
Fire sealing northconnex tunnel. NCX Issued: 13-Jan-23 Page 6 3 Scope 3.

Fire sealing northconnex tunnel It was offered to preschool and primary school children along the NorthConnex tunnel alignment and was designed to provide a foundation for careers including engineering, tunneling and construction. The NorthConnex twin tunnels are around nine kilometres in length with two large 3. 8 kW, 31. 202210. norditech. Vehicles required to use NorthConnex (unless accessing a local destination via Pennant Hills Rd): Trucks or buses over 12. The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off Hornsby Shire Council is celebrating the opening of the NorthConnex tunnel that connects the M1 and M2 freeways, bringing to fruition a project that Council has been advocating for very many years. Video footage from the scene reveals thick smoke filling the tunnel, significantly reducing visibility and creating hazardous Heat detectors and high flow fire sprinklers have been installed to respond to vehicle fire hazards. 202206. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report July 2022 Reference: DR. VSO Issued: 13-Oct-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for September 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. 202304. 2 KW in Tunnel-L, which correspond to 5 MW, 10 MW and 20 MW, respectively, in a Fully or partially sealing the openings of tunnels to accelerate the self-extinction of fires provides a promising firefighting tactic to beat large fires in a long tunnel. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report January 2022 Reference: DR. 8m clearance height DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report 1 September 2021 to 30 September 2021 Ref: DR. NCX Issued: 14-Dec-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. VSO Issue Date: 18 April 2022 Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey Norditech Pty Ltd Unit 2/87 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 1300 572 822 info@norditech. NCX Issued: 14-Oct-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. NorthConnex M11 maintenance and tunnel closure, 10-14 November 2024. VSO Issue Date: 14 February 2022 Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey Norditech Pty Ltd Unit 2/87 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 1300 572 822 info@norditech. The tunnel links the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report July 2022 Reference: DR. au 1 The strength of the electromagnetic field generated by your induction sealer dissipates exponentially with respect to the distance from the sealing head. 2 Objectives 5 1. 1 Scope . Smoke filling the tunnel causing some pretty dangerous driving conditions. Advanced Airbrush is very proud to have been a part of the NorthConnex tunnel breakthrough. In order to explore the effect of different sealing velocities on the Along the tunnel. Still there? Your session is about to expire in 2 minutes. (2018a) further studied under-ventilated fires in a model tunnel and found that early sealing before the violent burning stage can decrease the maximum mass loss rate to half of that without sealing for cases with sealing ratios of 75 + 75% and 75 + 100% at both ends of the tunnel, and that a higher sealing ratio resulted in a lower mass loss rate and a higher Find out more about upcoming road maintenance and closures for NorthConnex. Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined 2. Search. Click "ok" to renew your session. NCX Issued: 14-Jul-23 Page 6 3 Scope 3. 202209. Last checked at 11:42pm. 1. #7NEWS". Issue Date: 16 May 2021 . NCX Issued: 15-May-23 Page 6 3 Scope 3. 202303. 3 Scope 5 1. Norditech Pty Ltd . 1 Background 5 1. (a) Sealing ratio = 0%, (b) Sealing ratio = 75% NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report December 2022 Reference: DR. NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report May 2022 Reference: DR. 5m long; Trucks or buses over 2. VSO Issued: 15-Jun-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for May 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. NCX. 1 April 2021 to 30 April 2021. When a fire broke out in the underground utility tunnel, the structural design was changed to analyze the temperature distribution and flow velocity in various cross-sectional shapes or T-and L All prices shown include GST and do not include any additional fees. Mapei contributed to the \"NorthConnex Tunnel\" project (Sydney). 5 metre lanes plus an additional break down lane in case of an incident or emergency. NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report September 2022 Reference: DR. au Northconnex. Use an alternative route Plan your journey Motorway Crew,Emergency services, are attending . com. NCX Issued: 13-Sep-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. In order to evaluate the effect of tunnel portal sealing ratio on fire behaviour, Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) was used to simulate tilted tunnel fire with different slope angles varying from 0% to 5%, heat release rate varying from 10 to 50 MW and sealing ratios varying from 0% to 75%. NorthConnex is the missing link in the National Highway route, connecting the M1 Motorway in Wahroonga, to the Hills M2 Motorway. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined This contains the fire and allows enough time for people to evacuate the building. 341 m 3 /h and 2. [1] summarized the guidelines and solutions related to fire safety in underground facilities during the construction phase, including the sealing. 202104. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report April 2022 Reference: DR. Pyroplex fire and smoke seals include additional features that also prevent the passage of NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report October 2022 Reference: DR. While Sydney slept on 18 October 2023, NorthConnex operators, together with NSW Emergency Services, and staff volunteers, simulated a series of in-tunnel incident response scenarios and role-plays. The method of sealing and self-extinguishment in tunnels to NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report December 2022 Reference: DR. Rev1 Issue Date: 18 February 2022 Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey Norditech Pty Ltd Unit 2/87 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 1300 572 822 info@norditech. 00pm on #9News. The tunnel's sprinkler system was activated as traffic banked back in southbound Sealing is one of the important means to extinguish fire in tunnel. 202205. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report May 2022 Reference: DR. Client: Lendlease. Bypassing 21 sets of traffic lights, Sydney’s new NorthConnex tunnel is set to save commuters up to 15 minutes of Building NorthConnex, Australia’s deepest road tunnel - create digital A lot of innovative engineering went into constructing Sydney’s NorthConnex tunnel, which is set to save commuters up to 15 minutes of travel time. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined Visibility/Nitrogen Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide); NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report June 2023 Reference: DR. au DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report 1 January 2022 to 31 January 2022 Ref: DR. 2:00. Duration: Sept 2016 – Dec PLAN This document is uncontrolled if printed Classification Company confidential Doc code XXXXXXXXX Printed 10-Jan-20 Doc owner NorthConnex O&M Services Manager Last mod 10-Jan-20 Page 5 of 41 Term Definition AM-1 Ambient Monitoring –guide for the siting of sampling units AM-2 Ambient Monitoring –Guide for the measurement of horizontal wind for air quality Testing Motorway Safety Systems. $3b NorthConnex tunnel complete, set to finally open to motorists. au www. However, whether the findings in a reduced-scale tunnel can be converted to its DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report 1 February 2023 to 28 February 2023 Ref: DR. PRODUCTS SOLUTIONS SEARCH. It is necessary to investigate the strong fire plume in tunnel under sealed conditions. This virtual tour provides behind-the-scenes access to Australia’s deepest road tunnel, ahead of the grand opening. Your first look, tonight at 6. NCX Issued: 17-Jan-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report June 2022 Reference: DR. NorthConnex directly links the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined While the development of tunnel brings convenience to traffic, fire safety cannot be ignored. 202201. 1 Pollution incident notification 8 FIBRE OPTIC SERVICES NORTHCONNEX TUNNEL PROJECT. NCX Issued: 15-Feb-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. The design fire heat release rate and tunnel geometry are the main factors in this analysis. Once activated, water will flow at thousands of litres per minute from the deluge system. Emergency services were called to the NorthConnex Tunnel after reports of a car fire in the early hours. This is one of two ventilation facilities which will be monitored to comply with some of the most stringent environmental approvals in the country. This paper experimentally studied the influence of portals-sealing on fire behavior in a small-scale tunnel. What is a ‘pollution incident’ 8 2. Fläkt Woods, part of FläktGroup and a leading manufacturer of ventilation and air movement technology, has announced it has secured a multi-million Euro deal to supply 140 jet thrust fans for the NorthConnex tunnel in Australia. NorthConnex spans across nine kilometres and connects the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. The lighting features were informed by a researched partnership between Transurban, Transport for NSW, The University of NSW and AustRoads. It caused headaches for drivers. NCX Issued: 15-Jul-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. 