Chaffee county times. Chaffee County Homes.
Chaffee county times Toby was born on Dec. To view our · Bring gardening questions to the Chaffee County CSU Extension office: 185 Quigot Court, northwest corner of the Chaffee County Fairgrounds. 6,415 likes · 132 talking about this. 24, with seven racers representing Buena Vista High School. Call The Times at 719-395-8621 and ask for the editor, or email the editor at editor@ChaffeeCountyTimes. Latest Special Edition · The Chaffee Housing Authority announced Feb. FAIR plan to provide ‘last resort’ The Chaffee County Times. on Friday, Nov. “From Nov. Ann Hunter Senff, 90, died Feb. · The Chaffee County Democrats sent The Mail this photo Oct. Some examples include prioritizing an economy that supports working families as well as sustainable tourism, conserving our natural resources and agricultural lands, and opportunities for · Pre-evacuation notices are in place for the Lost Canyon (CR 30), and Chaffee County areas north of CR 390 to the county line (Cache Creek, Clear Creek. Sue Cobb and Mark Jenkins (absent) are sworn on to the board of trustees. After a long standoff, Friddle eventually exited · Chaffee County Times. Local Events Most Popular Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; BV Made to host open house March 8 · chaffeecountytimes. T. 30, more than 400 Chaffee County Times. com · The evening of May 22 was a celebration of perseverance and determination as Chaffee County High School matriculated its 33rd graduating class of six. com · The Chaffee County Community Foundation (CCCF) announced the opening of its 2025 grant cycle on Jan. ” · The Board of Chaffee County Commissioners met on Jan. Latest Special Edition · Who knew that, quietly, a Douglas County marxist plan of "doing what is best for the county," cloaked in WOKE speech of "15 Minute Cities" and "Keeping Cities Cities and Rural Areas Rural" superseded Chaffee County private property owners' rights? · In her brilliant editorial (Ark VV Dec. Candidate responses are printed as they are received, with edits only for spelling, style and grammar. ” Abatement work included the removal of lead-based and lead-containing paint, the removal of the drop ceiling to expose the original 1930s ceiling, and the abatement of · Barbara was born on March 11, 1934, at the Cook County Hospital Chicago, IL. When asked whether this was a conflict of interest, Held said with a laugh, “You need to talk to the county attorney. 13, the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office and the Buena Vista Police Department were dispatched to an alleged domestic violence assault in the BV area, Sheriff Andy Rohrich told the Times that Mr. Attendees can drop in · The Chaffee County Times will adhere to the following guidelines concerning letters to the editor about elections including candidates and ballot issues:. 5. , drew Jamerson earned her ticket to Nationals three times, taking the gold in 4. Local Events Most Popular Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; Jason Marsden died of natural causes, SPD reports · Voter turnout came to around 21 percent, with 2,547 ballots submitted (1,366 online and 1,219 by mail). · Chaffee citizens and county government began this process 6 years ago updating the comprehensive plan adopted in 2020. Pleasant Street. 10 in Salida. Authorities in Mississippi reported in a press release Dec. CHA Interim Director Marjo Curgus said since · Favorite dessert and lunch spot: Sorelle Delicatessen. ” · Then reach out to info@garna. Moltrer reported that four passengers of the rafting van, the driver of the F150 and Stensland were not wearing seat belts. In both myth and reality, Christmastime entails a lot of travel for Santa, especially Mountain Santas like Bobbie. Joann spent the · The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 55 recently hosted a successful fundraising event aimed at raising funds for the Annual Independence Day fireworks display and the Four Pillars of the American Legion: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. 11 meeting. Local Events Most Popular Cattlemen’s Assn. Hartsel resident Howard Delgado, 65, was issued a citation on charges of Speeding 10-19 MPH Over the posted limit in the area of County Road 317 May 10. To view our · Chaffee County Times. “It’s definitely an experience I’ll · Ballots will be mailed to all coop members in mid-April with instructions on how to cast their vote. Public transportation is one of the safest ways to travel and it is ten times safer per mile than traveling by car. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on · New Chaffee County commissioners were sworn in and departing commissioners were commended for their service to the county during a regular Board of County Commissioners meeting Jan. Latest Special Edition Chaffee County Homes. “Education takes a lot of different forms, and one of them is public service,” Verderaime said. To Wit: “Procedural due process” concerns the procedures that the government must follow before it deprives an individual of life, liberty, or property. · As the board contemplates its 2025 budget, Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation CEO Jake Rishavy gave an update on the EDC’s activity as part of a request for continuing funding into the next year. 5 · “As is the case for most regions across Colorado, Chaffee County property values are showing substantial double-digit increases,” Chaffee County Assessor Rick Roberts said in the release. Receive our newspaper electronically with the e-Edition email. · ~Maisie Ramsay, Times staff writer. The county had an area of 950 square miles and an estimated population of 13,000. 21, 2025, at home while under hospice care with her oldest son, Richard (Butch) Senff present. Favorite Non-Profit, Favorite Animal Rescue: Ark-Valley Humane Society. · Chaffee County Fire arrived in California on Saturday with a team of six firefighters, joining a Strike Team of Colorado engines to support firefighting operations on the three major fires that sparked on Jan. Born on November 15, 1945, in Denver, Colo. The Complex is located at 200 Steele Drive, and the meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 a. Our expertise in targeted marketing, social media, and content-driven campaigns ensures that businesses of all sizes can · The Demons had a successful week on the court, with consecutive wins over Lake County and Ellicott. Latest Special Edition Chaffee County · Chaffee Arts’ inaugural Buena Vista Art Walk drew more than 50 artists to shops, galleries and open spaces along East and South Main on Saturday, Oct. Musk wanting your information, he is probably worth more than all combined assets in Chaffee County, thus he has no need for your information. Buena Vista Town Trustee Candidate Forum, Tuesday, March 5, from 5-7 p. According to a press release from County Sheriff Andy Rohrich, a tip came from the U. The Chaffee County Times will adhere to the following guidelines concerning letters to the editor about elections including candidates and ballot issues:While our standard policy is 500 words or less for letters to the editor, we will limit election letters to 250 words for the primary election (June 25), the Chaffee County Commissioners’ election (Nov. Barbara met her loving husband Edward Eugene Stauffer in Buena Vista and were married in Yuma, AZ, on March 21, 1953, while Edward was stationed in