The star tell me pastor Lifestyle; Features; Chill Spot; Bills Free; Commentary; Jobs; Tell Me Pastor. I am going to call the wife of this man who got me pregnant and tell her that I am carrying her husband's child. I used to have a girlfriend and she claimed that I got her pregnant, but it wasn't true because I know I did not discharge in her. I am 38. However, he did not take no for an answer. I cannot describe to you how much I miss Sometimes she tells us not to cook and he brings food for us. She has made a request of me which I have not been able to comply with because I do not know how to go about it. I am writing you this letter because Dear Pastor, I have not seen you for a long time, but I continue to read your advice in your column. I am living with a man and we have a child together. His father gave me $20,000 to help with the children and I told him, and he asked me if I could give him $10,000 out of it. She told me how glad she was to meet with me, but it was almost past her her bedtime. I read your writings in THE STAR and I listen to your radio show every night. I am 21 and I have a boyfriend. Let me make this suggestion to you. I would like to impregnate her, but she sees me as a waste of He tells me I can leave if I want to do so. Entertainment. My boyfriend is 20 years old. I can say that I grew up reading it, and now I am married and I still can’t do without reading it. He is not Jamaican, but he has been Dear Pastor, I am 19 years old and I am pregnant. My father Dear Pastor, I am 17 and my boyfriend will soon be 19. Sometimes I feel like a fool. Argentine judge charges five people over death of former One Direction star Liam Payne. The I want you to know that we are Christian people. I was 16, so I called him and he told me that when I am 18, he is going to take me away from everybody. June 2, 2014. Music/Videos . I am never tired of reading it. We don't even know My father would buy The Gleaner on Sundays, but my mother bought THE STAR every day just to read Tell Me Pastor. My husband can’t get me pregnant . I am living with my father and stepmother, but she does not like me. That makes matters worse. After I found out and I asked her if she got married, she said no. She never had sexual intercourse. I am 30 years old and I am living with my children’s father. Videos . I am alone in this country. The boys had their own room and the girls had their rooms. IN TODAY'S PAPER: News. Dear P. He sent us But this problem is always on my mind. My boyfriend Dear Pastor, I am a 31-year-old female and I am a Christian. Since the last time I saw you, I got married. I have obeyed him a few times and changed my pants, but now I believe that this man thinks that because I am working, other men would see me and that I would become involved with them. She asked him how she could get in touch with me, and he told her that he did not have my address or telephone Sometimes she calls me and asks me if I am lonely and want to see her. This boy joined in and told me the same thing. I don’t read The Gleaner often, but I have to Dear Pastor, I am having a problem. He takes very good care of his children and he Dear Pastor, I am a 33-year-old security guard and I have been dating a man for the past nine years. Recently, he came to Jamaica to visit me. Great things can happen at grandma's house “This is the first time I am writing to you. She has been calling him often and telling him she has changed and she wants him back. But you know something is wrong, because it is out of character for him to buy you gifts if you are not celebrating a special event. His girlfriend used up all his money. I love her very much. We got involved by playing around; we were the only ones at home and he said he wanted to It has been two years and I do not know where he lives. P. Don't worry to tell me I am bad, because I know I am not. I am dying to leave my parents. Dear Pastor,Blessings to you. Star Tell Well, I am not careless. I asked him where he would get the money from The 'Tell Me Pastor' feature with Reverend Aaron Dumas remains tremendously popularity. I have two siblings, a 17-year-old sister and a 15-year-old brother. I told them what they should do. He I grew up reading your column, Tell Me Pastor, in THE STAR. She explained to me that it has been happening from she came back from spending a night with one of her school friends. He is a white guy. He takes very good care of his children and he I don't know what they have seen in him. I am 23 and my boyfriend is 25, but we are not living together. He was lecturing me all the time about committing fornication. Our relationship started when we were in high school. But, before that, they told her that she should tell me and she told them that she did not want me to know anything. The Jamaica Star On-Line :: Dear Pastor, I have a little problem that I would like you to help me with. My wife and I have two daughters. My partner was my brother. This man I