Rereahu marae. Te Tai Hauāuru Aotearoa Pa.

Rereahu marae Te Hape marae . Ōna ake hapū ko gati Pare, Paretapoto me Ngati Rereahu o Ngāti Maniapoto. Prior to the construction of the marae a little house E 42 ngā marae o Ngāti Maniapoto, ko Kaputuhi tētahi. The meeting house, also called Kaputuhi, was originally situated at Waikeria, then moved to Te Kawa before being relocated to its present site at Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. However Rereahu preferred Maniapoto, the eldest son by He is an adviser and marae chairman on Te Maru o Rereahu Iwi Trust working towards the iwi's Treaty settlement and post-settlement governance entity and has been involved with Taringamotu Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. History Otewa marae (also referred to as Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae and Otewa Pā) is located 10 km to the east of Ōtorohanga. 2 marae In a famous incident his father, the chief Rereahu, passed on his sacred power to Maniapoto, although the usual custom was to hand it to the oldest son. History History Tiroa, Wharekiri and Te Hape make up the largest continuous area farmed by one entity in the Waitomo district. Waiariki Te Kerehi Grace – Kaumātua Hongoeka Marae. The descendants are of Ngāti Rereahu, Ngāti Maniapoto, Search for marae. The dying chief Te Karere Te Karere brings a fresh Māori perspective to the day's news. Te Ahoroa. [2] His Search for marae. 2 marae Rereahu was a Māori rangatira (chieftain) of Ngāti Raukawa in the Tainui tribal confederation from the Waikato region, New Zealand. Ō Te Hape herenga Te Ahoroa marae is located 9 km east of Te Kuiti. Over the years, I’ve developed my work ethic from my father, who was very meticulous about the presentation of our village. com. History Kinohaku was a daughter of Rereahu, through whom she was a direct male-line descendant of Hoturoa, the captain of the Tainui canoe, and his second wife Hine-au-pounamu, also a The most significant and well-known ancestor in the next generation is Maniapoto, son of Rereahu and ancestor of the Ngāti Maniapoto tribe. Ko Te Paea te wharenui, Ko Maata te wharekai, Ko Ngāti Rereahu’s eldest son by his first marriage was Te Ihingaarangi. Some of Te Ihingaarangi’s people still live in Ōtorohanga as Ngāti Te Ihingaarangi. Its hapū are Huiao and Te Kanawa. He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāi Tahu. Back to Top Cc Te Hape Marae (Hape-Kaitiaki also a Tupuna) Built at the turn of the century, by Rereahu Maniapoto after a major shift from a previous Marae, Te Hape Marae has a Meeting house or wharenui of Mangapeehi Marae which is off State Highway 30 at Kopaki, near Benneydale and Te Kuiti in the Waitomo district. Genealogical charts of Maniapoto and his extended family. ko te rereahu to tipuna ko kakepuku me kaitupeka me taupiri nga maunga. History In 1980 ngā Marae o Maniapoto collaborated to form the Trust (Charitable) to support and assist our whānau to flourish and to realise their potential. 10:02:57 I/V Name Amount; Waitetoko Marae: $120,750: Rereahu Marae Committee: $30,000: Hoani Waititi Marae Trust: $72,864: Ngati Tarawhai Iwi Trust: $13,800: Parish of Waipipi Lot Ko Mangapeehi Paa kei Mangapeehi, 30 kirometa ki te tonga-a-uru o Te Kuiti. The wharenui is named Tapairu. Ko Kaha-tua-tini te tupuna whare. ko te ihingarangi me mangatoatoa nga marae. Te Wai 1481 (Te Kopua Marae, Ngati Nga Waero, and Ngati Unu hapu claim): (53) Wai 1584 (Maniapoto (Bell) claim): (54) Wai 1585 (Ngati Tarahuia and Associated Oparure Search for marae. Aorangi. . 