Harry gets tonks pregnant fanfiction. This is my first story.
Harry gets tonks pregnant fanfiction. If only she had faith in people taking the orders.
Harry gets tonks pregnant fanfiction " Hermione grinned. This year would be the twenty-second anniversary of the night Tom Marvolo Riddle decided that a fifteen-month-old baby was his equal, murdering his parents in their own home and the shitshow that was Harry's life following that. "Tonks and Remus I would like you to meet our son Andrew James Potter. After 5 minutes of holding his son, Harry was starting to get worried, his train of thought was the same as Andromeda. To supersandman86: Oh, Remus and Tonks have certainly made their way around the castle lol. We will see more to Harry's growing power later on. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Harry P. Ms. "Oh, Ron, I'm so happy for you both! Now, let's get you some proper guidance. N. Tonks She and Harry didn't do what her mind and obvious evidence suggested. Pomona smirked "I know dearie, had to get Harry to get a leg over you so I can get a leg over Lord Longbottom. They made it there in no time, by flooing. Tonks and Harry married in the summer holidays the first day after the school was over. He was definitely one of the biggest Hinny shippers in canon, but he also really didn't want to see them snogging LOL. Tonks added the same amount of urine to the potion that the book called for and held her breath. Remus let her go. As he did so, Tonks awoke and sat up. This was a dream she'd had once or twice before after the Tournament. Tonks watched as Remus asked if Harry would mind quickly coming to Lupin Cottage and collecting Teddy for the next couple of days. How she managed to be both a model and pregnant, Tonks had no idea. She was surprised when Andromeda came over and hugged her tightly, after doing the same with Tonks. Molly Weasley's face appeared in the flames, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Miss Potter, my name is Andromeda Tonks, you know my daughter Nymphadora right," The healer in the room asked gently. A new form of panic washed over her – she could get pregnant! They hadn't cast any charms! She wasn't taking any potions! "Good for you, too, love?" Chapter 1 Game of Wombs. Narcissa is the same age as marauders Hello everyone, please forgive me for awfully long delay. He feels something bad is going to happen. Of course they would. Harry took off his shirt and paused to watch Hedwig disappear over the treetops. Tonks decided the gathering needed a distraction "I'm pregnant. Alice is working on him, Hannah too, although with Hannah it doesn't seem to be taking much work. Coming right up. Sirius patiently taught Harry how to be one with the broom; to get the broom to trust him, as McGonagall watched nearby. She took a deep breath. Tonks, Remus, and Teddy apparated to the burrow, where the full day reunion would happen. Tonks is a good friend to Harry and his friends. She rolled over his skin with her hand and thumbed lightly at the point of the revealed head, where precum shined invitingly. Tonks - Words: 4,483 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 352 - Follows: 387 - Published: 1/13/2022 - id: 14022077 "We should have remembered to open the window. Fleur and Hermione had a discussion, comparing their experiences with pregnancy, while Harry and Bill talked about what it was like to take care of a pregnant wife. Nymphadora Tonks was tired. His main focus: to fulfil the prophecy that ties him to Voldemort. Harry, abused by the Dursleys, meets a young Metamorphmagus one morning in the park. Remus started choking on his food, and he looked absolutely shocked. He seemed to know what she was asking and nodded, a small smile playing on his lips; she turned again to face Harry. Tonks had jumped up from her seat as well and was squealing her congratulations as she bounced around the two and occasionally "Ginny was supposed to get pregnant with his child leaving it as the heir of the Potter fortune. I look and feel younger than I have in decades and I'm also now extremely, extremely fertile as another side effect, I suppose my strong desire to have children seems to have caused whatever magic is in Harry's cum to cause that, but I'm definitely not complaining though even with the contraception charm I'm still pretty much guaranteed to get Hermione remembered to get a book for their cover story. April 21st, 1992 "Oh, look a crown. Tonks fucked Harry's helpless face as rough as she could, paying no attention to his gags and sputters. " When Remus refuses to give Tonks the child she wants, she asks Harry to help her out. Harry/Tonks, gender-bending, femslash. Pregnant. Leaving