got married to helped me with these two children because their father ignored me and he did not support the children. We got married a year after. She went to the United States of America. Don't make it a wild argument. Pleasure your partner, and to hell with everybody else. Dear Pastor, I will be 20 in August. I want to attend UTech. He does not talk much about himself. I am in my 30s. So when my husband was away, I called him to come and see me. I did not know she loved me in a sexual way until she started to buy me gifts and invited me to go to a certain place. Dear Pastor, I am a 20-year-old girl and I have a boyfriend who is 23. He promises that he will call me but he doesn't do so. My oldest brother told me to leave her alone because she is going to get me sick. These two children are in school and they are doing well. He is attending a Dear Pastor, A couple of months ago I celebrated my 20th birthday. EMAIL: Dear Pastor, I am 21 years old and I am dating a man who is 23. But my husband is on I told him that can't work because I have a man and we have children together. However, instead of giving me back the money, he came back asking me for more. I cannot let the day pass unless I buy THE STAR and read what you have to say; it is very enjoyable. His father was very wise. I don't like that; I would like him to surprise me Dear Pastor, I am a 27-year-old young woman and I am having a relationship with a man who is in his 40s. He loves his children. Dear Pastor, I am writing to you for your best advice. He is a good father to his children but he does not show me much love. Life is rewarding. Dear Pastor, I am trying my very best to do well. I have been doing so for a long time. I married a man who Jamaica Star covers Jamaican Tell Me Pastor with the latest in Reggae, Dancehall and on the Party scene. My father told me that he would stand with me and he would take So I told her to tell me the truth. K. I grew up as an Anglican, but that church is too quiet, so I visit an Apostolic church. We were studying Ephesians 5:3, which states that Dear Pastor, I am a regular reader of your column. My husband says that if I want to go for vacation, he would not stop me. Men were after my boyfriend. , You were honest enough to tell your man how you feel during your How they got involved I do not know. I have two boyfriends, one is white and the other is black. I have been baptised for four years now. I have met a man who lost his wife three years ago. At times you can be very blunt. She went into her room and closed the door. Whenever I talk, she tells me things she ought not to say. However, my husband was very The Jamaica Star covers Jamaican Tell Me Pastor with the latest in Reggae, Dancehall and on the Party scene. I pray The Jamaica Star. We are poor, but we are trying. He is a nice guy, but he does not like to save. My biggest challenge now is his former girlfriend. I am also a single mother. Dear Pastor, I am 30 years old and I always read your column. I have an issue. The boy is only 11 years old, and his mother told me what I should go and do with my mother. I used to think that we had a perfect marriage. He said that if I want to meet with the pastor, I can go to his place, but he should not come back to his house. He lives overseas. He spends a lot of time with them. Jamaica Star covers Jamaican Tell Me Pastor with the latest in Reggae, Dancehall and on the Party scene. Pastor, I have worked and saved and made my own investments. That was as far as it got. The photographer at her wedding told me everything. I am a Christian and I am in love with a 26-year-old woman. I grew up with my aunt and you were her Dear Pastor, I am 24 years old and I have been dating a man who is 26. My father told me that the car is not for him but for me to drive to school and to Dear Pastor, I am writing to you for your advice. I met a man while I was waiting to pay a bill at a business place. I stay home with the child when he goes out. One day he held my hand and squeezed it, and then he tickled my palm and told me he was ready whenever I was ready. Dear Pastor, I am writing to you about a problem. I am 24. Pastor, my mom really needs to stop this. He is in a very good job. I know that he I told him that can't work because I have a man and we have children together. I am a mother who misses her child dearly, and I want to find a way to heal so that I can be a better person for him. . He takes very good care of his children and he Dear Pastor, I am in my 40s and I have a good job. She is 18 years old. I still pay most of her bills and send My mother tells me that she did not stop wetting the bed until she was much older than I am even though she tried everything. If I should see my mother now, I wouldn't even know her. He wanted me to get into detail about my past life and I told him everything, but I regret it. He got me pregnant when I was 16 years old, but he told me not to say he was responsible. I am 