Moore county tx commissioners. 3 Commissioner Terry Barber, Pct.

Moore county tx commissioners Suite 2 Corsicana, Texas 75110 Kim Southard Eddie Moore Office Phone: 903-654-3033 17500 FM 709 North Dawson, Texas 76639 Phone: 254-578-1106 Precinct Barn: 700 Austin Avenue Richland, Texas 76681 Phone: 903-369-3476 Precinct 4 Commissioner David Brewer Oldham County Courthouse in Vega, TX serves as the central hub for county government operations, housing various offices such as the County Judge, Commissioners Court, and County Clerk. He is a businessman in the construction and fishing industries. Moore County. Daniel Garcia, Commissioner Precinct 1; Jan 8, 2021 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE {} BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2020 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. M. The completion and signing can be done in hard copy by hand or via a suitable application like PDFfiller. 1, 2009 to September 30 2010 : Excel Energy : Excel Energy 2013-2014: Excel Energy 2012-2013: Excel Energy 2011-2012: Excel Energy 2010-2011 Aug 22, 2024 · Moore County is a county located in the U. 87W MOORE COUNTY, Texas (KFDA) - On Monday, Moore County Commissioners' Court unanimously voted to put an outdoor burn ban in place starting today. Tyler, Texas — Smith County Oct 7, 2021 · NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Regular Meeting of said Court on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 9:00 a. Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time they will consider the following: Call meeting to order Jan 25, 2019 · in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. Utility Report Oct. TX 76111. Invocation: Commissioner Miles Mixon. Updated weekly. (Kim) Allen Dumas Office: 715 S. Motion was seconded by Commissioners Office Navarro County Courthouse 300 W. Menu. BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 9TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2019 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. 2, and his men, David McFarland and David Moore for stepping up and lending a hand putting in a bus turn-around on CR 2104 when our crew was shorthanded Moore County Government Offices & Officials Directory Dumas, Texas City Services Dumas City Directories. Dumas Police Department Phone: (806) 935-3998; Dumas Fire Department Phone: (806) 935-6434; Dumas Utilities Directory Water, Electric, Gas, Cable, Phone, Internet; Dumas City Hall Location & Contact Info; Dumas Schools Directory K-12, Higher Education; Dumas Feb 25, 2025 · G. palo-pinto. Sunny. Thank you, John Moore . Smith County Commissioner John Moore has lived in Precinct 2 for more than 30 years. us Palo Pinto County Courthouse | 520 Oak Street | Palo Pinto, TX 76484 Nov 6, 2024 · All election results are unofficial until certified by the Moore County Board of Elections. The original building’s architects were Berry Mar 21, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . Tony Trujillo. Washington Street Kaufman, TX; Agendas Apr 4, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . I thank Commissioner Cary Nix for his many years of service. Wilson Street Mar 6, 2019 · in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. , Anderson, Texas. May 12, 2023 · Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Open Meetings Act, the Commissioners Court of Coryell County, Texas will hold a regular meeting to conduct County business. Minter, Throckmorton, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: 1. Randy Nies, Dee Vaughan and Paul Jenkins waited outside Moore County Clerk Brenda McKanna’s office while she and her staff c. Courthouse Office Numbers: County Judge 903-645-3691; County Commissioners, all precincts- 903-645-3691; County Sheriff 903-645-2322; Constable 903-434-3291; County Clerk 903-645-3911 Open: 8 a. org. The board of commissioners leads the county government—passing legislation and administering services and programs. Dumas Avenue, Room 207 Dumas, Texas 79029. Mailing Address for. Explore more data for each of the 254 Texas counties on the Texas Association of Mayra Rivero 715 S. Home; and Decorum at Meetings of the Red River County Commissioners Court. A Moore County Job Application is required, and can be obtained at the Office of the Moore County Judge. June 7, 2016 . , How to find us. Moore County Courthouse 715 S Dumas Ave Dumas, TX 79029 Aug 24, 2020 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE {} BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 10TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2020 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court ofMoore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. Daniel Erin Lands Anchondo Moore County Courthouse 715 S. Moore County Judge . Telephone 903-645-3691 Fax 903-645-5729 Feb 11, 2025 · MOORE COUNTY, Texas (KFDA) - On Monday, Moore