her four months pregnant with his child and not leaving as much as a note on the fridge, the least he could do is sign the damn papers. ] - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,391 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 596 - Follows: 719 - Updated: 6/6/2020 - Published: 11 There is more Tonks in this chapter so you're in luck! To notthatchhavi: It's how I picture Ron. Or a metamorphmagus child. Mostly purple ones, her favorite color, but with a mix of other colors as well. I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Remus L. On the other side of the door Remus was quietly pacing back and forth. "Wow Harry he is beautiful he has your hair and Fleur's beautiful features already. It was the night his parents were killed over twenty years ago. Andromeda Tonks (ne Black) strode confidently and calmly down the shadowy street that was Knockturn Alley. " Tonks stared after him as he left and felt her eyes burn with tears. " Harry said as Fleur handed Andrew to Remus. /Scene Break/ On Halloween night was the selection of the Champions. She'd kissed Harry on the cheeks, thanking him profusely when it happened in the waking world. Harry and Ron talked about quidditch, and what they were going to do during the summer. "Really," Tonks asked, her voice showing her excitement at the thought. A little while later, they heard the floo go off. " "Will they miss us?" "Well, maybe. "Bellatrix," Harry said trying to find a weapon before she faltered. "Okay, what do I do?" "Do what your body tells you to do. However, Hermione and Ginny got her to come around. Don't be scared. Plus, this is really a Tonks challenge) - Tonks assuring her lover that her 'Pole and tackle' is just for show and can't actually Jul 24, 2012 · Tonks was in a safe house as she looked at her baby bump caressing it thinking when suddenly memories began to surface, of a man making love to her who wasn't Remus, but Harry, and then finding out she was pregnant by her boyfriend Harry, she was in Dumbledore's office when she accidently told him she was seeing Harry and that she had gotten Responce to the PHGE challange Dumbledore needs to get Harry to Hogwarts safely and comes up with an ingenious way to do so, unfortunally theres some bumps along the way Harry-Tonks Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,616 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 32 - Published: 9/7/2004 - Harry P. A/N: Many thanks to LunaMoon224 for betaing this for me. Harry's throat was so tight that it was almost impossible to move, but Tonks held a firm grip on his head and began to pick up speed. "Remus," she said quietly and he turned around to look at her in surprise. Tonks and Remus had been busy around their new home. Nov 10, 2017 · Harry gasped with indescribable pleasure as Tonks slid her hand over his erection carefully. Quickly, she grabbed it from the dining table. " Harry exclaimed. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,229 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 141 Harry Potter: A Change of Circumstances (formerly Hermione Tonks) is a story about what would have happened if Harry was adopted by the Tonks family, a family which included a little Hermione. Good. C HAPTER T HREE H UNDRED AND T HIRTY-T WO: The One Where Remus Forgets Tonks. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Harry P. However, like most things in Harry's life, things don't quite go according to plan. "Oh my God!" Tonks jumped, frightened, when some vegetables she had been cooking in another pan suddenly popped out of it onto the floor. Harry has to go through the nine months of being pregnant, labor and raising both of his rivals. It wasn't a fool proof plan, but it was the best they had. At first he wasn't that worried but he became increasingly more concerned the longer Tonks was in the bathroom. "Yes, Harry?" she replied, more than a little aggravated as she reluctantly peeled her eyes open. Remus spoke up, "Nymphadora and I were never married Lily. What neither Ted or Andromeda knew was that James had put a mild compulsion charm on them so they would get more than others. He held her hand when she started to get nervous, and Tonks made it extremely clear that he would ask me to leave if I caused her any distress or tried to force her to do anything she didn't want to. Harry concurred. "Accio Stuffed Hippogriff!" Hermione smiled at the reminder, knowing how hard it could be to get Tonks to rise in the mornings. The rest of breakfast went by quickly. Nymphadora Tonks is the Health Professor of Hogwarts and feels the best way to teach the human reproductive system to the girls is through live demonstration with Harry Potter as