High uncorrectables modem Then at the end of July through August, I was having my Internet constantly drop out every day. 1 to 3. I am having this problem on every channel operating between 649-813MHz. Sign in. And the channel #19 will jump back to ~37. Offers. whats it mean when modem has tons of high correctbles ?? the uncorrectbles are ok i think <tabindex=-1>Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 1 Locked QAM256 1 555000000 Hz -1. Packets contain checksums and sometimes can be repaired by the modem, small a small percentage is normal. The amount of uncorrectables varies, but is still very high for all of them. but those uncorrectable are extremely high. Previous modem showed same level of uncorrectables on Monday after showing all zeros on Sunday. All other channels show 0/0. The Cable TV and my Netgear 2050v modem was working, but on the modem it was just getting the Voice part working, not the data internet. The other day I started seeing high levels of Uncorrectable Codewords under the cable connection tab. net is around 100-200. 5dB attenuation from the pad/splitter, headend receive level is still 30 dBmV. Hi Cox Support, I have been having the same trouble internet problems for many years. If they start getting really high than i would call and get a tech out there to see what is going on. com is around 200. Uncorrectables are the most concerning. Problems: I'm getting about 90mbps download and 11 upload on a hardwired connection, and about 40mbps download on wifi. The line coming in to my home is only a year old, and the one that is Now I don’t have much of an idea of what it all means, but I noticed that on all the channels the uncorrectables were very high, most in the 100,000’s and the correctables were lower at only a few thousand. What is the Screenshot after restart modem. My configuration is the drop comes into the house and connects straight to my SB8200 modem. The primary problem I've noticed is an unusually high number of uncorrectable errors across a significant number of channels. 5dB Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Locked Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables 11 Locked QAM 256 11 345000000 Hz 9. Be sure your using a good quality LAN cable between the modem and router. CAT6 is recommended. I've tried two panoramic modems from cox in the past and the same problem occurs, even worse experience. My main concern here is the really high number of Uncorrectable codewords. 0 Modem (I had a 200 Mbps plan). 100mbps plan. Hi Chelsea, The modem reboot confirmed that the Upstream Channel Powers are still below spec for the modem. The Uncorrectable Codewords are very high at times when I notice a problem, and low when things are fine. Re: High Uncorrectables lower channel Posting back with a post-Comcast tech visit. Forum discussion: So I posted the other day about the Moca Gateway maybe being bad, I took it off (all my Tivos are Ethernet) and rebooted last night and my uncorrectables are still amazingly high TL;DR information: . The only broadband provider available is Mediacom which I was using previously with no problem using my own Arris SB6183 Just a quick glance: So right at channel 20 ( the one getting the uncorrected errors ) your SNR is significantly lower then every other channel. " So I already have some that are high and I have ridiculously high percentages. number depends on the amount of traffic through your cable modem, but it will typically be in the thousands or tens of thousands. Most of the time this happens during the initial boot up while it is syncing, it's just I just checked my cablemodem and see SNR of about 39dB and some correctable errors but zero uncorrectables. Lately we've noticed this often happens around 4pm, and last week I was sitting next to the modem during an episode. Nach oben. Since at least May, I've had reliability problems with by Comcast broadband connection here in Pleasanton CA. HI all! I recently moved into a new house with some roommates in Missoula Montana and set up Spectrum internet only. I had a similar In the course of troubleshooting, I check the modem signal levels myself, and see the below. It happens all day everyday so its more of a stability issue than a speed issue. Upload an image from wherever you're seeing your uncorrectables. 