Golang sync pool slice Pool的缺点和优化之路 深入剖析sync. Pool 数据类型用来保存一组可独立访问的临时对象。请注意这里加粗的“临时”这两个字,它说明了 sync. 23 版本于2024年8月14日发布,带来了多项重大更新。本文将重点介绍 `slices`、`sync` 等核心库的小改进,这些改进将大幅提升开发体验。 slices 库的新增 Go 1. Pool offers a great way to optimize memory usage by reusing slices: import ( "fmt" "sync" . Pointer 的目的是为了性能,如果使用slice,那么为了保证原子性,不可避免的就需要引入Mutex来保证并发安全,而使 Basic Performance Tests; Appending an Entire Slice; Reusing Slices; sync. Use escape analysis to determine whether an object (e. Pool 梳理Pool 的内容会清理?清理会造成数据丢失吗?runtime. Pool大致的工作原理: 利用 GMP 的特性,为每个 P 创建了一个本地对象池 poolLocal,尽量减少并发冲突。 每个 poolLocal 都有一个 private sync. 13. Pool类型使用前可以 sync. You allocate a few buffers and they stay in memory, available for The builtin append() needs to create a new backing array if the capacity of the destination slice is less than what the length of the slice would be after the append. Get selects an arbitrary item from the Pool, removes it from the Pool, and returns it to the caller. sync. Pool except we add a finalizer to the object and inserts it back into pool after garbage 文章浏览阅读7. Pool实现原理进行了分析。关于sync. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "sync" ) var pool = sync. Pool? 3. Pool 只需要指定 sync. pool是什么? 2. If 1. Pool is Golang’s built-in object pooling technology, which can be used to cache temporary objects to avoid the consumption and pressure on GC caused by frequent creation of temporary objects. fasthttp’s author Aliaksandr Valialkin, a Go The existing Pool type will be replaced by a new type that takes a type parameter. If you have performance trouble with heap, first you could consider to use sync. 6k次,点赞10次,收藏20次。本文详细探讨了Golang的sync. ℹ️ This article is based on Go 1. Pool is 最近在工作中碰到了 GC 的问题:项目中大量重复地创建许多对象,造成 GC 的工作量巨大,CPU 频繁掉底。准备使用 sync. Pool, ignoring almost every important detail except of course the benchmark code. Pool字段,很好奇具体的作用,简单学习了一下,写个小博客总结一下。sync. Pool 是一组可以单独保存和检索的临时对象。 // 参考 Golang 的 sync. Pointer 的目的是为了性能,如果使用slice,那么为了保证原子性,不可避免的就需要引入Mutex来保证并发安全,而使 文章浏览阅读752次,点赞24次,收藏18次。在sync. 2 How to use. Pool isn't 文章讲述了Golang中的sync. Pool ,围观最全的使用姿势,理解最深刻的原理 sync. Go 从 1. Pool 是 sync 包下的一个组件,用来提高对象复用几率,减少gc的压力,减少内存分配,它是并发安全的,常用来存储并复用临时对象。 任何存放区其中的值可以在任何时 Minimize Slice Reallocations with Preallocated Capacity. Put() after he is done with the pooled object, ie it is considered to be "garbage". Map description: The Map type is optimized for two common use cases: (1) when the entry for a In fact, the designers of Go recognized this need and supplied a pool manager in the standard library: sync. Consider this code: type TestStruct struct { Name string } func TestSliceWithPool(t *testing. You will get practical insights on how and when to use it. Pool 用作小对像池,比如前公司同 sync. The sync package provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutexes for safe access to shared memory and once for sync. pool源码解析 A1:这里使用unsafe. Done() is never called. Golang’s encoding/json package is notorious for being All pools are created with pool. Pool。sync. Pool allows Go programmers to allocate and free memory manually 【sync. Pool设计,包括使用实例、底层数据结构、Put和Get的实现,以及如何在垃圾回收期间 1 前言 一句话总结:保存和复用临时对象,减少内存分配,降低 GC 压力。 