33 years old and my husband is 50. Pregnant pause . Sometimes he is surprised that out of what he gave me, I put away something. He told me Jamaica Star covers Jamaican Tell Me Pastor with the latest in Reggae, Dancehall and on the Party scene. I am living with my mother and grandmother. S. When we eventually met her, right in front of me, she told her son "This is not your child and his colour shows it; this is a jacket. This is not like me, but I am on my face, drowning in sorrow. My mother suspected that I had sex and she said she was going to tell my father that I was having sex, and she wanted him to give me a proper beating. Dear Pastor, I am 42 years old and I am in my second marriage. I am alone. Let me bring you up to date. Dear Pastor, I am 19 years old and my boyfriend, who is 27, he and I are living together. I told my mother that I would love to find Sometimes when I get dressed to go to work, he tells me that my pants are too tight and I am showing too much of my backside. I was faithful to her. What do you suggest, Pastor? F. This man treats me very well. We have been getting along fairly well, but I am trying to understand him. This woman is in love with me. He took me all over New York and to some very fancy places to eat. , Dear Pastor, I am writing to you about a problem. My first husband was very jealous, but he was a good man. I am writing you this letter because I was wondering if you could please help me find a nice church girl that I could possibly marry in the future. I started to attend church, but I did not leave this man; I still depended on him for everything. Features Dear Pastor, Aaron Dumas, to answer questions November 4, 2015 My husband's best friend always used to tell me how nice I look, and he knew also that my husband was not faithful to me. My biggest Dear Pastor, I am writing to you from the United States of America. He said his parents are Dear Pastor, I am 19 and I have a boyfriend. September 8, 2010. She has told me so. He is 23 years old. I have been single for Dear Pastor, I am a 26-year-old woman and I have two children. His mom died and he was devastated because they were very close and I was not invited to the funeral. Features. By the time I was 16 years old he had taken my virginity. I was annoyed that I gave him the rest of it. That was enough for me to pack what I had in the house. In fact, I started reading your column when I was in my early teens. She can't give me a solid reason why he is not right for me. The boys were older than us Recently, he told me that he is getting married to his long-time girlfriend. Dear Pastor, I want to congratulate you on the wonderful work you are doing. I asked him where he would get the money from Dear Pastor, This is the first time that I am writing to you, but I read your column every day. You have been helpful to people. I am not Jamaican, but I married a Jamaican man. I don't know what they have seen in him. My father and I get along very well. One day his mother and I had a disagreement and she told me a bad word. I asked him what he did but he did not want to tell me. My father supported us the best way he could. I am in a situation at the moment that has me puzzled. HOME PHOTO GALLERY EVENT GUIDE VIDEOS BLOG CARTOONS DATING STAR EPAPER. My son is one year old and his real father gave me a sum of money to open an account for him. Dear Pastor, I am writing to you to get your advice on this matter. Throughout 2018, STAR readers grabbed their copy of their favourite newspaper I can even tell children who are attending school about how well they are going to do on their exams. He told his daughter that he liked me and he would give me any money to have sex with me. He pushed his private parts into her vagina and pulled out. My pastor came to the house and tried to talk to him, but when the pastor left, he cursed me and reminded me that the house is his and he doesn't want any pastor to come there. INTERACTIVE: Mobile 'STAR WERKS' Photo Gallery. I would like to know what to do to get to the point where I would love sex. My husband was 23 years old at the time. He spent two hours with me. I could not stand his jealousy and one day he threatened me and told me that he would find ways to destroy me and the man I was seeing. My father does not live with us any Dear Pastor, I am 20 years old and this is the first time I am writing to you. I grew up in a very strict home. Should I tell my parents I’m pregnant? College She told me she was not mad with me because I did not cause the break-up. This man tells me that I am the one forcing myself on him because he says that he always tells me to leave. I am 30 years old and I have been living with my boyfriend Dear Pastor, I am a 25-year-old female and I am having a problem. We did not have children together, but he had six. I asked him where he was from because he was talking with an accent. This man has a good account for my son. I would like to know how these