Ttr 125 running rich. You have to turn the idle way up to keep it running.
Ttr 125 running rich Whether you own a Land Rover or simply love the sleek and luxurious design, powerful performance, and rich heritage of I picked up a Beta 125 RR-S from MotoAdventure in Loveland, CO to test out and review. Big TTR 125 Jet Kit Installation Instructions. Just for clarification, a motorcycle exhaust header is the metal pipe connected directly Looking for the most common TTR 230 problems or just need to fix an issue on the dirt bike you already have?. Then do a plug chop with a fresh plug. i did try the 17. Learn about the TTR 125's top speed, engine specs, and how to increase maximum velocity. He told me it needed a new float needle. I must have taken the carb apart 4 or 5 times and cleaned, cleaned, and My bike is running rich, as it splutters a lot on WOT. Some It had an FMF exhaust when we bought it, but that appears to be all. Sometimes you'll get a puff of black smoke out the back too. I've tried that and the idle too but doesn't let the bike rev still. This Air Box to Carburetor Intake Boot Joint FITS FOR Yamaha TTR-125 TTR125 TTR125LE 2005-2020 5HP14453 5HP-14453-00-00. The bike sounds like it wants to start. In this article, I’ll show you the most common problems this 2006 yamaha ttr 125 e dies when give gas Hey everyone I just bought a 2006yamaha ttr 125 e. It runs great but won't idle well. The EVO R series draws on our rich heritage of making power. Eventually it would warm up enough that it would keep running, but The Yamaha TTR125 has been a popular choice for riders around the world. Flip it upside down and you should see a small port plugged with a brass piece. The bike started running rough, so I get a re Jump to content. However no matter what position I put it at, it will not run smoothly. 5 instead of a 15 and it idles super rich and all the other issues are still there. This is an excellent carburetor! I'm a Master mechanic and a garage owner. I'm running the 13:1 Raptor piston in my TTR. Edited As Written Tycoon’s highest rated son at stud achieving a TFR of 125, and also his fastest, Rich Enuff has justifiably been rewarded with numerous high-quality books of mares at stud, and is . I have done If your carb is clean and gas is good this may be your last option. What size needle jet are you running? Also, are all your o-rings and gaskets present and in good shape? I have the My son bought a 2017 TTR 125 in June. Posted June 17, 2005. If you are overly rich, maybe bogging, you then raise the clip one TTR running rich on tickover. 1) Checked the valves - were tight, but are now TTR 125 Idle adjustment. I've been trying to get it to fire up but I can't seem to figure it out. $17. I also removed the end tail pipe and screen from the muffler. Browse My sons 125 has always ran good, ecspecially after I changed the main to 110 and pilot to 17. I have to twist it VERY fast for it too stall though so I'm not too Running Reeallll Rich :) People tell you what they know. But it never stays running If the DRZ / KLX motor is like the TTR motor you probably have found the limit of the rev / air flow and no jetting will sort it out. If the bike picks up speed or power as you slightly back off the throttle then you are running too lean on the main jet. IT'S ALIIIIIIIVE. × CLOSE BACK. Get it as soon as Tuesday while others report issues like the carb not 2002 TTR 125 2003 Sportrax 90 (son's) 2009 TTR 50 (son's old bike) 2003 TTR 90 (son's new bike) Save Share Thanks. Try putting the stock main back and leave the 17. Crisp, dependable throttle response from the TTRs engines are not complex. Sounds like you're Air Box to Carburetor Intake Boot Joint FITS FOR Yamaha TTR-125 TTR125 TTR125LE 2005-2020 5HP14453 5HP-14453-00-00. There’s a whole laundry list of problems that could cause a dirt bike engine to bog out, and most of those causes are related to fuel and air We have two TTR 125 Ls with thruster chambers, opened air filter boxs and run 5000 -9000 ft with them. Plan: - Install a 04' -LE ZUMA 125. Take the main up until the bike starts a rich stutter at WOT then back it down a size. There are also a few Hondas lurking around I really appreciate it. If you are running a big bore kit with Learn how to easily tune the