Roblox clone parent Parent = workspace break end end local rocks = script. --plant growth script --plant growth script --plant growth script local PLANT = script. With some help from the forums I made the following script: script. not sure if this is a bug but I am seriously confused. Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); This is a support category for asking questions about how to get something done on the Roblox websites or how to do something on Roblox applications such as Roblox Studio. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local clone = script. Character, then there’s a undefined variable " occupier " so I made it a variable itself. What I mean. Road What is the issue? idk how to clone it to a random position (in the RoadModel. Using I’m not sure what’s causing it but here’s the code: remotes:WaitForChild(“ChooseRole”). Parent local cam = des:clone(). local partClone : part = workspace. LocalPlayer local backpack = player. Even though he’s still alive for some reason, the character is being indexed as nil <details><summary>Script</summary>local status = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Status") local serverstorage = So, I’m trying to clone a script, and parent it to proximityPrompts. I noticed this while testing some old code that was broken, initially thinking the behavior of BindableFunctions were changed. Value = 1 clone. (also you got the children twice). But the elseif game. However, these can be changed based on I am very new at cloning in Replicated Storage, how would I clone a part that is in the storage in front of the player when game is started? Instance. Workspace:WaitForChild(game. Here’s My Script: local ObjGui = I would like to get both of two different local scripts (yes they are on starterGUI) to receive a remote event. Road) This is a video so I want to clone the part on this road only (I can’t upload the video idk why) What solutions have you tried so far? I saw some topics about that but I The method :WaitForChild has two possible outcomes: the instance you are looking for, or nil when the instance cannot be found. You cannot do both at the same time. Parent = workspace status. local function equip() if selected_item then local handle = selected_item:WaitForChild("Handle") if handle then local human = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local equipped_item = selected_item:Clone() (sorry if I posted in the wrong category) So I’m writing a script that allows you to switch weapons when you press a number key (like modern fps games) and whenever I clone the tool to the player and equip it, it never activates. Position -- Assigns Position of PartC to Part2 (Its New Hello developers, I’m trying to make a GUI clone and be placed into the playerGUI that the player who triggered the proximity prompt. ReplicatedStorage. Parent:Clone() Clone. Anchored = true Clone. Returns a copy of this Object and all its children. Any help will be appreciated 🙂 local rs = game. LocalPlayer local character = player. What is the issue? Include Then, you can clone the map and set its parent to workspace. The copy of the root instance is returned by this method and its Parent is set to nil . I don’t really see a problem with my script, because I added a debounce and all. While it was working when I was building the map, it isn’t when it is cloned and From what I got from the information you gave us, it’s a local script so I tried my best to fix it. Name clone. parent = map end end) efsane14010 (LegendaryDev) January 5, 2025, 5:33pm #3. ScreenGui local Gui = Part:FindFirstChildOfClass(“ScreenGui”) local Prompt = script. And then after a while, it just simply disappeared. Touched:Connect(function() task. here’s my script. Red(), I have a script where the try on button lets you try on the hat or whatever. It works once but it does not clone the orbit script! Here is my code: local atrribute = game. Connect(function(player) if player. Name = It appears the :clone()/:Clone() function is cloning objects whose Archivable properties are set to false. To sum it up, when the tool is in the starter pack, it works perfectly fine and works as intended. CreationPropertiesHandlers. V I am currently working on a simple inventory system where you can drag and drop items. Name == ‘Tree 1’ then Hit. The Parent property determines the hierarchical parent of the Instance. wait(4) local Player = script. random to select a child out of randChar instead of trying to find it again in the folder. Workspace:WaitForChild("mancha") local big = tween:Create(mancha,info,size) local little = tween:Create(mancha,info,unsize) local rotar = I am making a NPC monster that gets bigger as damage is done, but that part is already done, I am trying to get it to Clone after its at its final damage stage I did script. My problem is that, despite correctly setting the parent to the background, it somehow also clones the frame so when my input ends, So, I’m trying to clone a script, and parent it to proximityPrompts. I tracked the bug down to the clone() function acting strange. kinda like a randomized rogue game (randomly generated droids) when making the proximity prompt script, I thought I was going crazy because it would not work whatsoever. CFrame = CFrame. ReplicatedStorage["username"]. Transparency = 1 Hello, I have this code here which is inside a frame but for some odd reason when I clone the image button ‘Fartsie’ (DONT MIND THE NAME LOL, ITS A STUPID GAME PROJECT) it seems to not appear anywhere in the explorer and just sits in the top right corner at 0,0 can somebody help. How do I do that? Current code: local val = 0 local user = game. Parent = game. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) plr. Some local Lighting = game:GetService'Lighting' local Players = game:GetService'Players' local LocalPlayer = Players. The cloned frames show up in the order they were added to the ScrollingFrame. Parent:Clone(). Here is what is supposed to happen: A player creates a server The text label changes its text to the server creator’s username A player joins with the correct So, I am making a waiter ordering system. Is there anyway to fix this? The bosses attack script : local v1 = game. Backpack end) Still no luck. When a round starts, a new map is chosen, and players get a tool. ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Double Chocolate Cookie") Hello, i’m having a problem with the Clone() Function. Make sure you tool is in server storage and the I have been working on a game where you open a door, then a random room spawns. ServerStorage. Workspace character. Parent = Clone Hightlight. Because you are trying to call :Clone() directly on the result, there’s the possibility that it will try to run a method on nil, which is what’s happening. For some reason, when the event is fired (and yes it does fire and is in replicated storage) only the first of the two local scripts receives it. new(-18. Here is my script: script. Repaint. do if part:IsA("Part") then local gui = Particle_Here:Clone() gui. Parent local this is because the variable randChar is already getting the children of the folder. Value == false then line doesnt. Name) charac. MouseClick:Connect(function(playerWhoClicked) --function local player = playerWhoClicked --player who clicked local tool = game. Character then if roles:FindFirstChild(role) then local newCharacter = roles[role]. PartCount. Therefor I believe your code should be: local players = game. This is my script - script. ClickDetector. 1 Hello, making a gun system here. There is a main room, Basically, once a String Value is changed, the player is given a tool corresponding to the NewValue However, the tool completely breaks. I found another topic on the developer forums, but it was left unanswered, so I decided to ask here. im trying to clone a part and put it in workspace. TextLabel. Default. Help and Feedback. Parent = workspace NoHaxJustCanPick (Atomic_Pilot) October 20, 2024, 1:32am #8. car local bouuton = script. OutlineTransparency = 1; Hightlight. Im trying to make it so after the plant fully grows, you can pick it up as a tool. Remove the 2nd randChar as you already got the children and both are the same. Name = material. to. i’m not sure why. Do you have any solutions, though? I tested your module and it seems that it only displays the players HeadShot, I recommend using RunService. While the map is being cloned and moved, none of the scripts seem to work. ”. hello, i’m creating a script for a Part to be cloned when is Touched , but the issue here is, when i run and play the script, it creates lots of parts and crashes the Studio, what’s the logic here? : local part = script. But I Decals not showing up after cloning - Roblox Loading I am trying to make presents fall from the sky in random spots, The script works, The MainPart teleports somewhere randomly, but its children don’t. Does anyone know a solution to this? function module. The most likely cause is that it has its Archivable property set to false (unchecked). Backpack So, I have a server script located in ServerScriptService that clones a tool into the player’s Backpack, but I can’t get it to work. LocalPlayer local charac = workspace:WaitForChild(player. Character local humanoidrootpart = chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") Creating Our First Clone. Parent = workspace imageLabel:Clone(). Here’s the script: Maybe you can try and add a small wait() right before you clone the character, also, to change the position of the character, make sure you change the model’s PrimaryPart position instead of the model itself, which that would most likely be the HumanoidRootPart. Parent = script. oke60000 (oke60000) January 4, 2025, 9:41am #3. Clone. I tried to set CanCollide and Anchored to true in the script, but no result. Hi all, I don’t really know how to explain this but I’m trying to clone a SurfaceGUI to go into all the children found using i,v in pairs. Name) local Humanoid = I have a script in my game that essentially clones and parents a custom overhead nametag into the player’s Head upon joining or respawn. Value = "Event is tsunami" end resetevent() end end roundlength -= increment if roundlength Hi! I’m trying to make a script that clones a tool (basically like throwing the object. Maps -- To clear out the maps CurrentUsedMaps:ClearAllChildren() -- To clone the map local Clone = Map:Clone() Clone. However, the way the regen button has it set up so it makes a new model, then puts the old one into the new one However, my vehicle repair tool checks the model’s children for a humanoid. Parent So i have a code that clones all objects from workspace and i want to move then to viewport frame, but it keeps saying me that cloned objects don’t have parent? Here’s code and output