200mbps +blast. There's customers who have signal levels which are too HIGH and must be reduced to prevent permanent damage to the premise equipment! Modem reports 33. Fine, I got a new modem last week and a new router and I still drop off internet, wired and connected directly to the modem. Official Reply and since then all 16 downstream channels have varying levels of uncorrectables ranging from 10k-200k. Seems really I logged into my modem status page and saw I was having a lot of errors in the log and high number of uncorrectables on all my Downstream Bonded Channels. The tech came out but the problem persists. My speeds perfectly fine, but when I am on Teams virtual calls, the calls randomly drop and reconnect. I Second jump, modem/ISP problem, jump 3 and forward - ISP. I wouldn't have noticed the change but my connection has dropped intermittently several times in the last week. Also my speed tests from the Cox gig site suck. something in the line. Is 200Mbps what you get when corrected directly to yourmodem with an Ethernet cable? Once you get 500Mbps there, you can begin to debug the rest of your My internet connection is pretty solid, but I do notice a fluctuation in the download speeds I get. I am getting event code 16 and event code 24 about 6 I've noticed high uncorrectable counts on my modem over the past few weeks/months accumulating at a high rate. 01% which makes it a non-issue. In Fall 2019, I had a tech come out who ran a dedicated drop for my unit from the pole to my building's junction box and added new weatherproof connectors. Reinstall latest update file and set up the modem. But first I have to figure out what is causing the modem's poor signals. Definitely not a lot. Solved! Sorry if this is not the right place for this. I decided to have a look at my modem itself, and noticed that I have a high level of uncorrectables on channels 6 and 8 (over 1000) and I'm only using a single channel for upload, which seems a bit bizarre. 3. 5 40. Additionally My service has been fluctuating between excellent and awful lately. 9 dB 0 0 2 Locked QAM 256 2 489000000 Hz 5. My SNR values are pretty good (39 dB - 40 dB). Modem: Arris Surfboard S33v2 (customer owned) Plan: Gigabit (1000/20, west region) Complaint: ~5x slower speeds than advertised, connection dropouts Troubleshooting performed: Rebooted modem, factory reset modem, ensured coax connection is fully seated and tight, checked Xfinity Status Center website Noticed issues: high uncorrectables on download, Cable Modems, Routers and DSL Modems; ReadyNAS Network Storage; Switches; Home WiFi Adapters and Powerline; WiFi Range Extenders & Nighthawk Mesh; Mobile Routers, Hotspots & Modems; Idea Exchange For Home; Business Solutions. 00 MHz 16. I just tried an attenuator FPA6-54, but the modem levels were worse, so I Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables UnCorrectables 1 Locked QAM 256 1 483000000 Hz 5. I moved my modem that is within 2ft from where the cable enters the house and I'm still getting a lot of errors (maybe a little bit less). Connection info from the modem - restarted roughly 30 minutes ago ~1pm CST Hi @stretch47, Welcome! I reconnected ONLY the modem directly to the 'takeover point' and rebooted the modem manually. 9 dB 0 0 3 Locked QAM 256 3 495000000 Hz 5. If you can, simply connect the modem right where the coax Aug 8, 2020 If your modem is behind a splitter try removing the splitter or moving the modem to a coax connection that is closer to where the line from the street enters your home. I definitely can use a better router for cloud gaming. I just got my first Netgear Modem. Is there something Hello @RJFader and thank you for bringing your concern regarding certain signals on your modem to our attention here at the Xfinity Forums. 1 High Speed Cable Modem—DOCSIS 3. I have n Skip to main content. I'd move the modem to right where the cable enters your home and direct connect If your modem receives corrupt data, it can use FEC to "correct" the data. Any ideas what I can look to do to trouble shoot or is this going to require a OP here again, I'm also getting a bunch of these errors: Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC. fast. 1 dBmV 39. Were you able to follow the great tips and information provided by @BruceW in this thread so far to troubleshoot the issue further or reach out to our Xfinity Support team? If not and you are still experiencing connectivity issues Too high? Too low? Variation too high between power levels of each channel? Are the "good" ranges for things like snr, power, etc. Hardware: Zoom 5370 Cable Modem - 2yrs old. MDD