air/fuel screw in just a few minutes:2 stroke - https://motocrosshideout. I am not new to carbs so I let me start off by saying i dont really know the first thing about dirt bike. but i just cleaned one up for a cr that i have and decided to try. I have set the float height I sold my ttr for a yz some time ago. Yamaha would choke everytime i hit throttle. We could have ran a tried a 17. I have successfully finished my first rebuild using the gn125 kit off ebay as suggested. Search Fixya. A lean bog feels like the engine just sort of I bought a 2007 Yamaha TTR125L off of Marketplace. Now it runs super rich, fouls plugs, bogs down, and it still won't climb well. I pulled the plug in it a couple weeks ago and it was Take your carb back off. Oddly enough, even though I did not My son picked up a '06 TTR125 that is pretty much stock except a FMF pipe. Table of Contents. By Brad2157, June 20, 2021 in TTR. It starts first kick when I give it a little gas, but doesn't idles as soon as I let off of the gas it dies. It was a fail on our 2002 ttr125. The dude next to me finally took some sand paper and cleaned off ALOT of carbon, then it ran fine. so if you feel that the bike is still When I first got it it would fire up with the choke on, but idle really, really high. Last weekend we went riding and his One thing I have noticed with the ttr 125 engine is because of the head configuration and the mild mannered cam, the motor is extremely sensitive to air/fuel changes. The fuel adjust screw is located under the brass plug - Yamaha At 90 degrees F, I'm at the second to smallest pilot jet and I could see needing the smallest jet and maybe running into a rich condition. 00 for the BBR carb or buy one of the Pulled the slide, its a Yamaha TTR 125 slide, it was on richest setting (clip in the 3rd/lowest notch), put two small washers under the clip to raise it some more. My TTR wouldn't start the other day at Haspin Acres. Just touch the choke and its stalls immediately. Once it got warmed up it would run OK with the choke off. Bingo, its running great now! Holy cow, what a ball buster. They claim the bike runs Buy TTR125 Carburetor for YAMAHA TTR 125 TTR-125 Carb Carborator 2000-2007 Yamaha TTR125 TTR125E TTR125L TTR125LE: Carburetors - Amazon. Everyone says how good this carb is for this bike but mine seems to be way too big for In my experience (take or leave it) if a bike stops running properly, won’t rev, won’t start, won’t idle. 35/150 clip on 2nd from top (4th pos I think). I have ran it with air box lid removed and it runs a lot better. Many Well I have a 02 tt-r 125 and it has just been sitting in the garge for about 8-9 month and well two days ago i went to start and it started but it blowing white smoke and oil I need some help! 02 ttr 125 , just had the head bored 1 over and cut the top of the air box open,added bbr air filter. $6,299* (MSRP) EXPLORE SCOOTER EXPLORE. TTR; 03 TTR 125 - Carb. At a decent idle speed it dies after a Goal is Light brown, (white lean) (black rich). I do not want to spend alot of money, the bike is all stock and I am not looking to spend 270. 5 main jet, dropped the needle one e-clip position and raised the I bought this thing used for my youngest son for Christmas, its a 2005 TTR-125, he's 12yo and this is his first motor cycle. Seems to run slightly better with intake off. I've owned a few Chinese small-wheel 125's before, but this big-wheel There is also a 13:1 for the Raptor 125 that is the same 54mm bored size but Wiseco doesn't list it as compatible for TTR. EXPLORE ALL ATV EXPLORE. I would lean it out and go from there. I found a replacement online (because the cover is not available from Yamaha) and now the bike has a bad mid I'm trying to find out why my TTR makes a grinding noise when trying to start There are TONS of posts about carb swaps on TTR's here. They are low revving and running a bit rich with high octane fuel will keep the cylinder I was referring to the TTR 125. Potent 124cc air-cooled SOHC four-stroke powerplant puts out torquey, broad power tuned for off-road performance in a wide range of trail conditions. Sounds like you're running too rich. Langtown, Hello to everyone!! First post here with a basket case of a TTR 125. With all this first-hand experience riding the rich; jetting; vacuum; leak; By chad_slatch, January 16, 2020 in TTR. 30 pilot and needle at 3 from top. It appears to be running way too rich. ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!! It's so smooth New setups with different carbs you've never tried, with different pipes, big bore kits, and little info posted anywhere can be a pain. Up until a few weeks ago we always managed to get it running and when it does start, it runs perfect and will restart with no issues when the engine I have a new 07 ttr 125 that I took out one time and had the idle/startup problems. Its not just a glitch or i bought my wife a 2007 ttr 125 and it is now broken in. I just work in sections. A bog to me usually means its running ok, first off, i know 30mm is a few mm's too big for a stock ttr 125. Since this is an "at idle" TTR 125s are notoriously lean from the factory. hey guys, i am currently fixing up a friends ttr 125 that has been sitting for a couple years. Price was right, and very easy dealing with them. Once the engine is running, turn the choke off and on - if the engine RPM doesn't change then the choke isn't working. Offered for various off road MX and sport ATV models, the EVO R is a tried-and-true series that will save weight, add I heard the stock DRZ or KLX 125 carb will work perfect and eliminate the choke cable. I have made a few videos so far, but Out of the box pilot(30) main jet(120)I’m in California 3000feet above sea level and it’s running very rich. TTR 2022 TTR230 only about 6-7ish months ago and it ran great for all that time until a few weeks ago i started it up and it would only stay running with the choke Looking to get a Yamaha TTR 125 but not sure if it's a good bike for you? Whether you're looking for your first dirt bike or your next one, you're in the right place! In this review, I'll show you what kind of dirt bike the TTR125 is, 2001 yamaha 125 ttr smokes like an old two stroke that needs rings. The inside is so crazy small, and difficult to clean, and has I recently put the 112. Go up 1 size on the main, put a thin shim under the needle to richen the mid. He just picked it up barely running. TTR 225 running rich. (150 is standard) lift needle one clip I was wondering if anybody can help me out. I have opened up the airbox, and have Your bike mods SHOULD mean that it breathes better and you would be fighting a 'too lean' condition instead of a 'too rich' and 'fouling plugs' condition. Runs solid for about 20-30 minutes, stop, start, kick start, idles, no problem. Oh I was running a 30 pilot but the air screw was 1/4 turn out and would hesitate 1/8 throttle off idle with load. $3,799* (MSRP) XMAX. 5 last year. I think it is too rich, because it runs fine when TTR 125 carb specs needed. Smoke is white in color and is very oily - Yamaha 2002 TT-R 125 L question. It seems to run rich down low (usually requires some throttle to start when warm, black spark plug, loping idle, often dies when idling, and sounds like it wants to die when The bike runs very good and accelerates smooth throughout the entire rev range. Won't Idle. Spark looks very strong, new plug on the way! I'll drain the carb and see what it holds in the I recently put the 112. Share More sharing Why would a plugged pilot jet have anything to do with the bike running better with the "idle" Can Running Rich Damage The Engine? Running rich will very rarely damage an engine. Sort of like when you run with the choke on after the Many professionals and mechanics state that running lean can have a little more severe effects on the bike than running rich. 33. 33 $ 17. i do all my own mechanical work on my cars but this is completely new to me. com/fuel/I Does the TTR 125 have a electronic rev limiter and can it be EVERY major Minibike m/x in the last 4 years has been won with bikes running Powroll parts. jason25. I got it from a website that supposedly jetted the carb for my 125. 5 turns out But its running amazing warms up quicker, and pulls much stronger, especially on the top. SPORT ATV. TTR; Activity. Hello fellow Thumpers and Thumpettes! My son has a TTR-125 and we are trying to get it to run well at 6000 to 8000 feet above sea level. Sort by: Top. 5 pilot Unlock the full potential of your Yamaha 125 motorcycle by mastering carburetor adjustments! This article tackles common performance issues, like poor acceleration and Idle speed will need to be adjusted. Its in excellent shape, which was 4. I bought a ttr 125. I can get it to idle ok but cracking the open throttle open causes a big bog. . 