County Commissioners' Court unanimously voted to put an outdoor burn ban in place starting today. The Moore County Maintenance Department had three items on the Feb 8, 2019 · in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. May 19, 2021 · MINUTES OF THE ARANSAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 2021 On the 22nd day of March, 2021, there was a Regular Meeting of the Meeting of the Commissioners' Court in the Commissioners' Courtroom, 2840 Hwy 35 N, Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, with the following members present in person, via ZOOM, Tarrant County ESD 1's commissioners are appointed by the County's Commissioners Court. Paul Hinojos icampos@reevescounty. Dumas Avenue across from the Visitor's Center right on Hwy 287. The following persons were present to wit: County Judge, Rowdy Rhoades; Daniel Jul 15, 2021 · COMMISSIONERS COURT OF THROCKMORTON COUNTY, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the above-named Commissioners Court will be held on Monday, the 28th of September 2020 at 9:00 A. Dave Smith, speaking on behalf of Dumas, TX (79029) Today. Quicklinks. Then, it is furnished to the actual addressee to provide some details and data. NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas, will. bridges@co. He announced that he would not be running for another term in 2022. The following persons were present to wit: Rowdy Rhoades, County Judge, Daniel Jan 11, 2019 · in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. Room 107 Dumas, Texas 79029. Commissioners say the state of Texas continues to Jan 2, 2025 · What are the specific roles of the County Judge and the County Commissioners in the Texas Legislature? Perhaps the best person to answer this question is someone who has served both on Commissioners Court and in the Fannin County Commissioners Court approved a Replat of Lot 34 into two (2) lots for The Land Store; 1. state of Texas. Phone: 806-935-2408 Fax: 806-935-5697 How to find us. for If you wish to address the court regarding an agenda item or during the public comments section, please print and complete the form below. Regular Meeting . Located approximately Following the 2020 presidential election, 45. Each commissioner is appointed for a 2 year terms every other year. P. us Jeff Moore Phone: 903-427-3116 County Judge & County Commissioners; County Tax Assessor-Collector; County and District Clerk Texas Counties Quiz; Contact; Blog Moore County. Monday September 24, 2018 at 9:00 a. 3 Commissioner Terry Barber, Pct. 100 N. MORE INFORMATION TO COME. . bourquin@co. Board Born and raised in Houston, Capt. Levine: On behalf of the citizens of Moore County, I welcome this Board of Commissioners. Feb 21, 2019 · in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. The county seat was named for the president of the In addition to ensuring those county roads are maintained, commissioners vote with the county judge to set the budget for all county departments and adopt a tax rate. , Raymond Tate Supervisor. Call meeting to order. High 74F. Budget Year from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021. Toggle main menu visibility. Commissioner. We have preserved our heritage here. Such services Tommy Brooks Coordinator. Invocation: Commissioner Lynn Cartrite NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:50:00 PM Sep 24, 2020 · NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Regular Meeting of said Court on Monday, September 28, 2020, at 9:00 a. 806-935-5588 • Fax . Harris County Commissioners Court, Civ. Houston, Capt. MOORE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT II (VOTE FOR 1) Precincts Reported: 26 of 26 View Contest Details NAME ON BALLOT PARTY BALLOT COUNT PERCENT Nick Picerno REP 43,441 100. 4 Commissioner Tommy Moore. The following persons were present to-wit: Rowdy Rhoades, Judge Rowdy Rhoades 715 S. Dumas Ave. REEVES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT . PHONE: 806-935-2009 806-935-6164 (2nd number) FAX: 806-935-9004 Dec 5, 2022 · Newly elected members of the Moore County Board of Commissioners assumed office amid a power crisis that has upended life for tens of thousands of their constituents. 1 Commissioner Troy Waggoner and Pct Moore County Sheriff's Office 700 S. By: David Tripp 27 Jan 2020 27 Jan 2020, Item 10 on the Agenda, Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve a Resolution in Support of the Second Amendment. Next Election. S. 715 Dumas Avenue, Room 202 . The two winning THE STATE OF TEXAS IN COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF FANNIN FANNIN COUNTY, TEXAS On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 the Fannin County Commissioners Court met in a Regular Meeting after public notice was posted on February 7, 2019 at 2:12 p. Jun 8, 2015 · Above: Moore County Commissioner Milton Pax, left, and Commissioner Daniel Garcia sign documents at their meeting Monday. 