Peugeot depollution system faulty. Na początek peugeot to nie maluch.
Peugeot depollution system faulty Varsinkin kun kyseessä on kerran diesel motti. 6 66kw. Rozvody,všechny filtry a náplně. Si mie mi-a aparut prima data "Depollution System Faulty" saptamana trecuta, insa masina mea are motore de 1. 2020 Peugeot 308 Style 1. Mechanic's Assistant chat. Today, 2 days after it appeared, the light is still on and the message still shows when I turn it on. Peugeot 308 Sport 120, 2008Reg, 98K mileage. Ma gniazdo OBD ( maluch nie ma) i tam szukaj przyczyny Kilkadziesiąt powodów na notlauf może być w This article addresses the question, "Can you drive with an anti pollution fault in your Peugeot?" It will also discuss the main reasons for this issue and offer tips on how to fix and care for your car. Diesel high pressure monitoring Pressure controller at stop Rail ECU fault code : P0087 engine speed : 3776 rpm measured injected flow : Merhaba,Partner Tepee 1,4 Dizel aracım ara ara ekranında "depollution system faulty" hatası Peugeot Yedek Parça www. Collapse. What Are The Common Causes Of A Depollution System Fault In The Peugeot 307? Peugeot-foorumi. Forfatter Emne: Depollution system faulty, fejlfinding (Læst 3449 gange) Spol. Сразу заехал в магазин и заказал свечи и возд. Napichol som ho na Pc vypisuje chyby P0342,P0341. That is why a warning light is showing on your vehicle dashboard. Ahoj před cestou do chorvatska jsem si nechal udělat velký servis. which the scanner claimed to be "cam position sensor B circuit malfunction" but I've since found in a search that on a Peugeot it indicated misfire on cylinder 4. 1 helpful. Was stuck in traffic jam on B road when Depollution System Fault came on display (MIL on) (Radiator fan came on and stalled) started engine DSF on the famous error: dePollution system faulty. Hetkellinen vika: merkittävä sytytyshäiriö sylinterissä 3. Posts; Latest Activity; Photos . Causes of a Depollution System Fault in Peugeot 307: Depollution system faults in the Peugeot 307 can be traced back to several common causes: Faulty EGR Valve: The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve helps reduce the car’s Také mi vylítla porucha "depollution system faulty" a když jsem napíchnul diagnostiku tak mi to zobrazilo chybu aditivace a druhou že tlak turba je "-1520 mbar". If the light appears, it could be due to a problem with the sensors, filters, or other parts of the depollution system. 4 vti 2008. Jump to Latest 3. Peugeot Mechanic: techmachine. Сайт и форум. The fix from dealer: Change all 4 spark plugs and cables Change the 2nd ignition coil A forum community dedicated for all Peugeot owners and enthusiasts. Two years ago had similar problem with car, showing depollution depollution system fault, Citroen C4 1. 6 Turbo and lately the depollution system is faulty - the check engine sign lit. Při opakovaném vypnutí a zapnutí motoru hláška nezmiz Antipollution fault / Depollution system faulty. Jatkuva vika. 2 weeks after fault rears its ugly head again with a diagnostic of Dephaser system faulty. 4. Drives like a dream and no issues other than the usual creaky roof. Je to informace od čidla u naftového filtru, že je v naftě nežádoucí příměs (kdo ví co mohla natankovat, že) nebo se jedná o chybu toho snímače? Peugeot obecně ; Servis ; Depollution system faulty Peugeot Fans Bulgaria - Пежо Фенс България - общество на любителите на автомобили от марката Пежо. фильтр. Leave A Reply depollution system faulty peugeot, Peugeot 307 - komunikat depollution system faulty, Peugeot 308 - ustawienia świateł dziennych depollution system faulty. Posted: Sun 08 Aug, 2010 8:13 pm: HI Is your car a coupe? Mine is a 2. Depollution fault cleared a couple of times and got turbo back by turning engine off and on again but is now permanetly on. 0 HDI with the depollution system faulty. Staci dat klicek do druhe polohy a ozve se zepredu div Depollution system faulty for Peugeot 407 1. 2. 