Tailwind purgecss not working. Regarding point 2: ViewEncapsulation.

Tailwind purgecss not working But the styles don't work. content inside tailwind. Delete the following files and folders: PurgeCSS Issue: Ensure PurgeCSS is not removing your styles during production builds. This can be annoying when trying to adjust the transparency of background colors. js", ". lg\:right-44 { right: 11rem; } . I guess my only concern with introducing a tool like that is it could encourage folks to not refactor large and problematic areas in their styles – taking Note: PurgeCSS will not run during development mode. Patterns are regular expressions. 1 I am on Windows 10 with Node v14. When all this is done, you can create a new Next. To be honest "npm install tailwindcss@^1. If we look at the documentation, safelist is only shown to support string members: // tailwind. i'm working on a react project with sass modules, and over the time a lot of unused and redundant css has piled up, now i have lots of styles. js file: purge: { options: { whitelistPatterns: [/^w-/] } }, But it seems not ignoring w-classes. Nov 17, 2024. I am trying to setup PurgeCSS and I have got it reading my template files (working with WordPress) and purge any CSS not within the template files. In the example I've added above, In general this project isn't configured correctly — you've got PurgeCSS set up which isn't necessary, EDIT: PurgeCSS version 3. js in your views? With or without the @vite directive? Just tried using Tailwind CSS like you are trying to and I got it to work and cannot replicate your issue. Evenutally I resolved it by not using the nuxt-purgecss module, and instead use the tailwind own The options used to be sent directly to PurgeCSS, but JIT mode in Tailwind doesn't use PurgeCSS anymore. Hot Network Questions Could you genetically engineer cells to be able to use electricity instead of ATP as an energy source? What does 'also' refer to in 'A:Jane takes dancing classes. js project that use Tailwind CSS, and I want to make a UI Documentation by iterating over the config from tailwind. Answered by JohnathonKoster. If regenerate the CSS by running npm run dev it works. Other breakpoint classes like lg:w-1/3 etc. /src/index. I was trying to create a custom color primary, and use prose-primary to see how it'd look. Sennik asked this Sounds like the dynamic classes may be getting purged by something like PurgeCSS. Tailwind CSS not compiling CSS. here's the code who generate the classes missing in production. 14 with Tailwind CSS and have encountered an issue where PageSpeed Insights warns me to reduce the amount of unused CSS. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. Thank you very much, it helped, and now it works. so I needed to add the folder that holds my templates and the extension for those templates. json. g. Fix. css It seems that arbitrary values such as min-h-[100px] do not work in an environment where tailwind CSS utilities are imported, as opposed to generic utilities such as min-h-0. 14. I installed all the package and configured them. How to Remove Unused Classes from Tailwind with PurgeCSS? To remove unused CSS we use the following code. The first thing i tried to do is use the font family modifier font-sans as it is explained here. Instructor Simon Vrachliotis. The npm run dev generating correct css. config. In your tailwind. css was not updated. app Build problems? Link or paste the FULL build log & build settings screenshot 2:50:50 PM: Build ready to start I see you wrote that app. 1. After grid-cols-[n] not working in NextJS. js) Project repo. Share this video with your friends Social Share Links. js are you using? v14. When I run "npx tailwindcss -i The easiest way to work around this problem is to write the full classname in the file (text-red-500 and text-green-500 for this example). env. y < 0 ? `-translate Here is what that produces. If you build tailwind as is, it will also bundle a huge number of Utility Classes that you don't use with it. Not sure how exactly the pipeline works in Angular, but I am under the impression the issue is around the angular. Hot Network Questions Do all Euclidean domains admit a Euclidean function that is "weakly multiplicative" The margins mx are not working only inside containers. It worked well but after I refactor code it broke but once I reset everything to prev commit I still get this problem where background colors doesn't work. I would like to use Purgecss, it is working but it ignores my whitelist, some help? Here the code example: function css() { const In a tailwind writing a format like "w-[300px] h-[300px]" will most likely be unreadable if done repeatedly. scss files with over a 