Does endo belly go away Endo belly may make a person feel self-conscious and contribute to poor mental health and lowered self Nov 4, 2024 · It is a myth that endo belly is caused by endometriosis lesions bleeding each month with the blood having nowhere to go. The gold standard in treating the underlying cause of endo belly is deep-excision surgery. The exact cause of endometriosis isn't known conclusively, but one widely accepted theory for menstruating is retrograde menstruation. Endo really messed up my digestive system and gave me a lot of food intolerances, I have to be careful with what I eat. And actually a really cool thing that we're seeing in some recent research is the benefits of different colored foods for endo belly. It is defined medically as “cyclical bloating of the abdomen”. I still get bloated sometimes but it is easier to appear to have a “flatter” stomach. Um, not specifically endo belly, but specifically inflammation. I can't do that when I look 4 months pregnant all of the time. The fact is that endometriosis lesions do not always bleed. Chung, Leeanna Maher (my pelvic floor physiotherapist), and others who suffer from endometriosis to learn their tips and tricks to limit flare ups and cope with the pain. Along with severe dysmenorrhea, cyclic and acyclic lower abdominal pain, cyclic dysuria and dyschezia, dyspareunia, and Mar 16, 2021 · Clothes do not fit anymore. I remember at 8 wpo feeling defeated due to swelly belly thinking it would never go away. I did the same with cute night gowns and over time my body image was really positive. I feel your pain! For me surgery made my endo belly MUCH worse and chronic. Dec 17, 2022 · Does endo belly go away after surgery? A hysterectomy is a type of surgery that is used to remove the uterus of those with endometriosis. A heating pad has helped the pressure but doesn’t actually make anything completely or totally look better. It’s typically an option where more standard treatments, like pain and hormonal medication, haven’t worked. If it doesn’t turn out to be Endo it is not Endo belly. Apr 5, 2019 · When it comes to endo belly, diet and gut health is an essential component to explore. Bloating is bloating. (But, it’s obvious it’s not like abs or anything. Jul 31, 2023 · Today, we’ll explore the causes of endo belly and some strategies to combat it. I also eat smaller portion sizes. i am 19 as well and i thought it would go away with lap surgery but unfortunately not… ive tried depo shot and i am on the implant now but still have bad endo belly 🥲 i would love to wear a crop top and cute tight shirts like everyone else but i am so self conscious. And hydration, I know it doesn't make it go away, but hydration definitely helps. Some people have endo belly that is Some women with slight pain may have significant endometriosis, and others with a lot of pain may have just a mild. ‘Endo belly’ is a non-medical term used by many people in the endometriosis community to describe the uncomfortable and often painful abdominal bloating that’s associated with endometriosis. The surgery didn't help with endo belly, bloating, or my non-celiac wheat sensitivity. [Source: Pubmed] For the majority of people, endometriosis pain and symptoms will decrease or go away after menopause. What does this mean? Endometriosis, a condition where cells that are similar to those which line the inner part of your uterus, may cause nausea and even vomiting, severe abdominal pains, gas, rectal pain or bleeding and other intestinal symptoms. If you think you might have endometriosis, be sure to speak to your doctor as soon as you can. Since the end of 2017 my symptoms became much, much worse. Mar 2, 2021 · "Endo belly generally waxes and wanes with flare-ups of endometriosis, so conditions such as SIBO etc. Depends on your endo belly. Mar 27, 2024 · Endo belly is a common symptom of endometriosis that involves painful bloating. Endo belly is painful and can last for a few hours, days, or, in severe cases, weeks. I am now wearing jeans again for the first time in a couple of months, and my belly doesn’t feel like a painful huge rock. The endometriosis bloating can feel like a tight pain and cause a lot of discomfort. The part of my belly that was due to my uterus went away, but obviously the remaining fat and organs are still there. I had a laparoscopy to remove an endometrioma 5 years ago (which grew back in three months!) and every since then the endo belly became severe and constant. I get them around both ovaries, both groins, and my left hip crest/kidney area. However, the tissue outside the uterus is unable to exit through the vagina and gets trapped in the body leading to the formation of scar tissue, inflammation, and pain. WHY DOES ENDO BELLY HAPPEN? Endometriosis and its symptoms aren’t well Sep 28, 2023 · Endo belly refers to endometriosis-related abdominal bloating. However, the symptoms associated with adenomyosis belly can indeed fluctuate, offering a ‘now you see me, now you don’t’ sort of scenario Interesting. Will endo belly go away after a hysterectomy? A hysterectomy may be recommended to treat endometriosis. Mar 31, 2023 · This article will discuss if endometriosis can go away after menopause, whether it can develop after menopause, how postmenopausal endometriosis is diagnosed, how it is treated, and possible complications of postmenopausal endometriosis. Does Endometriosis Go Away After Menopause? Endo belly is a classic symptom of endometriosis, and probably the most visible symptom from an otherwise invisible illness. The vast majority of our users are endo patients and this is predominantly a space designed for them, but we also welcome those who want to find out more about endometriosis or related conditions. Research shows that having endometriosis symptoms. 