Saddleback church sermons 2020. It's where you can find hope, healing, and purpose.

Saddleback church sermons 2020 No matter where you are in your faith journey, you’ll find the encouragement you need to grow in your love for God and others. If you continue to live in the past, you’ll never realize God’s dream for your future. Replay: Our 2020 Vision For Our Future Together. Finding your purpose begins with God. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: You Can Have Courage to Suffer Well. A lot of people have dreams for their future, but they never do anything about their dreams. We have written a prayer objective guide that takes the 7 themes that Pastor Rick set for 2020, a prayer point and scriptures for each day. How do you stay positive when there’s so much negative news going on in the world? If you’re a follower of Christ, you can remain hopeful because you know the end of the story! In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study through the Book of James by providing six ways you can prepare for Jesus Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Pastor Rick calls them the “seven weapons of self-destruction. Pastor Rick’s sermon “tones” has allowed my “trust” that God does & will ( though most of the time it’s in his timing not mine ) answer prayers to grow & mature. When I moved to the OC. Our 2020 Vision For Our Future Together. Jesus said “preach the gospel to al Do you know why you’re here? If Pastor Rick could only teach you one thing, it would be the answer to that question. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: A Faith That Keeps Me When you lose something, you notice how valuable it is to you. com Pastor Rick teaches us biblical truths that allow us to live with hope, no matter what happens. If you’ve been around church at all, you’ve heard pastors say, “God is good all the time. Your Name Your John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Amazing Power Of Forgiveness. Your Name Your Email Send John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: You Have A Story Worth Sharing. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Upside Down Catch Saddleback’s purpose, as explained by visionary leader Senior Pastor Rick Warren. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers Welcome to the weekly podcast of Saddleback Church led by Pastor Andy Wood. What does God have to say about making money, using money, and investing money? In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study through the Book of James by providing three biblical reasons for saving, rather than hoarding. As we stand at the threshold of 2025, there's a powerful opportunity before us. In this message at Saddleback Church, Pastor Rick Warren continues The Miracle of Mercy series with a message called How Much You Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. Your Name Your Email Send To. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our spiritual growth campaign, Time to Dream, by showing how you can live God’s dream despite poor decisions you’ve made in Rick Warren | June 27, 2020. If Jesus can conquer death, the worst thing that can happen to us, 10 Apr 2020 Good Friday Online Service Youtube 全高清版 Youtube HD Version https://youtu. Home Sermons 2020 August. Rick Warren | June 7, 2020. It changes everything about us — not only how we receive grace, but how we give it. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world At some point in life, everyone faces their most traumatic experience — the experience of feeling overwhelmed or frightened from a deeply distressing event. Proverbs 31:31 Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Using the acrostic S-A-D-D-L-E-B-A-C-K, learn how Saddleback has influenced churches in the world. Login Join. It's where you can find hope, healing, and purpose. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: A Better Attitude Youtube 全高清版 (HD Version) 10 AM (Bilingual 廣東話及英語): https://youtu. Orphan Care resource videos and seminars . Saddleback Church Weekend Messages Home Episodes Subscribe. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Beauty for Ashes. New Rick Warren | September 20, 2020. Rick Warren | April 19, 2020. He wants to show them his mercy and forgiveness. Join us at Saddleback Church for our brand-new series, The Power of Grace. As part of the message, Pastor Rick interviews leaders who have been helping the nation of Rwanda recover from the trauma of the horrific genocide of 1994. Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. com We express our gratitude to God for his goodness by giving back to him. Media Details. Failure is not the end of your story — discover how you can seize God’s second chance for you today. Your generosity online is feeding tens of thousands of out-of-work families and serving many other needs. The biggest barrier to your future is your past. " 1 Timothy 3:15 (NCV) "Love your spiritual family. be/Gw4VmIqcZtw 講道筆記 Sermon Notes Join Pastor Rick as he begins a new series, A Faith That Works When Life Doesn’t, based on the book of James! The COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis is unprecedented in our lifetime. The Amazing Power of Forgiveness More From Watch this inspiring message from Saddleback Church and be encouraged as you learn what the Bible says about God's purpose for your life including your work, relationships, health, and more. This Easter at Saddleback, we’re hosting a big celebration online, because nothing can separate us from God and from Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: A Transformed Mind. Message Resources are a weekly tool that will help you personally apply the message points we learned on the weekend. In this message, Pastor Rick kicks off our series, A Faith That Works When Life Doesn’t, by offering four facts to remember about difficulties Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: A People Prepared for Text NEWSTART (1 word) to 99000 or email newstart@saddleback. In this series, Pastor Rick will teach you how to recognize God’s vision and chase after it. We can become irritable, touchy, rude, demanding, judgmental of others. teachable. The call to fellowship with our Lord Jesus is not to a specific people. And when you don’t know your future, it can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. Sermons from August 2020. All Episodes Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 in total God's Dream for Our Community. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Uncommon Truth Watch this inspiring message from Saddleback Church and be encouraged as you learn what the Bible says about God's purpose for your life including your work, relationships, health, and more. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Strength You Need Message Resources are a weekly tool that will help you personally apply the message points we learned on the weekend. com/p/sermon Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Sermons; Series He and his wife Kay founded Saddleback Church when he was just 26 years old and he continues to serve as the senior pastor. We are passionate about loving God and people. To learn more, visit saddleback. About; Contact; Login | Join. The Anchored Life Anchored in Prayer Stacie 03/18/2020 . Message Preview: We’ve experienced some very dark days in 2020, and so the good news of We’ve experienced some very dark days in 2020, and so the good news of Christmas is needed like never before. Small Groups Team a sermon discussion guide created specifically for small groups. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study through the Book of James by pointing to three common mistakes we Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Night of Worship Songs of God is a God of second chances. You’re going to go through many different kinds of storms in your life — financial storms, health storms, relational storms. Featured Videos The Daniel Plan Saddleback Church 01/7/11. ”. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video At Easter, we celebrate that just when it seemed like Jesus’ life was over, he defied every odd and rose from the dead. Now, we’re entering into a season to dream about what God is calling us to next! <br/> <br/> Throughout the Bible, God uses doors as metaphors for important decisions in our lives. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren speaks about four specific examples contrasting what the world says and what God’s Word says — what politics says is important and what Jesus says is important. If you’ve just made a decision to follow Jesus, click here: h JOIN Saddleback Church Sunday Service with Rick Warren and Team, Live Stream (March 23, 2025). Don’t miss this inspiring message from Pastor Rick Warren as he kicks off a new series about changing your behavior by renewing the way you think. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Making a Plan to Improve Your Life. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Way of Eternity Rick Warren | August 16, 2020. ” In this message, he If you opened your life to Jesus today text \"NEWSTART\" (one word) to 83000 or email NewStart@saddleback. Activate; Small Groups; Volunteer; (4-week Advent Series) A guided time with God through prayer and reflection on Scripture. If there’s any single truth that this pandemic has reminded us of, it’s this: None of us know the future. com/p/sermon 26 Apr 2020 Sunday 10AM Online Service Youtube 全高清版 Youtube HD Version 10 AM (廣東話 Cantonese) https://youtu. Adults. be/JCgPZksMqwk 講道筆記 Sermon Notes https://sbhk. Pastor Andy begins a new sermon series, “The Lost Art of Friendship,” by walking us God has given you an awesome vision for your life, but you can live your entire life and not know it. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren will take you through chapter 3 in the book of Jonah, highlighting five things you need to do when God gives you a second chance. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our series through the book of James by giving you three ways you can anchor your Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Email. In this message you’ll discover God’s five Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. . Visit saddleback. We will be praying into the 2020 Vision that Pastor Rick cast for Saddleback Church in November. Home Episodes Subscribe. February 2, 2020. When we’re under long-term stress, it often brings out the worst in us. be/esZUCFeZvnU 講道筆記 Sermon Notes https://sbhk. He goes after them. be/MYUlIbvVn8E 講道筆記 Sermon Notes https://sbhk. Angiz1. Throughout this series, we will dive into the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, and how our lives change when we experience God’s grace and forgiveness. com for more info. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Anchored in Prayer. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Songs of Thanksgiving. He has a purpose for everything and everyone, and he created you to make a unique contribution in the world. Why is that? In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our spiritual growth campaign, Time to Dream, by talking about “the struggle” — four phases God takes us through to get us ready for his dream. If you missed that please watch on the church website. Discover how to strengthen your family, impact your community, and pursue a future filled with purpose, faith, and incredible potential. How does the light of Jesus help you in your darkest days? We’ve experienced some very dark days in 2020, and so the good news of Christmas is needed like never before. Being let go from his job during the pandemic, John was pushed to deeply pursue the answers about God, faith, and church he had been He and his wife Kay founded Saddleback Church when he was just 26 years old and he continues to serve as the senior pastor. In this special Christmas message, Pastor Rick Warren describes how Jesus’ light can illuminate, purify, heal, and grow you in this season and beyond. But it’s a path we have to take, and taking a step on that path requires uncommon courage. Your Name Your Email Send John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Preparing for God to Move. ” But is that really true? In this message at Saddleback Church, Pastor Rick Warren discusses what happens when you forget the goodness of God. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study through the Book of James by examining why we are so quick to judge others and offering seven reminders to help us Saddleback Church | March 1, 2020. be/pVs8b29spKw Sermon Notes 講道筆記: https://sbhk. Like a nightwatch waits for morning, what do you watch for? What are you hoping for in this season? How can Jesus' arrival help shape what we are anticipating? Spend some time with the God Listen to Saddleback Church's Saddleback Church Weekend Messages podcast on Apple Podcasts. Media JOIN Saddleback Church Sunday Service with Rick Warren and Team, Live Stream (March 23, 2025). <br /><br /> Join us for this new series from Pastor Andy Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. 2020. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). He reaches out to them. He died for THE CHURCH so that he could GIVE THE CHURCH TO HIMSELF as a beautiful bride. Toggle navigation CrossPreach. One of the most important lessons you can learn in life is how to wait patiently — especially during a season when you’re experiencing constant delays. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren provides five practical ways you can love your neighbor as yourself during this pandemic Rick Warren | February 23, 2020. But how do we sow seeds of peace in the midst of chaos and confusion? But Jesus said that we are also to be known as peacemakers – a synonym for Christian. Pastor Andy Right now, while we’ve been physically separated by the coronavirus, it’s easy to feel alone. Building a Better Future Making a . How do you have the mind of Christ during an election? There is a BIG difference between the values and priorities of Jesus and the values and priorities of politics. Not even a pandemic can change that. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren lays out the five big DOORS that Saddleback Have you ever heard an amazing sermon and wished that your friend, family member, or co-worker was there to hear it? This new series features six of Pastor Rick's most talked about, most watched, and most shared messages. Get connected to one of our locations near you, explore our Online Community, or bring our church into your city by starting an Extension. It’s so big that it’s impossible to imagine how to get from where we are to where God is calling us. But several times in God’s Word, we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. He outlines what Saddleback Church shares in common with other Christian churches, as well as the distinctives that define its style. In times of crisis, it can be tempting to look inward and focus on our own needs and our own problems. God views people who are lost and disconnected from him with the highest value. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: Finding Your Way Back This special online service experience features uplifting worship and a personal message from Pastors Andy and Stacie—straight from their home to yours. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren kicks off our spiritual growth campaign, Time to Dream, by giving you 12 biblical reasons why you must know God’s dream for your life. Saddleback Church has always been about loving God and loving others. A door can be an entrance or an exit. Gods’ Prescription For Your Health Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Seminars. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Way of Dependence He and his wife Kay founded Saddleback Church when he was just 26 years old and he continues to serve as the senior pastor. Locations Near God’s Dream For His Church Andy Wood | March 9, 2025. 23 Feb 2020 Sunday Online Service Youtube 全高清版 Youtube HD Version https://youtu. Show all. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Way of Prayer. Preview. Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. How God Grows Our Faith Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. hk for more info. The start of a new decade is a chance to dream big and envision what God has in store for our future. Saddleback Church SharedBookshelves . Greatest Needs Sermons The Amazing Power Of Forgiveness Rick Warren 01/8/06. the church—on behalf of Pastor Rick and all of our Small Group Pastors we pray for you and your impact to the body of Saddleback Church! My Dashboard. embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. <br /> <br /> Starting January 18/19, we're beginning a There’s a moment in a Christian’s life when God calls us into something bigger; a future we never could have believed for ourselves. I was trying to find a great Media library of sermons, speakers and talk series resources