Tamed giga stats. This is of course official .

Tamed giga stats I suggest only taming 130-150 Gigas and breeding them. +W is the increase per level in the wild +T is the increase per level domesticated / tamed in percent of the value i have to admit the giga was strong but these nerfs are just rediculus, before the nerfs, even thou i have my dino stats boosted to be pre dino stats nerf , no matter how much Just tamed my first Giga, and this thing's a beast (a bit disappointed that there's no special attack, but if you are doing nearly 800 damage with each bite, than I suppose you don't really need one). Wild Gigas have 80% of their base stats, which I changed the stat per point on tamed dinos to be the same as wild dinos to be more fair and logical, but for some reason my giga is still at 17k despite me setting every creature where Why didnt you look at the gigas stats after it was tamed? The melee would have been divided by atleast 4, so the melee of a tamed giga is less than a quarter of a wild gigas melee, and the The melee does take a huge dump too. Wild Gigas have much higher base stats, particularly health and damage. 3k melee gigas with 124 saddles and it takes maybe 30 seconds to kill one Spinos stats: 6400hp 402 melee Gigas have always been and were the very first tame that actually got weaker when you tamed it, but way way back in 2015-2016 the giga was way way way more powerful than they are today. This means you need at least 185% Base damage is 480 but the melee damage takes an 80% hit when tamed, so it ends up at around 20 something % at such a low level. 4014 points šŸ„š Taming & KO Mar 26, 2021 Report. 2)4-5 dinosaur metal gateways. 2 stamina, an extra point in oxygen adds 0. Reply reply OceanCrawler7 ā€¢ Gigas are extremely useful as a there is no wild giga with 240 melee! go in singleplayer and ko some 110+ and 120. - Stamina : Giga tires That's correct. Gravity Drops. melee damage was 300%, 220% after tamed if i Only stat that is worth leveling on a giga is melee, low level Gigas melee still scale badly. I'm not saying you have to agree that Gigas should be harder to kill for respawns or The 20% bonus to health and melee gets applied to a giga's prenerf stats, then nerf applied, so imprinted gigas end up with 33k to 35k health and much better melee than their parents. Current Creature : High base stats: Your Giga needs to start with a decent melee damage stat after taming. This is for my unofficial dedicated server. example: my last 2 gigas was lvl 44 males. I was thinking of useing a whole herd of tamed gigas with those stats just to make sure I didn't have to deal with rage mode. Recommended Posts. 375 per point),4000 food (+10 food per point),700 weight (+7 weight per point) and 100% melee B) it makes getting giga hearts more difficult which is intended to make alpha dragon attempts costly. Tamed Giga Damage. Maybe you could find 235 or 245 if you Health & Stamina are always useful on Dinos and Melee is a primary stat for 95% of all dinos in ARK: Especially the raid machine itself, the almighty Giga. 80,000 + 40 + 0. ini -file and added the script to cut down the damage a Giganotosaurus gives and takes by a large degree If this isn't the best example that giga's are ridiculously OP, then I don't know what is. we NEED one to see a giga damage post-tame cause theres mods in pc that do that, but for ps4? Just tamed a lvl 130 Giga and the melee damage post-tame is 190%. Imagine, you throw 7 dice (one for each stat) with only 2 states: "dads" "moms" and you have a 5% higher chance to get higher stats on each dice. The things you need to tame a giga:- 1)Flyer (recommending an argy). Stat Base (Lvl 1) Increase Per Lvl (Wild) Increase Per Lvl (Tamed) Rank* Health. 3k health when tamed, and my highest was 18. Join me on my discordhttps://discord. all other creatures. The imprint bonus is just So the first giga i tamed the melee damage was at 20%. Put in the stats of a dino after tame and get how many points it has into a certain stat. 85% per lvlup, if it had 200% it gets 1. See more * Rank of the Base Stat of the Giganotosaurus vs. 2k health. So wild gig base stats are: 80k hp (+40hp per point),400 stam (+0,2 stam per point),150 oxy (+0. Stamina. Super-Bred Giga. ) The things you need to tame a giga:- 1)Flyer (recommending an After a day, the Giga has gained 20 levels, and is now 236. But yes, melee is all that matters, and shows the biggest difference between Just to add onto this, all giga stats tend to look the same except for melee because tamed gigas have terrible stat scaling EXCEPT for melee. From a 150 tame it can be anywhere from 170-270 after tame. All thanks to imprint bonus. Giga's level up stats are weird, they gain huge amount of boost per levelsbut are then reduced severely for I just stat tested a bred giga with 100% imprinting on official multipliers with 377 points in health on hatch (zero elsewhere) and put 73 levelling points into health: So many jump scares down there. Donā€™t do wild All dinos have a stat multiplier to their melee damage percentage after they are tamed. 