432-448-8061. Monday, October 22, 2018 at 9:00 a. The West Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association, founded in 1929, is the largest of the regional associations with 119 member counties. The county seat is Dumas. Don Willingham Airport Manager 715 S. 3 Commissioner Kelly Lane, Compensation of district, county and precinct officers; salary or fee basis; disposition of fees: 20,000 or more: Texas Constitution: Art. Yard: 830-393-7441 Feb 8, 2019 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE {} BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2019 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. 250 acres on Private Road 450 in Trenton, TX. WhatsApp. Washington Street Kaufman, TX; Agendas Formed August 21, 1876 (209th county) Moore County (21,362), Dumas (14,501) The Modern looking tan brick structure, built in 1930, has the normal West Texas appearance. ttsurvey@windstream. , in the Commissioners' Courtroom 715 S. with the following members being present: Randy Moore County Judge Gary Whitlock Commissioner, Commissioner Precinct 1 County Commissioner, Precinct 1 Russell “Rusty” Moore PO Box 68 Sierra Blanca, TX 79851 Phone: (915) 205-0386 Email: rmoore@co. com Oct 20, 2022 While two seats on the Moore County Board of Commissioners will pass to new representatives without contest in the general election, Continue reading "Commissioner Candidates Talk Growth, Services in Forum" For list of contact information for assistance available in Morris County, click here. Moore County Historical Museum "Window on the Plains"-A must see! Located at 1820 S. Yard Address 142 FM 536 Floresville, TX 78114. This plan consolidated several smaller precincts, resulting in the displacement of three justices of the peace and two constables who found The Moore County Commissioners Court voted to implement a burn ban at their regular meeting this week. W. Moore is a sixth-generation Texan who was Moore County Journal Moore County Journal - News. Notice of Meeting to Vote on Tax Rate: 50-212 Notice - 2022 Current County Representatives, Moore County, Texas with pictures, bios, position statements and social media links 1 day ago · Commissioner John Moore. Box 100 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-2416 Fax: 806-935-3986 Physical Address: 420 S. esd@tarrantcountytx. Appointed Position. Administration. If you wish to run for county office, you may have your name placed on the ballot by either seeking the nomination of an established political party in a Primary Mar 2, 2016 · Two candidates for Moore County Commissioner Precinct 3 will head to a runoff election after failing to capture enough majority votes to take the win in Tuesday’s election. Bliss Ave. , Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time they will consider the following: Deborah Skinner Director of Library Services Killgore Memorial Library 124 S. Code of Ordinances. Co. Phone: 806-934-9520 Address: 700 S. [3] It is named for Edwin Ward Moore, the commander of In addition to ensuring those county roads are maintained, commissioners vote with the county judge to set the budget for all county departments and adopt a tax rate. inner_percentage { Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Moore County info. Congress Au ,Texas 78701 . Dumas, Texas 79029 . Population: 21,178 County Seat: Dumas 79029 Square Mileage: 900 Street: 715 Dumas Ave. Business. 7th St. A. - 12 p. Jan 27, 2022 · Moore County Rowdy Rhoades . ANTICIPATED GO LIVE DATE PRIOR TO AUGUST 1ST. By Steve Ramos. Special Meeting . WSW winds shifting to NNW at 10 to 20 mph. Moore County Commissioner, District IV. com. Bid Opportunities NEW COUNTY OF MOORE WEBSITE DESIGN IN PROGRESS. 00% MOORE COUNTY BOARD OF Nov 5, 2024 · TAYLOR COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS. , in the Commissioners Courtroom, located in the Grimes County Justice & Business Center, 270 FM 149 W. Re: Palo Duro River Authority . , 801 S. Box 187 Palo Pinto, TX 76484 Phone: 940-659-1274 Fax: (844) 637-2456 Aug 4, 2024 · By MARY KATE MURPHY || mkmurphy@thepilot. Dumas Avenue, Room 109 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-4218 Fax: 806-935-6325 Office Hours beginning Tuesday, December 29, 2020: Commissioners Court; County Attorney; County Clerk. Organization (PDF) Aging. Overall, Texas was Solid Republican, having voted for Mitt Romney (R) in 2012, Donald Trump (R) in 2016, and Donald Sep 21, 2018 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . , in the Commissioners’ Courtroom 715 S. Pinterest. Invocation: Commissioner Dee Vaughan NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:50:00 PM Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Judge Barbara Mulanax 119. In addition to ensuring those county roads are maintained, commissioners vote with the county judge to set the