from Saddleback Church available to stream and download. com/p/sermon The Official YouTube Site for Saddleback Church Hong Kong. To many, he is Pastor Rick, but to his church, he is Papa Rick—a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision. " Eph. com/p Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Email. " 1 Peter 2:17 (Mes) THE 2nd PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO: LEARN TO LOVE OTHERS. Immerse Preparing for God to Move Stacie Wood 01/19/25. But the miracle we celebrate at Easter, Jesus raising up from the grave, has bound us together with love and made us a family. February 9, 2020. In this message, Pastor Rick will describe these values and how they can shape your life and faith. <br /><br /> The Power of Grace is a four-week message Text NEWSTART (1 word) to 99000 or email newstart@saddleback. Pastor Stacie shares what Message Resources are a weekly tool that will help you personally apply the message points we learned on the weekend. In these tense days, the world desperately needs followers of Christ to be peacemakers. Locations Watch About Care Give. "Christ LOVES THE CHURCH and gave himself for the CHURCH to make it belong to God. Message Preview: John Rick Warren | March 22, 2020. Pastor Stacie opens our Rick Warren | February 16, 2020 After your relationship with Jesus, knowing God’s dream for your life is the second-most important thing you’ll ever discover. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: The Daniel Plan. com for free resources. Get Involved. or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. In fact, the Bible says that every new day is another chance from God. Beauty for Ashes Beauty for Ashes Andy Wood 01 Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Message Preview: John Smith has shared a video with you from Saddleback Church: God’s Dream For His Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. With fear and panic being spread everywhere Youtube 全高清版 Youtube HD Version 10 AM (廣東話 Cantonese) https://youtu. Over the past 40 years, we’ve seen God’s incredible provision over Saddleback Church. You were planned and made by God, and you are not an accident. Be a Light You Have A Story Worth Sharing Andy Wood 12/15/24. Did you know that God has a purpose for your problems? In fact, the first chapter of the book of James is all about how your faith can get you through your difficulties. Watch this message as they reflect on 2024 and talk about preparing for a better year ahead. Be Transformed A Transformed Mind Andy Wood 05 Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Email. “Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise. We believe God is calling us to start this year differently—not just with resolutions, but with revelation. Saddleback Church has 10 specific values that shape what we do as a church family. There are things you do in your life that frequently cause you hurt, stress, pain, unhappiness, and unnecessary pressure. Recently added sermons. God's Dream For My Life Andy Wood | February 23, 2025 Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. A door can represent the beginning or the end of something. Each action step will involve your relationship with God, your relationships with other people, or your personal character. Refer to the sermon outline for help in defining hoarding versus saving Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. His faith in God, however, wavered at times as he wrestled with questions and doubts. Learn what it takes to recover from the trauma in YOUR life. Each action step will involve your relationship with God, your relationships with other people, or Rick Warren | September 13, 2020. Locations Near You; Online Community; Extensions Spread the word! Share a link, embed content on a page, or email your favorite sermons! Link Embed Email. \r\n To join a small group, text SMALLGROUP to 83000 or email SMALLGROUPS@saddleback. 08/24/2020. Copy URL. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study through the Book of James by offering biblical steps for learning to trust God and wait patiently on his "That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth. Date Title Speaker Count; 12 Oct 2018 : Week 6 Day 5 : Saddleback Church: DriveTime You are your biggest enemy. The Better Way The Way of Prayer Andy Wood 08/4 Saddleback Church is a family - a place you can call home. Rick Warren | May 24, 2020. Discover how to see your future with faith, not fear! We exist to urgently lead people to say “yes” to Jesus and his purposes for their lives. All of these storms can create instability and confusion. In this episode, begin the season of Advent by practicing anticipationHope. com or download the Saddleback App. You’ll discover 9 things God does in your life when you focus on his goodness learn how to lower your stress as a result. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world The Official YouTube Site for Saddleback Church. Copy. In this two-part Easter series, Pastor Rick will talk about how God redefined love by sacrificing Jesus on the cross on Good Friday, and how the resurrection helps rethink hope on Easter Sunday. 5:25b, 27 "The church is not peripheral to the world; THE WORLD IS PERIPHERAL TO THE CHURCH! The church is Christ's Body, in which he speaks and acts, Rick Warren | August 9, 2020. Locations Near In the 10 years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, Saddleback Los Angeles member John Pearson felt secure in his career in the video game industry. God’s Dream For My Family Andy Wood | March 2, 2025. nyod uih pqym cqzrt whpxr ntzgcw mqgrb dwif asoveth wffyo kex ryuml rdcdsr gpngz rsky