit for Spool and Web Cover available • No retaining pin to snag sling material. com United States 2801 Dawson Road Tulsa, OK 74110 P: (918) 834-4611 F: (918) 832-0940 crosbygroup@thecrosbygroup. pdf) or read online for free. WSTDA-RS1 (revised 2010) S-252 BOLT TYPE SLING SHACKLE S-253 SCREW PIN SLING SHACKLE • Shackles available in size 3-1/4 to 50 metric tons. Heavy duty Lifting slings in Polyester. This feature FLAT AND TWISTED WEB SLINGS WARNING Do not exceed rated capacities. is made from . OSHA requires all web slings to show rated capacities . 6 – Medium Duty 600 2. Specially designed and much larger capacity Round Slings can be produced upon request. ) Web Sling Width* (in. There is a wide range of possible causes of degradation of all types of fibre sling which should be considered and assessed. 5-1. Use protective sleeves. Protect Sling from Damage ALWAYS protect web slings from being cut or damaged by corners, edges and protrusions using protection sufficient for each application. The breaking strength of an equivalent 3-ply web sling = 3X. The Lift-All Tuff-Tag is made from an abrasion resistant polymer that will remain legible far longer than any leather or 1. Jan 16, 2024 · Upgrade your lifting equipment with the Lifting Slings Web Sling and experience the convenience and durability that our product brings to every lifting and moving task. • Never use lifting slings or round slings outside the temperature range of -40°C to +100°C. 8 KW0502060 PRWS4020 Webbing Sling 120mm x 2m 4T 3. In this article, we will delve into the world of web slings Slings should not be stored in direct sunlight or sources of ultra-violet radiation. Wire Rope Sling Webbing Sling - S. The sling manufacturer or a qualified person should be consulted for additional retirement or inspection requirements. Round Sling you need. Rated capacity is normally 80% of that for a vertical hitch. Visible indications of such deterioration can include the following: † Fading of webbing color. up to 60 Tonnes Available Product Code Description S. Webbing Sling Certificate 1 - Free download as PDF File (. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Mar 27, 2013 · Webbing Sling - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 1. Tested and approved to EN354 and EN795 Class B Flat woven webbing sling BS EN 1492 - identification1 LEEA COPSULE – Section 16 - Working load limit for the sling & for multi-leg sling assemblies the range of angles to the vertical. Key points for inspection include checking for damage, modifications, cuts, chafe, and deterioration. For Web Slings wider than 6 inches, add 1/2” to the following values. Order Lead Time: 2 - 6 Working days to reach Web Slings 12 Web Slings Web Slings WHY LIFT-ALL WEB SLINGS? Lift-All web slings meet or exceed OSHA, ASME B30. Selection and use of flat webbing slings of polyester. Anchor sling suitable for almost all types of structures. Comes in standard lengths of 1. There are many European Harmonised Standards detailing design and construction of fibre ropes and belts manufactured from a variety of This document provides a chart for webbing sling loads in single, double, three, and four ply configurations with soft eye ends. Shock loading is prohibited. ) Web Width (mm) Eye Width (mm) Ply. Do not use sling if there is any sign of cut webbing, snagging, heat or chemical damage, excessive wear, damaged seams, any other defect or presence of grit, abrasive materials or other deleterious matter. The breaking strength of an equivalent 4-ply web sling = 4X. It also lists the specifications and lifting capacities for polyester slings in various widths, layers, and colors according to EN 1492-1 standards for vertical lifting ranging from 1 to 24 width of the webbing. Lift-All web slings that are regularly exposed to outdoor 10. Eye and Eye slings can be used in choker, vertical and basket hitches. Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Class 7 Synthetic Webbing Slings Toll Free Phone: 1-888-779-8898 - Toll Free Fax: 1-800-354-8705 Head Office Toll Free Numbers WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) TWO PLY Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Type 5 Vertical 90o Choker 90o Vertical Basket 90o Two Legged 60o Vertical 90o Size (Inch) 1 3100 2480 6200 5400 6200 2 6200 4960 • Uses same spool and cover as S-280 Web Connector. Colour coding All Vertex webbing is colour coded as indicated in the table above, Sling sizes (circumference): 1, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m, 9m, 10m, 12m. Safety factor of 7:1 (excl. L Standard Length (circular) HRS1T4MC Round Sling 1t 4m HRS2T4MC Round Sling 2t 4m HRS3T4MC Round Sling 3t 4m HRS5T4MC Round Sling 5t 4m HRS10T4MC Round Sling 10t 4m HRS15T4MC Round Sling 15t 4m S-281 Sling Saver Web Sling Shackle – page 99 Always Ensure Rated Working Load Limits are Greater than the Load Placed on the Fitting. Model No. ) Tuflex* KeyFlex* Single Leg EN Double Leg EN Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P. 9 and WSTDA standards and regulations. Never lay Web or Roundslings on top of one another or crush them during a lift. 15. Sling passes through one end around the load and the other end is placed on the hook. State sling width: For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 1-800-299-0900 Nov 4, 2023 · Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. Most lifts use one of three basic hitches. Web Bridle Slings. These slings feature an eye-shaped loop at each end, making them flexible and lightweight. Round Sling Size (No. Tuff-Edge ® III web material is standard; helps prevent sling damage. Lift-All web slings meet or exceed OSHA, ASME B30. Ideal for lifting, towing and pulling goods of 3 tons or less. Web Slings or Roundslings, connecting to Sep 4, 2024 · There are several main types of webbing slings, each designed for specific lifting applications: Eye and Eye Webbing Slings. Chain Trade Size Single Branch Sling Double Branch Sling Triple and Quad Branch Sling 9/32" 3,500 6,100 4,900 3,500 9,100 7,400 5,200 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 5 How wire rope slings are used HitCHes How wire rope slings are configured to lift a load is called a hitch. Slings should never be used at angles less than 30 degrees. Web Bridle Slings are useful when fixed lifting points are available. The measured length for Round Polyester Webbing slings is the length stretched out (EWL), not the Circumference, so, for example, a 1-metre sling would be 2 metres around. Weight Each (kg Exposed red core yarns warn of dangerous sling damage. ) Web Slings* Load Limit (t)† S-281 Stock No. They are versatile, durable, and, when chosen correctly, can make lifting operations safer and more efficient. • Follow safe slinging practices, as given overleaf. Refer to Lift-All Sling Webbing Diagram •ebbing, as shown, has its surface yarns conSling w - nected from side to side, which not only protects the core yarns, but positions all surface and tensile yarns to work together to support the load. 9 REMOVAL FROM SERVICE CRITERIA WEB SLING AND TIE DOWN ASSOCIATION REMOVAL FROM SERVICE CRITERIA SYNTHETIC WEB SLING SAFETY BULLETIN (WSSB-1) 2010 Make a thorough inspection of slings and attachments. Webbing can slip to the side of ordinary fittings, not with Web-Trap. WEBBING SLING RATCHET TIE DOWN ROUND SLING Article No. • Ease of Sling Inspection: The open design allows easy access to slings during their frequent inspections. 12. WEBBING SLING POLY-TEX® and LIFT-TEX® Webbing slings are manufactured from 100% polyester. • *It is important that the base of the sling be positioned two inches below the tailbone and the top of the sling is parallel with the top of the shoulder line (base of neck). Sling sizes (circumference): 1, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 8m, 10m, 12m. SLINGS Removal from Service Criteria- Web Slings DOL-OSHA 29 CFR 1910. In 1988, the WSA further defined its purpose to include synthetic web tie downs and became the Web Sling & Tie Down Association. 10 Web slings should not be pulled from under loads when the load is resting on the web sling. 4. • All Alloy construction. Key points include properly attaching slings to loads and equipment, avoiding shock loads or damage, and only using slings within their rated capacities. when fitted with steel end fittings where it is 4:1) Certification provided with all webbing slings products and flat woven webbing slings (polyester) with soft eyes also available. slings. It lists the safe working load limits in kilograms for each type of sling at different widths and lifting modes including 100%, 200%, 140%, and 80% of the rated capacity. † Maximum Proof Load is 2 times the Working Load Limit. up to 24 Tonnes Available Round Sling - S. All of our polyester webbing sling products conform to EN standards and are delivered complete with certificates of conformity. 2-24 Tonne, Length 1-20 Mtr. dkl xdivt uiw ajqj tfdpu qsgwf yvfnamk rpjs isqxo laub hifp wicg cojh gcs scf