sync. Instead of searching for a new one or sharpening it every time, you keep it in this stash. Pool的常见陷阱及优化技巧解析 引言. It reduces overhead by recycling objects, resulting sync. Pool has two containers for objects: local pool (active) and victim cache (archived). Pool? For example, imagine you have a favorite pencil you always use. Leverage sync. We’ll instantiate our slice of results, RWMutex The whole point of sync. Pool是 Go 标准库中提供的一种对象池(Object Pool)机制,主要用于。它通过维护一个对象池,允许多个 goroutine 重用这些对象,而不是每次都进行内存分配。这有助于减少内存分配和垃圾回收的开销,提高程序的 深度解密Go语言之Slice - 知乎; golang sync. WaitGroup, which will allow us to add the number of jobs that needs to be completed to the WaitGroup and keep track of when all jobs are completed. Pool是一个可以存或取的临时对象池。对外提供New、Get、Put等API,利用mutex支持多线程并发。 目标. When you pull one of these objects, it works exactly like a sync. But note that sync. 13 and explains the 我们通常用golang来构建高并发场景下的应用,但是由于golang内建的GC机制会影响应用的性能,为了减少GC,golang提供了对象重用的机制,也就是sync. Pool的使用场景、基本概念的理解可以参考前面的 特性. 13版本发布了,有很多新特性与改进合入。这里主要分析sync. Go语言101高级编程指南(通俗版Go白皮书) Go内存泄漏?不是那么简 func (*Pool) Get ¶ 1. Pool is the official library built into goroutine and is very well designed. Pool is not only concurrency-safe, but also lock free, and there is a lot to learn about it. Pool类型 文章浏览阅读965次,点赞14次,收藏14次。sync. You signed in with another tab or window. Pool{ New: func() interface{} { t. Pool可以帮助在程序构建了对象池,提供对象可复用能力,本身是可伸缩且并发安全的。 主要结构体Pool对外导出两个方法: Get 和 Put,Get是用来从Pool中获取可用对象,如果可用对象为空,则会通过New kubectl Kubernetes CNI: Antrea Golang实践:分布式锁 水调歌头·重上井冈山 Kubernetes & Docker Go并发编程--性能提升大杀器sync. Put怎么用?Golang Pool. 2. Put方法的具体用法?Golang Pool. Pool当作存放临时值的容器,此容器是自动伸缩的、高效、线程安全的。从临时对象池获取对象有两个途径,第一 . Pool: package engine import (" bytes " " sync ") // buffer pool to reduce GC var buffers = sync. 14中的优化_惜暮-CSDN博客; go filelock 实现; 书籍. Pool对象池。 sync. Pool(文中有各种引申的计算机原理、GMP调度、GC知识,值得好好学习) 深度解 In this post we will uncover what makes sync. I’ve read many blog posts about sync. Optimize JSON Encoding/Decoding Using sync. . Pool 在复用对象时,需要我们在 Get 或 Put 时对对象进 It strikes me as odd that sync. 前文 Golang 中的 sync. 1 Go中有sync. Pool类型,我们可以把它理解成存放临时值的容器,之所以加上“临时”两个字,是因为它会在GC过程的STW步骤被清理。 sync. 12及之前版本的sync. Pool which is a fast, good implementation for temporary objects. When sync. 我们的内存池是一个全局的资源池,全局这个东西 是什么. If there are no objects availabile in the pool If a result is being returned from the function, you wouldn't want to put that result back into a sync. 使用 sync. Pool{ // New creates an object when the pool has nothing 深入浅出 sync. Pool的Put方法详解与应用 在当今的高并发编程环境中,内存管理是一个至关重要的环节。高效的内存管理不仅能提升程序的性能,还能有效 To avoid spurious allocations, sync. TL;DR. Pool 用来复用对象,减少内存分配,降低 GC 压力。 特性 # sync. Poolis used by so many libs as a cache to improve performance, for example, go-json stores a sliceHeader via sync. One of the tools provided by Go for this purpose is 引言 在Go语言(Golang)中,切片(slice)是一种灵活且高效的动态数组结构,广泛应用于各种数据处理场景。切片的底层实现依赖于数组,但其动态扩展和缩小的特性使得它 autopool wraps standard sync. Pool 是 sync 包下的一个组件,可以作为保存临时取还对象的一个“池子”。 个人觉得它的名字有一定的误导性,因为 Pool 里装的对象可以被无通知地被回收,可能 在项目库中看到有用到sync. func main() { var pool = sync. 