religious people can condemn or abandon parents who don't go to their church. Dear Pastor, I read your column every day and I listen to your show at nights. I met my husband a year after I got saved. I am married, but my husband and I are separated. My heart tells me to come home but my head says the relationship will not work anymore, so I am asking you for your advice. My older sister Dear Pastor, I always take great pleasure in reading your column in THE STAR. The amazing thing about my situation is that his children love him. He sent us Dear Pastor, I am 42 years old and I am in my second marriage. Cousin causing my landlord to kick me out . My mother lives with a man and he does not like me because he asked me Dear Pastor, I am one of the listeners on the Dear Pastor Show, but our relationship goes far back. College classmate tempting me to cheat . She complains about everything I do. I Somehow I feel attached to him, as if he has a hold on me. I went with her, and she encouraged me to sleep with I don't want to lose my boyfriend. This man works in the same organisation as you. I know he loves me but he told me that I may cause him to cheat because his needs have to be met. I Dear Pastor, This is the first time that I am writing to you, but I have been following you for a long time. This Christmas reminds me of what happen to me when I was 15 years old. I have made up my mind not to go, because I am afraid that this man's wife may find out about us. He has two children with another girl, but that does not bother me, because his babymother and I don’t fuss over him and the children. I have a brother and he is always asking me why I am staying with this man. My fiancé and I agreed that we should write to you and have you help us to settle a problem. HOME PHOTO GALLERY EVENT Dear Pastor, This is the first time that I am writing to you, but I read your column every day. What I don't know, he teaches me. We didn’t quarrel or fight a lot. , You knew exactly what you were getting into. My wife does not want to get pregnant until after she has celebrated her 24th birthday. This was my way of spiting my husband for his cheating ways. I didn't tell her the whole story that night. I am having a problem and I think you would advise me. He didn't tell me he was divorced. He has one child who lives with us. However, I have been reading your column for a long time. She is older than my Dear Pastor, I am writing to you for your best advice. I don't want my family to suffer. , Your husband is disrespectful. Dear Pastor, I am 29 and I lost my virginity when I was 16 years old. I go to evening classes. He wants to marry me and put in the papers for me to The beard is much whiter than it used to be, but Father Time has not stopped the passion of popular author of the 'Tell Me Pastor' feature, Rev Aaron Dumas. and we had gone out; then he took me home to meet his mother. So as far She told me she was not mad with me because I did not cause the break-up. I got involved in a church and I met this man who helped me to support the two children. Her father and I had a one-night stand. I am 25 years old and I have been reading your column for years. I don't know what got into me. Pastor, I did not know that in that short period, my wife got involved with a man she knew in Jamaica and was going out with him and sleeping at his house. " I had to walk away to prevent myself from telling her some Jamaican words. I can't stand him anymore . TELEPHONE: 929-1667/8. So people come to me to ask me how their children will do in their regional examinations. All he wants to do is to run around. He gets his pay and he blows it and then he comes to me and asks me to lend him money. I have learnt that one way to keep this man quiet is to allow him to have sex with me any time he ask for it. I got This guy gave me his number and told me to call him. , You may ask this man to tell you the truth. It was also the first time he was having sex. We have been friends for three years. My brother-in-law told me that he is wealthy. I have one daughter and this was by mistake. We grew up as neighbours. Dear Pastor, This is the first time I am writing to you, but I always read your column. I have a three-year-old daughter, but her father is not supporting her. But my mother, and all of us as children, had to help him when he was ill and couldn't do much for himself. I went as far as taking him home and he met my family, all in an effort to change his mind. Then I got baptised and cut off everybody But if I should fail at my job, there is nothing to back me up. Since meeting this guy, things have been going very well for me. My pregnancy was not planned, but I do not regret becoming pregnant. Event Guide. I told the pastor that as far as I am concerned, my husband is dead. I hope to further my studies in America because that is where my fiancé lives. He took a taxi because I didn't want him to drive his car. Also, me being with this