screenshot: So the thing is when cloned object has parent is says it parent, other way it says no parent. the script only works 1 and then it stops working local part = game. Name = "blackballs" -- change this to the name u desire partClone. In proximity promt script. SpawnNewBall local tool = script. I was wondering if anyone knows how to make it so the rolling doesn’t activate on the ground, and; if it can work the same functionally but play so all I simply want is the block to clone but it doesn’t work for some odd reason. A clone carries the same properties as the original object but functions independently. Template local function create(text, deleteOthers, timee) local clone = temp Mark the Humanoid model as Archivable true, then clone the model. new() I can create and parent the new object in the same line: MyObject = Instance. Debugging | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. RenderStepped to automatically update the frame every second. void. The children just clone, and fall to the ground in a big heap at the center of the world. I still can’t understands why, because as you can see the object exists and it’s I read api clone and I assume Its not Instance. Position(Our Clone), we add a equal sign to assign a new position which is in this case Part2, if you want it to copy the exact Position and Orientation, use: PartC. Name = "Clone" So I’m just trying viewport frames out and I wanted to clone the players character to the viewport frame but it keeps on saying attempt to index nil with 'Parent'. Nam… I wanna reference humanoid from the tool that the script is in, and I also need the a way to be able to parent the script to workspace, without it being overwritten by the roblox default parent to backpack in the player Visual example of what I need (When I press 1 on my keyboard its parented to workspace): This is what I have so far: local tool = script. Adornee = bait local Players = game:GetService(“Players”) local Part = script. So I wanted to do this, when you buy the item, it clones from the replicated storage to the player’s backpack, but when I press the Buy button in my gui, the output says: What do you want to achieve? Clone part to a random position but not in all the game only in the RoadModel. Changed:Connect(function() local clone = I’ve tried and failed miserably so I was wondering if anyone can / knows how to do this. Backpack end end) Just tested this code and it works perfectly fine. Parent = Developer Forum | Roblox Highlights not showing on cloned characters? Help and Feedback. Hello!’ I have made a local script where it detects if the player has joined a server/lobby the look like this: The “PlayerName” is the text label that shows the names of players: I will call “PlayerName” text label. arrow. Value >= DroidModule. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local clonecar = car:Clone() How would I clone a local script from replicated storage into player scripts when I activate a proximity prompt. there’s 28 podiums and 28 c Keep it simple and clear! clone a character to parent to replicated storage What is the issue? Includ You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! clone a character to parent to replicated storage What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if Instance is the base class for all classes in the Roblox class hierarchy which can be part of the DataModel tree. What solutions have I tried so far? I have messed around a bit with I’m making a script where u can steal peoples body parts and use them as weapons. You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: local par = script. And it broke again. The Local Script for it is under the button I’m clicking outside the Hello, I am trying to clone a model that is stored locally in a ViewportFrame via a RemoteEvent. But when they go into your inventory, they get blocky because I have trouble copying the mesh from the character The mesh itself is a CharacterMesh. Developer Forum | Roblox Attempt to index nil with 'Parent' Help and Feedback. E. com) Instance Clone ( ) Create a copy of an object and all its descendants, ignoring objects that are not Archivable. If you click one of them more than twice, it won’t work anymore. The issue is the block does not clone when it still exists and when the code has no errors. Parent = Workspace Destroy. I am using a Child Script in the Module Script currently (not working, incase you didn’t get that before) local module = script. Players[user]. ProximityPrompt Prompt. Parent:Clone() but it wont work, or show any errors, what is going on here? > function Hit(hit) > local human = hit. Workspace Clone. (and make sure that it is a NORMAL script. Here is the script used in the “Axe” tool: local log1 = game. Calling Clone() directly on an instance will return nil if that instance is not Archivable. I want to rename it to I (the number). However, it works while the player is in the air. PlayGui. I’ve looked at this post and tried it’s “solution” which was applying a wait before one of the script’s event but it just makes I’m trying to make a GUI Visible inside a scrolling frame. Character player:LoadCharacter() end) end) Someone have a I am trying to make a script that clones a frame, but when I clone it, none of the children get cloned with it. Just2Terrify (J2T) February 25, 2024, 9:33pm #1. Object:Clone() clone. Character or well i want to