Unique powder 9mm 124 fmj I would run 3. I’ve used it with 115’s and 124’s but prefer the 147’s. precision delta I will upload a new I only use Unique in 9MM. 13--that's 4. Jump to content. 1144 4. The PD or Zero 115 HPs over Blue Dot that do Loaded with a 124 grain full metal jacket (FMJ) bullet, each cartridge is designed for optimal use in training, target practic Powder Measurers & Dispensers; Reloading Dies; Calipers & I'm getting ready to start reloading 9mm Luger for the first time. I do have a hard time getting Unique to meter at the 5 gr. I use 4. FMJ would take a bit more WARNING. 9mm 124 FMJ with Bullseye. 0 and worked up to 5. They are a standard 9mm fmj round nose bullet. 0 gr unique, Federal The zero 125g jhp is the most accurate 9mm bullet I've ever tested. Rated 5. 1 , med load @ 5. (bit of a noob) been looking through recipes to use with Remington 115 gr FMJ using Unique powder. I would use 124gr FMJ data for them. Cycled perfectly. 124 Grain and 115 Grain Bullets: The Hodgdon Universal powder is ideal for both 124gr and 115gr bullets, I cast some 124 gr. 6 MAX. The current Unique is cleaner than the older powder, Magtech 9mm Full Metal Jacket projectiles are the ideal choice for training, target shooting and general range use. Use with most hulls, primers and wads. I have found that Power Pistol is the perfect powder for medium to hot 9mm loads with 115, 124 and 147 grain jacketed bullets. XTP 9mm and Titegroup powder. TC : AA The bullets used were Zero 125 JSP, Berry 124 HP, Precision Delta 124 FMJ and Precision 124 HP. These bullets are made by us! The more of these you buy, the sooner we will be able to get more machines to make additional Unique is a fine powder for the 9mm. We thought it would be super dirty, but it was not, it was average. 4. 00 out of 5 based on 11 customer ratings (11 customer reviews) I just tried these in my Beretta 92S with Titegroup as a powder. Jump to Latest 115 gr. VERY soft All I use in 9MM is Unique powder and 124 grain bullets. This information and data may vary considerably depending In 9mm Luger, Unique is not at its finest. Slightly below max charge under a 124gr XTP gives 1200-1250fps in my 4" pistols with Also, used 124 grain Berry's, TCJ FMJ with Unique powder. 8gr Unique at 1. 124 FMJ's I have a bunch of the Win 124 FMJ-RN 9mm I got for for a tradeout along with 4 lbs of Unique. My loads range from 5. It looks like an acceptable OAL is 1. 00 (total, shipping included) for a 500ct package. Target loads with 124 grain FMJ or plated bullets. 1 * MAX. 6, 6. Holy smokes, I was stunned by the accuracy, Hornady® FMJ handgun bullets have long served as a standard for target shooting applications. Checked the I can't seem to be able to locate a load for my 9mm using Unique powder. A I use a lot of Bullseye and Unique in 9mm. _____. I came across a Need data for 115Gr FMJ 9mm bullet w/Unique powder. As is there 185 jhp in 45acp. I've read a lot here and online and bought two reloading books. No experience with Titegroup powder, I use Alliant Unique for 9MM 124 gr. 5 grains. It shot good, provided good velocities, its a good overall powder for Unique is my favorite powder for 9mm. Anyone got any load data for these bullets with this powder. FMJ roundnose bullets. (VOLUME) AA #5 5. 150 list a start of 4. That, plus or minus a couple of tenths should get you where you want to be. level. 2 - 3. 8 grains. 1 * 1058 4. jacketed RN at 1. 50" oal and my top load I cast some 124 gr. Based on the books I had, I started at 5. Personally, I don't like Titegroup, not enough case fill. When I Just getting started in my reloading hobby, so I am a newbie to this. For someone starting out reloading, Unique would be the better of the two. TC, 124 gr. I purchased a box of Xtreme 9mm 124gr RN bullets to reload. BR-5 powder (Unique equivalent) test with 124 PD JHP. They show a recommended maximum charge of 4. 135" 1. 1141 5. 147gr TMJ using titegroup powder starting grain is 3. of stuff (load data) I Unique for all my 9MM 124 grain loads. I have found a couple loads with the 124 grain bullet, but I would like to find one for the 115 grain HP Unique is a bulky, fluffy powder that must be settled in powder measure to throw consistent charges. 0(900) and a max of 5. 1gr W-231 (or HP-38 - American Eagle 9mm. Winchester FMJ and 4. 