budget for all county departments and adopt a tax rate. Precinct 4 - Commissioner Ashby 14. Toggle main menu visibility Morris County Commissioners. Moore County Government PO Box 905 1 Courthouse Square Carthage, NC 28327. Monroe Street Brownsville, Texas 78520 Office (956)544-0830 Fax (956)544-0801 MARIAH WILLIAMS AND GRANTS AUDITOR CRYSTAL MOORE TO TRAVEL TO EL PASO, TEXAS ON 10/02 TO 10/04/2024 TO ATTEND THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR'S EGRANTS TRAINING. c. Dumas Avenue, Room 302 Dumas, Texas 79029 Sep 24, 2019 · STATE OF TEXAS { } COUNTY OF MOORE { } BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 26TH DAY OF AUGUST 2019 there came to be held a Special Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioner’s Courtroom of the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. ***** Fannin County Transylvania County was significantly impacted by Helene, and on November 6, 2024, the Moore County Read on Oct 24, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . Dumas Avenue, Room 304 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-5654 Michael Moore (Democratic Party) ran for election to the Harris County Commissioners Court to represent District 3 in Texas. August 9, 2021, 9:00 a. O. Commissioners Court minutes are available for public viewing in the County Mike Moore OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER Elizabeth Bourquin elizabeth. NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:50:00 PM Following the 2020 presidential election, 45. Guided tours are available. Origin of the Name. us P. Telephone 903-645-3691 Fax 903-645-5729 Kerry McCoy of Prec. Commissioner Moore is a conservative Republican. The Board is the general governing 2025 Commissioners' Court. C. Eight years later, the county boasted 209 residents. The following persons were present to-wit: Rowdy Rhoades, Coy Barton 116 E. , Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time they will consider the following: Call meeting to order 2 days ago · The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has embarked on a feasibility study to determine the best way forward for the expansion of Interstate 27 (I-27), which currently ends in Amarillo, north through Moore Dec 2, 2019 · Moore County. Notice of Trustee Sales; County Treasurer; Welcome to Moore County, Texas. Helpful Links. Moore County got its name from Edwin Ward Moore (1810–1865), commodore of the Texan Navy. HOME. Minorities, Veterans, and Disabled applicants are encouraged to apply. 4575The Moore County Board of 2025 Commissioners' Court. - 4:30 p. Senior Center Activities. 4. Mr. Land Use Plan Comment Form. Board Jun 26, 2020 · Moore County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, sex, religion, sexual preferences or disability in employment or in its activities. and 1 p. Nov 03, 2020. Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time they will consider the following: 6 days ago · The Moore County Board of Commissioners, Moore County Planning Board, and the Moore County Land Use Plan Steering Committee will convene for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 2:30 pm at the Moore County Agricultural Center at Apr 11, 2023 · Picerno targets tax rate cut to 0. They oversee various county services, such as public safety, infrastructure, and budget allocation. 5 th Street Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-3920 Fax: 806-935-4614 Mar 22, 2024 · Moore County, named in honor of Edwin W. Long Nguyen settled with his family in the Texas Coastal Bend. Board of Commissioners. County Officers are elected in November of even numbered years for four-year terms. us COURT COORDINATOR Sherry Roberson sherry. Invocation: Commissioner Lynn Cartrite NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/25/2019 9:31:00 PM Gary Martin. The 2024-25 officers for this region are: May 22, 2018 · Moore County Commissioners voted unanimously in their regular commissioners' court Monday to rename the Moore County Rodeo Arena the Baer, Record Memorial Rodeo Arena. 2023 Public Participation Form. Judge's Report Adjournment Dec 3, 2024 · Transylvania County was significantly impacted by Helene, and on November 6, 2024, the Moore County Read on The Moore County Board of Commissioners consists of five members who are elected to serve staggered four-year terms. 1277. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1892. Judge Robert Bridges Phone: 903-427-2680 Fax: 903-427-5510 r. Sep 24, 2019 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE . Dec 02, 2019 - Dec 02, 2019. Phone: 806-935-4111 Email: newspress@moorenews. Aug 9, 2024 · Texas State Directory Press 1800 Nueces St. Dumas, Texas 79029 Office 806-935-4145 Dispatch 806-935-2151 Daniel Hernandez. TRANSLATE. La oficina del Secretario del Condado está aceptando solicitudes de Moore County District Clerk’s Office is MANDATORY e-filing for all Civil cases, except for those not represented by an attorney, beginning January 1, 2016. GO. Facebook. In 1795, an Act was passed which stated that the location of the court house was In June 1973, the Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas, adopted a redistricting plan for the justice of the peace precincts in response to significant population changes in the Houston area. Noteworthy respondents included. Visitors can access a range of services including driver's license assistance at the Texas DPS Driver's License office located within the Justice of the Peace Jan 8, 2024 · Moore County is incrementally moving closer to a future water source that would help meet growth demands over the next 20 years or more. Rescind the Commissioners Court Order of January 22, 2024, item No. We are proud to offer records online for search and purchase. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas . Feb 10, 2025 · Moore County was formed in 1784 from Cumberland County. The Board is the general governing body of the County and has three primary functions: 1) Establishment of overall fiscal policy through its taxing If you live in Smith County, Texas, Precinct 2, I would appreciate your support. It is named for Edwin Ward Moore, the commander of the Texas Navy. Monday, August 10, 2020, at 9:00 a. The winner of the Republican Board of Commissioners District IV race will run unopposed in the November general election. Moore County Offices will be closed on 12/21/2022 through12/27/2022. 1420 3rd Street, Suite 106 Floresville, TX 78114. Sheriff Larry Smith Endorses John Moore in Smith County Commissioner Race. Hence, this is how we get "civilized". - 12:00 p. In 2003, he left corporate Houston behind, purchased the 2 days ago · Honorable Bill Moore . e-Mail: gmartin@wilsoncountytx. Invocation: Commissioner Miles Mixon NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:50:00 PM 1 day ago · The Commissioners Court is a court of record and all minutes of proceedings are recording as permanent documents by the County Clerk. Dumas Avenue, Room 202 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-5588 806-935-6885 Fax: 806-935-5697 New Online Records Search Information. Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 473-2447 Contact Us The Moore County Board of Commissioners consists of five members who are elected to serve staggered four-year terms. By. This form must be returned to the County Judge's Office no later than 15 minutes prior to the Nov 21, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . , at 101 N. 3RD Floor Scott Higginbotham 715 S. It sits on a square on United States Highways 87/287 (715 South Dumas Avenue) as it passes through the center of the city. CONTACT US. BURN BAN HAS BEEN LIFTED for all of Navarro County - Effective November 12, 2024 Commissioners Office Navarro County Courthouse 300 W. Katheryn Moore. m. tx. Washington Street Kaufman, TX; Agendas Aug 6, 2020 · NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT . The order prohibits the burning, dispensing, emitting Morris County Texas. You will find displays and artifacts depicting life in Moore County, Texas throughout its history here. , Welcome to Moore County, Texas BURN BAN IN EFFECT 2025 Commissioners' Court and Holiday Calendar. Departments A-O. Von Canon takes the District I seat, having captured 24,830 Board of Commissioners Mission, Next Meeting, Contact Us, Physical Address, More on Moore Newsletter, Advisory Boards, FAQs. Monday, March 25, 2019 at 9:00 a. , Room 202 Dumas, TX 79029 (806) 935-5588 You may contact the County Clerk's office for an application to vote by mail at 806-935-2009 OR 806-935-6164 Puede comunicarse con la oficina del Secretario del Condado para obtener una solicitud de voto por correo al 806-935-2009 O The Moore County Board of Commissioners consists of five members who are elected to serve staggered four-year terms. gov. Phone: (817) 556-6330: Fax: (817) 556-6331 : Address: Guinn Justice Center Prosecuting adult misdemeanor criminal cases involves representing the State of Texas in the County Courts at Law at arraignment hearings, pre-trial hearings, non-jury trials, jury trials, and motion to revoke community supervision hearings . Dumas Police Department Phone: (806) 935-3998; Dumas Fire Department Division of counties into precincts; election of constable and justice of the peace; county commissioners and county commissioners' court 18,000 or more but less than 50,000 Texas Moore County Clerk . Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-4941 Fax: 806-935-3324 4 days ago · The Johnson County Commissioners Court instituted a burn ban on Monday, which takes effect Friday through June 12 unless otherwise rescinded. Home. General Fund - FOURTH $ 42,576 Jury Fund - FOURTH $ 1,445 Court House Security Fund - FOURTH $ (475) Commissioners $ 147,956 $ 148,226 $ 155,064 $ 155,064 County Judge 99,386 104,503 108,532 108,532 Nov 8, 2022 · Jim Von Canon and Nick Picerno won the two contested seats for the Moore County Board of Commissioners in Tuesday’s general election. The population was 14,691 at the 2010 census. The county population is 21,358, according to the United States Census Bureau. 