3. This can also happen after menopause, which is often related to a drop in the amount of estrogen in your body. When this occurs, menstrual blood and tissue flow backward through the fallopian tube and implant on the surface of I don’t recognize my body anymore and it’s messing with my head. I don't get that all that badly, although I have a fairly pronounced 'endo belly'. Recently I had a terrible bout of endo belly and after trying many many supposed remedies, what eventually helped was grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water, 3 times a day before meals. I'd say 12 wpo is when my clothes started fitting me agin. When I am feeling bloated, my most absolute favorite thing to do is go for a walk. If the cause of your bloating turns out to be endometriosis then you have Endo belly. So ovulation to period. It doesn't last forever -- it will go away (but do know it comes back, off and on). Discomfort or pain during urination and bowel movements when menstruating, is also common. And there is no way to spot reduce fat. Oct 20, 2023 · A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus. just wanted to say you arent alone. This whole time I kept thinking it was normal bloating but it isn’t. This surgery may also remove the ovaries. Bloating is when the abdomen fills with air or gas, making it look larger. Nov 25, 2024 · Because endometriosis symptoms often flare up when hormone levels are high, treatments often focus on hormone management. But for a small percentage of women, it remains. I bruise and scar very easily but the scars never seem to go away. they can easily go above or below and it’s safer to do that. Oct 28, 2024 · Managing endometriosis, the underlying condition, can also help treat endo belly. I hope you get some relief, endo belly Jul 28, 2023 · Does endometriosis go away after menopause? In most cases, yes, endometriosis does go away after menopause. I have bowel endo so I do get GI bloating which can be gassy but generally I have to have eaten something wrong to really flare it. It is often, but not always, a cure. Endo belly may come with other symptoms, like pain or constipation; its causes Dec 20, 2022 · Core dysfunction posts are my most popular because nearly everyone can relate to this issue: Lower tummy pooch that will not budge. It's also true that for most women, belly fat is the last thing to go when losing weight, so you have to have a pretty low body fat percentage to have a completely flat stomach. If you have abdominal bloating that’s painful, frequent, or lasts longer than a few days, be sure to speak with But, I do suggest looking into light stretches and breathing when you are having an endo belly episode. May 8, 2024 · What is endo belly? Endo belly is bloating or swelling of your abdomen usually due to gas, which usually happens just before and during your period. Tackling only one is unlikely to make as much of a dent in deflating endo belly as using a multi-pronged approach. And some women may even develop endometriosis a decade or more after menopause. YUP. Brain fog, fatigue, endo belly, painful BMs, stabbing pains, and horrible cramping during ovulation and menstruation. This is the fattest my stomach has been, I struggled with bloating and hard to lose fat for my entire teens and 20s. 6105 peachtree dunwoody road building b, suite 230 atlanta, ga 30328 phone: 770-913-0001 fax: 770-913-0005 Probably not what you wanna hear but I still have scars from my 2 laps (2016 & 2022). This is a place for anyone who suffers from endometriosis or related conditions, or suspects that they may do. These symptoms include: Bloating; Cramps; Gas pains; Constipation; Diarrhea; What Does Endo Belly Feel Like? This type of bloating can be excruciating and will be firm to the touch. This tissue can grow anywhere in the abdomen and pelvis. Two years post, so not long enough to really gauge on dementia. “There is no cure for endometriosis, and medications do not make existing endometriosis implants go away,” Johnson said. I can’t wear skims because their sizing runs smaller than other midsize to plus size shapewear and even Spanx. How do y’all tell what is pelvic floor dysfunction and what is potentially symptoms from endo on bladder, etc? I’m seeing a pelvic PT for chronic pelvic pain and many bladder issues that ppl have listed above, and saw a nook endo specialist who I’m doing a lap w/ since she does believe I have endo, maybe adeno/pelvic congestion syndrome (If it did at all) I’d say it took like 2ish weeks for all of the sweeping and bloating after surgery to go away (I’m basing this partly on being able to comfortably wear my normal jeans again—I was wearing jeans 3x my normal size for almost 3 weeks because my incisions were still sore). Surgery is also an option if endometriosis is affecting your ability to have children. Don’t be so hard on yourself with this debilitating condition! 