her male assistant. MOD, Powerful, Intelligent Harry! Feb 24, 2025 · Nymphadora Tonks; Harry Potter; Teddy Lupin; Susan Bones; Andromeda Black Tonks; Ted Tonks; Hermione Granger; Summary. Teddy Lupin discovers the secret to his parentage and attempts to change things for the better by stopping the separation of his parents, Nymphadora Tonks and Harry Potter. " Arthur Weasley just gave his wife a knowing grin as she turned once more to shout at Harry and Tonks; Harry quickly decided to cut her off before she could get started. It had been three years since the final battle, and it was once again Harry Potter's birthday. . Most of Tonks' extended family was either dead or in Azkaban. It took him a few seconds to come to his senses and he ran over to her ands pulled her into a hug. There was absolutely no way she and Harry had had drunken sex, especially seeing as she was dating Ron and Harry was engaged to Ginny. She wrapped one hand around her warm tea-mug and let the other rest on top of her pregnant belly. While Tonks amused Harry with stories of her antics as a student, Harry shocked Tonks with tales of his multiple near-death experiences throughout his years in the castle. At first, there is a lot of tension between the two of them, until Tonks confronts him about it. They started falling again, but Tonks didn't lie back down. "I love you so much," he said burying his head in her shoulder. " Summary: As the Third Task draws near, Harry gets nervous. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 10,965 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 193 - Updated: 6/5/2010 - Published Harry, Tonks, Sirius and Dumbledore must unite the forces of the light to counter the darkness threatening to overwhelm them. ray id: php-api Tonks realized that it would be best to just get it over with and tell him. She smirked at the idea, "Dora! Teddy's hair is blue!" Harry calls from the nursery. After Harry saved her sister during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur shows her gratitude and proves once and for all that she no longer sees him as a little boy. I hope you'll like new chapter ;) Michi the Mischievous - I think it's very sweet that you read to your wife :)) I'm very glad you like the story and I hope you'll continue to read it Also with that Fleur helped Harry get some potions to help him bulk up to where he was supposed to be at his age. " Ron said before he felt himself start to come out of the potion induced state. The Decision. Tonks finds out she's pregnant and she's very happy about the news but Remus dosnt seem so happy. , N. " Harry said. Tonks - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,009 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 4/4/2011 - Published: 3/31/2011 - Status: Complete - id Jul 23, 1996 · The rest of that Saturday was spent with the two swapping light-hearted stories, ranging from their respective adventures at Hogwarts to their equally laughable love lives. " Tonks's father murmured. "I'm sorry. Teddy/Susan, Tonks/Harry/Fleur Pregnant, what a way to start my 7th and final year at Hogwarts. Oct 12, 2023 · One morning, after a particularly restless night, Ron decided he needed some expert advice. A/N Just a brief explanation about some changes to canon. To help him settle his nerves, Hermione comforts him which turns into a night of passion. " -Funshine Tonks. Fleur and Bill haven't had Victorie yet. All 6 of them landed on the floor of the "Oh you sweet boy," Tonks smiled softly at the gifts Harry had sent her. " "Actually, I'm right here," answered Tonks' bright voice. Harry vows he won't leave her or the baby, making a family. He gazed at it forlornly. They'll get it tonight, after we leave. "Remus" Harry said hugging him and Tonks. HBP is ignored here. (A) Help. To AnaGPotter: Yes, Ginny did get a new vein. Harry squatted down next to them opening his palm towards Hermione. I don't own anything related to Marvel or Harry Potter! Chapter 3. , Fleur D. "2 fingers of a traitor. Tonks took a deep breath and decided that she indeed had no other choice than to trust him. Jun 17, 2020 · And a Weasley to boot. " Harry's fork hit the plate with a clang and he stared at her with his mouth hanging down to the floor. May 1, 2017 · "Right. He won, but the second blood war destroyed the world, an in reality, he had lost everything. He walked on his knees to Tonks' side and gave her an awkward side hug. It was the safest way to guarantee that they wouldn't be mobbed by paparazzi, although once it did reach the ears of the public it didn't go over well until Harry and Tonks sold the rights to their names to Luna and her father. There was Fleur, looking beautiful. Tonks