San Diego, CA while in the Navy. 1. Toby was a graduate of Buena Vista High School and was born to Jeffrey Camp and Denise Sanchez (McBeth). Buena Vista and the Collegiate Peaks got a healthy serving of snow overnight on Sunday, Nov. The in-person Open House will be held 4-7 p. SDCEA members should cast their votes by mail or online by 1 p. Monica Pless is the Director of Chaffee County CSU Extension. From left, candidates seeking two open seats on the three-member board are Dave Armstrong (District 2), Gina Lucrezi (District 1), Mason, Tom McCracken · The Chaffee County Patriots will host a traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage dinner with all the fixings on March 14 for $20 per person. Chaffee County Times. Springs passed away after a valiant battle against Parkinson’s disease on Sunday, December 1, 2024, surrounded by his family. The rewrite of the land use code began shortly after that and has undergone multiple reviews with the public and incorporation of their thoughts and ideas. Latest · Mississippi authorities apprehend two persons of interest. com 209 E. · BV Racing kicked off their season in Leadville on Saturday, Aug. The program is designed to support first responders across Chaffee, Lake, Custer, Fremont and Saguache counties. 14, he’ll be at Rocky Top Toys and Gifts in Leadville, and on Dec. Law enforcement officials reported "only a handful" of sign tampering so far in this election season. While taking public transit, customers can catch up on reading · On Sept. Latest Special Edition Chaffee County Homes · Looking at Chaffee County, we’ve got fire protection classes from class 4 to class 10, with 10 being the most dangerous in the eyes of insurers. chaffeecountytimes. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left · Chaffee County Times. Increased productivity. Rodriguez, Times reporter; May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022 Updated May 23, 2023; 0; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; Libby Fay is sworn into the position as mayor. The passenger, a 15-year-old female, was thrown from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene, DeAntonio said. · View the Chaffee County Times for Thursday, February 6, 2025 · The Colorado Bureau of Investigation, along with the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, is investigating an officer-involved shooting that left a suspect, Richard Chad Borrego, 54, of Pueblo with a gunshot wound to the shoulder on Jan. com · Chaffee County Times. Main St. June 12. 16 of a political sign that was vandalized in Chaffee County. 21 meeting, the Chaffee County Commissioners considered the Chaffee County Sustainable Development Plan for approval. In our third of four installments, candidates discuss their engagement with constituents and the personal and professional experience that will help them be effective commissioners. 14. He recently talked about both, among other things, with me on We Are Chaffee’s “Looking Upstream” podcast. Local Events Most Popular Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; BV Made to host open house March 8 · Chaffee County Combined Court documents report that, between and including Oct. With the rest of the summer still ahead, BVEC is looking forward to their future concerts and events. For detailed explanations of candidate guidelines, · OPEN SKATE 4-6 p. “Growth is inevitable, but · Chaffee County Times. · Trustee Peter Hylton-Hinga asked if the Chaffee County Fire Protection District had been consulted to determine how the traffic increase would impact first responder response times. Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more. · Working as a staff reporter at The Chaffee County Times differs somewhat from Hannah Harn’s previous exploits in journalism, but it also offers some motivating rewards. The debate then traveled to the What’s Happening in Buena Vista Facebook group. · The Chaffee County Times e-Edition. Near the end of the discussion, Felt addressed a theme that resurfaced several times during the lengthy hearing process, including twice on Tuesday from Brian O’Connell and Blane Clark, that · Marsden later would become executive director of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, which Shepard’s parents, Dennis and Judy, established soon after their son’s death. Porter IV and advertising sales director Vickie Sue Vigil, the initial issue highlights the Sawatch and Mosquito ranges · As Buena Vista, Chaffee County, and Colorado in general continue to grow in population, the Trustees have to prioritize choices that foster those values. But he also had many exciting years of globe-traveling as a rarely skilled kayaker-slash-adventure photographer. We’ve seen carriers who have previously written insurance policies for classes as high as 10 completely stop writing property coverage altogether in · Anyone listed here who subsequently has charges dropped or is found to be innocent can contact the The Chaffee County Times, and this updated information will be published. Wendy Gordon, the former “and only” senior natural resources planner for the county, commented during the meeting that she was “stunned” to learn the plan was on the agenda. The Colorado State Patrol’s investigation is still in early stages. · chaffeecountytimes. At least 50 percent of the truck drivers will be Chaffee County residents. 36 voted in favor of it. The Commissioners have no regular agenda items or active projects slated for Tuesday's meeting. School board adjusts policies to reflect Title IX changes. . , Salida, CO 81201. Wood expressed his support for the organizations and agencies in the county. The Landfill Committee presented planned expansions of the landfill. Latest Special Edition · Interestingly, a relatively new far-right LTE writer who is a key person in the Chaffee County Patriots and creator/administrator of the far-right Facebook page, Chaffee County Message Board, has a criminal history including misrepresentation and perjury. “Everybody seems to be in a positive, good place, and we’re moving forward and trying to do some good things for the community and grow as a district,” Jones said. NAMI CHAFFEE COUNTY - An in-person Family Support Group meeting held every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 6-7:30 p. · Affording a single-family detached home in Chaffee County would require an annual income of $199,008, or 248 percent of the area median income, Curgus said. The Pearl was later granted its local landmark designation in May 2024. Latest Special Edition · However, in Chaffee County 50. – 5:30 p. Local Events Most Popular BVPD chief addresses rumors about immigrant ‘round-ups’ Trustees hear proposal on geothermal, request apron funding · Toby Landon Camp, 25, of Chaffee County, Colo. Wood made proclamations to outgoing Commissioners · As a precaution, Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office is putting in a pre-evacuation notice to residents and recreators who are in the area from Clear Creek Reservoir North to the Chaffee County/Lake County line, according to a press release from Beth Helmke, deputy director of administration, sent at 12:06 p. 17, McClead said. And before the existence of Chaffee County Search and Rescue, he would pack in and help search when needed. Buena Vista, CO 81211 Phone: (719) 395-8621 Email: editor@chaffeecountytimes. 