guy doesn't change the relationship I have with her. Become a fan on Facebook. I learnt a lot from your column. You are a grown man, you are not lacking experience. Not many of them in the church know that I am not married because I wear a ring, so they think that I am a married woman. However, he has assured me that nothing will change between us. One of our daughters told us that we are following antichrist. I decided that I would give him a The more my parents hated him was the more I loved him. I Pastor, I really and truly love this man and I know he loves me, but I don't know if I am doing the right thing to be with him. He also told me that he loved me, but I shouldn't let anybody Dear Pastor, I have been following you for a long time. Some of my friends were going to a party and they invited me to go along with them. My father bought me a car, but my boyfriend has been borrowing it. I have stopped giving him my money because he makes $22,000 every week. I have one child. I am a 16-year-old girl who reads your column daily and is now writing to you for help. Dear S. None of them helped me when he became ill. That is one of the reasons why I love you so much. He struck up a conversation with me. Unless we were ill, we always attended church. H. Your column is the first thing I turn to in this newspaper. I always save out of what he gives me. We got married five years ago. The little boy told me the same thing. Dear Pastor, This is the first time I'm writing to you, and I'm really looking forward to hearing your advice. While he says he loves me and that he wants a future with me, I don't see where he is practically trying to make it happen. Videos. My husband is a very hard worker. When I was 16, my mother left my sister and I with my father. I believe the child is mine. To put it bluntly, your sexual desires will always be with you because you are only 65. Pastor, his mother is crazy. When he told me that he was interested in me, I laughed at him. January 16, 2014. Dear Pastor, It is a pleasure for me to be finally contacting you. I don't have any friends or family members to help me. Dear T. The reason I did that, though, was because I thought he was gay. It has grown into a serious relationship. I am 32 years old and my wife is 35. He takes very good care of his children and he Dear Pastor, I am a 25-year-old female and I am having a problem. Sometimes I argue with him and ask him if he is trying to use me because he wants me to stay home while he goes out. I want to get some more subjects. Features Dear Pastor, Aaron Dumas, to answer questions As for me, I am OK. He was 25. I am 50. I have also made a GoFundMe account seeking a little assistance. Dear L. My brother and I try to maintain it. My parents had two of us, me and my brother. She is a much younger girl and I can't manage her. I am in my 40s. The Jamaica Star. About three years later, my brother saw her with the child and he told me that that child belongs to me. Please, Pastor, if you have any advice, resources, or simply words of encouragement, I would be forever Now that you believe that he is too small and you believe that you would not enjoy having sex with him, you would have to decide on your own whether you want to proceed with marriage plans. When I look at myself now, I must conclude that Dear Pastor, I am 36 and I have never been married, but my brother-in-law introduced me to a man who is divorced. Always pleasure yourself. She even said that this relationship is not going to work, and it was a big mistake when she left her boyfriend and got involved with me. I am living with my girlfriend, she is 29 and I am 40. T. He told me he can do more for me than my children's father like buying me a car. She has sent me pictures of herself, but it is too late now. His mother told me that I got her My mother left me with her since I was a baby. At times I really feel stressed. We may end up having a fight. Dear Pastor, I am a 17-year-old girl. He told my daughter that he loves me, and she, too, laughed at him. We have a worker who comes in three times per week. March 16, 2016 . So please tell me what I should do. I stay home with the child when he Dear Pastor, This is the first time that I am writing to you, but I read your column every day. The doctor told me that I am fortunate to have a man who does not scorn me during my menses. None of your publications in THE STAR missed me. He used to have a girlfriend but they broke up because of me. When I was 22, I met another man and I felt I was in love with him. He has his peculiarities and Dear Pastor, I am writing to you about a problem. My man isn’t cute but he’s a keeper . He bought me a car and he did so with cash. My boyfriend and I were planning to get married in December, and hoping that I would get pregnant soon after our wedding. It did not bother me when I found out, because Dear Pastor, I have been following you for a long time. I was not aware that he knew the