message timeout;CM-MAC My new Arris S33 modem seems to be performing fine after just a few days of uptime (I can reach gigabit speeds down), but if I look at the connection status page I see some uncorrectables for the OFDM channel and Hi. less than 200. I reset the modem a couple days ago, but the uncorrectables have racked up again. Is this a problem with the Netgear device of a I've been having trouble with high numbers of uncorrectables showing up on the status page of my cable modem for months now (I've attached a current screenshot showing uncorrectables mostly received over the last 6 days): I am using a SB8200 modem and I am noticing what I consider a high rate of correctable errors. High uncorrectables on the WAN is something that your ISP should be taking care of. The regular culprits on my modem Event Log are as follows Lost MDD timeout SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Loss of Sync /Service Change Response rejected Invalid transaction ID Here are two links to the Downstream and Upstream channels. I know the corrected number is normal to be high, but having 50% more uncorrected in only about 4 hours of uptime seems like an issue. 5 dBmV, -3. Explanation: This led me to check my modems web interface where I noticed a high amount of uncorrectables after an uptime of 73 days. 1 channel, which is what should be carrying most (if not all) of your traffic. From what I can gather, the power and SNR levels are OK, but the Current: I have used both a 2-way splitter (-3. Despite what seems to be a solid setup, I'm facing an ongoing issue. Outside temperatures Uncorrectables very high . Fast forward two months of technician reschedules, replacing connection hardware, my underground cable line, being on the Internet Connectivity Issues (High Uncorrectables One Channel) Hello! I have been having regular (though somewhat intermittent) Internet issues for the last 2 months. Unfortunately, I'm not at home right now and the only way to access the modem's HSD diagnostics is to directly connect to Well the rogers sub contractor came by to swap the modem, did a test on the area and could see everyone in the neighborhood was having the issue. What actual issue are you having aside from seeing numbers on your modem? Electrical mixes with the real signal and confuses the modem and cmts. Only issue I can see now is the upstream side still seems a . It could be with the hub or node and completely unrelated to your wiring from the Both the modem and the router were off and unplugged for well over an hour yesterday and I've rebooted them both within the past ~30 minutes. Before and after replacing modem. Do these signals look ok? I'm worried about the uncorrectables. 1 and I'm on the 600 Mbps plan. CM1000v2. I have 200mbps service with WOW Internet. The line from your provider is bad. I've tried factory resetting and rebooting, but no luck. Thoughts on how to proceed here? Daily modem resets, high uncorrectables I have an Arris SB8200 and Xfinity's Extreme Pro (600 down) package. I get uncorrectables despite having good signal in downstream and upstream. This house was built in 2002. After about 5 power cable pulls of it (and the Asus router), the internet is now working, but the diagnostic page on the modem is showing my levels are way off Correctables Uncorrectables 372043 155011 Upstream Channel Channel Lock Status US Modulation Symbol Rate Frequency Power 1 Locked QAM16 2560 Ksym/sec 53800000 Hz 107. As you can see there are ~14. 1 dB 455 0 2 Locked QAM256 2 5 The modem has only been connected for 24-48 hours and already have a high amount of uncorrectables. I have the Netgear CM1000v2 modem with DOCSIS 3. You will see in the SNR graph that there are occasional drop outs in the SNR completely causing some packet Nothing important. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The raw number of uncorrectables is irrelevant. The coax cable going into my modem looks a bit warped at the end. · actions · 2018-Jan-19 9:40 am · Hey there, @Maqieem!Thank you so much for sharing all those details regarding everything that you have checked, and troubleshot! As far as the technician appointment, the meters do check for leaks, noise in the home or on the line. You're possibly looking at less than 0. 00, according to my Cable Modem's uptime statistic. 94 dB 256QAM 756130863 36 0 So a worse signal makes the upstream power too high not too low. But, I'm having a lot of issues with internet stability. Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Corrected Uncorrectables 1 Locked 256QAM 24 741 I don't think your modem signal is causing your pain, those stats are pretty ok. I found that my US (Upstream) power (modem transmitting data to the ISP) was intermittently maxing out (I forget the max for the SB Modem, but it was ~50dBmV) here's what it usually is: 1. This is the modem receiving I've looked in the log for the SB8200 and there is nothing however I did notice that channel 159 has a high number of uncorrectables. koaschten Insider I did reboot the modem a few time late last night after no one was using the network and I did catch a modem configuration with the 903 - 927 Mhz channels were back: 21 Locked QAM256 903000000 Hz i have one line going to the modem and the other 3 are going to the tvs in the house no other splitters Freq Power SNR Modulation Octets Correcteds Uncorrectables Downstream 1 11 621. Forum discussion: I just had the Comcast tech run new cable and it cleared up all my high Corrected / Uncorrectables errors except for one channel: #29. I scaled back to the Ultimate plan. Share Sort by: Best. However, if the data so corrupt and beyond correction, your modem will request Cox to resend the data. Lines splitter, attenuator, amplifier, kinked cable, bad cable, moisture in cable, corrosion to connector. 2 dBµV wahrscheinlich haben die bei Cisco eher nicht damit gerechnet dass ihre Modems ohne Reset so lange durchhalten - sparkie. 0 Message 1 of 3 Modem Additionally, the number of uncorrectables on the modem starts out and stays low for about a day but then exponentially grows. These packets are dropped and therefore slow speed. Current: I have used both a 2-way splitter (-3. Any suggestions? Take note of how many splitters your modem is behind. Is having a tech come out to look at the outside lines/inside wiring the best course of action? I don't want to spend the money on a new modem if it's not actually the modem. Arris sb8200 modem, 1200 mbps service - Up until recently (about a week now), my correctables and uncorrectables were always close to zero. When I was looking at my modem, it seems like I have a very level of uncorrectables that seem to keep going up by the hour. The modem has only been powered on for 1 days 01h:17m:34s. Hardwired Internet speeds are good and I'm working Currently having latency spikes, packet loss and a high number of uncorrectable errors on the Netgear CM1150v. Spectrum upstream levels that are acceptable: 35dBmv to 50dBmv Downstream levels: -10dBmv to +10dBmv I also have a lot of FEC errors on downstream with a pretty high ratio of uncorrectables to correctables. Comcast has typically been pushing them lower, and using the higher end for D3. 4 dBmV) and my upstream power is a little high (49. Open comment sort options Your SNR is great, as are your power levels. 1 modem to take advantage of Gigablast hoping it would resolve things, but it's just gotten worse. There is now 1 cable going from the ISP's coax directly to my modem (unless there is a splitter behind the wall somewhere But I've tested for bufferbloat with just the modem and computer, and still get bad results. Here's some of the modem levels found under the Downstream OFDM Channels section (I tried copy and pasting but the formatting was a mess so just going to write down the data in order). He didn't swap the modem Regular Outages - High Uncorrectables - Man what a mess. The Motorola modem was showing all sorts of things including low power levels across almost every channel, high uncorrectables on OFDM, multiple CM-Status 16/24 codes throughout the day, and random restarts every few days. What are the acceptable rate of corrected and uncorrected errors on this modem? I recently upgraded my tier and added this modem. 1%), and the OFDM channel for That might be out of trillions or more of codewords so it might not even be causing a noticable problem. High correctables/ uncorrectables and loss of connection. 3 2094 2516 From the Cable Diagnostics I see Uncorrectables, for an example channel, as 2516. It's likely the number is below 0. 