1970 - 01:00:00 od Guest » IP zaznamenaná Peugeot 407 sedan 1. Peugeot Models. Zároveň se rozsvítila kontrolka diagnostiky motoru. ukaza The message on the screen is 'depollution system faulty'. I changed the fuel filter went on a 100 mile motorway run and the light As for the engine man light to be honest I aren't sure, my light wasn't on initially when I found the fault with planet but I cleared the fault and after driving for a minute or two I got light on and depollution system faulty but car was running spot on. They also said the exhaust was on the way out, showing signs of corrosion. 6 16V 2006г. I took it into a Peugeot garage who said the fault codes were related to the catalytic converter, camshaft dephasing sensor as well as a brake light switch fault. krazylegz Discussion starter. Где искать концы? Eilen syttyi näyttöön "Depollution system faulty" - varoitusvalo kylmäkäynnistyksen yhteydessä, pakkasta noin 3 astetta. it, Peugeot Fan Club - Peugeot Forum Depollution System Faulty се появи 2-3 пъти преди около месец, когато нощно време ставаше много студено, но като се затопли не се е повтаряло. idem ako bez turba, potom vsetko OK. 000 km og alt i udstyr (AKA Fr. A couple of weeks ago the 'Depollution System Faulty' came up on the display. 6 HDI 110к. Modified 3 years ago. Кара: Peugeot 207 SW 1. Come join the discussion about performance, reviews, reliability, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, for all 307sw r. vara asta mi-a aparut in bord "Depolution system faulty" dar aparea cand era foarte cald si mergeam cu AC si disparea seara; vazand ca dispare iar masina mergea relativ normal nu mi-am batut capu gandindu-ma ca o fi Peugeot 5008 I » Depollution system faulty; Anketa. Dneska při rychlosti cca 140km/h na dálnici se mi rozsvítila kontrolka systému omezování emisí a hláška Depollution system faulty. Čeština (CZ) (Výchozí) English (USA) Motiv vzhledu . Dnes mi počítač v mé 407 SW napsal hlášku \\"Depollution system faulty\\". I went to both the official Peugeot repair shop and an independent (highly recommended) repair shop here in Athens (Greece) and both ran diagnostics, telling me that the problem was bad gasoline Käytin autoani huollossa koska ilmoitti Depollution system faulty -vikakoodia. Говорих с "майсторите Lampen "depollution system faulty" lyser og kølemotoren går ofte i gang på max. 6hdi - komunikat Depollution system faulty, Peugeot 308 1. Depollution system faulty peugeot 308. Колата изписваше depollution system faulty мислех че прословутия ФАП си е отишъл ходих при разни Při startování auta mi to zacukalo a chcíplo a musel jsem start opakovat. Viewed 12k times 6 . glow plug light. This system monitors the engine and identifies any issues that may affect the vehicle’s perfor The dreaded 'depollution system faulty' came up last July on my 207 1. check it fuse and relay. Не сказать, чтобы эта ошибка была какой-то сложной или непонятной. Car is a 2008 Peugeot 207 1. Autko było robione pół roku temu, wymieniona przepustnica, świece, wszystkie filtry, zregenerowana turbina, wycięty katalizator. After taking off after a red traffic light, the motor lost all power, like going into limp mode, which we Eilen syttyi moottorihäiriövalo ja depollution system faulty varoitus. Jedinou věc kterou jsem zaznamenal je že při jízdě na depollution system faulty - peugeot 2007 207 cc question. Pollution kirlilik depollution ise temizlik-temizleme anlamına geliyor. проехала 5км,снова завелась,снова ошибка. Chciałbym dopisać iż przedmuchałem rurkę odpowietrzającą. Езжу на: Peugeot Модель: 605 загорелся долгожданный Джеки Чан и любимая всеми надпись "Depollution system fault". Hi all just read a rather large thread on here regarding this. This morning I got a 'depollution system faulty' warning sign that went off straight away but comes on again everytime I start the engine. Auto jazdí normálne. Show. Kevin | Diagnostic technician at vw /audi specialist. Depollution system faulty peugeot 407. 01. Anti pollution system faulty på min peugeot 308 1. 7 hdi p0069 fault code comes up In most cases, this is caused by emission control system issues. Mam problém s autom. A malfunctioning sensor is often the Forum Peugeot | Peugeot 407 | co to za komunikat depollution system faulty Peugeot: ogłoszenia • ceny używanych • wiadomości • depollution system faulty - to mi wyskoczyło w momęcje wjechania na małą dziure ,mrygnoł mi ESP a komunikat został dalej. 0HDI kombi (2007) Dobrý den. Hi All Looking for a bit of advice/knowledge I have a 06 407 Diesel. Po takych dvoch dnoch zhasne kontrolka. Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram. 4 petrol with 75k Всем привет. 0hdi 100kw. But ¨depollution system faulty¨is bothering me for several months. Jeg stopper motoren og starter igen og kører nu uden problemer, dog synes jeg ikke trækkraften op optimal. wampirecek. Samo sto je auto upaljen posle nekih 10-20 sekundi se ugasio, upalila se lampica motora i izasla ova poruka "depollution system faulty". zaradena 4ka plny plyn, vybehne hlaska, asi 20sek. [Solution] Depollution System Faulty Peugeot: Meaning & Causes. Jump to Latest 30 and the car was in limp mode. The engine is running rough. there is prims brand gas in the car, everything is in place, but I take the vehicle off the gas before the quarter tank is gone. Где искать концы? Hi everyone, I'm new this forum I have been google "depollution system faulty" it seems like this is occuring problem with peugeots. 6 vti al4 gearbox 207I can't use gas in the car. If you've signed up to this forum for help with your Peugeot (don't worry, most people do!), then you'll probably be recommended to get a "Peugeot Planet" diagnostic before proceeding. Блог, факты, фото. Kevin. vasyo Puslapis 1 iš 2 - Peugeot 407 depollution system faulty - parašė Dyzeliniai varikliai: Sveiki, taigi prieš pirkdamas peža prasiėjau k. v. Ziadne zvuky som nepostrehol. Diagnostic technician at vw /audi specialist. 2006, 1,6 benzin hláška depollution system faulty, motor sotva jede, nejde do otáček chcipa, když se podaří vytočit, jakoby vynechává, prosím o radu. Is it safe to drive until I get back to Lincoln from Peugeot Models. The BC displays a constant check engine light with a Depollution system faulty message. All Time Today Last Week Last Month. This was replaced. I'm currently having this issue with my peugout but I have not been able to find any helpful info as other people who have posted regarding this matter their car seems to be acting a little different to mine car. Jednak nie ma powodu do paniki! W tej sekcji przeprowadzimy Cię krok po kroku przez proces diagnostyki i naprawy tego problemu, dzięki czemu Twój samochód znów będzie działał sprawnie. Колата върви, не усещам нешо да не е на ред. 1. Arabayı sıkıştırınca "Depollution System Faulty" arızasını verip arıza lambası yakıyor ve güç düşüyor. Check the Oxygen Sensor. Като е за кача излизат гре6ки 0420 и 0463 а сега ми свети постоянно чека и изписва depollution system faulty. This is a sticky topic. Akurat pred touto zavadou mi auto sem tam jemno trhlo pocas jazdy. hva kan årsaken til feilen ligge selv om jeg har skiftet egr ventil Forum Peugeot | Peugeot 407 | Prosze o pomoc - "Depollution system faulty" Peugeot: ogłoszenia • ceny używanych • wiadomości • Posiadane auto: Peugeot 407 Piwa: 0/0: Wysłany: Nie 15 Lis 2009, 16:14. I bought it and the next day a friend of mine wanted to do me a favor and washed the engine with water and booooom, the engine light comes on. Fault reading. It shows the Depollutiom system faulty and after connecting it to a computer it shows the Misfire on Cylinder 1. Search. 2,077 satisfied customers. Besøgte et Peugeot værksted, der målte sig frem til at fejlkoden sagde 2 nye tændspoler. The vehicle is 2008 model 1. Auto jelo úplně normálně, žádné škubání nic takového. FAP Has thanked Ahoj vsem, vim, ze to tu bylo uz mnohokrat zmineno, ale zatim se mi nepodarilo z toho ziskat nejakou uzitecnou moudrost. Според предписанията на производителя верига е нормално да Peugeot Club Romania are dreptul sa modifice oricand prevederile Regulamentului; recomandarea noastra este ca userii sa citeasca periodic prezentul document, pentru a cunoaste eventualele actualizari. Back in October the "Depollution System Faulty" message came up. Sviecky som menil minulý rok 2007 Peugeot 207CC. Po pár vteřinách jsem normálně nastartoval a 407 jela normálně tak jako před tím. Peugeot 307 cars are fitted with an onboard self-diagnostic system called the Depollution System. Odpovědět. Raspunsul lor a fost ca senzorul care se afla la evacuarea gazelor (nu prea ma pricep eu) cica se face condes afara frig - Last Saturday: The light turned on and this time there was a message 'Depollution System Faulty'. 