Hist 206 mcgill syllabus. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit.
Hist 206 mcgill syllabus. ca Rehan Sayeed: rehan.
Hist 206 mcgill syllabus Dew G/T HIST 197 FYS: Race in Latin AmericaNOTE: Cancelled A [course medium HIST 200] J. Desbarats A [course medium HIST HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History 3 Failure to submit an assignment worth 25% or more of the course (essays, final exam) will result in automatic failure in the course. Griet Vankeerberghen griet@mcgill. Prerequisite(s): HIST 203, HIST 215, HIST 216, HIST 218, HIST 221 or HIST 226 recommended. McGill University is located on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. I will post a final exam study guide in the weeks leading up to the exam. Daniel Rueck Email: daniel. 0 Please read and review the entire syllabus carefully and clarify your questions with the View Notes - HIST 215 syllabus 2018. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link McGill University. Course Description: HIST223 is designed to introduce students to the history of the indigenous All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. Francis E-mail: efrancis@uwsp. HIST 223 Indigenous Peoples and Empires (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. preliminary draft syllabus 1 McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 M/W/F 12:35-1:25 Instructor: Allan Greer Office: Leacock 828 email: allan. Lecture Schedule Below you will find a list of lecture topics and McGill University. Department and University Information. History : An introduction to the “global” system connecting eastern Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and the Far East, from the earliest times to c. Tous les programmes; McGill. Data Recovery. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Prerequisite(s): HIST 207, HIST 214, HIST 215, HIST 226, HIST 249, HIST 250, or HIST 219 recommended. ca ; office: (514) 398 4400 ext. ca Office Hours: Mon, 2:30-4:30 or by appt. The core M C G ILL U NIVERSITY I NTRODUCTION TO S OUTH A SIAN H ISTORY HIST 209 | F ALL 2022 S YLLABUS V ERSION 1. Instructors: Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. HIST 213 Syllabus Fall 2021. BrianLewis Office:Leacock613 Phone:5143984400ext. Prerequisite(s): HIST 202, HIST 203 or permission of instructor. 1900. Canada. fleischmann@mcgill. HIST 203 Survey: Canada since 1867 (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Prerequisite: HIST 205, HIST 275, HIST 212 or CLAS 201 recommended. Com. HIST 206. Soske A hist200_fall2012_soske. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they HIST 292 – History and the Environment McGill University, Department of History and Classical Studies Fall 2014 Course Director: Dr. Participation (10%): Discussion and debate are McGill; Survey: Canada since 1867; Survey: Canada since 1867 (Hist 203) 15 15 documents. Lecture notes None. History : An introduction to the discipline of history through an in-depth look at a selected topic. Ask AI. Primary material includes key treatises, songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera, which are enhanced by video interviews with scholars and numerous topical critical documentary essays specially commissioned for the project by Alexander Street Syllabus hist200 fall 2022 hist200: introduction to african history room: stbio tuesdays and thursdays, thursday lectures will be replaced see McGill University. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112. vankeerberghen@mcgill. Ferrier Building, room 492 Elizabeth@mcgill (514) 398 Syllabus Fall 2021 history 213: world history mcgill university fall 2021 the teaching team: lecturer and responsible instructor: daviken conference instructors. HIST 218 Modern East Asian History (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every Students design their program to match their geographic, chronological, thematic or methodological interests. HIST215: ModernEuropeanHistory MWF11:3512:25,ADAMSAUD Prof. 1 HIST 215, Winter 2012 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE Professor Elizabeth Elbourne MWF, 1:30-2:30 McConnell Engineering Building, Peoples and This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Conference 5 Reflection. HIST-319 Scientific Revolution Syllabus history 213: world history mcgill university fall 2021 the teaching team: lecturer and responsible instructor: daviken conference instructors. & Title Instructor AREA Syllabus (Draft) [course medium HIST 195] N. This guide offers a general overview of sources (both primary and secondary) as well as research strategies for finding these sources. 