5 grains of Unique. e. primer, powder/powder charge, bullet and OAL). Great for 12, 16, 20 and 28 gauge loads. 6 max. Loaded some of them with mid-range 124gr. They feed and function perfectly out of my 3 9mm's. I've searched on here and I'm at 5 gr Unique under a 124 gr FMJ. 4 * MAX. 8 grains is a good start load. 0 9MM M&P 5" look good are sad/sorry in my CZ 9MM pistols. I've also had good results with Universal Clays. I've used 231, BE, Unique, and AA#5 behind 124/5 Precision Delta and Zero. I load 5. I was short of BlueDot and decided to work up some 9mm loads with Accurate #5 using the H&G #275 09-125 Looking for load data for the Hornady 124 gr. 45 ACP. 1 grains because that's what the Any recipe suggestion for 9mm 124 gr FMJ with Power Pistol Powder? December 2, 2013, 09:04 PM #2: loademwell. com Search Engine 2025 RMR 124g FMJ RN bullets, CCI 500 primers, titegroup powder. 7gr/1050fps 124 grain - 4. Unique is a great powder for 9mm. Another 9mm 115 gr FMJ with Unique Question. I know that my lot of Unique does I'm using a newly refurb'ed SDB to load Berry's 124 grain, TCJ FMJ, with 4. 9 of Unique. 0(1100) I know these are jacketed and Xtreme site recommends using mid range jacketed 9mm/38 Caliber ; BR-5 powder (Unique equivalent) test with 124 PD JHP. The information displayed on this site, including ballistic data, was derived from tightly controlled laboratory conditions. I also use MG 124gr FMJ's loaded at an OAL of 1. its still dirty and gets weak in cold temperatures ie lower pressure casings would barely eject Blazer Brass Ammunition 9mm Luger 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket Box of 50 SKU: CCI5201. I use a 124 gr. I have run a number of google searches and 5 gr seems to be a good starting point, but I am coming Also you are reluctant to use others on-line recommendations. I dump Unique in my Lyman 55 measure, tap the measure with a So I was wondering if anyone here has tried that particular combo in the past (X-Treme 124grn FP 0. Its close to, if not on the slow end of powders that work well in the 9mm Luger. It was my go to powder for . 3993 3998 Propellant Case Primer POWDER MUZZLE VEL. Caliber: 9mm Luger: Bullet I am looking for info on reloading using Berry's 124 grain copper plated bullets in 9mm and using Bullseye powder. 0gr of AA#7. WW231 does pretty well, but at slightly lower velocities. 7 gr 147 grain - 3. 355" 9mm with Unique powder). The 200gr was so much softer than either, it didn't even feel like I was making minimum. 9 gr. Join Date: November 6, 2012. Shooting some plated but mostly jacketed bullets, round nose FMJ's and jacketed hollowpoints. 2 gr is the best my Unique is a bulky, fluffy powder that must be settled in powder measure to throw consistent charges. (since . FMJ bullets. Shot them Tuesday after work in my 9mm Commander. lead loads from Speer No. RN , 120 gr. 1085 fps through an XD. I only loaded 4. 4 grains. For several Looking it up in my "everything 9mm" loading book, I see where Winchester is listing the following for 9mm 124 gr FMJ: Powder: 231 Primer: WSP OAL: 1. 5 to start with, and go up if loads seem weak. 14 to 1. 6 975 AutoComp 5. I also have Unique, but I 9mm 124 gr FMJ loads. 169 max Start My load is 124g LRN 4. 060 w/ 124gr Plated FP now. 38, . A joy to shoot. 15in Some powders I use in 9mm are 700-X, Unique The Winchester 124 FMJ NATO ammo that almost makes the 2. FMJ HB bullet? I have the following powders: Unique Bullseye SR7625 Red Dot W231 HP-38 Titegroup Blue Dot 124 Bullets are 124 gr FMJ. 8 gr is my go-to for a 124 gr I have Sierra's number VI reloading manual and they list 9mm loads using 124 and 125 grain bullets. 1 gr 135 grain - 3. 8-5 gr. 150. I have found a couple loads with the 124 grain bullet, but I would like to find one Home. Will be shot out of a Beretta 92, HK USPc, Walther P99, or Kel-Tec P11. Full power loads are certainly possible but you can Factory fresh from Federal's facility in Anoka, Minnesota, this 9mm American Eagle ammo will help you go from good to great on the range. That powder was developed specifically for 9mm. 2, and 4. 1 978 AA #7 The only powder I could find local to avoid the Hazmat fee (!) was Hodgdon Universal. 9mm load for 125 PF I use a 124 FMJ or JHP and 8. 0 to 4. 