1. Do a fresh start on the modem. Following the change this issue seems to be corrected. Are the signal and power out of spec? I am not connected to splitters. However if they constantly increase that indicates noise. Upstream power level is very HIGH (which is bad). This seems to be a persistent issue, as it happens regularly, and I can't seem to pinpoint the cause. From what I've seen online, my downstream power is a little low (-8 dBmV to -11. Divide the number of uncorrectables by the total number of octets. When I check my modem stats I have huge numbers of uncorrectables and some low SNRs. After visiting some other forums, I was advised that my uncorrectables are extremely high and something isn't right. You can't get "millions of uncorrectables in 30 minutes", this is impossible. Archived post. I am seeing a high amount of uncorrectables on two downstream channels on my SB8200 that I do not normally see. I've also seen from time to time the modem light will turn from Blue to orange (i think indicating switching from DOCSIS 3. Last jumps - domain problem (unlikely with a stable host). I have reset the modem and changed the coax cable. High number of corrected and uncorrectables . speedtest. Modem: Netgear CM1200. I recently purchased a new DOCSIS3. Hi everyone, my internet seems to drop in and out several times a day. They removed an unnecessary splitter from the main switch/box on the home, power values on each channel are now lower/better My modem is a Netgear CM1200. Usually the best bet is to Check the connectors for improperly made ends, foil touching the copper coax line, bad/old/cheap connectors, or corroded connections. This will give you a -3. While I understand that uncorrectable errors are a bigger problem, and that a few uncorrectables is not a huge concern, I'd like to know what level of correctables indicates a pending problem. Logging into the modem page (~1yr old Surfboard SB8200 refurb), I'm assuming the high number of uncorrectables is the source of all the issues, but is this indicative of a faulty modem, router, or internet service? Checking on the modem, I see a massive amount of uncorrectables on OFDM PLC 693MHz, with +1 dBmV power, and 40 dB SNR. That amount of uncorrectables I have a high amount of uncorrectable and correctable (T3 and T4) errors. Background: I previously had a Cox DOCSIS 2. As noted above (turn off VZW modem, reboot Arris modem for Cox), after ~45 minutes, seeing zero errors. The screenshot attached was taken a few minutes ago The uncorrectables are insane. About 3-4 times per day the incoming internet to the modem goes out. Constant stutters in connection, modem reporting many timeouts and high amounts of uncorrectables . You also have a few uncorrectables on your downstream DOCSIS 3. Turning off the modem and waiting for 20 minutes will reset the errors (as expected), and they stop going up for a few hours (1-20 uncorrectables per hour). your SNR for some channels is low and also tons of uncorrectables. Also seeing T3 timeouts, RCS Partial Service and SYNC errors in the modem log every day. Alongside this problem, I have been experiencing Before the change I had a major issue with the shitty co-ax in the wall of the house causing a lot of "uncorrectables" on my Arris modem on many different channels. 0). I am noticing a really high "corrected" count on channel 159, which is the only one that uses OFDM PLC modulation. The coax cable running downstairs may be a bit old. different based on the modem? ISP? Like for example, would netgear have different acceptable Internet dropping and high uncorrectables on modem . Business Solutions; Back; Switches; AV Over IP Switches; Orbi Pro - WiFi for Small Business; Wireless; ReadyNAS Hi I own a Netgear CM1000 Modem, for just over a year now. Cox came here yesterday and said everything looked good on their end. TP-Link Archer C9 wireless router - 2yrs old. The event log is also filled with various critical events, T3 timeout and SYNC Timing Synchronization failure being the most I have high uncorrectables on my S33 modem. Attached is a screenshot of my modem with ~19 hours since it came back up from a 30+ minute total service outage. I just noticed recently that I'm getting a lot of uncorrectable errors (over million) on one channel only (channel 6, channel Id 9). No splitters. Hello. Should be in mid-high 40s. In addition to that, my downstream light is constantly amber. Replace them if you do. Service drops out daily, and usually restores itself after a few minutes. Okay, the new VZW Home Internet modem is the problem. Took a look at my cable modem and noticed over 300,000 uncorrectables on CH. It finally came back on at 3pm, 8 hours later. So I had a CM1000 modem and Nighthawk AC4000 router over the past year without noticeable issues. Uncorrectables are the most annoying thing to troubleshoot, especially intermittent uncorrectables. My setup includes an Arris S33 modem. I subscribe to 1000mbps down but what I actually get will vary significantly from 20mpbs to 800mpbs. I did notice that there are quite a bit of uncorrectables, the modem was rebooted about 3 hours ago and this is what it's collected so far. The current configuration is the simplest, most I'm worried this work could possibly not solve my problem. 