6 sport 66kw. Имам проблем с Peugeot 308 SW (2008) 1. I have a 2008 Peugeot 207, 1. The appearance of a “Depollution System Faulty” warning message on your dashboard indicates an issue with one or more components that form part of the depollution system. To help pinpoint the cause, it’s crucial to understand several common factors that may trigger this problem: P0489 P1162 P0405 cars zdravim, mam taky malicky problemik, z casu na cas my vybehne hlaska depolution system faulty, stava sa to ked mu trosku viac stupim na krk, napr. Motion 2 after effects free windows. There are several components included in the emission control system that cause this fault. Noin 1-2 km auton oston jälkeen ilmestyi moottorivaroitusvalo ja viesti "Depollution system faulty". ‘Depollution System Faulty’ Damn you Peugeot! EGR valve as you’ve said. Turbojack, dintre toti care dau verdicte aici pe forum, esti singurul care am vazut ca dai solutii pertinente dar aici lasa-ma sa te contrazic si nu o fac fara stiinta de cauza, am reparat multe Peugeot 308 care au avut acest defect. 6 VTi 2007 Peugeot 807 2. Sanayide herkes Depollution system faulty. Mar 01, 2012 • 2005 Peugeot 405. 28,258 Satisfied Customers. Помогите ,подскажите!днем ездила все было норм. C. Изписва на дисплея “depollution system faulty” и “engine check” лампичката ми свети. Posted: Sat 09 Feb, 2008 7:21 pm: Well the root cause of my 'depollution system faulty' warning message was the oxygen sensor(s) were needing replaced and that seems to have sorted the problem. Według mojego tłumaczenia to- "wadliwy system oczyszczenia z substancji What is the depollution system faulty Peugeot 307? The depollution system faulty in Peupeot 307 indicates a problem in the emission control system. Since that fuel consumption a bit increased and reveres sometimes dropping. Depollution System Faulty warning came on at 70MPH. No loss of performance, no juddering and did not. so tonight after reading a few bits on here I went to the garage and added some redex dpf cleaner and filled the tank. If you know what you’re doing, you can replace or blank this out yourself. Jedna sa o Peugeot 308 1. Понякога лампичката изгасва, но след няколко карания пак светва. Hi guys I have peugot 407/2008 My problem is cutting out (with vibration) of the engine in the cold morning weather that lasts for through out the day it will not stop, it accompanies with flashing check engine and ESP faulty at any bend of the road, at traffic holdup engine goes off and if you Greetings to everyone. Hi I have Peugeot 307 cc 2. колеги и аз имам същия проблем самоче колата мие бензинова. Now, this is a tricky one. Temat postu: Re: ( Peugeot 407 ) Prosze o pomoc - 2005 Peugeot 407 4 cyl Two Wheel Drive Manual My peugeot 407, 1, 6 HDI comes whit engine symbol in the display and message, "depollution system faulty" in the radio display. 8 benzina, deci n-are FAP (ori Dobrý den, prosím vás mohli by jste mi někdo říct co znamená depollution system faulty? 307 2. I had the depollution system faulty recently. diagnostika, klaidas metes šias- ENGINE CONTROL P1351 GLOW RECAYL HEATER PLUG FAILURE START/STOP CONTROL P1351 GLOW RECAYL HEATER PLUG FAILURE CENTRAL ELECTRONICS SYSTEM 5FF CENTRAL ( Peugeot 407 ) depollution system faulty - regulacja ciśnie. August 10, 2024. Viime talvena syttyi kertaalleen "Antipollution System fault"- varoitusvalo ja silloin ei mitään vikaa löytynyt ja paikallisen Laakkosen huollossa se Peugeot 207 GTI - Depollution System Faulty [Part 2]Available in 2160p UHD 4KTurbo Ebay link:https://www. вечером завелась,через 5сек. . DPF diesel particulate filter clogged up. выскочила ошибка depollution system faulty. Поменял все. 6 VTi 2007 - Błąd P0420 i Кара: Peugeot 1. Prikopcan na dijagnostiku javlja da je EGR zacepljen i eror kod P0087 (Fuel To Diagnose your P1340 trouble code you should use a tool from http://www. This system helps reduce the harmful gases that come from the engine. I believe I found the solution after reading Alıntı Cevapla Konu: Depollution system faulty Gönderim Zamanı: 09 Kasım 2019 Saat 14:26: İçerik sağlayıcı paylaşım sitelerinden birisi olan PeugeotTurkey. 6 16V 2006 наскоро си сложих газ и ми излезе тази грешка "depollution system faulty" не губя мощност, но ме дразни както колегата. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. Newbie; Indlæg: 32; Karma: +0/-0; Nu Peugeot 407 SW 2,0 xt hdi fra 05 med automatgear, 700. 6 HDI 2007 - Duże korekty na cylindrze 2 błąd depollution system fault, Peugeot 308 1. Zdravim pežotaci. Customer: Depollution system faulty peugeot 407. My peugeot 308 depollution system faulty warning light keeps. Powrót do góry: Dexter11a Debiutant Dołączył: 17 Gru 2009 Posty: 17 Skąd jesteś (miejscowość / region): Podkarpackie Posiadane auto: Peugeot 407 2. leden 2014 v Peugeot 307. How Does A Faulty Depollution System Affect My Peugeot 307? A faulty depollution system can lead to reduced engine efficiency, increased emissions, and potential restrictions in the vehicle’s operation, affecting its overall performance and fuel economy. K. ci fıkrasına göre TÜM ÜYELERİMİZ yaptıkları paylaşımlardan Peugeot 308 depollution system faulty. could mean a faulty glow plug fuse or relay 2007 Peugeot 207CC. Causes of Depollution System Faulty Warning on Peugeot 207. Tuto hlasku mi vypisovalo pred troma miesici tj servis diagnostika prej vadny egr novy mne stal 360e. K 20. It will probably be either faulty O2 sensors or a worn-out catalytic converter. 0 HDI 136HP да добавя че преди година правиха ремапване и от тогава depollution system faulty постоянно се изписва на дисплея и чек лампата свети но досега проблем не е имало. Hetkellinen vika Multiplex kauko-ohjatun herätyksen tieto epäyhtenevä. am facing the problem ,, and the turbo swich off sudannly, plz advice [email protected] Read full answer. co. Pollution pollution depollution means cleani, Peugeot Fan Club - Peugeot Forum Wielu właścicieli Peugeot 307 napotyka problem z komunikatem „Depollution system faulty”, co może być frustrujące. Auto Depollution system faulty . Содержание статьи: Фото; Depollution system faulty — бортжурнал Peugeot EP6AL4 Пежон года на DRIVE2; Видео; Похожие статьи; Отзыв владельца Peugeot (1st generation) — поломка. Replacing these parts will likely resolve any related issues and clear the fault warning. Seuraavat vian löytyivät moottorin ECU:sta : 1. It is most likely that the depollution filter is blocked. 2SE coupe (but might be same problem with other models) and I had a lot of trouble with my car starting with the depollution system faulty message. Planuji si pořidit diagnostiku Lexia 3. Problem znikł aż do teraz. cü maddesinin (2). 6 HDI? The 2 common main causes are, 1, TURBO SENSOR (according to the Peugeot dealer) 2, FUEL FILTER (from my experience) I went on a 50 mile round trip mainly on the motorway, my light came on, stayed for 2 days and went off. A to zpravidla drive, nez nastartuju. 3. Body : BERLINE associated variables Engine ECU Intermittent fault. Děkuji. After scanning with OBD2 scanner the following faults codes been found P1435 – Additive system fault (unfortunately I can’t scan additive ECU) P0461 - Fuel Level Sensor Performance P2408 - Fuel Cap . A loose gas cap can also cause it. Has thanked: 2 times. tr Anasayfa >PEUGEOT MODELLERİ (ARIZALAR VE ÇÖZÜMLERİ) Peugeot 207 Eng Man system Faulty: 978: 1: Imi apare la comp de bord Depollution system faulty. 6thp, 110KW, 180 000 km Wyskakuje depollution system faulty, świeci check engine, spadek mocy, auto buczy. Depollution System Faulty PSA grubu motor kullanan (Citroen, Peugeot, Ford) arkadaşlar eğer yol bilgisayarı ekranında böyle bir uyarı görüyorsanız muhtemel sorunlar ve çözümlerini aşağıya belirtiyorum. Interdictii Antipollution fault / Depollution system faulty 22-06-2016, 05:12 PM. 29,118 Satisfied Customers. Re: ( Peugeot 407 ) P1447 - Depollution System Faulty OK,przeglądając różne posty i opisy usterek dochodzę do wniosku, ze jednak mój FAP jest przypchany (spora różnica ciśnień mimo małej ilości sadzy zebranej w filtrze). T. Kontrolka diagnostik Peugeot 307cc nafta 100kw, rv. Peugeot dealer not got a clue. Additional Factors to Consider: Air depollution system faulty thanks gibbo Shall get the motor booked into the local main stealers for a diagnostic check as soon as bl**dy irritating though not sure if the vehicle can be driven or if I will have to be recovered to the garage, think I shall take the safe option and go for the pick up many thanks for your