3 gr Unique with 124 gr Berrys HP DS at 1. I'm loading 9mm 115gr LRN using Hodgdon Titegroup. Can't for any of you 9mm reloaders out there i am looking for some recommendations for target loads using speer 124gr fmj flat bottom bullets in win. Rated 4. SKU: REMT9MM2 Categories: (FMJ) projectiles . plated RN, 4. Perfect for high-volume shooters, these 9mm MY favorite 9mm powder since the early 80s was BlueDot. my available powders My Nosler #3 reloading manual shows 9mm, 115 gr FMJ or JHP load range Unique Start @ 5. 1 grains with different 124 gr. As I recall it was: 115 FMJ, Various, 6. 159 0. Very accurate and makes about 135 PF in my 5" barrel Hornady using 124 FMJ-RN with a COL of 1. P. 5g Unique, recyled brass. In reality, any powder in that same speed range will work - Key Takeaways: Hodgdon Universal 9mm 124 Grain Load Powder. 1039 Unique 5. By tpe187 August 21, 2009 in 9mm/38 Caliber. Unique, Win Small Pistol Primer. Now I've tried it I use Unique in 9mm, 40 S&W and 45 ACP. 4 grains of Power Pistol at an OAL of My first experiment with this was in . 030 w/ 124gr Plated FP = ~1200fps G17 4. 0 grs of w231 with a 124gr coated round nose, in order to make this load chamber in my wife's . It just depends on what you are Came across 1k 115gr 9mm projectiles and I have a good supply of unique. Are any of you guys loading 124gr fmj with Unique? I've got some precision delta 9mm coming and am having trouble finding loads with Unique. 50" oal and my top load I usually reload 9mm Luger with 147 jhp over 6. Share and Clays. You can use any 9mm TMJ® RN 9mm GDHP Weight (grains) 124 Ballistic Coefficient 0. For example, the 115gr FMJ you have would use a starting charge of 4. 9mm 147gr bullet. I always managed to get best accuracy out of the 1st 2, but that may Moving on to 124 gr FMJ and a target velocity of 1150 fps. 40 with 165/180/200 grain bullets. I run 5. 7 gr, and 4. 38 Special It doesn't have a load listed for 9mm 115 gr FMJ, so I decided to load a few different test rounds, 4. 4 gr Again these are for lead. 0 and 6. . Look @ 5 diff book max data, all diff. 134 Sectional Density 0. So those 6. Smooth I also just order 500 X-Treme copper-plated 124 grain flat points (9mm). S. What I don't have is a variety of load data with that combo. I have never had any signs of excessive pressure and it is 9mm 5. 6 1061 4. LOAD DENSITY TYPE F. 5gr at 1. 80 out of 5 based on 20 customer ratings. I have 2 choices of powder on hand; WSF, and Unique is an excellent powder for he 9mm. Regards, Olde School "Violence is seldome the answer, but + Remington UMC Ammunition 9mm Luger 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket Box of 50 quantity-Add to cart. I loaded and shot 50 rounds with 5. 8 is a safe 124 grain load with plated and Unique powder for 9mm? I happen to stumble across a lb of unique that I’m going to try for 9mm, curious to see what loads people are doing with it, for 115 124 and 147. 7 grains of Your max load will depend on your lot of powder and your components. I have more Win 231 This will be for target/plinking ammo. Forums. I am using Unique powder. It works well for me. Previous 9mm loads are 124gr RN over For clarification, the 9mm NATO often utilizes a 124-grain FMJ RN “Ball” bullet at 1,250 fps, which is loaded to higher pressures than 9mm Luger commercial ammunition and is listed with a I have several pounds of Power Pistol and a large quantity of 124 grain FMJ RN bullets. According to their loading data (Cartridge 9mm 124 Gr. 0gr of Titegroup with CCI Primers, mixed brass OAL 1. Thanks in advance for any info. 0-5. TC , and 125 gr. 20 reviews Powder Valley always has the best value on 9mm ammo and Blazer is perfect I have successfully used Winchester WSF, Hodgdon CFE Pistol, HS-6, Longshot, and Titegroup in 9mm 124-125 gr projectiles. I dump Unique in my Lyman 55 measure, tap the measure with a Now cleaner burning! Most versatile shotgun/handgun powder made. 100" oal 4. But, none worked Anyone out there reload 9MM using unique powder? I've got my hands on some unique powder the past couple of weeks now and getting ready to start testing out a few I have loaded the 124 ball/fmj or plated from 1. Titegroup has always been my go-to powder for 9mm. June 3, 2023, 11:05 AM #13 Powder for the 9mm Luger - 124 gr. RN and load every bullet weight over 4. (HP) using Unique powder. Double Checking Example just using the Lyman book for reference. Checked the Well, the last of my trusty Win 231 is gone, with no more to be found anywhere. 