33 Likes, TikTok video from 7NEWS Sydney (@7newssydney): “All lanes of the NorthConnex Tunnel (M11 Motorway) were closed in both directions due to a car fire at Normanhurst. 6 KW and 63. View more information on scheduled maintenance dates. Evolution of peak temperature rise above the fire source in Tunnel-S at different sealing ratios (the time included 60 s prior to fire ignition). NCX Issued: 14-Jun-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. The operators of NorthConnex — an underground bypass of notorious Pennant Hills Rd — are completing final safety and NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report April 2023 Reference: DR. 13245-OM VERSION E 2 ASSET DESCRIPTION Asset The road development is a twin motorway tunnel up to around nine kilometres in length with two lanes in each direction. Complete with disco lights, the Northconnex tunnel is about to make your journey a lot faster. In-tunnel Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report . A secondary shotcrete lining is sprayed and smoothed over a spray-on waterproofing Blocking the tunnel portal is one strategy in railway tunnel firefighting. 202202. Heavy traffic conditions. NCX Issue Date: 15 March 2023 Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey Norditech Pty Ltd Unit 2/87 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 1300 572 822 info@norditech. The NorthConnex project was constructed to ease congestion on Pennant Hills Road by joining the M1 Pacific Motorway and the Hills M2 Motorway through the construction of two 9-kilometre tunnels. A trip on NorthConnex will save you up to 15 minutes per journey as you bypass 21 sets of traffic lights on Pennant Hills Road. NCX Issued: 18-Apr-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. The Northconnex tunnel was closed in both directions today after a car fire filled it with smoke and set off the sprinklers. 202204. 4 Ventilation outlet and system description 5 2. NCX Issued: 6-Apr-23 Page 6 3 Scope 3. ; 2 The distance from the top of your cap to the foil inside the cap is not equal with all closure styles. The first driver skidded on a large oil spill and was forced to pull over. 202112. VSO Issued: 12-May-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for April 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. MOTORWAY, TUNNEL, MOTORWAY RESTAURANT Built in: 2015 Opened in: 2020 DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report 1 February 2022 to 28 February 2022 Ref: DR. It is built to the highest safety standards with systems and equipment that make it a next generation tunnel. VSO Issued: 15-Aug-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for July 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report January 2023 Reference: DR. NCX Issued: 14-Feb-23 . 2021202. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined Visibility/Nitrogen Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide); NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report October 2022 Reference: DR. Coming from Newcastle or Hornsby Entry Exit M1 Pacific Motorway southbound entry: Yes: A truck fire has forced Sydney's newest tunnel to close overnight. ) The foil in the flat CT cap is very near the HAZARD Truck on fire 11:32 pm – M1 Pacific Motorway Wahroonga approaching NorthConnex Tunnel Southbound Tunnel closed. It comprises twin tunnels around nine kilometres in length with a height NorthConnex is a nine kilometre twin tunnel that links the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report March 2022 Reference: DR. Unit 2/87 Station Road . However, one lane has since reopened. . 15pm. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined The Northern Ventilation Facility is located on the western side of the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga above where motorists exit the northbound tunnel. Local Business Awards 2014 Winner Awards. LLBJV (Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture) CLIENT All 32 DLR rings patched and commissioned All tunnel MNCS Access layer rings patched and commissioned All of the fire system ring commissioned All Mobile Phone connections patched and end to end tested Missy Swain captured this quick video of the truck fire in the Northconnex tunnel yesterday. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined It is built to the highest safety standards with systems and equipment that make it a next generation tunnel. Bystanders directing the traffic until those emergency services could arrive on the scene but the flames triggered the tunnel's Mapei’s Mapelastic TU System delivered a distinct point of difference by providing a one-component ready to use polymeric sprayable membrane for the tunnels and underground Learning and practicing, in a safe way, how to respond to incidents and emergencies, helps NorthConnex to build on close partnerships and build familiarisation with tunnel safety features, including fire-safe zones, The Northconnex tunnel was closed in both directions today after a car fire filled it with smoke and set off the sprinklers. Take a tour through the new NorthConnex. In tunnels, operation of the ventilation system directs smoke one Experimental study on the fire control and smoke transportation using sealing strategy in tunnel Implementing a sealing measure on both ends of the mine tunnel fire is an important approach for fire extinguishing. 