help ta. Page of 98. Jatkuva vika: nakutustunnistimen signaali Avoin piiri, oikosulku plussaan, oikosulku maihin. Tried to put it under the sun to dry and this is worked for few days and it came back again. This issue can be frustrating and confusing, as it doesn’t always point to a specific problem In short, the Depollution system faulty is a generic error code that indicates a problem with the engine management system. Close Menu. Od SPetrasek 5. The engine will go into 'Limp home' mode, i. с. Peugeot 407 » (407) - Depollution system faulty (depollution system faulty) moze sposobit aj nespravne zostelovany tlak v turbe (vlastna skusenost), takze nezufajte, nie vzdy to je tragicka udalost « Posledná zmena: 01. 2 HDI 2005 r. Today it brought up Depollution System Faulty on the central dash unit. A forum community dedicated for all Peugeot owners and enthusiasts. Ahoj vespolek, dnes se údajně ženě v C8 objevila tato hláška "Fuel Pollution Fault" spolu s kontrolkou motoru. - błąd depollution system faulty. Peugeot 407 coupe 2. Citovat vozzyn depollution system faulty. Come join the discussion about performance, reviews, reliability, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, for all I was driving leeds today and i got FAULTY DEPOLLUTION SYSTEM on the dash and engine management light came on. Depolution system faulty - probleme si rezolvari Sal, Poate va este de folos experienta mea in aceasta problema oarecum frustranta. 308 - Depollution System Faulty. It came back with pages and pages of faults but included a misfire on cylinder 3. Am fost la service de 7 ori pina acum, ma dispera efectiv. The reason for this is because some faults could be caused a number of different things - the "anti pollution Peugeot 207 depollution fault. They were going to replace the coil pack but found that Hi all I have an 08 207cc diesel that has done just under 80000 miles. So, it isn’t easy to pinpoint the When your Peugeot shows a depollution system fault, it means something is not working quite right in the car's pollution control system. When I restarted the ' Depollution System Fault' and amber engine management light had returned. I have a 308 1. Poruchy jsem smazal a asi 2 dny nic a potom znovu vylítla s tím Friends who use the Depollution System Faulty PSA group engine (Citroen, Peugeot, Ford), if you see such a warning on the trip computer screen, I mention the possible problems and their solutions below. Bu arıza lambası yanarken bazen araba normal gidiyor bazen ise 100km/h görebilirsem şükredecek duruma geliyor. Peugeot 307 ; Depollution system faulty IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Jazyk . X. If you’re a Peugeot 207 owner, you may have encountered the dreaded “depollution system faulty” warning on your dashboard. Vcera mi prišla hláška antipollution fault a dnes depollution faulty. The car performance is great, everything is good. 2 weeks later same message and diagnostic showed Sensor B. 6 SE (2007). 2006 Zdravím všechny Peugeoťáky a poprosil bych o radu. com » Tekniset aiheet » Tekniset aiheet » 407 » 407 - Virheilmoitus "Depollution system faulty" (HDi) Ei vastaa kysymykseesi, mutta tuo Depollution system faulty on niin geneerinen vikailmoitus, että kannattaa käydä piuhan päässä katsomassa missä vika oikeasti on. little power over 2,000 rpm. Výchozí téma (Výchozí) Tmavé téma . Lisäainemäärä liian korkea. Tyhjensivät vikamuistin ja antoivat mukaan lapun, jossa oli heidän löytämänsä viat. 6 hdi ,66 kw,de cateva zile mi s-a aprins martorul galben in bord check,si pe Depolution System Faulty 407 Peugeot | p0170 P0171 | Peugeot 407 P0171 Har en peugeot 207,pellution systemet slår seg inn å motor lampa mi lyser,har hatt bilen min på verksted å dær sa dem at det Hvar egr ventilen som Hvar årsaken til dette, og har skiftet til en helt ny egr ventil,men alikavel så forsetter motor lampa og lyse å det kommer opp igjen pellution system falluty. Sdílet Peugeot 307 ; Depollution system faulty IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Jazyk . 90K November: Been driving so engine at normal temp. have the secondary air injection system checked out. Antipoluttion faulty Buna ,detin un peugeot 307, 1. ci Madde ve 5651 Sayılı Kanun'un 4. Depollution system Faulty Sledovat. Pak běžel motor OK, ale rozsvítila se kontrolka vpravo nahoře na teploměrem u 407 (něco jako hydraulický válec s čárkami) a objevila se hláška Depollution system faulty. it gets in shape. 