1000 lines pf css each, and Fairly new to Tailwind and PostCSS/PurgeCSS, im trying to reduce the size of my CSS file. Modified 1 year, yes and i think tailwind doesn't support dynamic classes because of purgecss it delete the unused classes. Why is that? I am using JIT mode and Tailwind 2. html'], safelist: [ 'bg-blue-500', 'text-center', A number of us at Viget have been using TailwindCSS recently, and -- at least for the converted -- it’s been simply awesome. View on GitHub. Why is Purge Option in Tailwind not working I found this thread when faced with the same issue using Next. Why? I don't know. I used TailwindCSS and created a vue. 4 or so. If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not removing unused styles, set `purge: false` in When working with TailwindCSS in React, you might encounter issues with utility classes like bg-opacity not working as expected. Currently, Quasar and TailwindCSS offer both useful classes. You switched accounts on another tab or window. If you use the class container, and configure a prefix of xx-then you have to use xx-container in your templates instead of container. /css/app. Long story short, it "purges" any styles that aren't being used a given page so that they don't have to load. netlify. That also explains why your generated css file is fairly empty, because if you configure a prefix tailwind is now The Problem : (Sorry for my broken english, I'm french) I configure TailwindCss for using it into my Symfony Project, with Webpack Encore. js export default { mode: 'universal', /* ** Headers of the page */ head: { title: process. 1 Tailwind uses PurgeCSS internally to remove unused classes, as PrimeReact components are loaded from I am using csspurge using the config file. js file When I run npm run dev, the PurgeCSS would not work, so the result is what I expected. Having trouble with Tailwindcss. | B:I also love dancing. Learn everything you need to know about 'tailwindcss is not working with vite' in this informative blog post. tailwindcss is not purged even with template paths provided. 10 I have executed below command successfully npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest postcss-cli cssnano onchange T Option 1: use Tailwind CSS built-in PurgeCSS // tailwind. Try and make sure the scss styles are compiled first, and then that output is going through PostCSS. I was using the popular plugin gatsby-plugin-purgecss, but it breaks my site even with configurations, and recently tailwind seem Minification Techniques Using PurgeCSS. navbar-item-link { @apply text-xs mt-1 lg:mt-0 px-3 no-underline text-gray-600 rounded-full border-solid border border-gray-100 hover:border-blue-best-100; } I have vite+tailwind setup where I create a bundle using vite build. exports = {// Output. I am not sure whats wrong with the config but the safelist classes do not show up in style. I cross-checked and I can't seem to find why it is still not working. Tailwind will not change your source files and automagically convert container to xx-container. This is what I did in my tailwind. json and node_modules. bg-red, selectors ending with blue as well as their children such as blue p or . We're hoping we can optimize this a little better with direct support in Angular. css I put it i followed the official docs from tailwind for Vitejs and it did not work. With CSS files this small, you don’t have to worry about complex solutions like code-splitting your CSS for each page, and can instead just ship a single small CSS file that’s downloaded once and cached until you When you use mix. 14. It seems Explore in-depth answers to the question: 'tailwindcss is not working with vite' Discover valuable insights, tips, and solutions in our comprehensive guide. Since some of the classes work, I don't think the config is the issue, but here it is (vite app) /** @type {import('tailwindcss'). It's working fine but it is not purging the styles properly. Here are some common problems and fixes: PurgeCSS Issue: Ensure PurgeCSS is not removing your styles during production builds. js for the correct paths. 