19 meeting of the Chaffee County Board of Commissioners in Buena Vista, Commissioners heard feedback on this year’s Renewal Festival and approved a multi-year permit for a festival in Salida. Growing up in Buena Vista, Main Street was still a dirt road. 4. Language that is categorically breaking a lot of hearts and changing a lot of folk’s sense of safety in their own homes. · Beyond journalism, we are committed to helping local businesses grow through innovative marketing solutions. Safety closures help decrease delay times, and, above all, keep travelers safe. · The Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation hosted its annual Ascent Launch event on Thursday, Feb. 30, 2,547 ballots have been received for the county’s various November elections. 22, 1998. “Those guys (Lake County) brought the energy early,” said coach Randy Flores. You can return your ballot to a 24-hour ballot drop box in Chaffee County or by mail. 3, Chaffee County Coroner Jeff Graf identified the passenger as Justin Stensland, 49, of Salida. Call Chaffee County Public Health at 719-539-4510, to register for the free event. · Lance Sawyer, Alice Sawyer, Marv Cordova, Holly Cordova, Buena Vista Recreation director Shane Basford, Chaffee County Fire Protection District Battalion Chief Cheston Hart, Buena Vista Mayor Pro Tem Devin Rowe, Chaffee Fire Chief Blaine Schumacher and Great Outdoors Colorado regional program director Dan Omasta break ground on the Billy Cordova · Then, the top five scorers in that test gave brief presentations about their essays and answered follow-up questions from a panel of judges including Buena Vista Mayor Libby Fay, Chaffee County Commissioner Keith Baker, Chaffee County Times Editor Hannah Harn, Buena Vista Public Library executive director Cecilia LaFrance and Ark Valley Voice · The travel to Yuma is a challenge in itself, sitting on a bus that long, but we've faced tough tasks numerous times this season, so we have to be ready to go out and compete. First, in the next installment of our free quarterly EDC Insights speaker series, powered by TBK Bank, we'll learn about efforts and initiatives underway today that could meaningfully address what is estimated to be a 1100-unit shortfall in workforce · Tim Brown might be most known for his tintype photography these days. On Dec. pless@colostate. 719-539-6447 or monica. Jeff Lindsey, district attorney for the 11th Judicial District, has charged Hayes with official misconduct, official oppression and harassment, each a Class 1 misdemeanor. Looking Upstream, and We Are Chaffee as a whole, is a tool for checking our biases and, like I said, the facades of division. Adam Williams hosts the "We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream" podcast every other Tuesday. 4. · The Ford rotated clockwise and overturned 2-and- a -half times before coming to rest on its roof. After taking some R & R time, he officially joined the Times staff in August. Elmo in western Chaffee County. The big thing we need to do is find a dedicated source of funding chaffeecountytimes. 8 in Garfield. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. Once completed, the Wildfire Protection Plan is projected to cost $65 million to implement, financed by local and state taxes, federal agencies and grants and utility companies. · Trucking the water to Arrowhead Water's Denver bottling plant began Aug. · Casey Martin, on behalf of the Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation, moderated the talk. com. From small businesses to major brands like 3M, Ben & Jerry’s, and Road America, we provide cutting-edge digital advertising strategies that drive results. · The Chaffee County Fire Protection District took on a new interim fire chief in October. ” During the six-week closure, signs at access points will direct boaters, rafters and others traveling instream how to avoid the · Chaffee County sheriff’s deputies arrested Juan Jose Avila Hernandez, 23, of Mexico in Buena Vista on Feb. “I think we could have anywhere from 10 to 100 megawatts in this valley. · The Chaffee County Times is a newspaper based in Chaffee County, Colorado. · At their Jan. Local Events Most Popular Trustees uncomfortable with high-density housing proposal as written · The plan is for that building to be owned and managed by the Chaffee Housing Authority, but that plan hinges on how Chaffee County residents vote on two housing-related ballot measures coming before voters next month. He has a doctorate in educational leadership and moved to Chaffee County to raise his three boys close to the outdoors. The main goal is to bring the building back to working condition. On Aug. 11 regular meeting, approved engagement with CSG Forte for processing payments for online building and planning permits, approved a construction easement, then heard an appeal for the denial of the Shaw Guest Ranch application by JTS Development LLC. Casey graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder last May, majoring in journalism. “One of the things I love about being a reporter in a town this small is that I can run across the street to ask the town clerk a question about what happened at the meeting last night, or I can walk to the school board · Chaffee County commissioners, in their Feb. “This is, obviously, down the road, depending on funding and all that,” Groy said. Susan Axe, also on the board, has been part of AVMAD since the beginning. 4, defeating the Lake County Panthers 59-54 in overtime. · Michael A. , Monday through Thursday. · The Chaffee County Board of Commissioners voted to deny the special event permit for a music festival that was to take place two weeks before the Renewal at the Meadows west of Buena Vista. Local Events Most Popular Jason Marsden found dead in F Street home; From the Mile High City to the mountains: Why new residents are flocking to Buena Vista · chaffeecountytimes. ” Chaffee County Homes. Smith, Chaffee County Times reporter; Nov 8, 2024 Nov 8, 2024 · chaffeecountytimes. The board was cracked in the middle where the date was, so it was hard to tell the exact age. · BV Schools Superintendent Lisa Yates announced on Feb. “I think we are watching and · Water is on the agenda for The Buena Vista Board of Trustees’ Feb. BV Made to host open house March 8. · Chaffee County Commissioners approved a draft second amendment in a settlement agreement that lays out a plan to revegetate Hill Ranch near Nathrop. More commonly known as Colorado pinyon, two-needled piñon, pinyon pine or Rocky Mountain pinyon pine, the piñon is typically 15 to 45 feet tall with green needles between one and four inches. On Jan. View the Chaffee County Times for Thursday, March 13, 2025 · During the Feb. 21. Growing up in the valley, I’ve seen many changes with our ever-growing population and the rise of tourism. While our standard policy is 500 words or less for letters to the editor, we will limit election letters to 250 words for the Buena Vista Board of Trustees election (April 2), the Sangre de Cristo Electric Association board of directors · Anna Hendricks, the program director for the Chaffee County Community Foundation asked the board to recommend a trustee for the organization’s 2025 Grant Review Committee, which reviews applications from area nonprofits for grants from the CCCF fund. Friddle was barricaded for about 2 hours, nailing the doors shut. The eye-catching pieces of public art were the direction Buena Vista should move in as it beautifies · These 21 homes would nearly double the number of homes the Housing Trust has built in Chaffee County. on Election Day, November 5, 2024. The Demons faced their neighbors to the north on Feb. Dr. 11. at the Salida United Methodist Church - 228 E. Look how far we’ve come,” Nyberg said. CPW called to notify CCCA president Deane LaRue that a female wolf had entered the area around Nathrop and left on Saturday, Jan. com · To address an emerging trend of inquiries related to the recent and ongoing measles outbreak in neighboring states to Colorado, Chaffee County Public Health put out a press release March 4. The coalition’s first meeting, set for Thursday, Jan. 7, t he American Automobile Association reported the average price for regular unleaded fuel in Chaffee County was $3. In late 2024 they were told, for fiscal year 2025, they cannot hire seasonal temporary employees, utilized during summer months, to accommodate the vacation season and the large crowds that visit our Public Lands then. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left · Dubin also is speaking at the Chaffee County Fairgrounds at 5:30 p. · The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) warned backcountry travelers through a Feb. The visit was part of a trip to Chaffee County that included stops at the grand re-opening of the historic McGinnis Gym and the Jewel Ball. Here are some of the takeaways that were not in the February 14 article. 1 through the current date, just over $200,000 has been raised. Latest Special Edition · Chaffee County Road and Bridge announced on Oct. The results were certified on June 6 by an SDCEA board-appointed election and credential committee. The board will discuss making small amendments to the town’s water allocation policy and hear an update on its water conservation policy from water engineer Al Smith of Swiftwater Solutions. Kira Jones, who has been with the department since 2014, stepped into the role on Oct. 3, and Monday, Nov. 24 at Salida Community Center discussed issues including transitioning to home ownership, building generational wealth, lowering building costs and increasing collaboration and coordination. · The Park County Sheriff's Office also completed a criminal investigation of the incident at the request of Chaffee County Sheriff Andy Rohrich, according to the release. · These recent cuts are additional to significant austerity efforts already being imposed on these agencies. Local Events Most Popular Local group marches for values; Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; BV · The Crossing development north of Crossman Avenue is planning to have 14 homes available by the end of 2025 that will be available for qualified buyers through the Chaffee Housing Trust. Andrea Carlstrom, CCPH director, said the Coalition has been years in the making. “What is nice is that we can launch in this small spot. Donations are encouraged. · Chaffee County Clerk and Recorder Lori Mitchell reported that, as of Oct. Ballots due by 7 p. She can be reached at monica. Local Events Most Popular CCPH confirms avian flu case in local waterfowl; Stolba retires after 42 years in dispatch · Cailey McDermott, Mountain Mail editor Hannah Harn, Chaffee County Times editor Max R. Local Events Most Popular Trustees uncomfortable with high-density housing proposal as written · CarbonKicker ultimately hopes to expand to the Front Range and beyond, but Vallier said that rural Chaffee County has served as an excellent incubator for the concept and in praised the Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation for its assistance. · Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen visited Chaffee County on Thursday, Oct. com · The Chaffee County Community Foundation celebrated Giving Tuesday on Dec. · This week, the Times continues with responses from our county commissioner candidates, discussing their plans for engaging with county staff, agencies and departments and what they expect and hope to see on early agendas if they take office. coop. org to be put on the list for times and meeting points. As residents, we must consider how these sweeping changes will shape the county’s future. As the crow files, it is barely more than a mile to the lake yet the route wanders through steep wetlands that slowly wash away with each boot imprint in the squishy, muddy ground. · A Chaffee County housing town hall meeting Aug. · On June 12, the Chaffee County Sheriff's office issued a pre-evacuation notice to residents and recreators in the area north of Clear Creek Reservoir to the Lake/Chaffee County line. 23, 2025. 26 that their March monthly meeting will feature a panel on immigrant services in Chaffee County. Latest Special Edition · Beth Mason, who is running for the District 1 seat on the Chaffee County Board of Commissioners, answers a question at a town hall forum hosted by the Chaffee County Patriots on Friday, Oct. 16 about the potential expansion of Clear Creek Reservoir from Pueblo Water and Colorado Springs Utilities. 15, 2022, Smith “unlawfully and knowingly observed or took a photograph of the intimate parts of (the victim) without the victim’s consent “in a situation where the victim had a reasonable expectation of privacy. NAMI CHAFFEE COUNTY - An in-person Family Support Group meeting held every 2nd and 4th · The Chaffee County Fair & Rodeo is right around the corner, with fun for the whole family, including 4-H projects, kids’ games, July 27, mutton bustin’, steer riding and the CPRA Rodeo & Mini Broncs will all make repeat performances at the same times as July 26. , passed away peacefully on November 30, 2024, at the age of 79. on June 3 to ensure they are counted. Share your photos with the Times at editor@chaffeecountytimes. Local Events Most Popular Local group marches for values · Chaffee County Quilts of Valor recognized two local veterans on Friday, Feb. · Lewis also cited the story of the Summitville Mine, now a superfund site, in Rio Grande County in the 1980s. · Vern Plackner of Chaffee Fire read the general orders issued in 1868 by John Logan, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, a group of Union Army veterans, designating May 30 of that year a day for “strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every · Chaffee County Times. The Bureau of Reclamation indicates Pueblo Reservoir is 72. Latest Special Edition · Reports on the East Slope remained in-line with 2022’s numbers at 905 reports in the Northeast Region and 696 in the Southeast Region (which includes Chaffee County). , on January 11. · After publishing a story about Grumpus Crawl and their plans to fundraise for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County this year, the Times saw more than 100 comments on the article. Local Events Most Popular BVPD chief addresses rumors about immigrant ‘round-ups’ Trustees hear proposal on · Sponsored by Central Colorado Writers, the Buena Vista Public Library, the Salida Regional Library and the Lake County Public Library, the contest will award $400 for first place and $150 for two runners-up. · DISCOVER is being sent to subscribers of The Mountain Mail in Salida, The Chaffee County Times in Buena Vista and Leadville’s Herald Democrat. 19. Light food and refreshments will be provided. Once we submit the 1041 application, we have to go silent. 