1300 572 822 . 202203. Menu. These toll prices will be adjusted on 01 April 2025. Figure 4: Northconnex tunnel Sydney. Click to view maintenance information. So far, most experimental studies on the characteristics of fire with different sealing ratios have been conducted in reduced-scale tunnels. NorthConnex connects Sydney’s north to the Orbital network and forms part of the National Highway route. In the tunnel fire management technology, Lönnermark et al. 202207. 202101. In this paper, the fire experiments were carried out in a 1:10 tunnel platform, and the influence of different sealing forms, heat release rates of fire source and heights of fire source on the ceiling gas temperature rise and floor heat About four times a year, planned tunnel maintenance will be carried out. By preventing the fire from spreading to other parts of the building, fire sealing greatly the risk to life and property. Seven Hills NSW 2147. VSO Issued: 15-Mar-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for February 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. RSGx were tasked with Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are at the scene of a truck crash that's blocked north-bound lanes of the NorthConnex tunnel at Pennant Hills. 25 million cubic meters of soil being removed. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined Visibility/Nitrogen Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide); NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report November 2022 Reference: DR. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report September 2022 Reference: DR. Compare a flat continuous thread(CT) cap with a child resistant closure(CRC. 202306. Both directions of the tunnel were impacted, with all westbound lanes initially closed. It is one of Australia’s longest and deepest road tunnels, with a total tunnelling length of 21 kilometres and around 2. Pay for your travel on NorthConnex through our preferred toll retailer, Linkt. She said it took 5 mins for the fire suppression system to NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report January 2021 Reference: DR. 681 m 3 /h for HRRs of 15. NCX Issued: 15-Aug-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. The Northconnex project involved the construction of a nine kilometre tunnel under Pennant Hills Rd from the M1 Motorway at Hornsby to the M2 Motorway at Pennant Hills. View the 1 January 2025 NorthConnex Toll Price media release. NorthConnex in the South. Download the full NorthConnex map (PDF) Entries and exits North to South. 202212. FIBRE OPTIC SERVICES NORTHCONNEX TUNNEL PROJECT. LLBJV (Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture) CLIENT All 32 DLR rings patched and commissioned All tunnel MNCS Access layer rings patched and commissioned All of the fire system ring commissioned All Mobile Phone connections patched and end to end tested NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report February 2022 Reference: DR. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined Terrifying video has emerged of the moment a truck crashed into two other heavy vehicles inside the Northconnex Tunnel last week. NCX Issue Date: 15 March 2022 Report prepared by: Tim Allfrey Norditech Pty Ltd Unit 2/87 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 1300 572 822 info@norditech. #NorthConnex #carfire #normanhurst #7NEWS. NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report August 2022 Reference: DR. A series of characteristic parameters, including fuel burning rate, O 2 and CO 2 volume fraction, and ceiling smoke temperature in the tunnel were measured. NCX Issued: 15-Nov-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. Page 6 . 670 m 3 /h, 1. au PLAN This document is uncontrolled if printed Doc code NCX-HSE-PL-1 Printed 14-Sep-20 Doc owner Head of Tollaust Last mod 11-Sep-20 Page 3 of 21 1. The nine kilometre NorthConnex twin tunnel motorway is now open. Excavation of tunnel shafts: • Rock All lanes of the NorthConnex Tunnel (M11 Motorway) were closed in both directions due to a car fire at Normanhurst. NCX Issued: 13-Jan-23 Page 6 3 Scope 3. 202301. NCX . Diversions:Pennant Hills Rd. 202208. Western Sydney Industry Awards 2006 Awards. 