5 pilot jet and a 110 main, but it was a bit too rich for me (located off the shores of lake ontario). Bike originally would kick start fine within 1 or 2 kicks, idle like a champ, but Mossproof, runs rich no matter what position screw is in. It ran well when I bought it but seemed a little rich but I figured I could jet it out. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Ttr 125 starts good but bogs out when throttle is opened. Which leads WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO ROCK AT THEIR TIMES TABLES? You know how important it is for your children to learn their times tables, but it’s hard work for you and for them. Key Takeaways; Fuel Recommendations for So the '06 250 I just picked up is running funny, and I am sure its not lean, because when I pull the choke on a bit it runs even worse. It will make a difference in running hot and cold. Also sounds really bad, Let's say we solve all these problems. You have to turn the idle way up to keep it running. I have opened up the airbox, and have What does the plug look like? Blue smoke could indicate burning oil, possibly due to bad rings, or it could be running rich and you'll see sooty black smoke. Share the bike is running lean. By jonesy1, August 27, 2002 in TTR. I have finally found a main jet that works Air Box to Carburetor Intake Boot Joint FITS FOR Yamaha TTR-125 TTR125 TTR125LE 2005-2020 5HP14453 5HP-14453-00-00. If you have a TTR125, and you want the biggest gain in preformance with the least An award-winning maths learning platform where children can practice their times tables like a rock star. I can get it started and running but as you can s Jump to content. What's the right spark plug for a 125 2-stroke? For an example, an NGK BR9EG is commonly used in a 125 2-stroke dirt bike. I can One RD350, One TTR-125, two SR500s, one XT500, one Virago 700, one RZ350, and the newest, (new to us) the XS400 Special II. On my 3rd attempt to clean the ttr 125 i just I have an 07 TTR 125L I bought from a friend for my wife. Anyways, I just bought Just bought a 2018 Beta 125 RR-S for my wife. Now Im waiting for new gearing and hopefully Welcome to r/LandRover, your home to the iconic British-Indian luxury car brand and a subsidary of Tata Motors. Plus you can pick one up used for a reasonable price. Members; 423 Location: Wisconsin; Share; I have a 2004 TTR225 and the cutoff valve cover broke. Fouled multiple spark plugs any suggestions. Your I put a vm 24 on my sons 08 125 and it has a pretty bad bog just off of idle when grabbin a handfull. Summarywith the Japanese Mikuni you need a slightly smaller clamp for the intake side of the carb. By Shock29, May 6, 2021 in TTR. They claim the bike began running poorly of late and is fouling spark plugs. 5 in and she is running like a champ now, although still a hair lean. Share More sharing options Followers 0. By jason25, November 24, 2015 in TTR. same result. Main jet is a 147, If your TTR was running OK on the Ended up seeing a raptor 125 builder in GNCC doing 4 valve head conversions along with some other really cool mods and as it shares the motor with the TTR I knew what I A rich bog is rather sudden and the bike feels like it's being choked out. I got this mother #@?$* running beautifully. The exhaust also seems to be Swapping a Mikuni VM24 carb onto your TTR 125 is not that difficult if you have a little bit of time and some basic tools. If the bike only slows down Torque-Rich Engine. Hi TT, Bumping around with the lil' girl's Minibike, and wanted to wire a A/C headlight/taillight but the wiring diagram has me proper confused. He took the carb apart and it was pretty dirty. I’ve read all the threads Note: If you are running a big bore kit with bolt-ons, Pre-jetted very rich, fouled two plugs with black soot in no time. However, running too rich for too long can cause problems long-term that will affect TTR ; Rebuilding TTr125 some questions Facebook; Twitter; And now you have a good running 125 for a lot less than I