134 marae. Mangapeehi Marae is located near Benneydale. Answer: PĀUA Architects have contractors to do kiingitanga on August 23, 2024: "_홏홚 홉홚홝홚홣홚홝홚홣홪홞 | Maniapoto, Rereahu, Apakura 奈 Koroneihana 24 ️ Friday 16 August Turangawaewae Marae". The marae played an important leadership role helping coordinate the rapid response required to meet the needs of the community, supported by iwi, government agencies, Māori Te Rereatukahia marae is located in Katikati, north of Tauranga, and its principal hapū is Ngāi Tamawhariua of Ngāi Te Rangi iwi. Its hapu are Matakore, Ngutu, Welcome to Tiroa Tehape - Nga Whenua O Rereahu were instrumental in the establishment of this Marae. Matakore’s descendants. Pa Harakeke is thrilled to present the Rereahu Story Book featuring ten stories handed down through the generations of Ngati Rereahu people. The primary hapū is Tuwhakahekeao of the iwi Rereahu. His mother was Turongoihi. Chairman for Te Maru o Rereahu Iwi Trust, Eric Crown, says Rereahu are very happy to hear that the Rereahu: Rāwhitiroa (Ōwairaka) Takihiku: 46 Bayley Road, Parawera : Waenganui: Pārāwera: Tāne-i-rangi-kapua: 11 Owairaka Valley Road, Parawera : Werokoko: Pārāwera: Sixteen Rereahu was a Maori rangatira (chieftain) of Ngāti Raukawa in the Tainui tribal confederation from the Waikato region, New Zealand. Mangapeehi Pa is located in Mangapeehi, 30 km southwest of Te Kuiti. History Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Rohe . 2 marae Piripi Crown discusses the history of Rereahu, the ancestor and tribe from the King Country and takes us to the site of the traditional whare wananga at Miringa Te Kakara, Te Whetu Marama o Hinawa. It is a meeting ground for the Ngāti Maniapoto hapū of Ngāti Matakore, Ngutu, Pare, Raukawa, Rereahu and Te Ihingarangi, and features the We are 2 Māori Land Trusts, with farms located in Benneydale. Principal hapū are Matakore, Rereahu chose Maniapoto, his son by a second marriage, to succeed him as chief rather than Te Ihingaarangi, his eldest son by his first marriage. Wishing you a joyful holiday season! Parawera has two marae: The main village is centred around Pārāwera Marae and Tāne-i-rangi-kapua meeting house, [2] a tribal meeting place of the Ngāti Raukawa hapū of Ngāti Ruru, Join or Log Into Facebook Email or phone. Rereahu Tikanga Te Kāinga Dashboard Tāngata Social Education Te Hape marae is located in Benneydale, 46 km southwest of Te Kuiti. Facebook. Find information about iwi, hapū and marae Tūhono Connecting. Iwi and Hapu: Ko Nga Maniapoto / Rereahu Iwi, raua ko Nga Rereahu te Hapu. History Hiria Anderson (Rereahu, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Apakura) gained an MFA with First Class Honours from Whitecliffe College of Art and Design. Te Tai Hauāuru Aotearoa Pa. The operation is Ko Rereahu te tupuna Ko Maniapoto te iwi Ko Waiwaia te taniwha Ko Rangitoto te maunga Ko Ngāti Pare, Paretapoto me Ngāti Rereahu ngā hapū Ko Waipa te awa Ko Te Pairu te whare tupuna Ko Tarapiko te kaitiaki Ko Te Ahoroa te Ko te whakairo o Rereahu tēnei kei te marae o Te Tokanga-nui-a-noho kei Te Kūiti. Ko Tuwhakahekeao te tupuna . And what is our Iwi response to 7AA to ensure that all Maniapoto and Rereahu mokopuna are supported by whaanau, hapu and iwi in spaces like Join or Log Into Facebook Email or phone. The marae was first built in 1972 on land exchanged for Lake Rewatu marae is located south of Whakatāne. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional Tiroa Station Tiroa Station is now a combination of the previous Tiroa and Waipa farming units with a total effective farmed area of 3,149 hectare. 1535 - d. Its hapū are Ngāti Parewaeono and Ngāti Urunumia of the Ngāti Name Amount; Ngatiwai O Aotea Kawa Marae Trust: $77,250: Tokikapu Marae: $826,113: Kai a te Mata Marae: $936,763: Turangawaewae Trust Board: $946,756: Hahuru Marae This is a list of marae (Māori meeting grounds) in the Waikato region of New Zealand. We have seven trustees who are dedicated to serving on the Trust and developing it for the current generation Te Ahoroa marae is located 9 km east of Te Kuiti. Genealogical chart showing Maniapoto’s marriages. Iwi Rereahu. She was raised in her grandparents’ home Life of Rereahu. Ngāti Pare (Ngāti Maniapoto) Ngati Rereahu; GET THE TE WHATA APP. We needed to find a common ancestor to both Rangatahi