互斥锁和读写锁; Cond; Once; Pool. Goの高速化テクニックの一つにsync. Pool are obvious better than no sync. Map】 之前在 Go语言中array、slice、map的用法和细节分析_浮尘笔记的博客-CSDN博客 里面说过Go语言内置的map类型的用法,而且当时说过 map 不是并发写安全的,不支持同时并发读写,如果对 map 实例进行并 本文整理汇总了Golang中sync. ここまで使ってみて、sync. hatenablog. Pool 源码级原理剖析 sync. Pool解决以下问题: 增加临时对象的用复用率,减少GC Golang sync. Pool 可以看作一个存放临时对象的池,使用到该对象时,可以从pool里拿,不需要时就归还到pool里。为什么需 The sync. Pool设计思路与原理,这篇文章基于1. Pool 类型值看作是存放可被重复使用的值的容器。 此类容器是自动伸缩的、高效的,同时也是并发安全的,其大小仅受限于内存的大小。为了描述方便,我们也会把sync. Pool},New函数:当池中没有可用对象时调用,返回一个新的对象实例。sync. pool的优化。 本文主要解答以下几个问题: sync. 我的书签 添加书签 移除书签. Pool: For more complex data structures or scenarios involving frequent allocations, sync. The use of sync. This also 使用起来比较简单大概分三步: 初始化Pool,提供一个 New函数 ,当Pool中未缓存该对象时调用; 使用Get从缓存池中获取对象,接着进行业务逻辑处理即可; 使用完毕 利用Put将对象交还给缓 You can see in these two tests, the memory size of slice has only 1 byte different, but small one slice keeps in stack and another escapes to heap. Pool的基本概念sync. a struct, slice, array) is placed on the Slices are a crucial data structure in the Go programming language. Pool 是 Golang 内置的对象池技术,可用于缓存临时对象,以缓解因频繁建立临时对象带来的性能损耗以及对 GC 带来的压力。 在许多知名的开源库中都可以看到 sync. Pool does not guarantee that pooled The size of the sync. Pool works roughly as follows. pool为每个P(对象cpu线 online game server programmer. Pool,一个看 文章浏览阅读999次,点赞8次,收藏25次。sync. Pool is scalable and will be dynamically expanded at high load, and objects stored in the pool will be automatically cleaned up if they become inactive. You can see sync. When you've finished using sync. A sync. 12版本对golang的sync. However, using them can In this case, sync. 2 Role. GOMAXPROCS 与 pool 之间的关系?New() 的作用?假如没有 New 会出现什 Illustration created for “A Journey With Go”, made from the original Go Gopher, created by Renee French. Pool的基本使用方法、使用注意事项等的内容。能够更好得使用sync. Pool is just a GC-cooperating pool of objects. Get returns you a random element, and not the one Pool in the source code, and reaped a performance improvement of nearly 10x over the Go standard HTTP library (not just by this one optimization, of course, but many others). Pool 来缓存对象,减轻 GC 的消耗。 为了用起来更顺畅,我特地 前言 今天在思考优化GC的套路,看到了sync. 13之前,Pool使用一个Mutex保护的slice来存储每 Learn essential Golang byte slice conversion techniques, optimize performance, and master efficient data manipulation strategies for robust Go programming. Pool并发原语,包括sync. 4. WithMaxGoroutines() configures the maximum number of goroutines in the pool; The operation of sync. Pool when: You can easily allocate this object on the stack. Pool allows you to Get an already allocated object and Put it back when you are done with it. Pool 去池化连接对象,原因就在于,sync. Pool有三个问题: 每次GC都回收所有对象,如果缓存对象数量太大,会导致STW1阶段的耗时增加。 每次GC都回收所有对象,导致缓存对象命中率下 前言. Pool,那就来总结下,希望可以有个了断。 用最通俗的话,讲明白知识。以下知识点10s后即将到来。 1. Pool In a nutshell: save and reuse temporary objects, reduce memory allocation, and reduce GC pressure. Pool 的大量使 定义sync. Mutex 的实现与演进后,感觉有必要对 GO 标准库的一些功能进行追踪,看看不断优化的过程,发掘有意思的点。一般 sync. Pool is for. The snippet below has the corrections. Pool 是并发安全且可伸缩的,常用于存放可复用的对象的一个容器,以减少反复创建 Ever heard of sync. NewWithResults[T](), then configured with methods: p. When you request an object from it, then you may get an old one, or a new created with its New function. Pool。 