Dorset county hospital staff list Our Patient Experience Team 2 Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists, cardiac physiologists, health care assistants and administrative staff. Elaine Milburn, Colposcopy Administrator, 01305 255729 Prior to my appointment at Dorset County Hospital, I undertook a Fellowship in colorectal surgery at University College Hospital London with particular training in pelvic floor and anal conditions. 30pm. We aim to enhance multi-disciplinary communication and hence improve patients’ outcomes and satisfaction with their care. Dorset County Hospital. It is open Monday to Thursday 8. Contact department. Rheumatology is provided by a single pan-Dorset service called the Dorset Rheumatology Service (as of 1 June 2024). I run our arrhythmia clinics (in Dorchester) and also see patients in a Weymouth clinic. At Dorset County Hospital we are proud of our history of helping doctors to progress in their careers. Medical Examiner Office: 01305 255251. Home Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. Our hospital, just outside Dorchester town centre, was completed in 1997. It has been my great privilege to complete my first year as joint Chair and to get to know these two organisations. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at I then relocated back to Dorset County Hospital in 2017 with my family to return to the beautiful south coast. Trust Board; Trust Board Meetings; Annual Reports; Safe Staffing; Learning from Deaths; Trust Strategy; Site Info. What is our temporary staffing bank? If you need employment to work around your current lifestyle and help create that work-life balance you are striving to achieve, Dorset County Hospital bank can help you create the flexible working schedule you want. University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) is the sole provider and has taken on the clinics previously provided by Dorset County Hospital. Education and practice – All professional staff have access to up-to-date knowledge on the principles and practice of acute pain relief and can demonstrate an appropriate level of skill for their area of work. If you need someone familiar to support you because you have specific needs then this can be arranged by the ward staff. They will have an awareness of acute-on chronic pain and know when to refer an appropriate patient to the Inpatient Pain Service We’ll read them to patients and also to staff With a smile, a tear or even a laugh, Submit a poem, verse or sonnet Dorset County Hospital Library. Contact details. Staff Health and Wellbeing; Join Team DCH; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Freedom to Speak Up; Every Mind Matters; LiveWell Dorset; Volunteering. The environment is bright, spacious and has a waiting area. 30-17. You will be seen and examined and, if appropriate to wait, you may be moved back to the waiting area while waiting for results so that other patients can be seen. All the information provided reflects best practice guidelines. Further support and information. Staff are supported by a community of Health and Wellbeing Coaches; staff from across the trust who are trained in a minimum of NHS Wellbeing Conversations, Basic Click here for further information for patients coming in to Dorset County Hospital for tests or investigations. Our department has a strong reputation for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with a wide range of heart conditions to the patients in the west of Dorset and beyond. Qualifications University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest 1992-1998 Licence to practise Jan 2000 We also provide support and advice to staff in the hospital that have to care for someone experiencing mental health issues. SDEC is staffed and managed by a unit lead, supported by ACPs, registered nurses and healthcare support workers. Dorset County Hospital to benefit from national nature and health initiative, 11 March 2025-Dorset County Hospital (DCH) has been chosen to benefit from a scheme that helps hospitals create thriving green spaces to support community wellbeing and local biodiversity. Dorset County Hospital was established in 1991 as part of a longterm project to bring together all the local services for acutely ill patients onto one hospital site. Supportmatch Homeshare and Support&Match CIC is working in partnership with NHS England, Charities and Local Authorities to provide safe and affordable accommodation to NHS staff, social care workers and mature students across the UK. Dr Boullin is our Consultant Electrophysiologist & Device Specialist and The privacy of all of our users (staff) is very important to us (the Trust). Education of staff on all aspects of patient care is of high priority to ensure safe, competent practice. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; Staff and telephone numbers. Access is available 24/7 with a staff COTAG. The Medical Day Unit is based on South Wing Level 0. It is aimed at young people with a learning disability and can be shared with family, friends, carers and hospital staff. uk Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. Library open & staffed: Monday-Thursday 8. Visiting hours 11 am to 12 midday 1pm to 5pm and 6pm to 7pm. About your operation. Dorset. Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement We have rigorous infection control safety measures in place to protect both our patients and our staff. Patients and staff at Dorset hospitals met Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Atkins when she visited the county last week. Check contact details and Patient Advice and Mencap have produced a short film with Bradford People First that shows the differences you can expect in hospital as a young adult. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. If your cared-for person has been admitted to Dorset County Hospital there is a Carer Support Service to help and Support you throughout their inpatient stay. Dorchester. Dorset County Hospital Williams Avenue The Dorset County Hospital Library is located in the Trust's Education Centre (East Wing Entrance 1). uk * Information available to verified or subscribed users. Click here to read more. Bereavement Office: 01305 255125. If you have already Registered, please click here Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is a Hospitals and Health Care, Cities, Towns & Municipalities General, and Cities, Towns & Municipalities company located in UK with $195 Dr Saleem TaibjeeSpecialtyDermatology and DermatopathologyQualificationsIntercalated Bachelor of Medical Science BMedSci, Birmingham 1995Batchelor of Medicine and Please click on the links below to access our e-rostering systems. Book a demo today. nhs. Hospital Switchboard. Please click here for more information on carers in hospital. Mortuary Manager and HTA. 50 for two hours and £2. Staff can access counsellors and receive confidential support for issues affecting them in or out of work. Home > About Us > Contact Us. Work on the new 654-space car park started in early 2021. Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. Underpinning each of our values is a set of behaviours that we all sign up to - The DCH Way - which reflects what we all expect to see in each other and the way that we pledge Professor Mohamed SattiSpecialityHistopathology QualificationsMBBCDCPFRAPathBackgroundProfessor of Pathology and Consultant Histopathologist ClinicsDCH Refurbishment of Dorset County Hospital’s existing Emergency Department (ED) is now complete. There are several members of the team, including:Mr Nick Savva FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedic)Consultant Orthopaedic Safe Staffing; Learning from Deaths; Trust Strategy; Site Info. Access 24/7 with COTAG. Follow me on X Dr Jo TaylorQualificationsMB Bchir, Cambridge University, 1985MD, Cambridge University, 1992FRCPBackgroundNephrology and general internal medicineContact01305 255269 Dr Charles WestonQualificationsMB BS, 1988, Royal Free Hospital, LondonMRCP, 1993USMLE 1,2, 3, 1996FRCP, 2005BackgroundI trained at Guardianship - Together for the Community. Visiting guidance • Adding to the number of healthy life years for people in Dorset Another important partnership focus has been the developing federation between Dorset County Hospital and Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust. 2025. 30am to 5pm and Fridays 8. It has 18 beds for Acute Stroke and a 5 A unit devoted to the care of people with diabetes was first opened in 1993 on the old Dorset County Hospital site in Princes Street by Professor Harry Keen the Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology, X-ray) Staff Health and Wellbeing; Join Team DCH; Temporary Staffing Bank; Volunteering; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Freedom to Speak Up; Information is available here about some of the more common hip procedures undertaken at Dorset County Hospital. Updated 17 December 2024. The programme, known as Guardianship - Together for the Community. The workload is ever increasing and therefore Some of these side effects and complications require the patient to be admitted to hospital for further management. Telephone Switchboard Dorset County Hospital : Trust: Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Williams Avenue,Dorchester DT1 2JY Click for Map: Tel: 01305 251150: ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY *Consultant(s)* Clinic Times: *Clinic Times* Secretary Tel: *Secretary Tel* *Consultant(s)* Clinic Times: *Clinic Times* We are a medical ward with speciality of Endocrine located in East Wing Level 2. Contact 01305 255361 (secretary) 4 October 2022 Dorset County Hospital staff and volunteers received well deserved recognition for their hard work and dedication at the 2022 GEM and Long Service Awards. Portland. Information the Trust holds about employees and volunteers This may include:identity details – name, date of birth, National Insurance Numbercontact details – address, telephone number, email We agreed our Trust Values as an organisation together, and thanks to the feedback we received, each of our values — Respect, Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence — truly reflect what we all feel is most important. Learn about their Medical & Surgical Hospitals, Hospitals & Physicians Clinics market share, competitors, and Dorset County PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)PALS@dchft. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; Chaplains are employed by the Trust to provide confidential support and pastoral care to patients, carers and staff. If you would like to be added to the distribution list or contribute to the bulletin, please email communication@nhsdorset. 01305 251150. Whether having treatment or not, some patients with cancer will develop complications associated with the cancer itself and again, this may require admission to hospital for appropriate care and treatment. The awards are Dr Oliver TweedieQualificationsMBChB 1993 University of Cape Town, South AfricaDiploma of Anaesthesia 1996FRCA 2001FFPMRCA (Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine) 2007BackgroundOriginally from Durban, South AfricaGraduated from Groote Schuur Hospital, Dorset County Hospital’s Eye (Ophthalmology) Department, is also known as The Royal Eye Infirmary. We are very aware of how challenging certain presentations can be and hope to help you deliver the best person-centred care that is tailor made for the individual. Leaving the A new car parking system for patients, staff and visitors will come into operation at Dorset County Hospital on Monday 3 July. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; Contacts; Friends and Family Test; Patients, staff and visitors can use the multi-storey car park. Dr Harald PröschelQualificationsMedical State Examination, University of the Saarland, Germany 1992MRCP (UK) 1998South East Thames Specialist Registration Geriatric and Internal Medicine 1998-2003MSc Clinical Gerontology, Kings College, London 2003FRCP 2007BackgroundExtensive experience in Secretary Contact Details: Tiffany Armour-HaylorSecretary to Mr Faridi and Ms Panicco01305 255846 Mel CopeSecretary to Mr Mutamba and Miss Emeriewen01305 255168 Sandie LoftSecretary to Mr Goverdhan01305 255260 Mr Usama Faridi The palliative care team provide a liaison service to Dorset County Hospital Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Our aim is to provide all our patients with the highest quality clinical care, whatever their age or hearing problem. If you are on a waiting list for an appointment but haven’t heard from us since your referral please Dorset County Hospital 16:25, 14 DEC 2023. The vision of merging the services was to provide a consistent level of service to people right across the county. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; We are a team of outpatient physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants and admin staff providing an outpatient physiotherapy service at the Outpatient Therapies Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. Vigil to be held outside Portland Port as campaigners to mourn asylum seeker. Consultant clinics are held here and also at the community hospitals in Weymouth, Blandford and Bridport. Dorset County Hospital (DCH) has opened its newly refurbished Outpatient Assessment Centre at South Walks House in Dorchester. Mobile telephones However, they should not be used around sensitive medical equipment where there is a particularly high risk of interference. Going into hospital. Call: 0800 783 8058 Email: pals@dchft. Dorset County Hospital celebrates apprentice achievements at awards ceremony, 6 March 2025 - In 2024 Audiology Service (west hub) based at Dorset County Hospital merged with the east hub Service supported by Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust to form into one single service across Dorset. Our Critical Care Unit (CrCU) is located in South Wing Level 2. We were awarded Foundation Trust status in June 2007. clinical observation skills workshops for staff and an online mentorship update course. There are also parking spaces around the hospital site. Parking at Top O’ Town is £1. In 2008, I returned to a clinical role as a Colorectal The Dorset Renal Unit opened in April 1996 and is a county–wide service serving a population of over 700,000. DT1 2JY. The death is being investigated. 00 Friday 8. This could include things like: We had put together a selection of videos that we hope will help prepare you for your visit to Dorset County Hospital. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; a carer who knows you well to stay with you during your visit or stay that they talk about this and agree it with ward staff in advance of your appointment. Qualifications FRCEM, 2007 Diploma of Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2005 MRCPCH, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2001 Dr Mihaela Florea. Sitemap; Styles used on the site; Contact Us. Please find a number easy read patient information leaflets below to help ease your visit to the hospital. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at Welcome to Dorset County Hospital Department of Audiology and Hearing Therapy – a dedicated team of 13 clinical staff and three clerical staff. If you cannot Explore Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust's employee directory to find accurate email addresses and contact information. Click to read more. Endoscopy services. We practise audit and clinical governance You can ask staff to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to help improve your hospital experience. 30. The Trust received one-off funding from NHS England of £15million, as part of a drive to upgrade several Emergency Departments across the country. Williams Avenue. The Chemotherapy Unit has two charities supporting the ever-changing needs. In conjunction with the end of life care team they also provide face to face support Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm, and telephone advice to hospital staff out of hours. The Colposcopy Service is based in our Women's Health department and provides diagnosis and treatment for abnormal smears. January 2012 – January 2017 – General Internal Medicine Training at Brasov County Hospital, Romania. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Urology. Dorset County Hospital staff to test new multi-storey car park ahead of its opening. What is our temporary staffing bank? If you need employment to work around your current lifestyle and help create that work-life balance you are striving to achieve, Dorset County Hospital Mr Tomasz GrajaQualifications1992 Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland2002 Surgical Specialist Training completed in Poland2005 PhD – Quality of life in breast cancer You will find information and contact details in this section for our hospital wards, departments and services. Volunteering The cancer services have developed over 10 years to provide chemotherapy treatment at Dorset County Hospital. Staff do not take any responsibility for lost property. Dorset County Hospital Williams Avenue Dorchester Dorset DT1 2JY. Welcome to Dorset County Hospital Department of Audiology and Hearing Therapy – a dedicated team of 13 clinical staff and three clerical staff. Both international and UK graduates who are looking for support in their career journey have succeeded in achieving their goals. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; Please do not bring electrical items, sharp objects, alcohol or anything of value with you to the hospital. Please click on the relevant letter to find the area you are looking for. These clinics provide regular checks for patients with these devices to ensure their correct functioning with battery checks and problem solving when required. 30am to 4. Dorset County Hospital Williams Avenue Dorchester DT1 worried about anything, please speak to the following Dorset County Hospital Staff: Breast Nurse Specialists: 01305 255160 About this leaflet: Author(s) Lorraine Sers, Breast Clinical Nurse Specialist Written: September 2021 Approved: September We also host pacemaker and defibrillator follow up clinics at the Dorset County Hospital. aims to help tackle Dr Rachel Wharton. Since then I have led the arrhythmia service at Dorset County Hospital for our patients in West Dorset. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at February 2017 – July 2017 - Locum On Call Shifts at Brasov County Hospital, Romania. We offer a number of gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, push enteroscopy, small bowel capsule enteroscopy and ERCP. Patient Experience (compliments, concerns and complaints) 0800 7838058 Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. These can be in person or over the telephone. Further information on what to expect in the different departments at Dorset County Hospital are available in our A-Z of Services section or via the links below. Dorset County Hospital’s Eye (Ophthalmology) Department, is also known as General Dermatology, Dorset County Hospital Tuesday PM Dermatological Surgery, including Skin Cancer, Dorset County Hospital Wed AM Paediatric Dermatology, Children's Centre, Dorset County Hospital Tuesday PM once every 4 weeks General Dermatology, Blandford Community Hospital Thursday AM once every 4 weeks. No information available. The Dermatology Department is based at Dorset County Hospital in the North Wing. 30-16. The department includes a large outpatient clinic with imaging and treatment areas and a dedicated Eye Day Case Unit for surgery situated in East Wing Theatres. Staff Health and Wellbeing; Join Team DCH; Temporary Staffing Bank; Volunteering; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Freedom to Speak Up; GEM and Long Service Awards; Armed Forces Covenant; E-rostering Links; Employment Policies; The Stroke Unit at Dorset County Hospital is a 23 bedded facility. The unit administers a vast array of biological drug therapies to treat numerous conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, iron deficiency anaemia, asthma and renal issues. They are staffed with specially trained healthcare professionals and contain sophisticated monitoring equipment. The first stage in this process is to Register - please click here to Register. Alternatively, you can email chaplains@dchft. We provide a confidential listening service Both the passport and lanyard will make you easily identifiable to our staff on the ward. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at News and updates from DCH relevant to referrers are issued via NHS Dorset's weekly Primary Care Bulletin. uk. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at Research Led by Dorset County Hospital; Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training; Policy, Performance and GDPR; Social Value; Statutory Requirements; Sustainability; Trust Board. We ask for no more than two visitors at a time due to space limitations. However, the clinics in the west of the county continue to run as before. The main unit is based at Dorset County Hospital, where there is Respiratory Medicine Direct Line: “Hospital” means Dorset County Hospital and all associated hospitals and facilities at which the Trust provides good and/or services “Immediate Family Member” means either: (a) a partner whether married, in a civil partnership (Civil Partnership Act What is our temporary staffing bank? If you need employment to work around your current lifestyle and help create that work-life balance you are striving to achieve, Dorset County Hospital Mr Tomasz GrajaQualifications1992 Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland2002 Surgical Specialist Training completed in Poland2005 PhD – Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. HealthRosterHealthRoster (bank staff)Employee OnlineRoster Perform Parking at Dorset County Hospital; Public Transport; Visiting Guidance; Patient Information Leaflets; Patient Experience and Engagement. Official information from NHS about Dorset County Hospital including contact details, directions, opening hours and service/treatment details The Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust management team includes Alastair Hutchison (Executive Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer), Nicky Lucey (Chief Find contact information for Dorset County Hospital. Dorset County HospitalWilliams AvenueDorchesterDorsetDT1 2JY Hospital Switchboard 01305 251150 Patient Experience (compliments, concerns and complaints) 0800 7838058PALS@dchft. uk Click here for more information about our Patient Experience Team and how to provide Following outline planning permission being granted in January 2023, the latest designs for Dorset County Hospital’s new Emergency Department and Critical Care Unit have now been submitted to Dorset Council. October 2005 – September 2011 - Medical School at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; Contacts; Friends and Family Test; Information for Outpatients. . Sitemap; Styles used on the site; Annual Reports. This will ensure that you are Dorset County Hospital Profile and History. 60 on the main hospital site, which should be sufficient time for patients attending appointments. Specialty Rheumatology. Our Patient Experience Team; Complaints; All staff participate in a programme of in-house education as well as attending national and international meetings. If you wish to speak to a hospital chaplain you can tell a member of staff you wish to see one and they can contact them or you can call 01305 255198 and leave a message. The closest hospital entrance is North Wing, Entrance 1. We provide 24/7 365 support for our staff through our Employee Assistance Programme partner Vivup. Mortuary: 01305 255250. Information for Outpatients; Help us manage our Outpatient Waiting List; Outpatient Therapies Centre at The Cardiology Department at Dorset County Hospital has well established coronary interventional, devices, arrhythmia and heart failure services. When you, as an App user, use the Service, the App Publisher (Chapelcroft Limited) process your Personal Data. Dorset County Hospital Williams Avenue, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 2JY. uk If you are a smoker due to come into hospital please speak to your GP about getting support or contact the LiveWell Dorset service on 0800 840 1628 or visit LiveWell Dorset website. Anne Dixon, CNS Jane Pople, CNS Terri White, CNS When you are on the road to recovery and on the day of your discharge home or transfer, an assessment by the nurse in charge of your care and the staff nurse will be carried out to determine your suitability to come to the lounge to await transport, medication, etc. Outpatient clinics are conducted at Dorset County Hospital and Weymouth Community Hospital.
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