5 value to align with the default Tailwind spacing scale. html", ". However, as part of Tailwind, I am using @apply in my scss files and those utilities I am applying are also being purged which leaves me with a non This fixed any building issues with tailwind / purgecss and I can now happily use dynamic classes in my projects. Tailwind class is not working after installed. css, package-lock. Classname Mangling In this article, we discussed the common issue of Tailwind styles not working correctly in a Next. But when I run npm run prod, the PurgeCSS of tailwindcss will remove my own style for <a></a> tags in '@/assets/scss/app. 0 --save-dev" was not a big help, since it messed up my tailwind. You need to set the path for the templates\files you want it to check The entire project works fine locally, but if I run nuxt build; nuxt start; it gets compiled without errors but none of the dynamic classes seem to work. Here's a screencast: Using tailwind with postcss, below you could find the configuration files of postcss, webpack, package. /src/style. We explored two potential causes I've been at this for a couple of days now and still can't seem to get this working. This is my tailwind. On my project, it was more than 2MB. Webpack prior to Tailwind 1. Hot Network Questions Determining necessary conclusions from logical statements Inadvertently told someone that work is gonna get busier because someone is pregnant Basic Terminal Calculator in C++ I am currently trying to create a web application, using TailwindCSS for styles, PostCSS as the processor and parcel-bundler as a bundler, based off this boilerplate from GitHub. js Inside module. What is PurgeCSS? PurgeCSS is a development tool used for removing the unused CSS in a Project. Some versions of Node may not work well with Tailwind’s newer versions. Reload to refresh your session. safelist: [ // Retain all classes starting with, { pattern: /bg-/, pattern: /text-/, pattern: /border-/, }, ], A third possibility deals with PurgeCSS, which is built into Tailwind. I can't seem to get PurgeCSS to whitelist classes I use dynamically in the CMS. ex I was having issue configuring purgecss to work with nuxt, and the nuxt-purgecss plugin mentionned here was throwing errors in the build. Open tailwind. Skip to main content , purgeCSS: { whitelist: ['dark-mode'], }, components: true, buildModules: [ '@nuxt/typescript-build', '@nuxtjs I installed TailwindCSS & PurgeCSS in an existing application that uses custom CSS as well as some third party libraries. Therefore, I think you can customize the width and height in the tailwind. PurgeCSS: If you use PurgeCSS to remove unused styles in production, ensure that your bg-opacity classes are not being purged I correctly setup tailwind css to make it work in my project. What i try to do. js file. Extending Tailwind with Responsive Custom Utility Classes. css and tell purgeCSS not to purge tailwind's base classes /* purgecss start ignore */ @tailwind base; @tailwind components; /* purgecss end ignore */ @tailwind utilities; Now let it compile and you will find your application in a very sad state with all the vuetify styles being removed :o I'm working on my Gatsby blog/site based on this Leonids starter. /dist/output. child-of-bg, and selectors that have any part ending with yellow such as button. exports = { purge: { content: ['. I'm having the popular issue ONLY when building final app yarn build: yarn run v1. Here is my default nuxt. export add all folders that contain tailwind class like this I've encountered the weirdest issue where some responsive classes starting with xl: are not working on IE and Edge. js/tailwindcss so you need to read the documentary first to solve your problem. ) I have a HTML code that is similar to the above (but within a larger application). You can not use the pseudo-classes prefix with the @apply method. I've been using Tailwind with the "Purge" option to make the final css file a lot smaller and successfully. I choosed tailwind as the css framework. i use webpack + postcss and i filled the purge array in tailwind. 21. @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss, postcss-preset-env, autoprefixer). Modified 8 months ago. My input css file has only the three @tailwind expressions for base, utilities and components. TailwindCSS 3 - Build CSS only specified classes in contents. 46. As mentioned above, this next part is for when you are ready for production. Thanks. For a new project I'll be working on, the company asked to work with Bootstrap to be able to use the Tagged with nextjs, react, css. I think it may be an issue with the CSS . Trying to experiment with Tailwind on my own website for fun, I stumbled upon the same issue. js production environment. `} For this to work properly you have to include the name of the class in the safelist:[] in your tailwind fairly new to Tailwind and PostCSS/PurgeCSS, so hoping this is a fairly simple fix. but always i do ng serve it doesn't work Unfortunately nothing we can do here, postcss-import has to be the first plugin in your list so @import has to be used in a way that is compatible with that plugin (top of the file, not nested). How are you using app. To make development easier, we've created a separate PostCSS config file without PurgeCSS. 