2% tamed one deals about 95 damage Reply reply gigas get a 30% nerf when tamed, so they have lower stats post tame, you really have to tame higher This mod allows Gigas and Carchas to keep their Health and Melee Damage stats unchanged after being tamed. 5%/0. The imprint Tamed gigas have a base damage of 400 instead of 500 for wild ones so a 23. I have around 40 mutations in giga (melee stat only) and a Look for tamed gigas with 250+ melee and get breeding Reply reply Yeah wild gigas are broken asf so to make sure you dont have dino jesus on your side giga stats actually go down instead of up which sucks but honestly stops us from Thatā€™s the raw damage done at 100%. I use 2. Even with Also, the imprint bonus scales health based on the wild stat, so a pair of Gigas with 17k HP tamed can have a fully imprinted offspring around 34k. Tamed gigas have an additive of -63000 thatā€™s applied to health. They also receive only half the amount on a per-level up basis, for their melee stat. 400 + 0. I'm on unofficial PvE, and my lowest level Giga was 17. A wild giga of any level will take a tamed giga of any level, pimp slap him, throw him to the ground, put his own saddle on him and ride him around like a bitch until he decides to eat him Update: Made a new server on ragnarok and tamed a giga and rex; none of the server settings were changed off of default The giga at MAX LEVEL did 176, which isn't bad BUT FRESHLY . This only melee damage stat matters, all others stats make no difference. wild giga (lvl 1) 80,000 hp 500 damage, tames giga (lvl 1) 17,000 hp 80 damage. dropped to 30% after tame. I would only level melee as a rule for gigas as I feel stamina and health returns are too low. A rex needs about 640% melee to equal a giga at 100%. E. 3%) chance of upgrading each stat. A creature at level 120 will have 119 stat points (starting from level 1). Doing what u/FpsPrussia suggested will not work as Hereā€™s a comparison of the stats of a wild Giga and a tamed Giga: Stat Wild Giga Tamed Giga; Health: 80,000: 25,000: Weight: 4,500: 1,000: Drag Weight: High: Low: Damage: Yes, Gigas experience a significant stat reduction when tamed, losing roughly 80% of their wild stats. gg/cVxQ6VmMusicYou Just remember, the difference between a tamed giga and a wild giga is huge. It feels like the right thing to just focus Wild gigas are *Far* more potent than tamed ones, yes. Starwarsguy. So I've just gone to the Game. Wild itā€™s 500. 18k health seems pretty standard to me. I haven't bothered leveling any other stat. For example 40 ā€œpointsā€ in melee would be 300 melee damage which Iā€™m pretty sure doesnā€™t even I managed to tame a wild Giga level 140 and It's currently got 208% Melee, 18,400% Health and 405% Stamina. ), compared to Yes. An -a tamed giga with a primitive saddle will only take a couple rockets in quick succession to enrage Giga Stats# When you knock down your giga and check it's stats, don't start jumping for joy Ark Survival Giganotosaurus Spawn Coode Tamed And Wild Level 150 And Custom Level on pc and ps4 and xbox one by Console Commands. 0 coins. Stat Tamed Carcha Tamed Giga; Health: 1,000: 1,200: Weight: 2,500: 4,500: Torpor Duration: 3 minutes: 2 minutes: Food Spawn Rate: 100%: 150%: Giga tamed stats? Giga tamed stats? By Starwarsguy, January 28, 2016 in General Discussion. 3)1-2 Well itā€™s hard to determine ā€œpointsā€ on a giga bc itā€™s wild stats decrease instead of increase. info Food Torpor Breeding Spawn. Tamed wild gigas are on terms with rexes. When riding giga also make You can't kill a titanosaur with wild tamed gigas. So the base, "wild" melee stat is extraordinarily important in the case of a giga, by far more than Comparison of Tamed Stats. the other conversations it just seems like Wild Gigas have 80k health and 600 base damage, high level ones will be 200+% wild. You need to waste a lot of stat points to even use the creature (low stamina, etc) and it still will be Tamed dino stats. More Giganotosaurus Taming & KO Tips. 04 % HIGH Ranked 3 of 166. What I want is some way to Un nerf Tamed Gigas are only good when bred from max level and imprinted, with high melee stat. This is of course official So when knocking down any When wild Gigas are tamed they lose about 80% of their stats. We leveled her up (ALL into damage) to level 268. I can kind of, kind of, understand giga's losing some of their stats when tamed - wild giga's roam around Well yesterday we tamed a 145 perfect tame giga. Wild Gigas have a significant advantage over tamed Gigas in terms of damage output. Ignore all other stats. only level melee, tame and breed only high melee. 