904, and the national average was · The Chaffee County Commissioners will hold their final meeting of the year at the new Chaffee County Public Safety Complex on Tuesday, Dec. She is survived by her youngest sister Lynn Hunter Gerber of Ohio, daughter Leesa Hobbs, and son Butch Senff both o · To address an emerging trend of inquiries related to the recent and ongoing measles outbreak in neighboring states to Colorado, Chaffee County Public Health put out a press release March 4. Skip to main content. Comments spanned from concerns about the zoning of individual property and the speed of the plan’s public review process to questions about impacts on agriculture and ranching and · To encourage open dialogue, CMC is hosting a meeting at the Chaffee County Forster Academic Center, 27900 County Road 319, Buena Vista, on March 26, 2025, from 5:30–7 p. · I also read the Chaffee County Times article covering that debate and appreciate the word getting out to others in our Valley. · The Chaffee County Times shared a survey with the five candidates for Chaffee County Commissioner. “It’s been an honor to be a town trustee and serve the citizens of Buena Vista,” Lucrezi said. To view our latest e-Edition · Chaffee County Public Health director Andrea Carlstrom said that thanks to years of being strategic in diversifying its funding sources, the county agency is “cautiously optimistic” about weathering a potential loss of federal spending on public health programs. During a safety closure, traffic may be stopped on the interstate, turned around or directed to an exit. · “CPW is excited to complete this important project and grateful to our partners, including the Chaffee County Board of County Commissioners, which provided $100,000 toward the $1. The rest are new to the team,” said coach · Chaffee County Public Health announced the official launch of the Chaffee County Behavioral Health Coalition. Commissioner Greg Felt was the sole “no” vote on the motion to deny the permit. 21 not to reinstate her · Chaffee County Fire calls 'significantly increased' in 2024. Chaffee County Judge Diana Bull presided over the swearing-in of new commissioners, and Commissioner P. 0 Women’s Doubles with partner Charlotte Karls (age 55-59), 4. 9. Princeton Lodge #49 - Danielle Neufeld, Andrew Cunningham, Peyton Wakefield, Emilia Brooker, Elijah Flowers. “It’s super exciting. Then reach out to info@garna. Local Events Most Popular Local group marches for values; Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; BV · Mount Princeton Geothermal performed similar seismic research on land in central Chaffee County years ago and is now in the permitting process with the state to begin drilling test wells for a potential 10-megawatt plant. He is survived by husband and partner of 26 years Guy Padgett; mother Denise Marsden Padgett; sister Shawn VanHaelen; nephews Hunter VanHaelen and Fletcher VanHaelen; niece Marley VanHaelen; aunt Cheryl Marsden Beilke; uncles Terry Marsden and Mike Romsdahl; and cousins Kathie · In the final, multi-part question of the Chaffee County Times’ survey for county commissioner candidates, Gina Lucrezi (District 1), Beth Mason (District 1), Tom McCracken (District 2), Dave Armstrong (District 2) and Norm Nyberg (District 1) discuss the biggest issues facing Chaffee County, how they would direct county staff to address them and measure progress and what government or · Chaffee County commissioners heard reports from the Landfill Committee and several county departments during a work session Feb. Buena Vista, Colorado's hometown newspaper. Latest Special Edition · Pinus edulis, a tree species in the pinacaceae family, is among the most common trees surrounding Buena Vista. We have · Chaffee County Search and Rescue North held its second annual community debrief Thursday at the Buena Vista Community Center, bringing together representatives from CCSAR-N and other backcountry stewardship and safety groups to discuss their activity during the summer season. “If anybody has any thoughts or concerns, if you wake up at 3 a. 189. com · According to my copy of the 1883 Colorado Mining Directory, there were at least 207 mines in Chaffee County in 1883. 17, with only one item for approval beyond the minutes and consent agenda. on Nov. 7, 2025. How do you plan to engage with county staff, and what agencies, departments and/or intergovernmental groups most interest you? · “I think there’s a great energy potential here in Chaffee County,” he says. Representatives from Chaffee County, Poncha Springs, Salida and Buena Vista governments as well as local business leaders were in attendance. Arsenic was used to extract gold, and the lined water holding ponds leaked, polluting the Alamosa River. · Due to the large number of waterfowl throughout Chaffee County, CCPH wants to ensure the public is informed. · It was also therefore the last meeting for Gina Lucrezi as a trustee, who will join P. 1, 2024. The development is approved for 75 apartments and 6 condominiums. No. · A group of about 10 people took to Main Street Tuesday to brave stiff winds and “march for their values. · Chaffee County Commissioners approved the new Chaffee County Land Use Code Tuesday. On Oct. Latest Special Edition · Free income tax return help is available in Buena Vista for eligible taxpayers. Bond was set at $25,000. Local Events Most Popular Local group marches for values; Rainbow banner removed from CUCC; BV · A safety closure is a precaution taken during inclement weather to reduce the probability of traffic incidents, increased congestion or other safety-related factors. “We had some really good athletes and it was an all-around good show. Open 7:30 a. In the spirit of constructive dialogue, I would like to address a few areas where Democratic policies might benefit from further discussion and refinement. With demonstrations, live Chaffee County Times. The release stated, “Since late January, the Texas Department of State Health Services has been responding · Celebrate local businesses, people and events with this special edition from the Chaffee County Times, News. 7 on multiple felony warrants from Oklahoma. Prop. Local Events · The Chaffee County League of Women Voters announced Feb. Cottonwood Pass crosses the Continental Divide at 12,120 feet, connecting Chaffee and Gunnison counties on Chaffee County Road 306 and Gunnison County Road 209. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Chaffee County, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. · 68% at St. The five-day tournament, held in Rockwall, Tex. Reservoir Storage. 30 that they had apprehended two “persons of interest” sought by Park and El Paso counties in connection with a homicide in Hartsel and a missing · The Chaffee County Commissioners held their final meeting of 2024 in their new north-end Public Safety Complex at 200 Steele Drive. The landfill currently consists of one large inactive group of · Trustees again questioned whether to purchase three Flock Safety cameras for the Buena Vista Police Department. The commissioners first voted to approve an amendment to the Federal Highway Administration Grant Contract for the CR 300 project to increase the county match by $183,462. , passed away on November 16, 2024, in Jacksonville, NC. Sara Cross and Kim Schwan, sisters and co-owners of Sorelle, moved to Buena Vista around 13 years ago, soon joining the restaurant industry to meet new people and join the growing restaurant community. The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides free income tax return preparation and electronic filing in Buena Vista again this year, sponsored by the Chaffee County Community Foundation. When asked about this, Held said that the county attorney had “blessed” the situation. · When he spoke to The Times about his forthcoming pizzeria Crave in 2019, Simple Eatery owner Ryan McFadden predicted that Railroad Street would be the next nexus of business growth in Buena Vista. · Piñon pine nuts can be found throughout the southwestern United States including Chaffee County from late August to the beginning of October. 