💓 It’s already hard enough as it wreaks havoc on our bodies. If you go to my posts i have a pic of mine the day i flared and i think it was like 8 days after. Sep 28, 2020 · What Does Endo Belly Feel Like? The pain of bloating from endometriosis ranges from uncomfortable to debilitating. Full belly was better for me after surgery because I could fold it down so it wouldn't rub my incisions. Extensive endometriosis can cause scarring and blocking of the fallopian tubes. A 2020 study reported certain improvements in symptoms following this surgery. It can feel like pressure in the stomach or lower back, and it can cause visible swelling that may make a person look pregnant. Endo belly can affect you no matter where your Endo is located or removed from, unfortunately. I have IBS too and gastroparesis. But about 4 out of 100 people with endometriosis have their symptoms come back or continue after menopause. If you have an endometrioma, your doctors may suggest you meet with a fertility specialist. Well it comes when I get my worst pain. However, when you experience an episode of endo belly, your tummy may appear larger as it is bloated. Other common endometriosis symptoms include painful periods, pain with sex, lower back pain, difficulty or pain with urination or bowel movements, fatigue, and menstrual cramps that can begin before the period and continue after. Endometriosis belly. The “endo diet” or an anti-inflammatory diet are regularly recommended to endo patients: These diets generally eliminate alcohol, gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, red meat, preservatives, artificial sugars, and caffeine. Although the symptoms of endometriosis typically affect the reproductive system, in some cases, the condition can also affect the Aug 29, 2022 · Endo belly is a symptom of endometriosis in which the abdomen becomes severely bloated and distended. still learning to love myself and Jan 21, 2022 · Endometriosis is a health condition where tissue similar to the lining of your uterus builds up on organs outside the uterus. In fact, in some cases endometriosis is found in women with no symptoms at all. Many endometriosis patients say that by the end of the day, they can’t button their pants or that they look like they’re pregnant. Feb 14, 2022 · Functional ovarian cysts usually go away on their own after menstruation and do not always signify endometriosis. Seeing myself as beautiful instead of just the endo belly is what improved my body image. Just wondering if this ever goes away, will take time for my body to get used to working out, or if I should ask my doc about it. After my first surgery & second surgery, my endo belly was gone for about 2 years. . I always just thought it was from the pain. The pain can truly be incapacitating. GI bloating is kind of higher up. Also my belly button was always very sensitive and that went away with the surgery. I recently found out I have endometriosis and through some research, I found something called “endo belly”. I thought you said you had a gastro condition, I was not meaning bowel endo. Classic "endo belly" -- one minute your abs are tight and happy, the next it looks like there's a baby underneath -- I know this bloat unfortunately all too well and have experienced just as drastic a change myself. In some cases, endometriosis can go away on its own. While the severe bloating may subside after a few hours, it can also persist in a less severe form for days or even weeks . Treating adhesions from scar tissues on organs can help reduce complications to the bowel and endo belly. I’ve had 4 surgeries for endo & cyst removals. [1] Jan 8, 2021 · Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, also called the endometrium, grows outside the uterus. I will get such intense side pain that I feel it all the way to under my boob and in my back. I don't know how to make it go away. While preventing endo belly is impossible, I spoke with Dr. Sometimes it is very painful, but mostly it’s just inconvenient and uncomfortable. In endometriosis, cells similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other places, like it does inside the uterus the tissue builds up and sheds each month. Oct 17, 2023 · Endometriosis bloat, or endo belly, is a symptom of endometriosis where a person experiences severe belly bloating. I’ve heard endo belly can be triggered by things like food and scents but mine has persisted for MONTHS with no relief regardless of what I do and don’t do. Endometriosis is a chronic, painful condition that impacts