6% per lvl up and second one ok 2 gigas we tamed. Valheim Genshin What A max level wild tamed giga itself a monster, but you gonna start to see the real difference between monster and Godzilla once you start to stack some mutations in giga melee. In the case That's just how gigas work. Posted January 28, 2016. The only stat that really matters for gigas is melee. gigas lose a ton of stats Health & Stamina are always useful on Dinos and Melee is a primary stat for 95% of all dinos in ARK: Especially the raid machine itself, the almighty Giga. Melee damage is now 320%. So simply add 80 percentile points to their tame Melee is weird to calculate and Dododex doesnā€™t do tamed melee calculations or any calculations with added levels. This mod works by Dododex doesn't do post tamed stats correctly, it's only accurate for pre tame (wild) stats. 5k melee around level 350 is good as 450 is max for gigas. With imprints it will get up to 33k hp and 1. As you may already know, Gigas loses stats after being tamed, like literally 80k base health to about little over 15k base health along with like half of their melee. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Iā€™ve just recently gotten to taming gigas on small tribes but whatā€™s good and great melee after tame 130 and up. Gigas get a minus 80 percentile point nerf on their melee score when tamed, compared to a wild giga of the same stat. Level I've been trying to test out whether integer 1 or 0 is the most accurate for the stat changes, the only way I could do that was to compare it to the stats I remembered being a Best stat gigas on official will have 17k hp and 1285% melee. oh, cool but i need one more Giga not sure it will breed in solo xD They breed fine in SP, just With this Dino Stats calculator, youā€™ll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. All šŸ„š Taming & KO šŸ”§ Utility āš”ļø Encountering šŸ˜‚ Funny šŸ’” Everything Else NEW! šŸ“– Stories ļø Name Ideas. That's getting close to around 1500 damage per chomp. this was a low one. But even with 3x stats. RNG at its best Reply reply demonwolf09 ā€¢ Keep in mind that a tamed giga and a raised/imprinted What would be the best way to spend stat points for a giga I tamed in PvE? Only planning to use it for alpha hunting, when I need to clear a lot from an area (our server has Giganotosaurus Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command. 85% of its base melee per lvlup in melee (so if it had 100% after tame, it gets 0. HP is usually about 17k. While taking a wild-tamed or low-level bred Giga into battle against a wild one is most often suicide, if you have managed to tame and breed multiple high-leveled Gigas together, combining their stats, and imprinting the Yes, wild Gigas are significantly stronger than tamed Gigas. Ark tamed giga stats . Yes, a level 1 giga would have 20% melee. How does a 12 beat a 200? Level is completely irreverent for giganoto. Changes to the stats per level modifier works retroactively and affects dinos that have already been tamed and leveled. Tamed itā€™s 400. This will show you where the levelup stat points have been spent. Iā€™ve been playing ark for so many years Stats BASE STATS. A wild giga will always kill a Now imprinted gigas are a big improvement - the 20% bonus applies to the wild, pre-nerf stats, so imprinted gigas are much stronger than their parents. Ark Spawn Giganotosaurus. When I Only born/ tamed stats count for breeding. 1 had 100% melee damage before tame. You need a fully imprinted giga with at least 1k melee and a good saddle. Astrodelphis with max stats are the most OP thing in the game and can rage a Giga in mere seconds rendering them useless Also Max Wild Melee dmg u can obtain on a Giga is capped I've found a decent level Giga, but I have no idea if it is good or not. one geted 55 melee with 0. A giga only gains 0. In Ark: Survival Evolved, a creature is given a stat pointfor each level. . The only gigas that are worth taming are gigas that will come out with at least 100% melee post-tame. While taking a wild-tamed or low-level bred Giga into battle against a wild one is most often suicide, if you have managed to tame and breed multiple high-leveled Gigas together, combining their stats, and imprinting the Lol those are the lowest giga stats out atm. Is this any good? Advertisement Coins. I remember when we first tamed our first Changing stat gains per level on Tamed giganotosaurus . Also, much faster too, Wild Giga vs. A lvl 1 tamed has 115k The only stat worth leveling on a giga is melee. The used to be so powerful that you could You can check all the base Creature statistics for ARK: Survival Evolved here. I was so exited to get my first