10, to visit the Solvista Regional Assessment Center in Salida. Crossing expects 14 homes by late 2025 | News | chaffeecountytimes. 2, offering a range of funding opportunities designed to support nonprofit organizations, first responders, educators, and community projects across Chaffee County and beyond. One of its key provisions? Larger minimum lot sizes: 35 acres for Agricultural Ranch zoning and 5 acres for Rural Residential. Sophomores Dilon Roberts, Brady Young, Nikolaus Burton, Eamon Doherty and Rubin Furay, junior Rinnen Borton and freshman Ryder Moore took on the course. · To the Chaffee County Democrats, I appreciate your commitment to fostering individual rights as highlighted in your recent letter. To view our latest e-Edition click · Colorado Masons' Benevolent Fund Scholarship - Elijah Flowers. Hannah Harn Times editor; Updated 58 mins ago; 0; Looking out for BV’s furry residents . There are two types of piñon pines, Pinus monophylla, or a single leaf piñon and Pinus edulis, also known as the Colorado piñon. Local Events Most Popular Jason Marsden found dead in F Street home; From the Mile High City to the mountains: Why new residents are flocking to Buena Vista · The Chaffee County Courthouse in Buena Vista has served many purposes since it was built in 1880, but for the last half a century, it’s been home to the Buena Vista Heritage Museum. · No doubt that when you bought your land in Chaffee County you assumed that you had control over what you could do with it, according to the 14th amendment of the United States. · View the Chaffee County Times for Thursday, February 13, 2025 · Chaffee County commissioners appointed individuals to volunteer boards, approved a three-year contract for translation services for 911, considered allocations of financial contributions from the Blue Triton Brands’ extended 1041 permit and discussed fiscal sponsorship for local initiatives supporting forest health, working lands and rural landscapes and growth impacts during a regular · AVMAD, formed by Eleanor and Andrew Farhney in 2004, now supports traditional music and dance activities in Chaffee County, sponsoring several events from September to May. I found out that the test wells will be at a 4,500–6,000-foot depth and the State Engineer for the Department of Water Resources is the contact · Chaffee County Fire Protection District firefighters grilled up hot dogs for hungry attendees, and BVEC had drink tokens available for purchase. We’ll publish their responses over the following weeks, along with coverage of local candidate forums and other election news. m. 25, 58-40. After the rodeo, the Hollenbeck All-Around Belt Buckle will be awarded, and · Chaffee County’s recently adopted Land Use Code (LUC) has raised numerous questions about its potential impact on our community, natural resources, and property rights. Latest Special Edition · A citizen discovered and reported the leak on October 24, yet county clerks were only notified after an October 29 Republican party press release detailed the issue. The commissioners voted to approve an agreement with 50 West Productions for $78k to provide video production services to Chaffee County Visitors Bureau in 2024. You have permission to edit this article. Latest Special Edition · Chaffee County commissioners held an extensive discussion about appointing Corey “Salty” Riggs to the Chaffee Housing Authority board during their Feb. 14 by commissioner-elects Gina Lucrezi and Dave Armstrong. One panel member was from Custer County and two were from Chaffee County. The amendment specifies what is required of Pueblo West, who must revegetate the 1,300-acre property per the terms of a · Eleven pickleball players from Chaffee County’s Peak to Peak Pickleball Club won medals at the USA Pickleball Golden Ticket Tournament last week. 13 press release that the avalanche danger will rise to HIGH (4 of 5) over the Valentine’s Day and Presidents Day weekend, one of the busiest and, historically, most dangerous times of the season. 8, 1993, the LA Times ran the headline “Jobs and taxes kept the county happy while a · The trailhead on Cottonwood Pass is only 18 paved miles from the town of Buena Vista. ” Carrying an LGBT+ Pride flag, the flag of Ukraine and handmade signs expressing pro-Palestine, pro-Ukraine, pro-public school, environmentalist messages, as well as exhortations towards a general ethic of compassion and kindness, the marchers made a circuit from the Buena Vista · The Chaffee County Government received $440,000 to develop a new Comprehensive Safety Action Plan in the second round of the Safe Streets and Roads for All Planning and Demonstration awards. · Chaffee County Economic Development Corp. To view our latest e-Edition · Anyone listed here who subsequently has charges dropped or is found to be innocent can contact the The Chaffee County Times, and this updated information will be published. · “We’re probably a couple months away from filing our final application with the county. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on · Chaffee County Times. 27, Enck was charged with Crimes Against At-Risk Person, a class 3 felony, Crimes Against At-Risk Person-Theft, Position of Trust, a class 4 felony, Identity Theft, a class 4 felony and Theft, a class four felony. at CUCC, located at the corner of Crossman and N. I have been notified five times in the last 10 years my data has been compromised · View the Chaffee County Times for Thursday, February 20, 2025 · “It’s a privilege to run for Chaffee County commissioner. Her Specialty was Military Intelligence. ” · Chaffee County Times. 6 % full, with 234,367 acre-feet of water in storage. gave a thumbs up to Millstream Metal Works’ benches, planters and trash receptacles during a May visit to Buena Vista. Community awards honor key county residents for contributions; Jason Marsden died of natural causes, SPD reports · Chaffee County planning director Miles Cottom speaks at a presentation on geothermal drilling regulations hosted by the state's Energy and Carbon Management Commission. 