1m 34s. What worked to "npm uninstall tailwindcss" first, and then "npm install tailwindcss" now I have the new version, and backgroundImage works like a charm! :) – ⚠️ Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided. A different approach to dealing with multiple component variants when working with Tailwind CSS. While optional, this is highly recommended if you wish to minimize your production CSS bundle size. Hope this helped, I know it's a bit late, but I just stumbled across this question as I tried to solve it myself! Tailwind not applying the styles when working with remix. PurgeCSS (used to remove unused styles in production) may be too aggressive, removing necessary classes, and leading to incomplete styling. mdx files to write pages and posts, so that I can add JS inside MD. Ask Question Asked 2 years ago. May I ask you to try and reproduce an example of your problem in Tailwind Play when opening an issue reporting that something is not working? That will be useful to both verify this is an actual problem with Tailwind and help the community troubleshoot your problem 👍 Enabling PurgeCSS directly in Tailwind would likely not work well with Angular templates out of the box. TailwindCSS / PurgeCSS whitelist not working. 3. Ideally, we would like to limit selectors to only those used within your But, when I use the bg-black class in a button for testing, it's still not working. I searched about a regex, using a extractor in a webpack. Since this class might not be detected by PurgeCSS, you should add it to the safelist in your tailwind. 5': '0. This will change again in the upcoming Tailwind CSS 3. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company TailwindCSS / PurgeCSS whitelist not working. How I set up my workflow to trim the Tailwind CSS using PurgeCSS and a simple PostCSS setup (no webpack involved) I find it resonates a lot with how I work with HTML. postCss() or a separate postcss. Command removing tailwindcss in the input. scss and in angular. Plan and track work Code Review. Hey! So this isn't necessarily a problem with Tailwind itself but an incompatibility between FF and Chrome/Safari/Opera. css file in dist/ is completely unchanged from the source file, and it seems like the Transforming content. It means the classes was purged by purgecss. but if i build for production (npm run prod), the page not rendered correctly. – user17040760. Packages used: tailwindcss; gulp-purgecss; Steps I took: npx Tailwind classes not working with html file. I’ve never used Tailwind or Purgecss, but I reckon the latter could be particularly useful if you have a giant old codebase and you don’t have the resources to refactor things just yet. ¶6. PurgeCSS to optimize your build. Hot Network Questions Why is Purge Option in Tailwind not working with Webpack. 1m 32s. When working and previewing the site with gatsby develop everything looks good. Now when going on production, Tailwind classes that are used in According to this discussion, I am finally able to fix my bug of upgrading my CRA app from 3 to 4 with tailwind. Since it's manually declared in your postcss file as well, it's being executed twice which is wiping all of your styles. npm_pack Finally, we recommend only applying PurgeCSS to Tailwind's utility classes, and not to base styles or component classes. following is my laravel mix config: Purgecss not working in my Laravel App #80. Copy link. css -o . Abstract Utility Classes to BEM Components in Tailwind. If you're using the CLI, it's worth noting that the file names and paths used as examples in the Tailwind docs are just that - examples. It removes unused styles and optimizes CSS Build Sizes. when build for dev environment (npm run dev), the app run without issue. The key issue here is that your config has important: true in it and FF treats important declarations as This guide covers vite-plugin-tailwind-purgecss, a simple Vite plugin that purges excess TailwindCSS styles via PurgeCSS. Removing Unused CSS in Tailwind with PurgeCSS. tan-ahmed asked this PurgeCss works by executing a RegEx command on your source code to search for unused classes/styles. exports = { purge: [". Page is a html page. It was not working properly essentially due to naivety of PurgeCSS. Problem is come when you want to use tailwindcss in vite but your downloading for just react, simple and easy way is when you want to create reactjs app with vite and also want to use tailwindcss you go directly to Tailwincss Documentation and then select Framework Guides you will see vite there and follow that guide and you will see now you I want to ignore all classes started with w-and all breakpoint width classes like lg:w-in Tailwind Utility classes. It's particularly useful for Tailwind CSS projects because the framework generates a large number of utility classes, many of which may not be used in your application. Good eve, I have played around in a tailwind sandbox. I'm using this documen To address this issue, you can customize the PurgeCSS configuration in the `tailwind. computed: { axeY() { return this. However, I'm having difficulty getting the most basic integration of PurgeCSS into my project to work. exports = { important: false, theme: { spacing: { '0. I have css written as lg\:right-40 and in js it is referred as lg:right-40. None will be highly recommended with Tailwind due to the reasons you mentioned. 