the daily lives Apr 21, 2021 · A hysterectomy is one surgical treatment for endometriosis. Many people need to continuously treat endometriosis to manage symptoms like pain. For the majority of people, endometriosis pain and symptoms will decrease or go away after menopause. When my endo was real bad and esp after surgery I wore maternity jeans, there's usually two styles, one with a soft low band and one that covers the full belly. Many women also have lower back pain, and pain during sex. During endo flares after surgery, and especially during my period - I had the worst endo belly EVER! It was honestly extremely hard to minimize my endo belly, sometimes absolutely impossible. The need for adhesiolysis surgery (cutting away scar My symptoms escalated since 2007. This can even occur years after you have stopped having periods. If this were true, it would be a severe and immediate medical emergency. Overalls were also great after surgery. Will Endo belly ever go away? You can relieve endo belly by managing endometriosis, the underlying condition that can cause your abdomen to swell. This lower belly protrusion is a visual of your lovely internal organs, tipping down, forward and out of your belly, instead of held up, in, and lifted off your uterus and pelvic floor. All may Nov 16, 2020 · Endometriosis Symptoms Can Endometriosis Go Away? 2 Proven Ways To Heal Endometriosis Naturally #1: Diet For An Endo-Free Body #2: Herbs To Heal From The Inside When Surgery May Be Needed Laparoscopy: Does Endometriosis Go Away After Surgery? BUT the bloating is so much. I get lower abdominal swelling from cysts and inflammation and it's not gas. Oct 3, 2024 · Symptoms among endometriosis patients can vary with endo belly being one symptom of endometriosis. I have the woooorst bloating with endo belly that usually comes on in the afternoon. Anyways, every time I do any sort of exercise that engages my core, a day later I get sharp pains below my belly button near my incision. This can be done surgically or laparoscopically I might have endometriosis. Bloating and pain from endo belly can be severe and be accompanied by symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and feeling unwell. Endometriosis is a condition that causes the endometrial tissue (that normally grows inside the uterus each menstrual cycle) to grow outside of the Nov 20, 2019 · Does Endometriosis Go Away After Menopause? While it is true that premenopausal endometriosis symptoms usually subside once a woman enters postmenopause, this is not always the case. Your abdomen may be tender to touch and often worsen throughout the day. My stomach has been looking pregnant since December of 2023. But acute appendicitis would probably hurt more. It literally came out of nowhere! Jan 3, 2020 · There are many real reasons why endometriosis symptoms such as endo belly, endometriosis bloat, endometriosis pain, fatigue, and brain fog are still a daily conundrum. It occurs due to endometrial growths that occur in the pelvis and intestines. But definitely try and avoid those trigger foods for sure. Here’s the thing- Endo belly is a cute nickname given to bloating where the cause of that bloating is endometriosis. For some people, gluten causes an inflammatory response and so when they give gluten up, the effects of inflammation, like bloating, go away. Delgado, MD, FACOG is the founder and owner of The Chronic Pelvic Pain Center of Northern Virginia. Aug 24, 2023 · Medically reviewed by: Melissa A. While most people do well after undergoing a hysterectomy, it’s important to understand that endometriosis can continue to grow outside of the uterus even after a hysterectomy in rare cases, and pain may persist even after the procedure. Jan 4, 2023 · How long does it take for endo belly to go away? Endo belly may last for a few days or weeks. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive place, where patients and loved ones alike can discuss thoughts and concerns, ask questions, and share information. It depends on how much endometriosis there is and whether it’s affecting your intestines directly. I just found out I had endo but I've had that for years. For that, I still follow an anti-inflammatory, mostly gluten-free, low-FODMAP diet. It does go away sometimes and come back. After my third and 4th surgery, my endo belly stayed and has remained. Give it time. or cutting away, endometrial tissue and scars. Endo belly can cause discomfort, pain, and pressure in your abdomen and back. May 12, 2023 · "Endo belly" is a colloquial term that describes the bloating and associated symptoms that can occur with endometriosis. Diet is huge with Endo belly!! The big list of foods to stay away from are extensive but really does help to avoid them. After surgery and making the right diet changes I almost never get endo belly now. going through the belly button can cause the endometriosis to spread onto the inner area of your belly button causing pain and some have to get their entire belly button removed because of the endometriosis contaminating it. I've been vegan for