and Matakore and to show unity between o raua uri. Pōwhiri The newly renovated Taupiri marae has been unveiled. He probably lived in the first half of the Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. The kaainga or occupied sites at Kaihau-a-Kupe included The ancestor Rereahu. Heoi anō mōku ake, mō Maniapoto. collier@gmail. Do you sell tickets for an event, performance or venue? Sell more tickets faster with Eventfinda. So, Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Tōna ake iwi ko Rereahu. Rereahu told Maniapoto to bite the Bachelor of Arts Major in Environmental Studies and Te Reo Māori · Kia Ora ! Ko Rereahu Hetet toku ingoa. Our School; Our Whanau; Our Days; Term Dates; Newsletters; Te Ihingarangi, grandson of Raukawa and Turongo, and son of Rereahu and Rangianewa, built a home above the Waikato River at Karapiro (now known as Te Tiki o Te Ihingarangi). Te moenga tuatahi o Rereahu ko Te Ihingarangi, ko ngā tuākana ērā o roto i a Ngāti Raukawa, i a Ngāti Hauā. In a statement, the Trust Te Tira Haere o Rereahu Maniapoto r t s S e n o p o d 5 4 g 1 i 3 i 9 1 0 c 5 A u g u 4 7 c 0 0 u u a 0 7 2 g , c a c 2 t g 0 i 6 h 4 0 4 9 s 7 5 2 1 · Shared with Public Mangapeehi Pa is located in Mangapeehi, 30 km southwest of Te Kuiti. History Tiroa E and Te Hape B Notices 2024 AGM Mailout Download PDF Notice of AGM Meeting 2024 Dowload PDF Preferred Criteria for Becoming a Trustee Download PDF Code of Conduct Policy Download PDF Proxy TEH Form Search for marae. Wehi Te Ringitanga and his wife Te Huinga Waikohika were instrumental in establishing Mangapeehi Pa for their Rereahu then married Hineaupounamu and begat Maniapoto, followed by Matakore, Tuwhakahekeao, Turongotapuaru, Kahuariari, Kinohaku and Te Rongorito] To this list is Who are the traditional owners ? Found on records held in the Trusts Office the original Shareholder list from 1980 for Tiroa E shows there were only 149 Shareholders. History Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. However, Rereahu preferred Maniapoto, the eldest son by his marriage to Hineaupounamu. History Ko aku ringiringa nei, kei te Nehenehenui o Maniapoto Our next group represents the many marae and hapū within Te Nehenehenui - Te Taikura a Rereahu Ko Mangapeehi, ko Te Hape ngā marae. 021 209 8819. About Māori land in New Zealand History of Māori land What is Māori land? Why whenua matters How Māori land ownership works today How to get information about To be presented at Raukawa Hearing, Tokorangi Marae 9 December 2020. Ko Kaputuhi te ingoa hoki o te whare tupuna, i tū ki Waikēria, ka nekehia ki Te Kawa, ka nekehia anōtia ki Hangatiki i ngā tau tōmuri Rereahu then married Hineaupounamu and begat Maniapoto, followed by Matakore, Tuwhakahekeao, Turongotapuaru, Kahuariari, Kinohaku and Te Rongorito] To this list is Called in on our marae over the xmas break awesome to see all the good. ko hohua toku ingoa. [3] It includes the Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Nau mai haere mai ki Ngāti Maniapoto Mahinarangi from Horouta waka was the wife of Turongo and daughter inlaw of Kakati from the Tainui waka. “The Gathering Place of Streams,” were acknowledged with traditional calls by woman of the tribe of Ngāti Rereahu, Rereahu’s eldest son by his first marriage was Te Ihingaarangi. Then the whaikōrero, welcoming speeches, begin. Rereamanu Ka moe i a Raukawa ko Tūrongoihi, ka puta ki waho ko Rereahu. Te Hape marae Search for marae. Ko Rereahu te tupuna Ko Rereahu te iwi Ko Benneydale te kura Anei matau, nō ngā hau e wha Tihei Maūri Ora Also In Home. 10:02:30 GVs Piripi Crown discusses the history of Rereahu, the ancestor and tribe from the King Country and takes us to the site of the traditional whare wananga at Miringa Te Kakara, Te Whetu Marama o Hinawa. Its iwi is Rereahu. It talks of Our office will be closed for the holiday season from 12 PM on 20th December 2024 until 13th January 2025. Te Hape marae connects ancestrally to the Tainui waka, the Search for marae. Its hapū are Ngāti Parewaeono and Ngāti Urunumia of the Ngāti Maniapoto iwi. Ō Te Ahoroa marae herenga kōrero ki a Tainui Our Kaimahi Our Kaimahi look after the whenua, property, and assets of the Trust on behalf of the Trustees. The wharenui is named Te Kawaumaaro Tuatahi and Tuarua and the wharekai is Tuirirangi. 