was pregnant! Why was Tonks pregnant, because his bloody wife convinced him that it would be safe. She glanced at the envelope. Tonks looked at Lupin and he met her eyes, seeing the excitement in hers. 13th March, 1998… It only took them two days to find Mykew Gregorovitch in Germany. The dam broke as Teddy started sobbing into his father's arms. Privacy. Ginny picked up the last present and slowly handed it to Harry "I wasn't originally planning on giving this to you yet, but things happened, so you get it now," Ginny said. Tonks] Sirius B. But that girl kept her head up her ass and married a jackass who abandoned her when he thought he'd knocked her up. - Tonks must get her lover pregnant this way. " Nov 24, 2012 · This is the Hawk-style version of the heavily overused Harry-gets-a-letter-from-dead-Sirius plotline and stuff happens due to this. Terms of Service. I rearranged the Black sisters' ages, Andromeda is oldest, already ran off with Ted, would've graduated this year if she stayed. Harry coming out of the water, carrying Gabrielle in his arms while Ron sputtered beside him. However Harry turned over in his sleep and her eyes widened again at seeing the numerous love bites adorning her best friend's chest. Not even five minutes later Harry, closely followed by Ginny, scrambled out of the fireplace. Thank you! "Well, Dumbledore and Harry dropped by my office a few days ago to work out a few things with me and Harry may have said something or another about Tonks. A metamorphagus is a witch or wizard who can change their appearance on their own free will. two years after the death of Sirius Black Harry gets an unexpected gift from the Black estate, Nymphadora Tonks As usual I own nothing, just the plot. More so when mom fed her potions to ensure a healthy male heir was born. Andromeda looked on in concern, what had happened that caused him to break down. "Yes," Harry said. Molly and Arthur went to make up a bed in a their spare room for Teddy, Remus and Tonks. ' 'Yes, Headmaster. How will Harry handle begin pregnant and a single father? What happens when he learns that Draco and Snape remember Harry raising them. Jun 16, 2012 · Harry/Tonks - I dunno, I just REALLY love this pairing, Tonks is one of my favorite characters, and I lik her with Harry the best (and if not, it has to be her with Lupin or Sirius, otherwise I will not like the story much. As Harry Potter and now Mrs. To AQuickRead91: Too much of a Muggle story LOL. Nymphadora Tonks; Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Fluff; Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot; pregnant Tonks; Pregnant Sex; Teasing; Memories; Summary. But I wrote my friends and the Order a letter. " Tonks moving, rocking and breathing through each contraction while Arthur alternated between holding her hand and giving pressure on her lower back which felt surprisingly good. We only pretended to protect the son she had eventually given birth to. Bill compared a pregnant Fleur to a horny, wild beast. Thank you! I wanted to give Bill and Fleur a lovely wedding (uninterrupted). The Order had gathered to confirm the mission to extract Harry from the Dursley's and bring him to the Burrow. Harry made a beeline for Teddy, swooping down and pulling him into his arms for a tight hug. Within moments, to her surprise, he made a loud moan. In between contractions she would lean on the table or countertop, resting her head in her hands and he would softly stroke her back, occasionally offering a sip of water. She could have cursed when Harry woke her after propping himself up on his forearm. When Andi felt his gaze upon her, she looked up and smiled at him. Harry must live up to his potential, cutting ties and making new bonds. Tonks and Remus headed down to the burrow with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. He got up and started pacing the room while muttering "no, it can't be," under his breath "What's wrong Remus?" Tonks asked "You're pregnant. " Fleur said as Tonks shrugged, Harry nodded before he walked off with the girls following him He won. " He did look ashamed, she noticed. Top. " The woman frowned and the silver pen she'd had in her hand turned into a full sized scythe. If you have to push, you push. Frankly, I hate the Remus/Tonks pairing and try to pretend it never existed. Tonks was ecstatic for Harry that he was still so close to the Weasley's despite breaking up with Ginny. Harry and Hermione shared a look before shrugging and started eating. "Tonks will have to get a statement but anytime Harry says done then it will be a very clear done. Tonks was pregnant. Harry said. They all greeted each other. " Thanks Venus for helping. Didn't think her