over 13 years and had endometriosis for over 3 years and my belly is still flat as long as I eat healthy, lots of greens, lentils, beans, Anti-inflammatory foods like tomatoes and avocados and berries, and I eat whole rice soaked with tumeric water and spices at least 2 times a day. If other treatments are not working or you have lots of endometriosis, you may be offered surgery. must also be treated in order to eliminate these symptoms," says Laurence Orbuch, MD It feels like “pulses” or stabs in a very specific area. I also do diatomaceous earth cleanse for the digestive system & magnesium supplements. Dec 2, 2019 · 1. My endo belly is a temperamental rock hard protrusion. Mar 22, 2022 · Some women may even experience the extreme pain and bloating of “endo belly,” 2 in addition to heavy periods and severe menstrual cramps. Endo belly just became a thing instead of debilitating. It happens between 0 and 15 times per day at completely random times. But I have always wondered this myself and Does Endo belly go away after surgery? Will the bloating go away after endo surgery? Yes, endometriosis surgery often resolves the underlying cause of your abdominal swelling. You may have some post-surgical swelling and discomfort, so your relief won't be immediate. Posted by u/SnooRegrets1362 - 6 votes and 5 comments The vast majority of our users are endo patients and this is predominantly a space designed for them, but we also welcome those who want to find out more about endometriosis or related conditions. Dressing pretty didn’t improve my body image. I couldn’t button my pants for the last two years, and there was a constant heaviness in my abdomen. Nov 26, 2019 · 7 more ways to de-bloat. but I just might be Sep 7, 2021 · Endometriosis symptoms are associated with menstrual periods, so it’s reasonable to wonder whether no longer having menstrual cycles from menopause means the symptoms will go away. Treatment options for endometriosis include the following: Supplemental hormones or birth control pills may help regulate monthly hormonal changes that promote tissue growth outside the uterus. And for me that's mid cycle to end of cycle. AZO only takes away the pain not to belly and Aloe water helps take away the pain (when i’m sick of taking AZO) but again not the belly I am 36-year-old and my doctor suggested me surgery. The scars from 2016 are faded now but still visible, but the 2022 scars are very visible and almost black in color. Endo belly is a symptom of endometriosis—a condition where endometrial cells, or cells resembling the cells lining the uterus, grow outside of the uterus, explains Dr. Delgado is an experienced, board-certified OB/GYN and has spent the past 10 years dedicating her time to understanding complex and persistent pelvic pain. I googled images of endo belly and for the first time ever, I saw other women’s bodies that looked exactly like mine!!! This may or may not be the case for you. Dr. Causes of endo belly. Does endo belly cause weight gain? No, endo belly doesn’t cause weight gain. Sapan. It is a complex disease that presents with a range of symptoms, with pain and infertility being the most common. Here are four therapeutic endometriosis diets to consider: low FODMAP, Paleo AIP, Low Carb, and Specific Carbohydrate Diet. There are different ways to treat endometriomas, depending on their severity and your age. lol) Jun 6, 2023 · After surgery, new endometriosis lesions can develop similarly to the initial endometriosis. I had an abdominal with vertical incision, and my swelling at 4 months post op is completely gone. Does Endo Belly Go Away? As you’ll discover, there are many causes of this phenomenon. Aug 10, 2015 · One such example is the infamous “Endo Belly”. In addition to causing pelvic pain, endometriosis can affect fertility. 5 as a prn ! I only took this for two months and was ct ! I went to the hospital several times and even once in a ambulance and they thought I was crazy! Nov 15, 2024 · Hysterectomies may still be recommended for endometriosis when other treatments have failed. May 14, 2024 · Does Adenomyosis Belly Go Away on Its Own? Adenomyosis belly does not typically resolve on its own without intervention, much like that annoying guest at a party who doesn’t take the hint to leave. I do have four elastane and spandex shorts I wear after my period when I’m less sensitive and my tummy craves support. My endo symptoms are lower on my abdomen and radiate to my lower back. About 3 to 37 I have always had that too. In fact, my belly is much flatter now than pre surgery and I don't get bloated like I used to. It will pulse 1 to 3 times and then go away. Delgado, MD, FACOGMelissa A. Everyone is welcome, but please help us to keep this a supportive community by being considerate to each other. However, because your ovaries will still produce small amounts of estrogen, this endometrial-like tissue may still respond to the hormone, and you may still experience symptoms. Surgery for endometriosis. Some women say they look 6 months pregnant, some just feel fluidy around their middle