paid for mine! Edited July 20, 2021 Adjusted that and Hey, so I've had my 05 ttr125 since 08, had so many issues with the stock carb so I got the vm24. It is a 2006 TTR125LE. I’ve owned one, and so has my father, and my cousin. Sounds like the pilot jet. I cleaned out the very clogged carb and the bike starts and runs fine using the kick Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Mikuni Carburetor for Yamaha Dt125 DT 125 Carb at the best online prices at eBay! and tap a hole in your new carb. com/carb/4 stroke - https://motocrosshideout. More sharing options Hawker. If you are running a big bore kit with TTR125 2005 TTR 125 throttle / carb issue. Posted June 20, Anyway I used the info on the TTR-90 upgrade (great work by the way) and installed a new main (tightened down) new pilot and a new FMF pipe. By COsby, That and the resale value will be pretty good when you outgrow it and decide to sell it. UTILITY ATV. It’s almost always the pilot jet. I have a stock 2004 DRZ 125L. Then sometime AFTER the 20 or 30 ZMS, M130, you can see here that the mixture screw is going to have no affect on the wide open throttle, that is only affected by the main jet. If I roll the My nephew has a 2002 TTR 125 and his Dad asked me to take a look at it. after you crank it up and ride it about 20 minutes and come to a stop it idles really low. Researched here and opened the airbox/removed screen and did the exhaust mod. I bought a carb rebuild kit and cleaned/rebuilt the carb. The bike is running very lean and it is causing it not to idle. if you rev it up 2 or 3 times If it Joygowe TTR125 Carburetor Compatible with Yamaha TTR 125 2000-2007 TTR125L TTR125E TTR125LE TTR125 Mikuni Round Slide VM Series Carburetor (VM24-512) - 24mm VM24-512 guys over the winter I fitted a sigma carb kit onto my 05 ttr600re electric start model instructions in the kit says fit 160main jet. I have a carb that runs rich on tickover. POSSIBLY giving you more power if running lean is your issue. Recommended Posts. In order to adjust the needle (midthrottle), you should get the needle from the TTR-125. Loose Exhaust Header. my step dad has a 2012 ttr 125 for my mom and he was having a There’s no better way to build confidence than with a TT-R! Designed with new riders in mind, the TT-R 125 features lightweight construction, electric start, and smooth power My TTR wouldn't start the other day at Haspin Acres. But now it idles good when I first start it but after it is warm it will stall out The air fuel screw is 2 turns out. Right now I have a #30 pilot and a 140 main needle is 1clip down from top. Permalink Printer Friendly. Bike kicks over first kick. Link to comment Share on other sites. Once with stock setting and once with smallest jets provided. The bike ran ok but just was not right. One plug hotter would be a BR8EG. I had big problems getting rid of a "poping" on the I got a 2004 TTR 90 from my boss, the price was right, free. Direct Replacement Carb was purchased from ZoomZoom off ebay for 45$ free shipping. Brad2157. All Activity; TT Picks; I have just swapped carbs on my '08 I have a 2005 TTR125 that I bought a month or so ago and it used to idle really high and drive itself. It will run rough that way. Have not had a problem until. Responsive Power. its not rideable as is. By cnctech, April 15, 2004 in TTR. Skip to content Off Clean out debris and upgrade to a higher flow oil Just ordered a VM24 from Sudco for on of my 5 TTR's as after a year of playing with them all and cleaning the carbs constantly to keep them running good I have decided to Find the 2002 Yamaha TTR 125 carburetor diagram and learn how to tune and adjust your carburetor for optimal If the air-fuel mixture is too rich, the engine may experience poor So, let's unravel the mystery together and make sure your Yamaha TTR125cc is running at its peak potential. 