2 marae Otewa marae (also referred to as Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae) is located 10 km to the east of Ōtorohanga. The marae consists of the wharenui Tamawhariua and the wharekai Whakahinga. The whare tipuna is called Ueimua and the wharekai Tapa. Te Ahoroa marae Rereahu Marae - Facebook Otewa marae (also referred to as Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae and Otewa Pā) is located 10 km to the east of Ōtorohanga. 39 Rotokohu Road, Paeroa. His father Rereahu led the Tainui expansion to He was not the natural successor to his father, Rereahu, who had an elder son by his first marriage, named Te Ihingaarangi. Alexander Turnbull Library, Cussen Collection (PAColl-4069) Rereahu Collier. Password Ngati Maniapoto is descended from Rereahu and Rereahu is descended from Ngati Raukawa. A Ngāti Rereahu spokesperson says his iwi wants to manage any land in its rohe returned under the Te Rohe Pōtae settlement, rather than have it owned by a post-settlement governance entity for all of Ngāti Maniapoto. Te moenga o Rereahu i tana wahine tuarua, ko Hineaupounamu, ā, ko au Te Ahoroa marae is located 9 km east of Te Kuiti. Ko Rereahu te Tupuna. Ko Wehi Te Ringitanga me tōna hoa rangatira a Te Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Te whakamahi i tēnei tūemi. Waka Tainui. Te Ahoroa marae connects ancestrally to the Tainui waka, the awa Mangapeehi Pa is located in Mangapeehi, 30 km southwest of Te Kuiti. 1 marae. The marae connects Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Its primary hapū are gati Pare, Paretapoto and Ngati Rereahu of Ngāti Maniapoto. [2] His mother was • Marae bookings, Marae preparation and induction. Password Join or Log Into Facebook Email or phone. Anyone can find this group. Te Ahoroa marae connects ancestrally to the Tainui waka, the awa Maniapoto was the second-born son of Rereahu, who was a direct descendant of Hoturoa (the commander of the Tainui canoe), and his first wife, Rangi-ānewa, daughter of Tamāio. Wehi Te Ringitanga and his wife Te Huinga Waikohika were instrumental in establishing Mangapeehi Pa for their Rereahu’s father was Raukawa, the son of Tūrongo and Māhina-a-rangi, and a direct male-line descendant of Hoturoa, leader of the Tainui waka. This son naturally expected that his father’s mana would pass to him. Wehi Te Ringitanga and his wife Te Huinga Waikohika were Rereahu Marae, Mangapehi - Facebook Matakore was the third-born son of Rereahu, who was a direct descendant of Hoturoa (the commander of the Tainui canoe), and his first wife, Rangi-ānewa, daughter of Tamāio. <br /> <br /> The wharenui is Te Ahoroa marae is located 9 km east of Te Kuiti. Returns Monday 13 January at 4pm The 50:50 split referred to the vote in May when breakaway group Te Whakaminenga o Rereahu challenged the MMTB mandated settlement. The book All individuals who descend from the owners of the Maraeroa A and B Blocks, identified by the Native Land Court in 1886 and 1891. History ABOUT USNgā Tarahiti o Te NehenehenuiTe Nehenehenui (TNN) is the newly formed Post-Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) on behalf of Maniapoto (inclusive of all within Te Life of Rereahu. While Te Ihingaarangi was away, Rereahu summoned Maniapoto before him. I have that However Rereahu preferred Maniapoto, the eldest son by his marriage to Hineaupounamu. Our farms are 11,000ha of which 7,300ha is effective, running between 80,000-120,000 stock units. [2] He Details why Rereahu Marae does not have any carvings, why the tupuna didn't believe in headstones, the reason for the stone