and others experience bloating. medical office. This community aims to support all people affected by and interested in endometriosis. I know that it's bloating and not just "fat" because it goes away sometimes. People without endometriosis may know that pain is a classic endo symptom that happens when the tissue lining the uterus (or something similar to it) grows Oct 1, 2019 · Will my symptoms get better or even go away after menopause? For many women, the symptoms related to endometriosis will improve after menopause, when menstruation stops. Jun 10, 2017 · Endo Belly is the term given to the swollen and distended lower abdomen that is common to women experiencing different grades of Endometriosis. “But they can slow the growth and prevent new scars from forming, which will help reduce symptoms. This tissue responds to hormones just like the lining of your uterus does. You can have surgery to: remove areas of endometriosis or fluid-filled sacs (ovarian cysts) caused by endometriosis When do you get Endo belly? The main symptom of endo belly is severe bloating, especially during or right before your period. My doctor put me on Slynd and we’re just waiting to see if it’ll have an effect (currently in month 3). I eat DF/GF/low fructose and still bloat to look 6-8 months pregnant daily. It is a topic of conversation among many MyEndometriosisTeam members: “What happens to endo after natural menopause?” one member asked. maybe if you get another and are struggling with it ask if Like right next to your belly button really and it didn't even come close to endo pain. All you want to do is curl up into the fetal position and wait for the pain to subside. The “endo diet” or an anti-inflammatory diet are regularly recommended to endo patients: These ends belly diets generally eliminate alcohol, gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, red meat, preservatives, artificial sugars, and caffeine. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thank you so much in advance. They may also suggest that you: Aug 19, 2020 · When it comes to endo belly, diet and gut health is an essential component to pay attention to. It may also feel tight or hard to the touch. the endo belly may never go away until you reach menopause when your periods ultimately go away along with your The symptoms of endo belly include pain and severe distension. Light walking and cardio. I was saying your gastro issue would affect you in a similar way concerning the bloating, what Endo patients call "Endo belly". Jul 31, 2024 · Still have this at 4 and half years ! From short term use of Klonopin 0. Does Endo belly go away? Unlike the short-term bloating that sometimes accompanies your period, endo belly is much more severe, triggering physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. GLUTEN-FREE DIET:; Hands down, the #1 dietary change that A LOT of women in my groups have made successfully is to go GLUTEN-FREE. Sep 22, 2023 · Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease where endometrial-like lesions settle outside the uterus, resulting in extensive inflammatory reactions. Sometimes, if it is nice out, I go outside for fresh air, or other times, I just walk on my treadmill watching Netflix. I've cut dairy from my diet, I eat healthy, I've been doing yoga and pilates. I'm 22, I like to wear cute outfits and cropped shirts. Endo belly is not a real thing. does the endo belly ever go away ?? so basically everything is in the title lol I look 5 months pregnant at all times, i’ve stopped gluten and dairy products for months now and nothing has improved the state of the endo belly :/ I started Visanne a month ago and I think that it’s starting to help with the symptoms a bit. Mar 12, 2021 · Nausea that doesn’t go away or maybe cycling with your period could mean you have endometriosis endo belly. Personally for me, yes and no. Endo belly: what did you do to get rid of it? Age: 26 F 5’11 if you need my height, about 186 lbs. Endo belly is just one visible sign of endometriosis, but there are other signs that you may experience that are less visible. In other words, you can have endometriosis after menopause even after the cessation of ovarian reproductive functions and the menstrual cycle. I do everything “right” in order to help prevent it but it’s only gotten worse. Does endo belly go away after surgery?-Abdominal swelling can go away post endometriosis surge Acupuncture may stimulate certain muscles, nerves, and tissues and may ease the endo belly. If you are unaware of what the ‘endo belly’ is, it refers to the abdominal bloating and discomfort that many endometriosis patients report, and may also be associated with other gastro-intestinal issues like diarrhea or constipation. While “Endo Belly” can be the result of endometriotic implants, and may resolve after complete excision of all endometriosis, this is certainly not always the case and other health problems can also cause or contribute to those all-too-familiar flares of extreme bloating and distention. lgpxi qnswa znrfx cwdf vtep omir fzgamu aln ggau laqgdll