girl but Jamaica is a small place anyway. I grew up reading your column, Tell Me Pastor, in THE STAR. What she knows and did not tell me was that some years ago, while she was a teenager, a young man forced her to have sex. Recently, a couple came to me and said that they have been married for a number of years and are unable to have children. Dear Pastor, I am 36 and I have never been married, but my brother-in-law introduced me to a man who is divorced. My children still recognise him as their father, so they called him on Christmas As for me, I am OK. Dear K. When my boyfriend saw that I was angry, he told me not to say a word. Lifestyle; Features; Chill Spot; Bills Free; Commentary; Jobs; Latest News. That is the main I wanted to be his wife and was planning to attend the wedding to stop it, but he begged me not to. Dear Pastor, I am a 41-year-old married woman. I Dear Pastor, I reading your column every day. Home; News; Sports; Entertainment; Tell Me Pastor; Videos; Photos; More. I do not want to ask any of my male friends about it, either. So I married this young man. We have been attending premarital counselling. She told me that I should tell him yes, but he would have to pay me. She said he was mean but I couldn't understand that, because during our courtship he was not mean to me. My boss told me to take two days off and to go and visit my grandmother. But my husband is on I am writing not only to share my pain, but to ask for any guidance or support that may help me through this dark time. January 29, 2015. I do not trust her. My parents like him and my friends like him. m. Dear Pastor, I am having a problem and I hope you can help me. My parents were very strict. During that period this man got me pregnant. I have been trying so hard with this man, but it’s complicated. I'm 19 years old and I know that you would be surprised to hear that I am planning to get married again. Star Tell Me Pastor. I got married two years ago but not to my children's father. Dear F. I don't know what to do. We are both Christians. We grew up as a close family. When I was at home and not Dear Pastor, I am writing to you about a problem. But my sister told me that it is the man who bought that phone for her. I could not believe what he said. I am a single parent. I am married and have three children with my wife, but she is not in Jamaica. I was living with my mother, but she put me out because she did not like my boyfriend. M. I have been a fan of yours since I was going to school. I have two children. You will not get me to Dear Pastor, I am a 41-year-old married woman. Dear Pastor, I am 19 years old and just out of university. He and his wife broke up a year ago and we became friends. My husband is 51 years old and he is the most boring man I have ever had. The pastor told me I couldn't marry again as long as my husband is alive. It has been two years and I do not know where he lives. So I asked her why she didn't tell me, and she said she didn't know what was happening. She told me to give our separation some time, because she still believes that we can get back together. He was very bright in school, and from that time I could see that he loved me. My parents are married, but my mother is in America. I am learning a trade, but I am making a little money and, whatever I get, I share it One day my mother called and told me that my grandmother was not well. November 22, 2024 . What many When he left my mother, it was for a much younger woman. E. I would like to impregnate her, but she sees me as a waste of time. Dear Pastor, I am 21 and I am still in university, but I will finish school in another year. I even told my grandmother that he made a pass at me. I heard you giving that advice many times. Dear Pastor, I am a friend and reader of your column. So I asked the children and they admitted that she got married. Photo; Dear Pastor, Dear Pastor, I am a 25-year-old female and I am having a problem. INTERACTIVE: Discussion Forum 'STAR WERKS' Photo Gallery. Tell Me Pastor. Features Dear Pastor, Aaron Dumas, to answer questions. If I could do without sex, I would not have a man in my life, but I have not yet come to the place where I can do without sex. You may tell him that you are aware that he is seeing someone else. She was told that it was something that runs in her family. My boyfriend doesn't know that the money came from his brother. Follow us on Twitter. She always tells lies on me. There were four of us children – two boys and two girls. I am a college student going into my fourth year of studies. I couldn't imagine that this man would tell his daughter that. This man is really testing me. My husband died three years ago. Whenever I send him messages, he doesn't respond. I know I can't stay here, but I don't want to leave my son behind. I have my favourite callers. My wife hardly cares for me, especially since she got baptised. I told him that I had sex with my brother. She asked in what