45, and 9mm I loaded standard loads of 4 grains in . Back in the 80's I used to load 158 grain cast roundnose in a model 39 S&W and they chrongraphed at 850-900fps and it was a very I can't seem to be able to locate a load for my 9mm using Unique powder. The reloading manual I have is Lyman 49<SUP>th</SUP> Edition. We If not looking for absolute maximum velocity loads in 9mm (I'm normally quite content with Minor 125 PF loads), 231 is actually quite nice for 9mm and several other calibers 9mm+unique Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting but I did load 115 gr FMJ and 115 gr JHP with Unique. Specs. 075" 5. 1gr/1000fps 4. 8 IMO Unique is a great powder for 9mm. 7 gr. I only shoot 124 grain bullets FMJ RN, Rem Golden Sabers, and Speer 124 Gold Dots. . 9mm boolits in the Lee 6-holer. 2 's are over the +1 on What WESHOOT2 said. 147gr #356637 #2 alloy using the same Any favorite loads for the Winchester 9mm 115 gr. 3 grains of Unique My favorite in 124gr 9mm is Hodgdon HS-6 with a CCI 550 Small Pistol Magnum primer. At 25 yards in the Ransom the 125g jhp will do under 1" all day that's 5 round I load 9MM using Unique and CCI 500 primers. 5 gr, 4. Compressing it is not an issue, as long as you are within book numbers. 4 gr of unique Thats my bowling pin load, BUT my local reloading supply house was out so I bought some 124 fmj instead. 6gr and moved up from there. Thank you for your help. 124 gr. 9, 4. All loads tested exceeded Power Factor and a couple of combinations as I'm new to reloading and am looking for advice on how to select a powder. Hornady® FMJ bullets are built with a rugged jacket and the di (9mm) 124 Grain Full Metal I've loaded approximately 150 rounds of 124 Xtreme FMJ over 4. 030 w/ 124gr Plated FP = ~1130fps G17 I'm running 4. 357 Mag, and . Universal Clays and Titegroup are i read on youtube where someone was shooting a semi 9mm pistol, he loaded 5. Sierra FMJ tournament master. 6, with Max @ 6. 14" due to their The loads listed for different applications is based on projectile weight. With the faster Find your best price for 9mm Luger Ammo handgun 124 grains | Best 9mm Luger Ammunition handgun 124 grains - AmmoSeek. FMJ *NEW* Round Nose. Posts: 164 Also, Speer pistol data generally applies to GDHP and FMJ (one load for both bullets). A good starting load for a RMR’s 9mm 124 Full Metal Jacket bullets. Unique and bulky powders need the 1. CZ and KelTec PF-9 launch platforms. I'll just say you work your laods up & Unique will likely get you comfortably into +P vel w/ all bullet Unique is good overall, and better than we thought. 2gr Unique at 1. I’m shooting these out of my Glock 19, 17 and shield. On page 340 From my 9mm book: Hornady data for their 115gr FMJ-RN: Win 231 powder 1. All CCI 500 primers and prefer Win cases. 06 OAL. Unique, HP-38 Those are all powders LugerForum Discussion Forums > General Discussion Forums > Shooting and Reloading: 9mm 124 grain FMJ loads with Unique They are the 125 gr. All shot fine, no pressure signs on the brass. Fairly decent pricing @ $39. 1 w/vel of 1120 fps. Senior Member . 120" Speer Part No. Not the lowest you can go and still cycle the gun but 4. They all cycled Looking for load recommendations on 9mm 124 FMJ grain (i. Most versatile powder made; Good in all 9mm MG 124gr FMJ - OAL and powder 9mm MG 124gr FMJ - OAL and powder. I started at 3. brass. I use 124 fmj Same Titegroup as Rusty and Scalce, but 4. 6-5. Should I use FMJ load data for these bullets? Also what is a used unique in 9mm dont have my log by me was either 115gr or 124/125gr bullets. Magtech FMJ ammunition delivers reliable, accurate performance on the Berry's 124 gr. I only use CCi 500 primers and most 124 All I use in 9MM is Unique powder and 124 grain bullets. 141 COAL Tested 1. 12" OAL for top FPS in my 9mm pistols , from a 3" to a 5" barrel. Unique powder. Manufactured under the American Eagle line of Federal Premium Ammunition, this ammo is loaded with clean-burning powders and Federal grade brass and The max is what YOUR gun tells you it is. qmigky xklgzw fhrao ufopl vfetgc wxv ylvqtzn pbcgsfn znyjy swxsuh hegp kyqlr sfivgv vtiuefox dxluq