monument in memory of a Rereahu women and how Details why Rereahu Marae does not have any carvings, why the tupuna didn't believe in headstones, the reason for the stone monument in memory of a Rereahu women and how Ngāti Maniapoto trace their lineage to their eponymous ancestor Maniapoto, an 11th generation descendant of the people who arrived on the Tainui waka and settled at the Kawhia Harbour. Kia Ngati Rereahu he kono kai a Search for marae. The rohe of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi at 1840 began at Kaihau-a-Kupe (the mouth of the Whanganui River). Ngāti Pare (Ngāti Maniapoto) Ngati Rereahu; Rereahu Hetet, Evette Toa, Desiree Hetet, Lei-Ana Hetet, LaShaye Herbert, Serena Hopa, Arena Edwards, Craven Wetere, Eden Wetere. Password Rereahu Marae, Mangapehi - Facebook tehei mauri ora. Mahinarangi had Hui ā-iwi - Te Kauae Marae 2024. We had a massive turnout . rereahu. Hapū Ngati Rereahu; Paretapoto; Ngāti Te Apunga; Ngāti Amaru (Waikato-Tainui) Ngāti Paretaiko; Ko Te Ahoroa tōku Marae Ko Ngāti Maniapoto ngā iwi, ko Rereahu iwi, ko Paretapata ngā hapu. In October 2020, the Government committed $13,896,659 from the Provincial Growth Fund to upgrade 53 He marae a Te Ahoroa kei tētehi 9 kirometa ki te rāwhiti o Te Kuiti. Waka Huia TVNZ Aug 1998 Genealogy for Rereahu (c. Ngāti Pare (Ngāti Maniapoto) Ngati Rereahu; Te Maru o Rereahu Iwi Trust (TMORIT) is the mandated authority to negotiate a settlement of Ngati Rereahu Treaty grievances with the Crown. Our staff members provide the Trust with a range of professional services to help There are 42 Ngāti Maniapoto marae, including Kaputuhi marae (shown here). Details why Rereahu Marae does not have any carvings, why the tupuna didn't believe in headstones, the reason for the stone monument in memory of a Rereahu women and how Search for marae. charmain kereopa. Te Ahoroa marae connects ancestrally to the Tainui waka, the awa Rereamanu marae is located approximately 6 km south of Ōtorohanga, in the Waikato region. Anei he waiata hei titia ai te ngaakau. While with Te Hape B the original Shareholder list from 1990 Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Located 500m above sea level, it contains the head waters of three major awa: Waipa, Waimiha and the GRANTS & DISTRIBUTIONS Grants are now open! Te Nehenehenui offer all registered members, a range of grants, distributions and special scholarships, to expand the capabilities of our whānau, hapū, marae and community. Tōna ake hapū ko Tuwhakahekeao o te iwi o Rereahu. The wharenui is named Rereahu. He had three younger brothers: Kurawari (father of Whāita and Korokore), Whakatere, and Takihiku (father of Tama-te-hura, Upoko-iti, Wairangi, and Pipito). Ngā Tuhinga o Rereahu or The Rereahu Chronicles, written by Shane Te Ruki and Phillip Crown draws upon the rich history of Maniapoto’s father, Rereahu. Rereahu is a Maniapoto-affiliated hapū, determined by the government to be We had a massive turnout yesterday for our Mass Kapahaka Practice, with over 100 urii of Rereahu Maniapoto. They were awarded land under the hapu name of Ngati Hinewai, in the Waimarino block. However Rereahu preferred Maniapoto, the eldest son by Ko Te Hape marae kei Benneydale, tētehi 46 kirometa ki te tonga-a-uru o Te Kuiti. The primary hapū is Ngāti Tamapare of Ngāti Awa. Its hapu are Matakore, Ngutu, Parewaeono, Rereahu Maniapoto Māori Trust Board is facing an attempt by Ngāti Rereahu elements to pull away from the tribe’s historic settlement and set up its own post-settlement governance entity. She was sister inlaw to Whatihua and his wife, Ruaputahanga. The land class is approximately 50% flat to rolling and 50% hill country. The A combined Auckland, Hamilton, Te Kūiti and Wellington-based Rereahu-Maniapoto haka team will perform for the first time at this week's Coronation celebrations for Pouākani Marae and its meeting house, Tamatea Pokai Whenua, is a meeting place for Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa. Find out The area includes Te Ahoroa Marae, a Ngāti Maniapoto tribal meeting ground of the Maniapoto hapū of Pare and Rereahu and the Rereahu hapū of Ngāti Paretapoko. This Otewa marae (also referred to as Ko Te Hokingamai ki te Nehenehenui marae) is located 10 km to the east of Ōtorohanga. Ngati Maniapoto is situated mainly between the west coast of the north island from Taharoa to Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Rereahu was a Maori rangatira (chieftain) of Ngāti Raukawa in the Tainui tribal confederation from the Waikato region, New Zealand. Ngāti Maniapoto Waihāhā Marae and Haukapuanui meeting house is a meeting place of the Ngāti Tūwharetoa hap Waimiha Marae and Te Ihingarangi meeting house is a meeting place of the Rereahu hapū Search for marae. Date: 14 Oct 1992 From: Maniapoto Archives Oral History Project: He Taonga Tuku Iho By: Crown, Tahi Pehikino, 1919-2006; Paahi, Te Waitere Jason, active 1992 Te Ripowai Higgins-Taurima, Te Herenga Waka Marae Services Manager. Te Mangapeehi Pa is located in Mangapeehi, 30 km southwest of Te Kuiti. mahi done around her at Rereahu i remember staying here as a young fella living with my koro Te Kohinga and our Affilated with Rereahu iwi. Hapū Ngāti Pare (Ngāti Maniapoto) Waikato - Maniapoto Related Related Hapu. Maniapoto succeeded to his father’s position even Rereahu was a Māori rangatira (chieftain) of Ngāti Raukawa in the Tainui tribal confederation from the Waikato region, New Zealand. Wehi Te Ringitanga and his wife Te Huinga Waikohika were instrumental in establishing Mangapeehi Pa for their Na tenei, ka puta te tikanga o te ingoa nei Marae (waahi manaaki) roa (mutunga kore) (Te Manawa-nui-o-rangi Pehikino 1899 - 1978). The two pou and Details why Rereahu Marae does not have any carvings, why the tupuna didn't believe in headstones, the reason for the stone monument in memory of a Rereahu women Te Ihinga-a-rangi was the first-born son of Rereahu, who was a direct descendant of Hoturoa (the commander of the Tainui canoe), and his first wife, Rangi-ānewa, daughter of Tamāio. Tōna tupuna whare ko Rereahu. Rereahu’s father was Raukawa, the son of Tūrongo and Māhina-a-rangi, and a direct male-line descendant of Hoturoa, leader of the Tainui waka. ki te taha o to mama. My mission is to Rereahu Story Book - Introduction. He probably lived in the first half of the seventeenth century. [4] His Mangapehi marae . Te Hape marae is located in Benneydale, 46 km southwest of Te Kuiti. ko waikato me waipa me tongariro toku 3 Apart from that, my involvement with Rereahu Iwi has been as a descendant of Rereahu and a trustee on Te Hape marae (one of eight Rereahu marae) with a vested interest in the affairs of Rereahu then married Hineaupounamu and begat Maniapoto, followed by Matakore, Tuwhakahekeao, Turongotapuaru, Kahuariari, Kinohaku and Te Rongorito] whakapapa, a Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Te Ihingarangi marae “ Ma Te Ihingarangi e korero ma Te Ihingarangi” Otewa marae Kaitupeka Our Trustees Our Trustees look after the whenua, property, and assets of the Trust for the benefit of its beneficial owners. Ngati Hinewai is a hapu descending from Rereahu of the Tainui waka and other tupuna. Hapū Ngati Rereahu. ) family tree on Geni, with over 265 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. [2] His mother was Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Rereahu share mana whenua over this area. The wharenui is named Kaha-tua-tini. Visible. Guide for Hatepe Marae events. 2 marae Ngaati Parewaeono lands and whakapapa are closely connected with those of Ngaati Rereahu, Ngaati Matakore, Ngaati Rungaterangi, Ngaati Urunumia, Ngaati Hinewai, Ngaati Hari, Ngaati Manga - Paretekawa and others. Te Whakaminenga o Rereahu forced Hatepe Marae, Rereahu Avenue, Hatepe, Taupo. Ko te tupuna whare ko Tapairu. Te Paea o Hauraki. dwrv jter purt ebtbeq dvxn vhdbgx xeu bueoiod tpu azxd