0, Tailwind feels more light-weight than ever: Just one-line of CSS — no more @tailwind directives, just add @import The installation of purgeCSS works fine, but it doesn't purge in development. json => styles array: I have Next. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The misleading case was that when you define a class (bg-blue-200 for example) in the NuxtJS purgeCSS whitelist, TailwindCSS doesn't purge this class. However, although Tailwind itself has recently released v1. Viewed 12k times 7 . Since you have a purge key, I would assume you are using Tailwind v2. Instead of this. lg\:right-52 { right: 13rem; } . 125rem', }, }, } PurgeCSS provides a suite of plugins that do a well enough job for most projects. If i code this: &lt;div className=&quot;grid grid-cols-[1fr_200px]&quo Prefixes are not auto added. js build {tailwindcss: {} Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. After trying everything on this thread I got the impression that it could be something to do with adding the wrong object in the tailwind config. */ but, it is: /* purgecss start ignore */ @tailwind base; @tailwind components; /* purgecss end ignore */ What is PurgeCSS? PurgeCSS is a development tool used for removing the unused CSS in a Project. This setup works fine, but has one major issue: the stylesheet bundle size. However, with production build npm run prod doesn't export classes I TailwindCSS / PurgeCSS whitelist not working. Here's the build command that I use: tailwindcss -i . deprecation Running tailwindcss without -i, please provide an input file? 0. I remembered that I had added some bespoke fontsizes recently and had added this directly in the theme object. The margins between the <p> elements work fine while testing locally. We want to strip out all unused TailwindCss classes. js' file as follow: export default { plugins i am building laravel app with inertiajs and tailwind libraries. 2 What brow i run npm run build of course in production mode but my tailwind styles are not purged. Commented Jan 6, 2023 at 15:40. My file looks like this (extract): module. 4. However, I've been wondering about the efficience of my methods. I have added primeng to my Angular project. In my tailwind. So i deleted output. js doesn't loaded. PurgeCSS provides a suite of plugins that do a well enough job for most projects. js module. LetsZiggy August 6, 2019, 7:02pm 10. 10. /src/output. 0 release, but for now, if you want your safelist to be PurgeCss works by executing a RegEx command on your source code to search for unused classes/styles. In the same class font-black etc works fine. Tailwind not being applied to library. js file, Mix overrides all other PostCSS plugins, including the PurgeCSS instance, added by this plugin. Some Tailwind styles not The options used to be sent directly to PurgeCSS, but JIT mode in Tailwind doesn't use PurgeCSS anymore. node -v Step 2: Use npm outdated to check if any packages (including tailwind 2. In a TailwindCSS context, most of your work occurs in templates, not in the CSS file. PurgeCSS would run when ever I ran npm run produc Everything is happening (for tailwind classes) in tailwind. A few common scenarios that might be contributing to the problem of a Tailwind class not working post As you can see, it's working properly. devzakir opened this issue Jan 14, 2020 · 15 comments Latest one didi Tailwind dynamic class not working #4491. I'm trying to debug this for hours Angular: Styles from primeng not working even they are listed in styles. 15 What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using? tailwindcss What version of Node. Collaborate outside It seems vh arbitrary values do not work at all on min-height. In my case, I was creating class dynamically so tailwind was not generating CSS for md:grid-cols-${itemPerCol}. PurgeCSS Setup: Eliminating Unused Styles. And go to app. I'm trying to use safelist patterns (formerly whitelist patterns) with Tailwind CSS V3. Since the build removes the CSS file before creating the function, the only solution here seems to be disabling the preflight entirely: tailwind classes not working when i transfer through props while working perfecly when i use cdn link of tailwind css. PurgeCSS drastically reduces file size by discarding unused CSS, but if misconfigured, it might delete more than necessary–including pertinent Tailwind classes. 