009% uncorrectables on every channel. Support. Netgear CM500-100NAS showing high uncorrectables on Downstream Channels 6-8 Ever since around 1 week ago, the internet speed on all of my devices throughout my home drop to below 1 mbps at around 9:30 PM (earlier in the day, Wi-Fi speeds are as high as 40mbps). The correctables on 1 and 32 do seem high, however more concerning is I can't really say more because you did not post your downstream and upstream signal tables, and that is the information that we really need to assess the health of your modem's connection. Any advice would be most helpful! You will always have correctables, but keep an eye on the uncorrectables. you should get ISP to fix the line or check if this is caused by your in-home wiring or splitters. Uncorrectables and T3 errors all seem to be happening still. I have Cox GigaBlast. Ideally you want the modem coming off the first splitter off the main line coming into the house. 16 and over 10,000 on CH. 2. All this leads to connection disconnects that last anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute. I've never seen a modem using such high frequencies for DOCSIS 3. I called Comcast and they told me my modem is EOL. I am getting the following which I assume are pretty high. Over the past several months, the connection has been cutting out with T3 errors several times a day. The downstream OFDM channel seems to have power levels that go up and down significantly. I moved into an apartment on the third floor two months ago. I am concerned that this is a sign of a pending problem. 2 after only 2 hours of uptime. Hi. It has been getting worse lately. 5 dBmV 40. To date I have taken the following steps: Fixed signal levels to Indicates a signal issue on the ISP line up to the modem. I have a percentage based Internet Hiccups and High Uncorrectables. 5 dB) and a 4-way splitter (-7 dB), and I'm still facing uncorrectables and errors. 5 db drop in Reviewing my modem logs it seems like i get a slowly increasing number of uncorrectables across all channels and i'm logging a few errors. I rebooted my modem and this reset the count of corrected and uncorrected. Is this normal or should a technician be involved? Thank you. Any ideas or tips? Modem is an Arris Surfoboard S33 DOCSIS 3. Your Home Network. Using this information you can also run a trace to the game servers you're using. 56mil uncorrectable errors on Forum discussion: Is this something with the modem or the ISP? It seems to be working fine, but it's just this one channel that will have a high number of uncorrectables errors. So today I was looking at the cable that comes into the house, and it is split two ways, for a cable box and for the internet modem. I have a Netgear CM600 modem and have been receiving uncorrectables of hundreds of thousands and millions in a very limited uptime (< 24 hours). 96M are corrected, and 144M are uncorrected. This all came from an outage from my ISP(Comcast). I recently upgraded my tier and added this modem. 4 dBmV 40. The technician who installed the modem also included a 6 dB attenuator on the coax cable. The uncorrectables for the QAM channels have to be compared to the total number of octets sent to be understood (and trust me, it's going to be something like less than 0. This is after being on for about 4 hours. I have a R7000 router with DD-WRT installed on it :) The modem however was given to us by Spectrum for free. That's what can cause uncorrectables these are docsis frames that didn't arrive at the modem properly and required retransmission. So he pushed it back to maintenance again. Uncorrectables: 13 Hello, I recently got a CM3000 modem (from SB8200) to take advantage of the new upload speeds. 0 dBmV to 50 dBmV). it has 0 "uncorrectables" which means that all of the errors were corrected. Location: Roanoke, VA A couple days ago, my internet has become severely and frustratingly spotty. 87 dBmV 37. rpcp pmgtq ukmzk jnjj pxlt nopackp qtodf haczkxa rsnegc seukky nld evr kxqv qnt vorm