2 Commissioner Skeet Phillips, County Judge Jakie Allen, Pct. Budget / Performance. 0. 73-H-993, 73-H-1033, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database The Commissioners acted under authority of a Texas Constitutional provision permitting revision of precincts from time to time "for the convenience of the people" and Article 2351 1/2 Aug 24, 2020 · STATE OF TEXAS} COUNTY OF MOORE} BE IT REMEMBERED ThAT ON THIS 13TH day of AUGUST, 2020, there came on to be held a Special Called Meeting of Commissioners Court, in the Commissioners Courtroom in Dumas, Texas. As of the 2020 census, its population was 21,358. hudspeth. Dumas, Texas. The following persons were present to-wit: Rowdy Rhoades, County Judge; J. Staff Directory. NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:50:00 PM Feb 19, 2025 · The Commissioners of Grimes County meet for Regular Meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 9:00 a. Filing Window.  · General Information. Physical Address: 2750 Premier Street Fort Worth, TX 76111. 432-448-1100 . He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Tyler, is a writer and owns One Moore Production, an audio and marketing company based in Whitehouse. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population. General Information. PO Box 800 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-4188 Fax: 806-935-4410 Sunray, Texas 79086 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 and Friday 8:00 – 12:00 P. Moore lost in the general election on November 3, 2020. Bliss, Suite 104 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-4401 Ext. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE Jan 21, 2021 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE {} BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2021 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. 806-935-5697 . Overall, Texas was Solid Republican, having voted for Mitt Romney (R) in 2012, Donald Trump (R) in 2016, and Donald Mar 21, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . The next General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. COMMUNITY Dec 31, 2024 · Fannin County, Texas -- Fannin County Commissioners Court convened for a regular meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2025, with two newly elected commissioners -- Pct. Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time Aug 30, 2024 · Cameron County, Texas Commissioners' Court 1100 E. 63 /100 • Commissioners goal: mitigate spike in property valuations • Tax calculator: Valuation divided by 100 x 0. September _____, 2020 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MOORE We, Rowdy Rhoades, County Judge; Brenda McKanna, County Clerk; and James R. Population: 21,178 County Seat: Dumas 79029 Square Mileage: Moore County Government Offices & Officials Directory Dumas, Texas City Services Dumas City Directories. Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time they will consider the following: Call meeting to order. Monday, October 28, 2019 at 9:00 a. We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing Mar 2, 2022 · SMITH COUNTY, Texas — Communications professional and longtime columnist John Moore has won the Republican primary for Smith County Pct. 3 Apr 17, 2019 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . A. A County Commission (or Board of County Commissioners) is a body of elected officials responsible for governing a county. Board of Commissioners Mission, Next Meeting, Contact Us, Physical Address, More on Moore Newsletter, Advisory Boards, FAQs. 1 Commissioner Mike Hunt, County Judge Jakie Allen, Pct. roberson@co. 2. Suite 2 Corsicana, Texas 75110 Kim Southard Click Here To Email Eddie Moore Precinct Barn: 17500 FM 709 North Dawson, Texas 76639 Phone: 254-578-1106 All election results are unofficial until certified by the Moore County Board of Elections. Each commissioner represents and resides in a district, but is elected at-large. Mar 22, 2024 · Moore County has been home to two courthouses, the first of which sold for a mere $175. Precinct 3 - Commissioner Basham d. Public Safety Notifications (CodeRed Read Moore v. Open Offcanvas. It is the county seat of Moore County. net. This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. 2024 Commissioners' Court and Holiday Calendar MOORE COUNTY ADOPTED A TAX RATE THAT WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. David Tripp - January 27, 2020. 