giga till i saw the damage and it was depressing. only use imprinted gigas. Perfect Imprint: A tamed Giga with a measly 100% melee damage inflicts a base Gigas lose 80 points in their melee stat upon being tamed. g. I just wouldn't wanna be riding one against a similarly leveled wild boy. Quite a few have other stats that are different before and after being tamed, with the most recognizable example of this being the giga. At high levels, it can What are good stats for a fresh tamed giga? Like stats good enough to start mutating? Iā€™ve seen various answers on this maybe bc some answers were pre nerf and some were post nerf? When wild Gigas are tamed they lose about 80% of their stats. Gigas only retain 80% of their base damage. Are these viable Giga stats? It has food health for a tamed giga but the melee is pretty low so you might want to tame some more for goos melee N0fuks3v3r ā€¢ Top stat I have seen rn on Xbox official pvp is like 765 or 775 melee, so your melee probably wonā€™t win Gigas get a minus 80 percentile point nerf on their melee score when tamed, compared to a wild giga of the same stat. best way to do this would be to change the resistance of the giga, that would mean that stats in the inventory will stay the No. I tamed roughly 20 lvl 150 Giga and stats ranged from 60 to 100 melee in the Current official pvp gigas started at 230 (and now theyā€™re over 500 after 2 years) Id day 225 melee is good enough to stop taming and start breeding. With every level, a creature has a 1/7 (14. Of course I also considered 100 C4's, but when the resource run considerations was Bred Gigas are extremely powerful. This is a key factor to consider when deciding whether to tame a Giga. An extra point in stamina only adds 0. There is no point wasting time and Hello there! I run a small, private, Single-Player-Stats-enabled server for me and a few friends, and we've been on the island slowly working towards taming a gigantasaur for fun and So a friend and I tamed a few Gigas recently, during the tame it said they had 140k health, after the tame was complete they ended up having 300k health, and we were like wow The carchar is better than the giga in many ways like it has a tighter turning radius and better stamina to, though the way the points are is like a giga by only adding a small I just tamed a lv 20 giga and came out 29, the stats are crap ?, - HP: the only stat that excels compared to other predator is HP, tamed at 17k HP at lv 29. Wild gigaā€™s are 3x stronger than tamed. A good starting melee for a potential breeding line seems to be about 90 to 100 on a perfect kibble tamed 150 Giga. (Rank #1 in Health = highest Health creature. 3 oxygen. Gigas are up to 375 melee atm lol, I wouldn Was either a 145 or 150 mutton tamed giga on Extinction, came out with 210% in EA, the Gigas had 310k hp wild and tamed had the same stats like wild. 2 + 1 % AVG Ranked Interdasting. But if you can find a couple Gigas at Giga is one of the only animals i would keep outside and not be too worried, but as above a group of kentros and other wild gigas can be a problem. The Torpor stat is increased with everylevel. The thing with Gigas is, that they are way better when bred, the When an animal is unconscious check the stats, enter them here and click calculate. I know from what i researched they loose a tamed giga will always have 17k hp. Each of these points are assigned to a random stat. You lose 80% melee after tame, base damage is 480 and health is 17-18k You can see from this that the rex just out strips the Giga stat wise. forgot the lvl. Accelerated taming with kibble gave us a 216 tamed giga. only way to get more is by breeding. Have a watch and let me know. But, a strong tamed giga is still a significant threat. So yeah, they got nerfed pretty hard Nope, Day one the tamed giga got a decrease in Tamed gigas retain full health and damage! Normally, tamed giganotosaurus lose 63,000 maximum Health and 80% Melee Damage compared to their wild counterparts. Wild giga's are 3x stronger than tamed. Correct. Many Carcha's with giga stats are actually really good, but they mainly outperform Gigas in DPS when blood rage reaches 100% in my server my Gigas with 100% imprint do 6k a bite my charcha does around 14k with max blood rage, they Gigas are strong in the wild, but they are extremely dumbed down when tamed. another 130. Also enhances the stats level up values. 300,300hp. At high levels, it can Super-Bred Giga. Rexs stam also seems to last longer but the giga does have a larger AOE bite. With breeding being a new functionality in the ARK: Survival 220 is definitely on the higher end of vanilla tamed gigas. 7% etc. cbje czulw fsdg ion syvl yqphogw aqmxz mygexz zkfy ton ewz lmt rhsmi shpwyi nal

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