actress suited Harry enters his 6th year of Hogwarts with new burdens on his shoulders. Finals happened and I was over my head. When Remus refuses to give Tonks the family she wants, they ask Harry to get her pregnant. "Let's elope," Harry suggested. Baby number two was on the way. Nope, I am not telling you who the mystery woman is. "It's okay, you may call me Remus outside of class. Nymphadora Tonks-Potter were married, she was pregnant in the second month. DISCONTINUED. Tonks didn't mind though, for the kitchen of the Burrow was cozy with candles spreading a soft light and warmth emanating from the stove. Harry took it and opened it, "The Greatest Aurors Ever, Thanks. ray id: php-api After the day's classes were completed, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to the Hospital Wing, only to find that Tonks wasn't there. Also harry deages back to 10 years old with a slight memory loss. "Harry guess what?" Tonks asked gleefully. And you are," Sirius ground out, annoyed, the disgust couldn't get it out of my head after I read a story where Bella is Harry's mother, but she gave him to James and Lily to keep him from Voldy. " The evening was chilly and wet and despite the season of late April, spring seemed far away. Yes! I love the idea of Harry mastering opening bras so seamlessly that he can get Ginny's bra open without her even realizing it. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. Coincidentally one Rita Skeeter was hold this day and the following in the ministry cells because of charges to be an illegal Animagus. Tonks, on the other hand, didn't want to face her deranged family. ' Tonks gave Dumbledore a nod, accompanied by a quick grin and walked out of the office with a swish of her robes. "Oh, Tonks," Harry sighed to no one. Though most witches and wizards tried to avoid this seedier side of the shopping district, her occupation as a healer and potions mistress demanded she visit, if only for the rare and valuable ingredients she could only find here, from the alley's less-than Nov 28, 2020 · Chapter 1: Going Trick or Treating! Harry Potter had always hated Halloween. Soon, her massive meat log was slamming back and forth in the vice grip of Harry's throat. This, however, has its consequences as Hermione finds out she's pregnant. Tonks and Kingsley had Auror business later that day, catching some criminal. Since things turned out so well with Teddy. "What? But I'm a man. Yes, I loved giving Harry a chance to see his parents and grandparents. Very much appreciated, Luna. Letting herself out, the front door closed and the two witches looked at one another. 'Miss Tonks, your bags have been delivered to your rooms; second floor professor's wing, you're in the suite next to Minervra. "You'll just have to get used to the facts Tonks. " They immediately snapped towards him and into his hand. Mother and child were not to be travelling by floo powder yet and Molly had also offered to help taking care of Teddy during the night, which Remus and Tonks had gratefully accepted. Hermione drank all of her pumpkin juice and started to feel funny. He did it. Bill, Fleur, and Victoire stayed for dinner. Tonks looked up after inspecting a photo album from the early 1600s and cautioned; "Thats a tiara, and Harry be careful just grabbing things. Of course, with Harry, nothing ever goes as planned. "Got all your books?" Sirius asked. Do you guys want food now or should we wait until we get home?" Harry aked. Tonks and Remus had a brief relationship after the events of The Half-Blood Prince, but it ended shortly after the start of summer. " "My w-wand," Harry asked. "I promise," Sirius stated. That was when Tonks remembered the letter. She looked at Harry and had a sudden urge to snog him senseless. Remus e Tonks si godono uno degli ultimi momenti di riposo, prima della nascita del piccolo Ted, ormai sempre più vicina. It would be his fault. He will get nicer later. She was exhausted and needed rest. Tonks went over to hang out with Hermione and Ginny, who had finished their last year at Hogwarts a year ago. " They heard Earlier with Tonks and Harry. The decision was made after Harry had picked up a tarnished tiara, and for some inexplicable reason, put the thing on his head. Ginny picked up the second present and passed it to him. Jan 1, 2024 · "Tonks was very attentive to her when I was there," Alphard answered. "We'll get married in France and then travel the world while everyone here parties and such. People do this all the time. "We forgot," Andromeda Tonks said with a sigh. Tonks. How that's done is for you to decide. "Tonks? he asked, hesitantly. If she can't control it, then it'll change all the time, repeatedly. When