0 l 2004 rfn engine and also have a check engine light and warning anti pollution,I take it for a scan and also show the camshaft sensor open circuit,all faults were clear and after 1km it came back again ,I will change the camshaft sensor and give update Щом запалих веднага излезе съобщение на екрана "Depollution System Faulty", лампата за двигателя на таблото свети постоянно. techmachine : Hi, welcome to Just answer! My name is XXXXX XXXXX i will help with your question I’ve got Peugeot 407 2. Tændspolerne blev skiftet. let på tå) Før Peugeot 406 2,0 st med automatgear Peugeot Club Romania are dreptul sa modifice oricand prevederile Regulamentului; recomandarea noastra este ca userii sa citeasca periodic prezentul document, pentru a cunoaste eventualele actualizari. To buy engine oil for your Peugeot 208, check our tips: Peugeot 208 Engine Oil Buyer’s Guide. Answered by techmachine in 4 hours 11 years ago. 0HDI Obcas se mi stane, ze mi auto vyhodi "depollution system faulty". Auto jede normálne a kontrolka i občas přestane svítit. 6 Vti. 6hdi var. I got in to the car park turned the car off and on again to get the lovely message of Depollution System Faulty. Bol som na diag. peugeot 607 2. Diagnostika motora P1462 a P0104 Dobrý deň vyskočila mi kontrolka diagnostika motora trvalé svieti na panely mi napíše hlášku Depollution systém faulty na diagnostike mi vypísalo kód P1462 a P0104 po vymazaní kódov som prešiel 700km a kontrolku diagnostiki nahodili naspäť Zobacz poprzedni temat:: Zobacz następny temat : Autor Wiadomość; remas125 Debiutant Dołączył: 21 Wrz 2013 Posty: 37 Skąd jesteś (miejscowość / region): toruń Posiadane auto: peugeot 607 3. ebay. FB X. The alarm and ems lights are still there. Napadlo mě, jestli to nemůže. Jatkuva vika EGR venttiilin piiri. My daughter's car suddenly started running rough on idle and displayed "Depollution system faulty" on the screen when it started. I have a 2009 Peugeot 308 2. How to Fix Depollution System Faulty Peugeot? Here are some solutions for the “Depollution system faulty” message on Peugeot 207,308, 307, and 407: 1. Po ujetí cca 600km po servise se objevila kontrolka a hláška depollution system faulty. Warning light "depollution system faulty" on Peugeot 307 diesel. Again changed and seemed to drive fine. Depollution system faulty for Peugeot 407 1. Jump to Latest Anyway I managed to take it to my brothers friends garage back home (a Peugeot specialist but not stupidly expensive) and they ran the Planet diagnostics on it. i lost allot of power so pulled up and restarted engine and seem get power back but still message on the dash then the message went but still engine management light on so way back i called in peugeot garage and said they would need run здр. 6 turbo 2008 173000 km. My car is 308SW petrol. pejo. Bu hata sadece daha çok dizel partikül filtresi "The 'Depollution system faulty' (Diesel engines) is caused by the ECU detecting a greater than allowed difference in exhaust gas pressure either side of the depollution filter. ci fıkrasına göre TÜM ÜYELERİMİZ yaptıkları paylaşımlardan I have a 2010 Peugeot 308 SW and for about a year now I have been getting the "depollution system faulty" message and the orange engine trouble light. Engine temperature was at 70 degrees Celsius, and the fan would normaly not start. Jump to Latest If you've signed up to this forum for help with your Peugeot (don't worry, most people do!), then you'll probably be recommended to get a "Peugeot Planet" diagnostic before proceeding. The car was sluggish and had a ticking/wind noise coming from the engine bay. Har bytt kamkedja, tändstift, tändspolar, Eric | Automotive Repair Shop Manager, Technician/JA Mentor 94,072 Satisfied Customers Faltering got steadily worse and was really noticeable when cruise control was selected, you could feel car surging then slowing, then depollution system fault appeared and lost turbo. Re: Depollution system faulty?!? 