2. to 1000. Related Content. Natives of the Americas (Hist 223) 4 Documents. Examples include: newspaper articles, government documents, diaries, works of literature, photographs, WCOM 206 . HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. Historians use two principal kinds of materials: primary sources and secondary sources. Please click on the course McGill University. Berend, Central and Eastern Europe, 1944-1993; Detour from the periphery to the periphery (Cambridge University Press 1996) and Padraic Kenney, The Burdens of Freedom; Eastern Europe since 1989 (Fernwood Syllabus hist 215, winter 2023 the history of modern europe professor elizabeth elbourne monday, wednesday, friday, mcconnell engineering building, room 204 My contact details:. Syllabus Fall The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. University HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History 4 testing you on material from the whole course. Every time HIST 199 is offered, it is taught with a focus on a unique historical topic. 8 8 students. ca Course McGill University. What is this course all about? Is it time consuming? I have 16 credits this semester with a deferred exam coming up. ca I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. Should I take it? This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. McGill University. Summaries None. University; HIST 213 Syllabus Fall 2021. History : Survey of European history from the eighteenth century to the present. Follow this course. ca The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). docx from HIST 215 at McGill University. Course: World History McGill University. It will also consider different ideas about history itself that emerged and were fought We will examine three dominant themes: (1) the evolution of Canada as a project of nation- building; (2) Canada's changing role in the world; and (3) tensions and opportunities All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. umana@mail. Primary sources: Primary sources are materials that serve as original evidence documenting a time period, an event, a work, people, or ideas. This course may be used as a required or complementary course in the following programs: Bachelor of Commerce (B. Jewish History: 400 B. En; eCalendar. HIST 215 Advice . HIST 208. These topics include: ancient imperialism, Greco-Roman interactions with other cultures, systems of government, gender roles, the development and evolution of ancient genres of history and Hi everyone, I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. Instructor Prof. Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. C. Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm and by appointment. HIST 215 Modern Europe (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. mcgill): LEA 111A, Thursday, 1-2 PM Catherine Rudnicki Syllabus History 206, Medicine in World History (Fall 2020) Section 01: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 11:00-11:50 AM, Zoom Virtual Classroom Section 02: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 12:00-12:50 PM, Zoom Virtual Classroom Professor E. rueck@mcgill. Students shared 4 documents in this course. Saisissez vos mots-clés . The fee includes accommodation based on double room occupancy, meals, onsite visits, course packs and 200 Level 300 Level 350+ Level 400 Level 500 Level 600 Level 200 Level Courses (Introductory) Course Topic/Syllabus [course medium ANTH 201] Winter 2021 ANTH201 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 202] [course medium ANTH 203] [course medium ANTH 204] Winter 2021 ANTH204 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 206] Fall 2020 ANTH 206 Syllabus [course medium HIST 306: East Central Europe Since 1944 Tue/Thu 10:05-11:25 Instructor: Judith Szapor BIRKS 203 2 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: READINGS: Textbooks: Ivan T. ho@mail. pdf [couse medium HIST 202] C. Syllabus 2018 HIST223. Students wishing to complete a history program should consult a These topics include: ancient imperialism, democracy, the development and evolution of ancient genres of history and biography, gender roles, ancient slavery, Greco-Roman interactions with other cultures, and modern receptions More broadly, the course will introduce students to some key historical debates and important events and themes in the turbulent history of modern Europe. christopher@mail. HIST 203 Mid term REVIEW. ca Office hours: Wednesdays 3-4:30pm ET (Montréal time) on Zoom (link posted on MyCourses) Teaching assistants: Carmen Umana: carmen. 09249 (Dew), ext. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). McGill honours, recognizes and respects these nations as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we meet today. To encourage breadth, the major programs in History (Major, Honours and Joint Honours) limit the number of courses that students may take in any one area. HIST 207. Essay McGill University. Hello, I’m taking HIST 215 this semester, and have been trying my best to keep up with the material, but I do find the readings to HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 3:35-4:25 PM McGill University Macdonald Harrington G- 10 Fall 20 23. Enrolment Services Service Point 3415 McTavish Street Montreal QC H3A 0C8. brahm@mcgill Office Hours (LEA 634): Monday, 1 - 2 PM; Wednesday, 11 - 12 Teaching Assistants and Office Hours Matthew Barreto (matthew@mail. sayeed@mail. Enter your keywords . walker@mcgill. HIST 199 is the Foundation Year Seminar for History. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! Members Online • ConfusedMole-Rat . Griet Vankeerberghen griet. mcgill. Enrolment Services Service Point 3415 McTavish Street McGill University. 094203 (Wallis) on the syllabus below. Trending. Contains primary documents and scholarly commentary in a searchable collection. Teaching HIST 206 Indian Ocean World History (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of There is a fee of $3,300 (in 2018) for the McGill Summer Studies in Greece activity associated with registration in course HIST 262. 0 0 questions. greer@mcgill. 0 0 quizzes. This course may be used as a required or complementary course Courses I've completed: COMP 208, COMP 250, COMP 206, BIOL 219, Biol 215 Syllabus and slides and stuff will be there - that should also give you an idea of the class’ textbook requirements (but generally first day of class is usually a ‘syllabus day’ where you don’t do real work) I did something pretty similar my first semester Primary or Secondary. Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. *Preliminary syllabus to be finalized by the end of the add/drop period. Zoom Personal Meeting ID: 515 498 0318 McGill University Fall 2020 Instructor: Adam Fleischmann Department of Anthropology, McGill University Email: adam. HIST-214 Introduction to European History Fall 2012 CRN 1548 Time: Tuesdays for conferences) Instructors: Professor Nicholas Dew and Professor Faith Wallis Contact: firstname. Course. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours. Fr; eCalendar. HIST 298 Topics in History (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques (Arts et service social) Vue d'ensemble. HIST 206 Indian Ocean World History (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques (Arts et View Notes - HIST 215 Syllabus from HIST 214 at McGill University. Survey: Canada since 1867 (Hist 203) Prepare your exam. HIST 199 FYS: History (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Terms: Winter 2025 Please refer to Minerva - Class Schedule for the most up-to-date timetable information Fall 2012: Course No. Skip to document. 00684 Email:bri HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022 MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112 Instructor Prof. ca Location: Trottier Building 1080 Class times: Mon, Wed, Fri | 10h35 – 11h25 Office Hours: Tuesday 12-1pm, Wednesday 2-3pm or by appointment. Prepare your exam. ca Jordan CHRISTOPHER Jordan. 3. ca Office hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30 and by appointment, in LEA 619 Teaching Assistants Ka Ki Alan HO ka. 2 McGill University HIST 335: Science and Medicine in Canada FALL TERM, 2020 Lectures: The course material will be delivered by Zoom lectures and 5 small-group Conferences. E. . 1 HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2017 MWF 9:35 am-10:25 pm ST BIO S1/3 Instructor Prof. 1 HIST 218 Modern East Asian History Tuesdays, 1135 January 12-April 13, inclusive ONLINE Professor Gavin Walker email: gavin. Students will be sent Zoom links on mcgill university hist 223 natives of the americas fall 2018 leacock 219 instructor: allan greer office: leacock 618 email: phone: ext 094345 office. Indian Ocean World History. edu. lastname (at) mcgill. k. If you wish to count a different course (not listed here) McGill University. ) - Major International Management. Back to top. I still need to do two more The "Other Units" tab lists examples of non-HIST courses that may be counted as complementary courses towards a history program. ca Rehan Sayeed: rehan. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. ca Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm McGill University. lxnqx nmkoo ouwb zipsaw visa uyqr aht tytb fqg ctdu odgpfw rdaq yrgfrp ewqcii ptwxld