5) in my tailwind. How can I do this? As mentioned above tailwind engine In order to render a custom class dynamicaly: Does not like: className={`bg-[${custom-color}]-100`} It expects: const customBgColorLight = 'bg-custom-color-100'; className={`${customBgColorLight} . find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. using specific pixel width (e. css is under resources/app/app. For example, I'm not using flex-grow anywhere but I still find the utilities in my With the improvements we've made to this process for v4. 5 Laravel 8, Tailwind CSS init. js` file by adding the appropriate paths to the `content` property. . Problem. And other classes with the breakpoint xl: like xl:flex-row are working too. But once I containerize my application it stops working. js to make custom default styles be rendered in result? Whitelist only accepts classnames/ids. Hot Network Questions Can you get into trouble for driving after somebody spiked your drink? Hello I am using Gulp for compiling and Tailwind as framework. The *. 2 Installing Tailwind CSS v2. This proposal aims to resolve conflicts between Quasar and TailwindCSS with minimum changes. In my case xl:w-1/2 is not being detected, though it's in the stylesheet. lg\:right-40 { right: 10rem; } . 17. Check your tailwind. I'm working on projects that have got a lot of subfolders, which I all specify like: I am having trouble to optimize the tailwindcss with postCss using laravel-mix and Scss. warn - If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not removing unused styles, set 'purge: false' in your Tailwind config file to silence this warning. I've tried to deploy the app with Vercel, but I've the same problem. Solved: It's most likely an issue with Gulp, not refreshing the pages correctly. i needed to add 'postcss. bg-blue . It removes The solutions are almost always the same, so if you're finding that Tailwind just flat out doesn't seem to be working, here's what to do. To setup PurgeCss (We installed the npm package at the beginning) you need to add it to your PostCss config file, add another require(‘’) under your existing ones. Why my Tailwind classes have stopped working. '? What creative ways can the character find something? Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Why text-5xl and bigger ain't working? I can do all styling and text size up to text-4xl, but larger (5-9xl) does not work. The tailwind CSS classes are not displaying, I followed the installation process via tailwindcss. 1, but it did not solve the issue. In this article, I’ll explain what PurgeCSS is and how to leverage it to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I ran into this using it outside of Laravel, it seems it means that it can't find the files it is supposed to scan for selectors. 0 add safelist option, replace whitelist I faced the same problem when i dynamically inject name of some classes into my html template. Tailwind uses a plugin called purgecss so I think that was the cause. The first thing i wanted from tailwind css is the font management. Similar to how Tailwind generates its classes, they only analyze the files that are passed to them through their content fields, which means that if you pass an entire UI warn - Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided. js, I am extending some of the spacing values, including adding a 0. Tailwind will not purge. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I don’t know if this contributes in anyway, but I’ve used tailwindcss and purgecss with aurelia cli (Alameda. 0 Laravel 8 and TailwindCSS Undefined variable: header. It's not working, but essentially I'm trying to safelist all values beginning with bg-, text-and border-. In this example, the hidden-mobile class is only applied when the viewport width is less than 768 pixels. Is there something wrong with my posts configuration that's causing it to not read tailwind's arbitrary width values? here's my postcss. Tailwind css does not reduce file size after purge. I configured PurgeCSS to only purge a single tailwind file but it for some reason removes css selectors from Installed and compiled: tailwind classes not working on fresh install of laravel 6. Then I did a: npm install; sudo npx tailwindcss -i . pcss below). scss' How can I config tailwind. It would be nice to: What version of Tailwind CSS are you using? 2. 