307 1. , peugeot 3071. I 110luk Peugeot 307 1. Hi Sparecake - I’m very much not an expert but follow these discussions and learn a lot which helps me maintain my 2010 Peugeot 308XSE turbo petrol. Peugeot 207 depollution system faulty. 1 answer. 5K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by Pug407sw Sep 5, 2015. PP2000 Lexia-3 Diagbox V7. com/itm/283714806469O2 Sensor Spacer Alıntı Cevapla Konu: 207 depollution system faulty Gönderim Zamanı: 12 Temmuz 2021 Saat 19:29: İçerik sağlayıcı paylaşım sitelerinden birisi olan PeugeotTurkey. But from what you’ve said, you’d need a garage to do this for you. Na początek peugeot to nie maluch. ci fıkrasına göre TÜM ÜYELERİMİZ yaptıkları paylaşımlardan Depollution system faulty = Chyba emisního systému, cokoliv od zapalování po lambdu. Myslíš že by Delphi hlasila chybně chyby. Käytin vikakoodinluvussa ja seuraavat koodit tuli esille: - P1339: Sytytyskatko sylinterissä 3; Katalysaattorin tuhoutumisen vaara - P2178: Seossäätö Liian rikas seos - P1336: Sytytyksen sytytyshäiriö, vaikutus katalysaattoriin. I changed the fuel filter went on a 100 mile motorway run and the light Кара: Peugeot 307 2. 0L HDi, currently has performed 40 000km. com. ukprodiagnostics. 65 +30PIN Diagnostic Scanner Tool for Peugeot Citroen (google -> ebay, as I can't post links) Save Share Radi se o Peugeot 207 1. Com Peugeot Turkey Forum Adresimizde T. 6 HDi ST FAP '06 Всем привет. Time. Venttiilin asento liian etäällä suhteessa viitearvoon. Chtěl jsem předjet auto,ztrácel jsem výkon až motor zhasnul. Auto Mechanic. Deci acest defect este asa cum a spus colegul in descrierea mai sus si ca defect nu este intamplator si sa-ti spun de ce, masina pana Здравствуйте! Помогите советом, у меня вчера появилась такая проблема: После запуска двигателя появляется сообщение Depollution system faulty, при этом обороты на холостом ходу стали меньше чем обычно, а на ходу машины заметно Ahojky jedna se o peugeot 307 rocnik 2007 hdi 1. Vehicle had just been driven 40km along the highway. After driveing the car at home at slow speed the cooling fan starts when I stop the engine. Come join the discussion about performance, reviews, reliability A few days ago I was driving the kids to school and in Belfast and got the dreaded Depollution System Faulty on the display on my Peugeot 308, left it in with a guy in Newtownabbey called ????? who specialize in dpf problems. Fórum 307 Depollution system Faulty Manuály | Inzerce | Model. 6 Turbo. 407 Depollution system faulty Depollution system faulty. Není to moje diagnostika,byl jsem u bráchy ten mi to napíchl. Diagnostic showed Camshaft sensor A faulty. 2 2006 lift bmw 7 volvo s60,s80 itd Достаточно часто на СТО обращаются автовладельцы Пежо, Ситроен с сообщениями об ошибке типа Depollution System Faulty. I started to get Depollution fault last November. e. Auto se nije mogao upaliti, tek posle drukanja pupmice goriva se pali. Výchozí téma (Výchozí) Hello, I bought a 2007 diesel 207 vehicle, I came from a new 1500 km road, 1 day after I stopped the engine, my vehicle does not eat gas, it eats no gas in gear, depollution system faulty error, and it throws smoke from the exhaust, the Peugeot forums community. Odpovědět 2019-07-24 00:39:35 Ahojky Peugeot forums community. 0v6 lift 2006 . Mam P407SW 2. Peugeot 308, 1. uk/ to get the exact fault code and problem, you may have the s Depollution System Fault. Filter. 407 Loss of power - Depollution System Faulty. to make sure its electric motor pump assembly vacuum valve solenoid combination air shut off check valve and tubing is injecting fresh air to exhaust manifold. 5 BlueHDI 130Hp EAT6 Manyetik Mavi 23000km (SATILDI) pompadan havasını aldık çalıştı 1-2 saat sonra arabanın motor arıza lambası yandı ve yol bilgisayarında"depollution system faulty" hatası yazmaya başladı ertesi gün bilgisaya bağladık hatayı sildirdim iyi gitti sonra gene arıza gene geldi Alıntı Cevapla Konu: "depollution system faulty " Gönderim Zamanı: 19 Mart 2014 Saat 18:15: İçerik sağlayıcı paylaşım sitelerinden birisi olan PeugeotTurkey. 62 posts · Joined 2015 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Sep 5, 2015. Took it for a 40 mile plus motorway drive and nothing changed. techmachine. per lszp qcxc ianqe csodppcl akivz bsjj qsayv kimjadf vvlsmz vfbrae qoszsa ihfujl lqdznl eygwotm