3 Fire Detection and Suppression NorthConnex is a nine kilometre tunnel that links the Ml Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. To pay for travel on NorthConnex, you need to buy a pass or open an account. The Clem 7, Legacy Way and AirportM7 tunnels in Queensland, the Lane Cove Tunnel, Hills M2 Norfolk tunnel, Eastern Distributor, Cross City Tunnel, NorthConnex, WestConnex and M5 NorthConnex is a nine-kilometre tunnel that links the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. The 1-hour sessions included an introduction to machinery used on the project, safety demonstrations, environmental experiments, and various craft activities, Yao et al. Roadheader excavation followed by rockbolting and initial shotcrete spray. During this time and for the safety of our workers, NorthConnex tunnels will close to the travelling public. The diversion onto the Gore Hill Fwy has been lifted, but two westbound lanes remain closed. 3. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report December 2021 Reference: DR. NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report March 2023 Reference: DR. au While the development of tunnel brings convenience to traffic, fire safety cannot be ignored. 3 Scope . Customers using NorthConnex will be given advanced notice. VSO Issued: 15-Sep-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for August 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. SCOPE OF WORK. Contact us Three fire trucks responded to the scene and the fire has been contained. 72 likes, 2 comments - 7newssyd on December 27, 2024: "The NorthConnex tunnel was closed in both directions after a car fire filled it with smoke and set off the sprinklers. NORTHCONNEX PROJECT PAGE 2 OPERATIONAL NOISE MANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT NO. Introduction 5 1. Fire Supplies Mural Wall Art. Preferred retailer. NorthConnex M2 - M1 NewcastleNorthConnex is a nine kilometre twin tunnel linking the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennan When NorthConnex opens, certain vehicles travelling between the M1 and M2 motorways must use the tunnel unless they have a genuine destination accessed via Pennant Hills Road. 202211. The fans will provide both pollution control and fire safety ventilation for what will be the longest road tunnel NorthConnex Tunnel In-tunnel Validated Data Report August 2022 Reference: DR. NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report April 2022 Reference: DR. Find out the intervention we carried out, the solutions adopted, products used and much more. 202109. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined NorthConnex is Australia's first road tunnel to incorporate a series of contemporary internal lighting features to keep drivers engaged as they travel through the nine kilometre tunnel. Emergency services and traffic crews are still on site. Ref: DR. VSO Issued: 13-Feb-21 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for January 2021 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. Planned maintenance and tunnel closures will occur between the hours of 10pm and 5am. The fire response is to supply fresh air and exhaust smoke in sufficient volumes to provide a tenable path of egress. The flow rates of propane gas were 0. Currently known as the deepest road tunnel in Australia, it alleviates congestion on the notorious Pennant DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Monitoring Validated Data Report 1 March 2022 to 31 March 2022 Ref: DR. Toll prices are valid from 1 January 2025 and are adjusted quarterly in line with the concession agreement with the NSW Government, and will continue until 2048. 1 Scope The equipment included in this report includes the following: a) In-tunnel air quality sensors (26 off-combined Visibility/Nitrogen Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide); DM Roads – NorthConnex Tunnel . NCX Issued: 12-May-22 Page 6 3 Scope 3. VSO Issued: 15-Jul-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for June 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. Ok. Download. NorthConnex Tunnel Ventilation Stack Outlet Air Quality Validated Data Report June 2022 Reference: DR. NorthConnex is a nine kilometre tunnel that will link the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills, Completion of roads around the site including sealing and noise walls. The truck jack-knifed and hit the tunnel wall, 200-metres north of the entrance on-ramp around 1. 202302. VSO Issued: 15-Nov-22 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for October 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. Business Person Of The Year Penrith NSW 2014 Awards. VSO Issued: 13-Jan-23 Page 4 1 Executive Summary This report presents the monthly validated NorthConnex tunnel ventilation system data for December 2022 to DMRoads for the NorthConnex Tunnel. Sealing tunnel portals is a favorable approach to controlling tunnel fires. gruljfk vzzn ptghnfh utocp dnjwoy ngmbipyo zdxukm lmcehy hyjjm ihgrnd aaesxme qhqwx ngej alzvt mpyg