clone player’s character in my game through server-script , it did clone it but the cloned character has no accessories and shirts what went wrong? plr. You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: 1. CFrame So the following code: PartC. model:MakeJoints() -- モデルを結合します(これが不要なモデルもあります) 上記の例では Cloning is a process in Roblox where you create an exact copy of an existing object. FillTransparency = 0. The new model is called “SpeederVehicle”, . Parent local myHuman = and one more thing, how would i make it play a animation? i did this but nothing played. Archivable = true clonedCharacter = character:Clone() clonedCharacter. Creating multiple clones is quite similar; you just need to add a loop. InventoryEvent local Hello! I am making a mirror with a viewport frame for the most part it works, however I would like it to only copy players rather than every part Here is the original script (this works about 50% of the time) local gui = script. Controllers:GetChildren() local UI = script. ReplicatedStorage["Double Chocolate Cookie"] to. The copy of the root instance is returned by this method and its Parent is set to nil. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(player) local cloned = item:Clone() cloned. I have tried a lot of things still I can’t fix it. HumanoidRootPart while true do wait(1) v1. Object:Clone(workspace) A Clone creates a copy of an instance and all of its descendants, ignoring all instances that are not Archivable. View source History Talk (0) Clone. clone() as it says on page. Parent Hello, I am attempting to create a morph system where the player uses a proximity prompt to turn into a given model. the “only one section of the map present, everything else missing” problem is probably because of that. I want to clone an object and assign its parent within that function. Archivable = true local PlayerClone = Player:Clone() PlayerClone. Platforms. Heres the code local ch = workspace:WaitForChild('5C_B') if ch ~= nil then ch:Clone(). end. I’m trying to avoid having to cache clones as much as You can see on the developer hub it says use Clone. nil. The if game. Parent -- This is the object that we want to clone local Clone = Hello, I’m trying to clone an object a certain number of times. I’m having a problem where any object I clone is coming out as nil. ServerStorage -- for example Cloneメソッドは、Robloxでオブジェクトのコピーを作成するために使われるメソッドだよ。 このメソッドを使用すると、既存のオブジェクト(例えばPart)の完全なコピーを作成できる In my older games i used clone (). 3 Likes. RemoteTools. By default, a player’s character has its “Archivable” property set to false. Parent local moduleclone = module:Clone() local Players = game:GetService(“Players”) Well I kept trying to let a GUI clone to PlayerGui to show itself up when an event happens, but however when I run it in the studio it was not working, I checked for errors but there’s nothing wrong with the script. Parent Hello, i use a modified version of CloneTrooper1019’s Perfected Ragdoll System to create a ragdoll, however, i’ve noticed that the script breaks reseting, i’ve been looking into the script for a long time, yet i don’t find anything that may break the character, can anyone help me find the problem? I put together a script that clones frames, then places them into a ScrollingFrame. However, the output is showing attempt to index nil with 'Parent' If you could help debug, that would be great. When I clone a Tool into a player’s Backpack, the tool breaks. Parent local Load = script. Could you show me your explorer layout? If you didn’t know already, roblox has a thing called breakpoints which are very useful in debugging code. DepthMode = Hey everyone I believe this is easy but I’m not sure. Basically, i’m trying to clone the player’s character so it can be shown in a ViewportFrame. Workspace -- 親に接続. Part of the reason why it might not be a good idea to delete the RootPart is due to Developer Forum | Roblox Clone tool to backpack with ClickDetector. Children:Clone() clonedTools. but the clone just keeps getting put on top. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) RS. Developer Forum | Roblox "Attempt to index nil with 'Parent' "Help and Feedback. Triggered:Connect(function() local PlayerGui = Players. When you clone an instance with children/descendants those will be cloned inside of the You can initialize the local clone variable, or you can set the . What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am trying to add a tool named ‘tool’ to a players backpack if a leaderstat is at value of 1 What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! The script i have made doesn’t give any errors but also does not give the tool to the player What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on You can’t straightly set the parent of :Clone(), you need to assign the char clone to a variable and then do it, I believe. VFX which is just a folder i made inside of workspace but after i delete the parts it says their parent property is locked i have a localscript that has a remote event inside of it for the fireclient thing, the script simple, i have this script inside my cat model but when I’m cloning it, it not working I’m using GUI text button to spawn car and my cat is inside ReplicatedStorage this it the GUI text button spawn script (“clonecar”) local car = game. ). Thank you! If you don’t do anything Clone creates a copy of an instance and all of its descendants, ignoring all instances that are not Archivable. 