way and I told her he touched me. I have had very good lovers, including younger men. IS SOMETHING BOTHERING YOU? WRITE TO: TELL ME PASTOR, DR AARON DUMAS, PO BOX 188, KING STREET, KINGSTON. by. November 4, 2015. He never told me that he was married, but he knew that I always loved him and he used to tell me how much he loved me. We had to rush our wedding, because he got me pregnant and we did not want our child to be born outside of wedlock. The girl is only 22 years old. I grew up in the church. I have been enjoying my married life. I have a girlfriend. He used to support me fully, but now I have a job. When I was growing up, and before I got married, it was my hope of having three children. L. I am a Dear Pastor, I am having a problem. Addicted to sex. Pastor, this is not a letter asking for advice, I just want to vent and hope you could pray for me. I told her that I would pay for the divorce, but I am not getting back with her. At the age of 15, my mother got pregnant with me by a man that she didn't Dear Pastor, I am 19 years old and I am having a problem. I know some would say I shouldn't use the word I really don't know what to do. I was nervous, but this man reminded me that he was a grown man and his mother knows enough about me because he told her everything. My older sister This child is a boy and he has no respect for me. I always try to get a copy of THE STAR. My mother is a higgler and was working in downtown Dear Pastor, I am writing to you because I need your advice and help. Pastor, I have told his wife about us, but she didn't believe me. She doesn't have children. When it is not money, it is over sex. My older sister He tells me I can leave if I want to do so. Dear Pastor, It is a He told me that one of the things he likes about me is that I do not ask him for money. Photo; Dear Pastor, Other Tell Me Pastor Stories. I am really frustrated and tired of his behaviour but I just don't know how to really handle this situation because he's Dear Pastor, I am a 22-year-old woman and I have a boyfriend. Please give me your advice. I want you to advise me what to do, because he is a very hard man to please. You have remained orthodox, but there are still things that you say that many straight jacket people wouldn't accept from you. I got married when I was 20. I try Dear Pastor, I am 22 and I am having a problem. Dear Pastor, This is the first time that I am writing to you, but I have been following you for a long time. I believe my sister but I love this girl so much, I don't know what to do. My sister has promised to help me. A woman should look out for herself, but she should take care of her husband and her children, too. I am 30 years old and I have been living with my boyfriend It was about 9 p. I was married for over 22 years, but my husband has died. So I told my husband that I was going to write to you to find out how you felt about a couple having sex during the woman's menstruation. I read every column and passed them on to my neighbours because they were not always able to buy THE STAR. Features Dear Pastor, Aaron Dumas, to answer questions September 8, 2010 Dear Pastor, I am a 41-year-old married woman. He questions me about everything. He was 17. Every time they talk to us, they tell us that we are listening to the Pope and the Pope is antichrist. Star YouTube Channel. Our pastor is in charge of the counselling. Let me tell you, you are going to feel the need for a companion until you die. My mother had a special time to read THE STAR; that Dear Pastor, I am 40 years old and I have been married for three years. I have been listening to your programme for quite a while now. My father became a Christian and he did not want my boyfriend to sleep with me at his house. I Since meeting this guy, things have been going very well for me. Our parents’ house is still in good shape. T. , Dear Pastor, I am writing to you for your best advice. I did and he promised that he would give it back to me. She has been there for a little while because of illness. Sport. I Dear Pastor, I am having a problem and I hope you can help me. Dumas noted he He doesn't treat me badly; however, there are certain things I would like him to do, such as plan dates and purchase nice things for me, which he doesn't unless I ask him. He has told me that he wants my husband and I to come and visit them. We have relatives who I never thought that she would treat me like that. We are planning to get married next year. My father was the pastor’s assistant in our church. I will not create any problem when I return to Jamaica, but I would like to know my son. My grandmother is encouraging me to do so. I realised that my daughter could have picked up pubic lice. Please, give me your feedback because I don't know what to do. I have been a listener to your radio programme from the time you started. Their father and I get along very well. lbvm ijslurm jisme odrebba vcdnhlh bfj bvcbsfj mgevem txiefaka qjvgua