sync. 2025-01-04: The new version of Pool does not have an exported New field; instead, use sync. Pool を用いてsliceを使い回す場合、sliceの長さに振れ幅があるとしたら、どうでどこかで上に触れるときが発生するので、考えられる上限の値をcapacityに指定 use slices (arrays) over pointers. For many places where 2. Objects stored in the pool are automatically cleaned up if they become inactive. It is great but has two major drawbacks: It's not type-safe, a type-assertion is needed on the Here’s a typical implementation of a bytes. Pool是 Go 标准库中提供的一种对象池(Object Pool)机制,主要用于。它通过维护一个对象池,允许多个 goroutine 重用这些对象,而不是每次都进行内存分配。这有助 我们通常用golang来构建高并发场景下的应用,但是由于golang内建的GC机制会影响应用的性能,为了减少GC,golang提供了对象重用的机制,也就是sync. Pool类型,我们可以把sync. go , package init function registers to the runtime as a ludwig125. Pool是一个强大的工具,用于存储和重用临时对象,从而减少垃圾回收的负担。然而,如果不正确使 sync pool使用来存放临时变量的一个缓冲区,但是这个缓冲区并不可靠,每次gc的时候,都会首先清除缓冲区,所以,假如一个slice仅仅存放在 Pool 中,而没有其他地方引 A Pool is a set of temporary objects that may be individually saved and retrieved. The source code could be found in the following I have functions that analyze a string and return a long slice of X as product. pool; slice When to Use sync. Put使用的例子?那 Go provides sync. Pool 来缓存对象,减轻 GC 的消耗。为了用起来更 本文属于《Golang 源码剖析系列》 sync. For instance, when storing buffers as slices, a pointer to slice should be used instead of the slice itself. Pool 这个数据类型的特点,也就是说,它 池化 的对象会在未来的某个时候被毫无 最近golang的1. Pool,无疑是这趟优化之旅中的一颗璀璨明珠。. Pool with slices yields recommendations similar to the following: pool := sync. After all, sync. Reload to refresh your session. bufferとして使う領域を毎回allocせずに使いまわすことで, allocとGCにかかる時 Note beforehand: Many suggest to use sync. pool in slices新特性Go 1. Pool 会无通知地在某个时候就把连接移除垃圾回收掉了,而我们的场景是需要长久保持这个连接,所以,我们一般会 Golang在sync里面提供了对象池Pool。一般大家都叫这个为对象池,而我喜欢叫它临时对象池。 一般大家都叫这个为对象池,而我喜欢叫它临时对象池。 因为每次垃圾回收会把 Golang实战:高效内存管理之sync. Pool assumes that the memory cost of each element is approximately the same in order to be efficient. 12 and 1. Pool новый объект из хипа и без проблем его получить. Poolのすすめ. 3 版本开始提供了对象重用的机制,即 sync. Pool, even the pool doesn’t return pointer. Byte slices are commonly used to store variable-length data. Pool Go并发编程--信息穿透上下 To do that, we’ll use sync. Pool进行了改进,这里我们有两个简单的灵魂拷问: 1、做了哪些改进?2、如何做的改进? Go 1. 简介. После завершения работы с объектом вернем его в sync. Pool是 Go 语言中非常强大的工具,能够有效减 Golang中使用sync. This property can be seen by the fact that Pool. 在Golang中,sync. Pool is a thread-safe cache for re-using allocations. Pool explicitly cooperates with the garbage collector (and will likely cooperate even more Golang中sync. Pool 用来保存可以被重复使用的临时对象,避免了重复创建和销毁临时对象带来的消耗,降低 GC 压力, Introduction In the Go programming language, managing memory efficiently is key to building high-performance applications. Pool 对象的创建方法 New, 则在使用 sync. Pool{ New: func() interface {} { s := A quick online search for using a sync. Get may choose to ignore the pool and 此外使用sync. Pool calls pin() for the first time (or after the number of Ps has changed via GOMAXPROCS), it gets added to a global slice called allPools in the sync package: package sync var ( allPoolsMu Mutex // Golang's sync. What are you aiming at with this suggestion? for larger structs Golang. 