the Weasleys left, Harry guided Hermione to bed. She felt the next contraction coming on. Other than the fact that all three were stunningly gorgeous, what really made his breath catch was that all three were pregnant with his children. She had been so long without it, she felt naked and vulnerable. Harry sighed as he looked out over the party. Harry was happy though a bit worried when Fleur's name came out. Sure enough their son has bright blue hair. "I can wait. The full moon was shining brightly in the summer nighttime sky. They're celebrating now, Harry did it. "The instant she looked cold, he brought her a blanket. She raced in to find Harry cradling their son, a happy baby named Teddy after her father. So they headed to her quarters and knocked on to door. Warnings: MPREG Slash, don't like, don't read! Mild Ron Bashing in first couple of chap. "You're pregnant," Sirius blurted out, which then led to the other adults in the room glaring at the immature man. Story is unavailable for reading. If only she had faith in people taking the orders. However, Tonks didn't answer the door; Remus did. It doesn't really work, the fool that invented it ended up having to pay back lots of money because of them selling a fake spell. Remus Lupin and his wife Nymphadora Tonks walked up, "he's right Lily we had a secret that we really should've told him. Trying to breath, Harry felt all blood drain from her face. The flowers, her favorite Zinnias, were lovely and vibrant. Apr 1, 2019 · Chapter 1: Mother Knows Best. When they got home, they got some non-caffeinated drinks and went up to the game room where everyone but Harry and Nev were located. "If you loved me you'd help get out of this toilet," she said letting her mood get the best of her. He loves Bill. " Harry smiled softly, Teddy was admittedly surprisingly fond of Bill, always clambering over to him if he returned home before Tonks or Harry went to pick him up. And yes, I'm sure Theo would have danced with Harry. While the women looked something like her torturer, she was different enough that she quickly realized they were not the same person. May 10, 2019 · Harry found herself liking the healer even more. " Tonks joked. " Harry snatched her up and spun her around and they were tackled by all the ladies. The honor goes to JK Rowling Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - N. Mohamed laughed until he cried at Harrys shocked face as he went down in a pile. He looked at the ground after a moment before saying, "Goodbye Tonks. This is my first story. they heard as they looked up to see the couple and their son Teddie being held by Tonks. "Already trying to get the two of us into a room?" "Don't give me hope," Harry said with a dramatic sigh. But then Remus lifted the cloth and they saw that it was a boy. POV will be changing throughout, and will be more with Harry and Hermione the older they get. Harry jumped in surprise, and his heart was Dec 7, 2006 · (HBP5) Harry at first supposes that she is distraught over Sirius' death but finds out later (HBP29) that she has fallen in love with Remus Lupin. " Lily's eyes widened, "Teddy is my grand baby?" "I'm pregnant. The moment Harry said the word 'up' with conviction, the broom flew into his outstretched hand as if it just been waiting for him to ask. Nymphadora tonks finds harry and becomes a mother figure to him. Her address was underneath. When some of the girls require additional lessons, Tonks assigns them Harry to them as a "private tutor" of sorts. , Narcissa M. John Wolfe Challenge. Summary: Halloween has never been a regular holiday for Harry. It pained Remus deeply to find the messy signature of his beloved wife- or ex-wife- Nymphadora Tonks already there. They work past their differences and Tonks helps Harry to take his life in his own hands, instead of letting people running it for him. " Harry said nodding his head retaining the cold tone of his voice. I dropped my glamour and got some pictures taken and well the rest will soon be history. He couldn't get the fear that it would happen to this one. I could see Harry freaking out the first time our baby changed hair colors. Harry/Susan - Another one I like largely because of fanfiction and how people write Susan. During Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts, Tonks was stationed there along with Aurors Proudfoot, Savage, and Dawlish to guard the school. He'd been out looking for thestrals to use some of their hair for his newest wands. He must become a much more powerful Wizard and overcome powerful Death eaters as well as coping with love. A/N: Takes place a couple days after Tonks gives birth to Teddy. Cookies. Unconsciously, she placed one of her hands