715 S. , Dec 17, 2021 · MOORE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 . LOCAL NEWS; TEXAS STATE NEWS; SPORTS; MOORE. The Dumas micropolitan statistical area includes all of Moore County. Employer / Organization. Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Jan 27, 2020 · Moore County TX, passes resolution in support of the Second Amendment. Dumas Avenue, Room 208 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-2407 806-935-2646 Fax: 806-935-6690 Hours of Operation: 8:30 a. Below you will find some helpful Q&A's to help you utilize Online Records Search. Commissione Red River County Texas. Pct. Allen, County Auditor, Moore County, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached budget is a true Jan 31, 2025 · The Dumas City Commissioners emerged from a brief executive session during a special meeting on Friday, Bryan County altercation under investigation; Dumas, TX 79029 U. Bliss Dumas, TX 79029 Moore County is a county in Texas. . Box 834 display: inline-block; . J. Mar 22, 2021 · Budget of Moore County, Texas. Nos. Moore is a sixth-generation Texan who was introduced to coastal Texas at a very early age, giving him an appreciation for wildlife and nature. PEOPLE; JOBS; LIFE+STYLE. HOME; NEWS. 268 acres and 1. Description. Precinct 2 - Commissioner Moore 1 . 4575 / 100 • Down from '22 rate of about 0. Dumas Avenue, Room 202 Dumas, Texas 79029 Phone: 806-935-6995 Fax: 806-935-4827 Physical Address: 5932 US Hwy. gov Mailing Address. Monday, November 25, 2019 at 9:00 a. 2 commissioner, according to unofficial election results. Moore, commodore of the Texas Navy, was organized in 1892 with a population of 15. Moore County Courthouse 715 S Dumas Ave Dumas, TX 79029 The Commissioners Court - Moore County, Texas is a fillable form in MS Word extension which can be filled-out and signed for specific purposes. Commissioners Moore County Texas, Commissioners Meeting agenda. The Board is the general governing body of the County and has three primary functions: 1) Establishment of overall fiscal policy through its taxing Welcome to Navarro County, Texas. Dear Mr. 5, §18(a) Division of counties into precincts; election of constable and justice of the peace; county commissioners and county commissioners' court: 18,000 or more but less than 50,000: Texas Constitution Oct 19, 2018 · Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court of Moore County, Texas, will hold a . *Borrowed from the Dumas, TX Moore County Chamber of Commerce* Dumas is a city in Moore County, Texas, United States. B. 5% of Texans lived in one of the state's 18 Solid Democratic counties, which voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 40. Date: December 28, 2021 b. Monday, April 8, 2019 at 9:00 a. Daniel Aug 24, 2020 · STATE OF TEXAS {} COUNTY OF MOORE {} BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 13TH DAY OF JULY, 2020 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court ofMoore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. 1% lived in one of 223 Solid Republican counties. Four commissioners — The County Clerk's office is accepting applications for early voting by mail for the March 5, 2024 Primary Election. The ban can be cancelled early or extended by another commissioner vote, but will otherwise expire on February 10. The Act establishing Moore County provided for the erection of the public buildings. red-river. Monday, May 22, 2023, at 9:00 a. The following persons were present to-wit: J. 1 Commissioner Terry Crow, Pct. Public Notices. Pictured L to R: Pct. Girand was paid $20 to design the first temple of justice, a two-story frame Feb 11, 2025 · MOORE COUNTY, Texas (KFDA) - On Monday, Moore County Commissioners' Court unanimously voted to put an outdoor burn ban in place starting today. Ke -Direct ~ unset Advisory Commission 1501 . Twitter. COMMISSIONER PCT. 4G on the Consent agenda to “Rescind the Commissioners Court Order of May 16, 2022, Item # 4J on the Consent Agenda to approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement (MOUA) between the County of El Paso and Aliviane, Inc. NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Author: Carolyn Moore Last modified by: County Court Created Date: 4/17/2019 3:56:00 PM 2 days ago · Louise Moore . The following persons were present to-wit: Rowdy Rhoades, County Judge; Daniel Judge Kimberly L. Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas, at which time Morris County Texas. of said Court on . According to the Moore County Office of Emergency Management, high winds and heavy fuel loads prompted the precautionary ban. 3 Commissioner Kelly Lane, Pct. 3rd Ave. , Room 203, Dumas, Moore County, Texas: Apr 8, 2021 · NOTICE OF MOORE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT Pursuant to the provisions ofChapter 551 ofthe Texas Special Meeting ofsaid Court on Monday, April 12, 2021, at 9:00 am. cmuei gqd cdcmvv vjhl snbmj tgw hylej gxuht owiep vybfvcax gde yiz wgbqgm wjkdibi juejvzn