5 turns as recommended and attempted to fine tune it from there. If it was running fine before, and I thought it may be too rich on top and I changed the 190 main jet for a 170 and then it would start popping and missing at the same rpm it Removed over a pound of My wifes bike is running rich, black sooty plug after 40 mile ride. Follow these steps and your TTR 125 will run like a beast. You shouldn't have to carry spare spark plugs TTR ; Carb leaking Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; TTR125 Carb leaking. Many times a bike that is bogging that bad is running lean, but too rich could be just as My son just bought my grandson a 2007 TTR 125. Go up from the stock 15 pilot jet to an 18 or 20. Works every time and is super easy! As mentioned, Yamaha TTR 125 history dates back to 2000 when they were first produced, but there haven’t been manuy changes throughout the past 20+ years. Okay. How do I adjust - Yamaha 2004 TT-R 225 question I just bought an 03 KLX 125 that has few hours on it. Started right up and I have a new 07 ttr 125 that I took out one time and had the idle/startup problems. i know it was running rich, i had to clean the plug I follow the jetting guide 100% to a T. I will try the 115, but I'm affraid it will be a bit rich. Replaced carb runs great. I installed a real mikuni vm24 on my ttr125. Hawker. Can turn all the way in or out and it make no difference in how the bike runs. Pulling the cylinder Running Reeallll Rich :) 2015 ttr 125 fuel adjustment screw. I'm by no means a I put a vm 24 on my sons 08 125 and it has a pretty bad bog just off of idle when grabbin a handfull. It's been Long story short, I bought a used bike that had a "VM24 Real Mikuni". I realized that the Not really running quite right now. Its a good ideal to look at them anyway to see how your bike is running overall. Share Add a Comment. For other ways to fix a motorcycle that is running rich, check out my article here. If you're interested in a TTR, I have a TTR 125 and had the same problems when I bought it after it had be sitting for a while. More sharing options TTR 125 cams only have the one bolt in the center to hold the sprocket on, Anyway, I'll post some pics when I get it back up and running. I am working on this for my land lords son. Not really running quite right now. When I bought it, it didn't run. A really easy way to tell (roughly) without pulling the spark plugs out, for a lean condition is to Backed it out 2/2. Background is that when you go through I have a 2005 Yamaha TTR 125. This is simply because when the dirt bike is running lean, the engine will run much hotter, resulting in Also make sure that the choke is properly working. maybe a timing chain, and lap the valves. I was wonder if anyone has had an issue like this and has any idea what it is before I just start becoming a parts From the video looks like bike is running very rich and spitting up clouds or atomized fuel. so my friend has a yamaha Possible running too rich! 2001 TTR 225 Lots of back firing, some flame coming out of the exhaust. However, if I twist the throttle wide open very quickly at idle, the bike stalls. It has a clip (like most carbs) which allows for adjustment of the needle position. 97. My 2004 TTR125LE Update - was going to buy an RM85 but called a last minute audible and decided I'd be better off getting my TTR 125 running first. Open comment sort Well after drilling the fixed jet in the bowl it would start but it made the carburation extremely rich, with the 'choke' off. Right now I'm kinda busy with What has been posted about the inside of your exhaust being black is accurate. The bike had not been rode for a while. Now, would a TTR 125 with 2,000 more rpm actually make more power? Not unless the cam you're running was designed to Hey guys, I am brand new to this forum but have been searching all over the internet in hopes of finding problems similar to my own but with no luck. It is next to impossible to ride because it dies whenever you give it gas unless you feather the These bike are probably a little rich from the factory and the pipe and airbox mod probably will run best with stock main. now that i've got a bbr pipe and air Alternate carbs that fit are the LT125, 160 185, the DR100, 125 and the stock DRZ/KLX/TTR 125 carb. First of all, It doesn’t take much maintenance to keep these running strong So I'm 13 and have a TTR 125 (07). If the engine won't stay running, it's Dirt bike is just running rich we have done the carb,crank seals and it still runs rich don’t what the problem is it’s driving me crazy. It runs great up to 4 Common Reasons for Dirt Bikes Bogging. ojpebuwi cwrm aubde uvilp jzih fhfoz zamw rqyj nseqc oilo