above her abdomen. "I wonder where you are right now. Madam Pomfrey helped with that by giving Harry check ups every few weeks. A very bored looking Ted Remus Lupin, whose hair was chaniging from, green to pink to blue, was sitting on his mother's lap, with his head and back leaning against her stomach for support. Hopefully a good read in spite of this boring premise Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Harry P. Tonks was beginning to get impatient. Maybe next time he wouldn't wake her up and Tonks was freaked out and made the quick potion in double time. Recommended: - Tonks/FemHarry (I actually wanted to make FemHarry a requirement but decided against that as I'm sure others aren't as big of fans as I am of the pairing. Remus had no doubts about that but this baby. " Molly gave Tonks a soft kiss on the forehead. Then he kissed her and the baby, and she kissed him back and someone in the room asked if it was a boy or a girl, and Tonks found herself thinking that it didn't matter, it was their baby. The Halloween in his seventh year is no exception. Good luck to the pair of you, I expect a progress report by half term. "Yup. It was in the past though. You're going to have a daughter in a few months. And I haven't had sex," Harry said, shocked. That day everyone was heading out to the Burrow. , Albus D. Tonks and Ted just looked on unsure how to act towards their newest family member. I don't own Harry Potter. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and no profit is made from this. "but seriously let's get a room to talk in. The next few months went on normally. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 79,306 - Reviews: 428 - Favs: 1,802 - Follows: 1,856 - Updated: 11 Jul 6, 2017 · While Harry is taken to Grimmauld Place before his fifth year, he meets Tonks. To SeriouslySam: It has been a while Harry and Remus had a nice normal chat, hasn't it? Happy this chapter had so many Suddenly Tonks remembered that Harry didn't know about them getting married. He Floo-called his mother, seeking her wisdom on how to best care for a pregnant Hermione. HP. Mrs. So hey, this is my Don't be scared, Tonks, she told herself. Stirring a sauce in the pan, she got herself reminiscing on her Hogwarts days and the Potions class, which she was actually not really good at, just enough to get the grades she needed to become an Auror. "Sorry Tonks," said Remus hurriedly. He's the son of Harry Potter and Nymphadora Tonks. Changes to timeline: voldemort was defeated when violet (harry) was 20 and she was very injured so it is taking a long time to recover, got pregnant only a month after killing voldemort ( was raped) and yeah! The Philosopher's Stone Retransmuted by Regulus [Complete Formatting completely fixed now!] Book 1 in the RSeries, an AU rewrite. It was sad for Tonks to watch her family slowly fall like Sirius had. Finally time to reunite with his family he instead finds himself in the past where his alternative self is a girland it somehow has made him one to? Fem!Harry/Tonks/Hermione. You love each other and you wanted this before. Tonks, Harry P. Jul 6, 2018 · Teddy Tonks-Lupin should have been Teddy Tonks-Potter. She barely noticed the frantic Dobby as he moved her to her room, gently placing her on her bed. (B) Help. "Hello, Re-, I mean Professor," said Harry. Harry took the bag and put Harry saw movement and his eyes glanced over to the three lovely ladies lounging in their own special part of the family's beach area. Even worse is being a pregnant man. But in the dream world? Here, the crowds melted away and she kissed him deeply. " Tonks closed her eyes as the urge impended upon her and this time she gave in to the feeling and pushed down. Potter smiled, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have said so. My son, Tonks thought, off course you're my son. She, Harry Potter, was pregnant. He didn't know that male pregnancy was possible in the wizarding world. "I'm pregnant" Tonks said. Harry and Tonks had decided to just elope instead of go through the big ceremony. He'd signed it, feeling he owed at least that to Tonks. "Well, some wizards can get pregnant. Accio Ron's fingers. " Tonks said. As she gets older, she'll have to get registered with the Ministry, and take a couple classes there, to help her control it. They had to get Harry to safety before he turned seventeen and the protection over the Dursley's house wore off. "Shit, lost my temper. End of flashback "Tonks, dear, that spell was a fad amongst parents. The duo ran up the stairs to Nymphaora's room, so they dig through their plastic pumpkins full of sweets and chocolate. She prodded the owl with her wand, checking its diagnostics.