16, 2025, marks a step forward in addressing the county’s behavioral health challenges and gaps. · Held is a member of the Chaffee County Planning and Zoning Commission, which opponents of the project have called a conflict of interest. · Betty Elaine (McCormack) McGinley, a cherished resident of Nathrop, Colo. edu. · Chaffee County Times. · Thursday’s Land Use Code hearing with the Board of County Commissioners drew 17 Chaffee County residents for public comment, 15 in person and 2 joining via Zoom. ” Water up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit could generate 100 megawatts, enough to power about 5,000 homes in the county, Henderson says, possibly even 6,000. It covers topics such as news, business, local and state news, economics, politics, arts, and entertainment. , ranchers notified of gray wolf near Chaffee; BVPD chief addresses rumors about immigrant ‘round-ups’ · With each episode of Looking Upstream, I hope we take another step toward being a more connected community here in Chaffee County. “We are retaining Jake (Rishavy) on a short-term assignment to follow the 2024 Ascent cohort,” she said. Yates thanked Wesleigh Drellishak, Brad Fritsch, Amie Urbine, Haley Armogida and Pam Williams for their participation in the evaluation · Verderaime’s family originally hails from south-central Colorado. “By partnering with the Housing Trust, we're hoping to be able to provide some houses, two-bedroom houses around $330,000 and three-bedroom houses for less than $400,000,” he said. Colorado Solar Energy Spreading Positive Energy Scholar - Elijah Flowers, Colton Montoya. The Museum opened for its summer season this Saturday, celebrating its 50th anniversary. 5) and the general election (Nov. 28 that the Health Committee will have program recommendations ready for feedback no later than March 10. He packed in supplies for the military participants of Spring Canyon's Rocky Mountain High program a few times every summer. · As for delusions of Mr. Wood and Dave Armstrong on the Chaffee County Board of Commissioners next month. 90. Downtown Colorado, Inc. Cameron began in the position in early January, she said. “Every four years it comes back around · The Chaffee County Times shared a survey with the five candidates for Chaffee County Commissioner. . ) There is a temporary flight restriction over the fire are. To view our latest e-Edition click the image · Colorado Farm to Table, the non-profit farm that donates everything it grows to a network of food banks in the Chaffee County area and beyond, is looking for volunteers to help transplant thousands of shoots of cabbage and broccoli from the greenhouse to the fields of the 15-acre farm. “ Only three of those racers were with the team last year. 21 meeting. The facility, which broke ground on April 21, 2023, will be open for a public celebration on May 20, 2025. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left · Chaffee County commissioners heard a report on Jan. Follow @wearechaffeepod on Instagram, and @wearechaffee on Facebook and Instagram. 3 meeting, Chaffee County Commissioner P. As 2021 begins, Crave is slated for a summer opening in the Marks Block building on the corner of East Main and Railroad streets, formerly the home · The Chaffee Shuttle, which is free year-round, is designed to increase mobility options for residents and visitors in Chaffee County. Trustees directed staff to explore partnering with the county to potentially utilize the Flock cameras used by the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, with Devin Rowe · The Chaffee County Commissioners approved two large expenditures during their Jan. In 2019, the income needed for a single-family home was $111,112, or 137 percent AMI. Anderson said, “It’s happening in a number of counties in Colorado, and as long as people take reasonable precautions, as they always should around any wild animal and certainly dead wild animals, I don’t think it overly alarming. Local Events Most Popular BVPD chief addresses rumors about immigrant ‘round-ups’ Trustees hear proposal on geothermal, request apron funding · On October 16th in the Steamplant Theater, the EDC is hosting two important conversations that will shape the future of our community. Central Mountain Entrepreneurs, an initiative of the EDC in partnership with the Central Mountain Small Business Development Center and presented by Collegiate Peaks Bank, works to accelerate business growth through an annual micro-accelerator (Ascent), as well as an · Places to Age is a nonprofit 501(C)3 that is working to bring a 60-unit assisted living and memory care facility to Chaffee County. , prompting immediate response from multiple agencies including Chaffee County Fire Protection District, Chaffee County Emergency Medical Services, Chaffee County Sheriff's Office and AHRA rangers. “I know they had discussed it generally, at least some of the board members. com · The Chaffee County Community Foundation (CCCF), in partnership with Sangre de Cristo Electric Association (SDCEA), announced the 2025 recipients of the First Responders Grant Program. · Held has received criticism as he currently sits on the county planning board, which reviews the 1041 permits that regulate geothermal developments in the county. Read our profile on the United States media and Click for today's Chaffee County Times newspaper from Buena Vista, Colorado. Latest Special Edition · The call came into the Chaffee County Communications Center at 5:30 p. The article states, “the updated policies don’t affect · Max R. CBO stated that probably over 90% of American's data has been compromised from all sources. · Chaffee County Courthouse - 104 Crestone Ave. ” Telthorst also said that the Chaffee Housing Trust received land banking funds that will allow them to build deed-restricted workforce housing on the development. held a public forum with members of the Chaffee Housing Authority, Chaffee Housing Trust and private developers on the evening of Oct. 1 million removal effort. edu · Colorado Parks & Wildlife, the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area, Chaffee County Search and Rescue North and Colorado Off-Road Enterprises are teaming up to provide an end-of-summer Community Debrief for BV and Chaffee County residents on October 10. Buena Vista Motor Vehicle Office - 112 Linderman Ave, Buena Vista CO 81211. Latest Special Edition Chaffee County · Over the past few weeks, Buena Vista residents have wondered why gas prices in the north end of the county are 30 to 40 cents higher than in Salida. If there is an increase in the number of trucks, the number of local drivers will increase, she said. Produced by Arkansas Valley Publishing under the editorial direction of Miles F. 26 and Dec. · According to the probable cause affidavit submitted to El Paso County District Courts on Jan. Revelations suggest the SOS planned to keep this incident hidden, fearing a mid-election media firestorm. Three people from Chaffee County have been employed as truck drivers. 0 · The Town of Buena Vista will be hosting an open house and conducting a community-wide survey to help inform and guide the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update. Ark Valley High Rollers host Sunday Open Skate at Chaffee County Fairgrounds, 10165 CR 120, with roller-rink-style skating. · Endorsed witnesses listed include Long, two other individuals who live in the same complex as Long, Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, Salida Police Department and the Office of the District Attorney. Chaffee County Homes. 3. He has since brought his extraordinary talents for communication, rights advocacy and organizational leadership to Chaffee County. · Building on an initiative from last year’s Renewal, the festival worked to both minimize its own food waste and fight hunger in Chaffee County by donating unused food that was catered to event staff and the VIP area to the Ark Valley Christian Mission. · Jason Christopher Marsden, 52, died at his home on F Street in Salida, Colorado, on Feb. · Mt. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Born on Christmas Day in · The Chaffee County Cattlemen’s Association said that Colorado Parks and Wildlife notified ranchers last weekend that a gray wolf had crossed over the Park County line into the Chaffee County area. · Kim Marquis, program director of Envision Chaffee County, said thus far $33 million has been raised and spent to complete the thinning. , Betty spent her formative years in Littleton, where she graduated from Littleton High School in 1963. The warrants charged four counts of rape of a juvenile. Hannah Harn Times editor; Chaffee County Homes. 7 for a regular meeting, the first of 2025 and the last meeting for Commissioners Greg Felt and Keith Baker, who will be replaced on Jan. 26 its final call for applicants for the at-large position on its board of directors. Smith Times reporter; Mar 11, 2024 Mar 11, 2024 Updated Mar 13, 2024; 0; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; “We’re already paying into the Chaffee Housing Authority, so I think partnering with the county and the Chaffee Housing Authority is really important. · Hannah Harn Times editor; Feb 27, 2025; The Buena Vista Demons fell to the Salida Spartans on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the Salida SteamPlant. Latest Special · Buena Vista Boxing Club hosted its fourth annual Bring the Heat Challenge at Mount Princeton Hot Springs, for the first time stretching over two days on March 1 and 2. 14, 2024), Jan Wondra writes “We like to think of Chaffee County as a real hometown community” and goes on to boldly condemn the violent language uttered recently in the valley. The "Giving Back" Scholarship - Danielle Neufeld, Emi Brooker, Chloe Puckett, · Chaffee County Times. Columbia, concealed by clouds, on Nov. · “A lot of times these abatement jobs are pretty rough in their approach,” Welter said, “because the building’s going to be demoed, and that wasn’t the case here. · As Chaffee County begins to be recognized for its low light pollution and prime night-sky viewing locations, a new Buena Vista tent manufacturer is rolling out a design that allows campers to sleep under the stars while being protected from the elements. Interim chief of the Chaffee County Fire Protection District Kira Jones said that calls for service had “significantly increased for us” in 2024. If you need assistance in voting, call the office at 1-844-395-2412 or email info@myelectric. · The building was deemed unsafe to occupy by Chaffee County inspectors in March of 2023. 4 regular meeting. Local Events Most Popular Jason Marsden found dead in F Street home; From the Mile High City to the mountains: Why new residents are flocking to Buena Vista · At around 2:52 p. · Grumpus Crawl incorporates winter holiday traditions and figures from various traditions, including the Bulgarian Kukeri, the Welsh Mari Lwyd and the German Belsnickle. “We’ve done this transfer a number of times over the years,” Wyles said. Morgan Reitmeyer, one of the Crawl’s creators, started the event a few years ago. “I think it’s going to be great if we have · In 2006, BV Heritage founder and local historian Suzy Kelly wrote in her Chaffee County Times column that back in the early 1950s, some boys from a camp in the area had taken the board, and “it had spent the next 50-some years in a gun vault in Texas. Latest Special Edition · I take exception to several issues in last week’s article School Board Adjusts Policies to Reflect Title IX Changes (Thursday 2/27/25). Riggs’ term as a Salida representative on the board had expired about a month early due to a clerical error, and Salida City Council voted Jan. · The League of Women Voters Chaffee County is pleased to announce the following events for Chaffee County. 21, he’ll be back in Buena Vista for appearances at Rally Liquor and Dragon Sushi. In total, 113 stories have been published about Chaffee County which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. · In 2015, the town worked with the Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation and the BV School District for a land swap, moving the baseball fields to the River Park and freeing Carbonate for housing development. Jones said Chaffee Fire answered 609 calls in 2024, 162 of which were in Buena Vista · Eric Charles Brookens, 82, of Colo. Pueblo Reservoir operations include an April 15 deadline for making flood-control space available. · Joann Elizabeth Edwards of Poncha Springs, Colorado born July 31, 1948, passed away at Life Care Center of Greeley, Colorado December 16, 202,4 after a short illness. CPW’s Northwest Region, which has the largest bear population in the state, had 1,228 reports, down 35 percent from 2022. freaking out, reach out to myself or any of the commissioners and we will track down your concern,” he said, “or at least cry on the · This weekend, Santa Bobbie made appearances all over Chaffee County. S. 11, LaRue said. on March 18 at the BV Community Center, 715 E Main Street. Latest Special Edition · chaffeecountytimes. We had a lot of people that were really impressed and said · The Chaffee County Commissioners had a short final meeting of 2024 on Dec. 17. 3 with a near-doubling of donations made to community organizations through its ChaffeeGIVES online platform. That post garnered nearly 450 · Deborah Cameron, the new executive director of the Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation, introduced herself to the board. To view · Harold grew his team of pack animals and hauled out countless deer and elk during hunting season. Elizabeth (Beth) Scully served in the Army from 1982-1985. Certain statements from Lisa Yates and certain topics approved by the board are UNCONSCIONABLE. Local Events Most Popular Jason Marsden found dead in F Street home; From the Mile High City to the mountains: Why new residents are flocking to Buena Vista · Buena Vista resident Katherine Wilson, 40, was arrested on a Warrant from Chaffee County in the area of Mill Street May 9. 64 percent of Chaffee voted against the measure, while 49. “Real estate prices in our communities have jumped astronomically over the past few years, which translates directly to much higher valuations in 2023. This term runs for two years and is a volunteer role, with a time commitment of approximately 10-20 hours per month. According to the announcement, a panel of experts from Chaffee County Public Health, Chaffee County Department of Human Services and Colorado Mountain College providing English as a Second · The newest addition to the Chaffee County Times staff is 23-year-old reporter Casey Kelly. News. Colorado Masons Mt. Alan Ward of Pueblo Water explained that the first conceptual plans for enlarging Clear Creek Reservoir date back to around 2001. 29 that Cottonwood Pass will close for the winter season at 6 a. Latest Special Edition · At the Nov. We are very excited to announce that soon we will have architectural drawings for the facility on our property on County Road 120 to share with the community. At the meeting Friday, O’Connell recalled the corruption of New York City politician William “Boss” Tweed. Latest · The County Commissioners have passed the new Land Use Code, and it’s set to change the landscape — literally and figuratively — of Chaffee County. Ballots must be received no later than 7 p. 130 directs the legislature to appropriate $350 million to the peace officer training and support fund for municipal and county law enforcement agencies to hire and retain peace officers. In Colorado, the average was $2.