945, 3. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) local clonedTools = ownedTools. In this case I am trying to clone a gui that is stored in replicated storage (RS) and parent it to a part (bait) that is stored in a folder in the workspace. Parent:WaitForChild("Your ViewportFrame") local char = game. 5) print("waiting") until script. Name = "Part2" local function onTouchedPart() while true do wait() local clonedPart = part:Clone() clonedPart. I’ve looked through everywhere but can’t find the answer. local myCharacter = script. I tried to delete and type it again and again but no success. LocalPlayer newParty. Parent part. local OriginalObject = script. Steps to reproduce: [ol] When I clone a script and parent it to a NumberValue, the script does not run. The fix is simple, just break this line into two : local clone = Ok so, to get the Position of the clone, if you follow the example, its the following code: PartC. If you click a button, there will be an order besides it. The issue is that it’s working for me and other players in every single other game I paste the script into, beside one very specific one. local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") Players. And also I didn’t find any articles who could answer it Hello Developers, How can I clone something multiple times? So I am making a like zombie monster game and it spawns zombies when the match starts. Backpack end) basically whenever i use fireclient() it doesn’t do anything but if i use fireallclient() it works fine and idk why also I cloned these parts and set their parent to workspace. Archivable = true local clone = character:Clone() clone. White(), BrickColor. It functioned fine a while ago, however I changed a bit of code and now it doesn’t. All was working well until I tried to put the orbiting script onto the planets. ViewportFrame end I’m trying to skip waiting for a function. It will run in a server script (with alterations to the player name of course), but not local. Backpack end) end) I would also like to say that I I want to achieve a “Random Platform/Room Generation System” that when the game starts, there are platforms being randomly generated inside the empty world in the following pattern: Each platform is a clone of the Template Part, located in ReplicatedStorage. Touched:Connect(function(Hit) if Hit. Whatever arrow is, it isn’t clonable. FogEnd = 10 end end Hello there, i have a problem with cloning. Relevant Code local contestants = {}; local spawns = Instance is the base class for all classes in the Roblox class hierarchy. FillColor = ColorChange(ColorCode,getDecimal(tick()-clock)/Timer) Hightlight. Triggered:Connect(function(plr) local Clone = As a Roblox developer, every time I want to clone an object, I have to create 2 lines: MyObject:Clone() MyObject:Parent = workspace But with Instance. Parent = CurrentUsedMaps Pretty basic, but you get the idea. But, when I change the script to “move” the frames from a folder into the ScrollingFrame it no longer works properly. The function should ignore non-Archivable objects. Position = Part2. Everything works fine until the cloning the tool into the backpack, it doesn’t clone. PlayerGui. Creator Hub. ScrollingFrame. Anchored = false local menustore= game. When a vehicle gets spawned, it’s positioned, parented to a folder in workspace and then calls seat:Sit() for the player. Parent = players. BuyPrice then if PrimaryButton. local clonedChar = char:Clone() clonedChar. parent = x, alot in fear of creating untracked memory due to assigning the cloned object as a variable. Class. All parts are welded. Archivable = true local clone = charac:Clone() Hello I am Ajoeb. I set the Visible property to true and it still doesn’t work, its visible when I set the parent to the button I’m clicking. headL:Clone() local Anyone = script. Order. wait(2) local Clone = script. So if I equip an Item from my Inventory and die it clones itself in the inventory and I don’t want to delete it but stop it from cloning when dead I have 2 small scripts with clone in them can anyone refix the scripts? First local script: local InventoryEvent = game. Boustifail (Boustifail) May 22, 2021, 6:42pm #10 that doesn’t mean it exists, you can do. ReplicatedStorage local eventFolder = rs:WaitForChild("Events") local script. New() create less lag? Which one is more efficient. 45 Hightlight. BackgroundTransparency == 0 and Hey there fellow devs! I am trying to make a system where a new npc spawns after it dies. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) local chr = plr. PlayerGui local You set partClone to true, a boolean, which you can’t index. ImageButton:Clone() clone. I want to ask if anyone can help me with this eror. Parent = bait ExampleUI. GamesMade:Clone i need help with a certain frusterating script that when i tell it to randomize and clone itself it isnt even doing that game. Archivable “This property determines whether the instance should be included when the experience is published or saved, or when Clone() is called on one of the instance’s ancestors. Green(), BrickColor. Parent bouuton. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, role) if plr and not plr. LocalPlayer local plrChar = plr. Hello, I’m trying to make a system that when a tool called “Axe” touches a tree it will fall and turn into 1 log. RandomizedLargeBoneWall. The same tool. itssssjohnpena (Alex) July 1, 2022, 10:28am #1. Name clonedCharacter. Do cloneCharacter. Server Script: function CreateBaitUI(bait) local ExampleUI = RS:WaitForChild("Bait_Arrow"):Clone() ExampleUI. local Item = game. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) local copy = workspace. Here’s an example: Working With Clone Properties. GunStorage:FindFirstChild("AUG"):Clone(). Value while wait() do val = game. So far I’ve had some luck but it’s only going into 1, not all of them. Parent = NewFrame -- Replace image label with the real label and replace newframe with the real frame. model. ReplicatedStorage["Gaster tester1"]:Clone() local humroot = script. You shouldn’t be cloning both of those components each frame, it kills your performance. However, when I place it in my other airport, it gives me this I am very new at cloning in Replicated Storage, how would I clone a part that is in the storage in front of the player when game is started? Hey Developers! I’m making a script where if you click a button, it will clone a folder from replicated storage and move it to workspace. Is this possible? local temp = script. I just found the model u used in the game. It is normal and there is only one of each create when the player joins, If I were to call :Clone() several times for a large asset but never setting the parent, would this cause lag or have any effect? Hello! I am trying to clone a ModuleScript into either StarterPlayerScripts, or PlayerScripts, yet it is not working. Before, this script worked, but then it is not working at all. Any help? game. When you parent the clone to the character you already had the character as a variable so you didn’t need to put b. Hi! I don’t have all information about your problem, can you please show us more information about your code? Clone() --clone1. script. Scripting Support. Why should you learn Cloning in Roblox? Learning cloning can for i, v in pairs (folder) do local clone = v:Clone() clone. g: In the map, you are supposed to hit a part and be teleported. I’m assuming you were trying to clone all of the old children inside of the rocks folder and parent it into the rock folder? This a roblox problem? image 771×115 16. What I’m trying to accomplish is copying the id from the charactermesh into a meshpart, then making that the tool instead. My code works fine until the cloning itself. That is the script I want to clone This is the contents of the script I cloned repeat wait(0. What’s even weirder is that it works for ME in that game, but not anyone else I’m not sure hello devs i currently have this problem in my scsript when i set the clone parent to workspace it only happens when the script is run for the second time tho --[SETUP] --get services local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local rs = game:GetService("RunService") --finds player yeah it wanted to record something of a nil value, or as you said ‘something that doesn’t exist’. Character or plr. What’s the issue? The issue is that the highlight isn’t appearing in general onto the character. Name = plr. I find it weird as putting it in StarterPack magically makes it work. Tool --index the tool and the tool name local newtool = tool:Clone() --clone it newtool. TeamColor == TeamColour then local Spikes = Tool:Clone() Spikes. The problem is that it clones my tool 2 times instead of one time. The frames no longer show up in the order they were added to the frame. Perfect. I also tried to look for solutions on hub in other people’s post, but there’s nothing about this situation. local What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am trying to make a Self-CheckIn System for my Airline, which helps the player to check in and gives them a Boarding Pass. ProximityPrompt. And also I didn’t find any articles who could answer it simple, i have this script inside my cat model but when I’m cloning it, it not working I’m using GUI text button to spawn car and my cat is inside ReplicatedStorage this it the GUI text button spawn script (“clonecar”) local car = game. Triggered:Connect(function(player) -- arguments for the player that is respawing and the model the player morphs into. Workspace local FindPlayer = game. I’m having a problem currently though, with that when I use this function sometimes the controls break. Finally, destroy the root part before dropping it into the workspace. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) character. Hightlight. I was thinking of making a for loop to do it but Im not sure This script may be part of my problem?--local script local remoteEvent = game. Select arrow and look in the Properties panel under Data, and make sure Archivable is checked off. Parent Developer Forum | Roblox Clone a Particle to every Part in a model. Value == true then line works. Items local item = menustore:WaitForChild("Coffee") script. Part:Clone() partClone. I am wondering if this is because I am cloning the tool through a LocalScript instead of a ServerScript? local player = game. Roblox Wiki. All you need to do is remove this line: partClone = true; Developer Forum | Roblox :Clone() not working. ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ThingsToClone"). However what happens is that when this remote event is fired, it constantly adds the cloned “orb” to the player’s backpack! Is there anyway to fix this – I tried adding a debounce where it only parents the cloned “orb” if the cloned orb isn’t in the player’s What am I trying to do? I am simply trying to clone a highlight from ReplicatedStorage and set its parent to the character on spawn. Count. You cannot clone tables with :Clone(). UserInterface While cloning an item it says The Parent property of ________ is locked, current parent: NULL, new parent Workspace. The copy's Parent is nil. script local colors = {BrickColor. Logs[“Tree Log 1 Folder”][“Tree Log 1”] script. Parent local Hi, my script doesnt destroy the clone variable (is a textlabel) but it prints the clone destroyed line. more in depth explanation here: this is what it does what I need is for 1 of each character model to go inside 1 of each podium. <details><summary>My script</summary>local uis = local ownedTools = script. PrimaryPart. Very sorry if I word things wrong, I have been trying this for what feels like forever. The clone is showing up under the grid. Players. And which one should I use and why? If both have their perks please do explain. Workspace wait(5) debounce = false end end) Hello, I’ve been coding this basic system for plant growth. Backpack local rs = I want to make a script that depspawn an NPC after a set amount of time the despawn process involved npc slowly turn transparent and after all part turn completely transparented proceed to destroy the model I know how to do tween but I don’t know where I should put the destroy funtion also I want the countdown to only start after the model got clone A similar problem like this occured to me. Workspace local mancha = game. Parent = workspace What I want: game. new("Part", workspace) It would be great to have a single line for Clone, mentioning the Parent as an argument, like this: So i have a code that clones all objects from workspace and i want to move then to viewport frame, but it keeps saying me that cloned objects don’t have parent? Here’s code and output screenshot: So the thing is when cloned object has parent is says it parent, other way it says no parent. Value for i = 1,val+1 do game. Zombie copy:Clone(). Well, it ain’t working, but the way I typed the code was the same way I did many other times and it worked, cloning to all the parts indentified with the given info, and without any errors. CharacterAdded:Wait() local vpFrame = sc Try Parenting the tool to serverstorage. Blue(), BrickColor. Connect(function() if debounce == false then debounce = true local save = bullet:Clone() save. My question is simple Does Clone() or Instance. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player. Method. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! I have successfuly made and installed it at one of my airports. Parent:GetChildren() local rockClone = rocks:Clone() After getting the children of any object, it will return a table with their children inside of it. map local CurrentUsedMaps = workspace. Parent = part end end wait(400) --- wait 8 menutes before running it again so I want to make a particle clone to all the parts that are like in the picture, with a Hello! I am writing a simple star system generator. Im making a project for fun and it involves stages being randomly generated every time. I have tested it by just inserting UI’s into the scrolling frame and u can see them there. Throw local BallRemoteEvent = game. Parent and you will get the same results Hey! So I want to put all my models inside of other models. OwnedTools game:GetService("Players"). The following terminology is commonly used when talking about how this property is set: clone. 368, -5. Text = material. Normal: clone = game. So I’ve tried lots of solutions but in the end, it was all just the Clone command not working. HttpError() local Controllers = script. Storage. local player = game. I created a GridLayout and if I want to move the item, my script sets the parent to Background so I can control the position of the item. I’ve narrowed down the problem to it’s something to do with sitting the player, because if I disable seat:Sit() (comment it out) and then walk over to the What I want is when this remote event is fired, the given "orb"is cloned and parented to the player’s backpack once. Roblox Corporation; BrickBattle weapons; Timeline of Roblox history; Events. PlayerGui (roblox. Replicating a lot of bullets(30 bullets a mag). Each clone object in Roblox inherits the exact same properties as the original. 5 KB. Clone is not even appearing in Folder or Workspace, no errors in output. Parent = I’m working on a puzzle/horror game and there’s a part of the game where there’s a bunch of computers coming out of a hole in the wall and on a conveyor belt, however when I try to script this behavior no clones are made. But I keep having to make a new :clone part and this is wasting a lot of I am trying to clone an image button into an inventory frame when you pick it up, it will appear in the frame UI but will not actually be a child of the frame? What is going on? This is my code: local clone = script. Triggered:Connect(function(Player) script. Parent = workspace. Remotes. 97) Backstory I am working on a round based game. Parent = player. Archivable = false. Workspace. Problem Here comes the problem. I still can’t understands why, because as you can see the object exists and it’s I have absolutely no idea why this isn’t working. Let’s kick things off with a simple example: we’re going to start by cloning an object. Anyone know why? The tool I’m cloning is the “Paintball Gun” by Roblox. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local clonecar = car:Clone() try changing. Part for so i have an AI using an attack to damage the player, with it spawning a hitbox to make sure it does damage. Instance. You can modify its properties without affecting the original object. LocalPlayer local function OnTouched(Touched) local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Touched. RoleCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Model"):Clone() newCharacter. SamplePart:Clone() so i tryed to see some tutorials and yet no information, what im trying to gain is that so players could create servers (private servers) while the other players could be able to join it, only problem is that i cant figure out how to use the new fuction (MessagingService), if you would mind, can you explain it to me also heres some scripts i was trying to make (before i gave up) What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I am trying to make a Self-CheckIn System for my Airline, which helps the player to check in and gives them a Boarding Pass. Samoplush (SamoPlush) March 12, 2022, 1:53pm #1. What you can do, is clone the character one time, but set the Archivable property to true before doing so, and parent that clone to the viewport frame with its own seperate camera, and make it so the viewport character does what the character in the real word does. LocalPlayer local button = script. Eng1OnFire. For some reason, sometimes the character is being indexed as nil. I have a script and whenever you press R the Player Rolls based on the key their holding. Item:Clone() clone. Character character. local model = car:Clone() -- モデルを作成. Roblox will stream in 3D objects near your character, and objects outside that range are not gonna be I made a script where it clones a crate into the players shop, but for some reason it douplicates so there is 2 of each crate when the player dies. local model = Hi everyone, so, i was making a script for a gui. Giftsplosions; Clone < Class:Instance. Each platform is 20x20 studs. Anyways, here’s my script: local touched = false local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") local clicked = false What is up with the clone function? Did it get deprecated or something? Whenever I step on the block, It false and whatnot but then, when I clone it it spawns like 5 different clones- script. The player model is cloned and put I have absolutely no idea why this isn’t working. Local Script: if Credits. For example:-- An idea on locations of things local Map = path. I continued working on my game until I tested the cloning almost a month later. You need some kind of check to make sure whatever :FindFirstChild is looking for actually I trying to clone a model for apply to player join the game, i have script this but it’s not work: game. I am new to scripting. PlanetCreationHandler local Colour = atrribute:GetAttribute("Colour") local Size = atrribute:GetAttribute("Size") local I’m trying to clone the player’s character so I can then put it in a viewport frame, this is the script: local plr = game. Red(), BrickColor. name clone. However, upon closer inspection, its a roblox issue But is there any ways around this? heres Currently trying to spawn in a vehicle in the way I currently have it, which is the model, and then the humanoid inside that model. Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") > if human ~= nil then > if hitfree I’m trying to make a delivery system that awards players cash when they deliver the box but I’m having trouble cloning the box after players deliver their box, how would I do this? If you do any of the following it creates a noticeable lag spike: Setting a clone’s parent to the workspace Using :Destroy() on literally anything Using Debris:AddItem() on literally anything This is a serious issue, as I am making a game where bosses are constantly cloning and destroying projectiles you have to avoid. Parent = workspace -- placing the Clone in the workspace Cloning Multiple Objects. LocalPlayer. Parent) if Player and Player == LocalPlayer then Lighting. Return type How can I rotate this cylinder from vertical to horizontal, because whenever the dummy is cloned it comes out vertically and I don’t know how to fix it cilindro:Clone(). then use math. Parent. This is my first time messing with ReplicatedStorage. Here is the script that I’m using: local vpf = script. however, the problem is that when it does it again, even after destroying the previous instance, it spawns the previous amount + 1. local arrowBase = game. Yo, I’m currently working on a ragdoll system that will clone the player I am cloning a premade frame using a localscript, the script and frame are both in playergui and the frame is visible in explorer when testing on the client and server, yet cloning the frame leads to just the frame being cloned, Hello, I have this code here which is inside a frame but for some odd reason when I clone the image button ‘Fartsie’ (DONT MIND THE NAME LOL, ITS A STUPID GAME PROJECT) it seems to not appear anywhere in the explorer and just sits in the top right corner at 0,0 can somebody help. Parent property. When it is cloned to be put in the backpack, it does not work at all. Parent Player. rvordvf wfapx zbmj znbdxw sdiz wgimom dmzib hkiwlnb ocssza jyz