浏览 73 扫码 分享 2023-11-25 15:08:38. Log("i am Every time a sync. Pool leverages proc pinning to create a fast path for thread-local data consumption, and uses a clever slow path to fix cases where we need to synchronize. Pool structure we can pool objects and reuse them. ([]int) s = s[0:0] //slice sync. They provide a more flexible and powerful interface to sequences than arrays do. Pool时还要注意slice的尺寸不能太大,否则同样会增加gc负担。一般来说超过1M大小的slice是不建议存进去的,当然还得结合项目需求和性能测试才能决定尺寸的上限。 後述の sync. Most of the time the analyze will fail and the functions will return nil. Pool should have a global Mutex at all. A local object pool poolLocal is Don’t use sync. Pool在1. Poolが特に役に立つのは、 データの入れ物を事前に用意してそこ 使用方式Pool 结构源码图解Sync. g. pool 的中总览图中,对于victim 和victimSize 介绍其是上一轮的local 和localSize 变量,这里的“上一轮”指的是每一次清 To avoid spurious allocations, sync. Avoid slices of pointers. Pool 是 Go 语言标准库中提供的一个对象池化的工具,旨在为重复使用的对象提供一个临时存储的地方,以减少对象分配的频率并降低垃圾回收的开销。理解其基 作者:kunkka 1. This is a good use for the pool to Cases with sync. Pool(s) for object types you define. Pool在场景应用中的使用,尤其是在并发情况下,如何避免数据同步修改带来的影响。通过示例展示了两种解决方案:深复制和参考Golang标准库 The `sync` Package. Pool since you can't tell if the caller is still using it when it's retrieved; sync. Pool是一个可以存或取的临时对象池。对外提供New、Get、Put等API,利用mutex支持多线程并发。 目标sync. Use Pool for Byte Slice Reuse. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This article will explore the underlying Using sync. Pool pool implementation that allows storing any values (interface{} values). Get(). The answer posted by @jimt is not quite right, in that it misses the last value sent in the channel and the last defer wg. 一个 sync. Pool类 The sync. Pool so damn good. Get 失败的情况下,会池的内部会选择性的创建一个新的值。 因此获取到的对象可能是刚被使用完毕放回池 Good to use sync pool . Buffer pool in Go using the standard library sync. Any item stored in the Pool may be removed automatically at any time without notification. Pool in case reuse is needed when decoding JSON. Pool is being used to reuse *encodeState objects, which handle the process of encoding JSON into a bytes. The Pool implemention of the sync package of Go’s standard library is a valuable asset 文章浏览阅读1k次,点赞10次,收藏24次。sync. 博客 七分钟读懂 Go 的临时对象池pool及其应用场景有不一样的理解. Poolを使ったjsonデコード・エンコードの例. Buffer. However, creating new byte slices for each operation can lead to unnecessary That’s what sync. Instead of just throwing these objects after each use, which would only give the 意思应该是,持有 sync. Large-ish buffers, etc. Slices of pointers are perfectly fine. Pool用来提高对象复用几率,减少gc的压力,减少内存分配,它是线程安全的,常用来存储并复用临时对象。原理 为了减小并发中锁的竞争,sync. Why don’t I apply it One should call pool. pool优化体现在哪里? 优化是如何实现? 优化的 今天,我们来讲 Go 语言标准库中的另一个同步工具:sync. Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return make([]int, 0, 0) }, } s := pool. Pool 的使用及若干细节。. Poolを使うというものがあります. T) { var slicePool = sync. pool 是 golang 语言提供的一种对象缓存机制,通过将对象缓存在 pool 中,可以避免每次创建对象的时候都重新申请内存构造对象,而是直接从 pool 中取出对象使用即 0x00 前言. 为什么需要sync. Pool来减少对象的重复创建,最大限度实 Note the caveats in Burak Serdar's answer, and this paragraph from the sync. Pool,来帮助我们来处理这类问题。 但,Go pool 也有不适合的场景,它池化的对象可能会被垃圾回收掉, 这对 事实上,我们很少会使用 sync. Pool解决以下问题: 增加临时对象的用复用率,减少GC负担通过对 1. Tagged: go; golang; sync. This doesn't really make sense. Pool for 简介 临时对象池在go中对应sync. Pool Go 标准库中提供了一个通用的 pool 数据结构,也就是 sync. Pool是可伸 Golang sync. For instance, when storing buffers as slices, a pointer to slice should be used instead of the slice put waste chunks into the pool; take new chunks from the pool; Create a pool import ( "sync" ) var bytesPool = sync. Pool; bytebufferpool; Conclusion; I previously wrote about The Impact of Preallocating Slice Memory Pool. 13持续对 sync. 이 글은 2021-11-05에 작성되었습니다. New() or pool. Introduction. The sync package is part of Go’s standard library and provides several utilities for concurrent programming:. Pool 使用 介绍了 sync. 本文将介绍 Go 语言中的 sync. But most of the time solution 2 of using cgo comes with a overhead which mostly nullifies the benifit rewritting the code in c or any other language. Pool 可以看作一个存放临时对象的池,使用到该对象时,可以从pool 在优化 GC 时,最直接的思路就是对创建对象进行复用,官方提供了 sync. 书签管理 . Mutex: A basic lock mechanism for Introduction to Pool Go is known to be an automatic garbage collection programming language that uses a three-color concurrent tagging algorithm to tag objects and sync. Pool {// New creates an object when the pool has nothing available to Мы можем «попросить» у sync. Pool is to avoid (expensive) allocations. Pool is a great fit. If you would put the o back into the pool in the pub then the next 在软件开发的浩瀚海洋中,优化是永恒的灯塔,指引着我们驶向高效的彼岸。而 Go 语言中功能强大的 sync. WaitGroup 可以视为一个 1. com. Pool should always be used with pointers. 包文档注释 // A Pool is a set of temporary objects that may be individually saved and retrieved. package main import ("bytes" "fmt" "sync") var pool = sync. Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return []byte{} }, } /* In this example, the `New` function is not needed (see the Using the Go testing package for your artificial benchmarks, with separate benchmarks for make stack and heap allocations, make is both faster and slower than 防止Pool被拷贝,因为Pool 在Golang是全剧唯一的 这里又衍生一个问题,这里的noCopy如何实现被防止拷贝的? Golang中没有原生的禁止拷贝的方式,所以结构体不希望被 Go版本1. Pool, и программа 个人学习笔记,如有侵权,请联系我。 最近在工作中碰到了 GC 的问题:项目中大量重复地创建许多对象,造成 GC 的工作量巨大,CPU 频繁掉底。 准备使用 sync. According to the sync/pool. Put方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Pool. This was b 在项目库中看到有用到sync. Pool类型可以被称为临时对象池,它的值可以被用来存储临时的对象。与 Go 语言的很多同步工具一样,sync. Pool. Pool 的大小可伸缩,高负载时会动态扩容,池中的对象在不活跃时会被自动清理。 如何使用 # 只需实 Golang在sync里面提供了对象池Pool。一般大家都叫这个为对象池。众所周知,go是自动垃圾回收的,这大大减少了程序编程负担。但gc是一把双刃剑。比如对刚刚上手的 sync. 我们通常用 Golang 来开发并构建 高并发 场景下的服务,但是由于 Golang 内建的GC机制多少会影响服务的性能,因此,为了减少频繁GC,Golang提供了对象重用的机 sync. 白天 夜间 首页 下载 阅读记录. Pool是 Go 标准库中提供的一种对象池(Object Pool)机制,主要用于。它通过维护一个对象池,允许多个 goroutine 重用这些 I had a tough time when I started caring about performance optimizations in Go. Pool对象池。 上一次写了 sync. pool 的对象不能是短命的对象. 3 func (p *Pool) Get() any. Pool 是 Go 中用于对象复用的工具,可减少频繁创建和销毁对象的开销,从而优化内存使用和降低 GC 压力。本文通过分析其 Understanding the sync Package. Pool is scalable and concurrency-safe, and its capacity is limited only by the size of its memory. Pool 是 Go 中用于对象复用的工具,可减少频繁创建和销毁对象的开销,从而优化内存使用和降低 GC 压力。本文通过分析其用法、真实案例及源码结构,详细解读了 sync. You signed out in another tab or window. Pool 来帮助用户对他们的应用对象进行复用。这里看 Go 的基本类型:map 和 slice。 sync. mvwpqld vvm fury zaj qmd sgywcw ywfx ghsmyx ovtl ixfokm xie llron cbly bsqhg zvkeaem