6 and have the following. However, plugins such as postcss-purgecss and rollup-plugin-purgecss take a rather naive approach to selector extraction. 4 and npm 6. So I Hi everyone, I started to play with Nextjs today, and trying to import Tailwind was a total pain, because of that, i'm looking for help. Very frustrating bug to locate 181 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. The problem is, it works on development, but when i try to build on production mode, the classes that i iterate from tailwind. Before adding some custom css in the tailwind. css but in your app. js, do you have a purge section similar to this? module. If I inspect elements I can see bg-brand-red classes but it just doesn't apply them. The easiest way to do this is to use PurgeCSS's whitelisting feature to disable PurgeCSS for non-utility classes: /* purgecss start ignore */ @tailwind base; @tailwind components; /* purgecss end ignore */ @tailwind utilities; Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I had a similar problem where some tailwind styles were working and other ones were not. other-class, will be left in the final CSS. Explore Teams. You signed in with another tab or window. in js backslash is escaped hence purgecss is not able identify all the that contain \ cssfile. exports. Check for conflicting CSS: If you’re it's not /* Start purging */ @tailwind components; /* Stop purging. js I'm using NextJs v. I created a nuxt app with npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>. Additionally, PurgeCSS—which is designed to remove unused CSS Tailwind will scan all the files specified in module. css file below @tailwind base and some variables like h-(screen-1. As you can see, the underline and text-3xl classes work, but the margin and padding ones are not applied. I am using TailwindCSS and Laravel Mix. Closed devzakir opened this issue Jan 14, 2020 · 15 comments Closed Purgecss not working in my Laravel App #80. are working without problems. PurgeCSS Not Working: If PurgeCSS isn't removing unused styles, make sure you've configured the purge option correctly in your tailwind. The pattern object syntax you are using seems to be for Tailwind v3's safelist option. Hot Network Questions I had issue where height class of tailwind working fine in dev env but in production it wasn't working. css, is that a mistype in the post or in the app. ; Check the resources folder into your repository. Your best bet is to probably use PurgeCSS's ignore comment syntax to mark when you want it to skip stuff: to make the tailwind work for the any version of CRA, eject CRA and add the tailwind inside the getStyleLoaders method, note that the function name might change in the furture releases of react scripts (below example is I can’t for the life of me figure out why the Tailwind styles aren’t applying. Share. i seems like there is missing css class from tailwind. js */ const purgecss = require('@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss') module. You can use regexr open in new window to verify the regular CSS Not Applying: If your Tailwind CSS classes aren't applying, make sure you've included the @tailwind directives in your CSS file. 0 release, but for now, if you want your safelist to be An excellent Ember addon ember-cli-tailwind already exists which wraps Tailwind CSS and provides easy integration in an Ember application. Everything works well but I want to use some special non CSS characters in my responsive utility classes but PurgeCSS is stripping them even if present in the markup. 0+ into Laravel 8 works but does nothing when run. I am trying to use tailwind for the first time and have followed the installation guide on the website. This section assumes that Tailwind is already available in your application, if not visit the Tailwind CSS framework guides like Vite for the installation and make sure to apply the CSS layer configuration above when including the styles of Tailwind as well. js. /pages/**/*. 2. Integrating PurgeCSS with Vite My guess is you should move your configuration related to purgeCSS from the tailwind config into the postcss config. com create-react-app to install this. Liam Hall. js file and it's working, but responsive classes are not being included. Similar to how Tailwind @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss has been bundled with tailwindcss since v1. You aren't required to use Keep Specificity in Check when Working with Tailwind. js and look for tailwind classes, it does not even have to be in a class attribute and can even be added in commented lines, so long as the full class name is present in that file and class name is not dynamically constructed; Tailwind will pull the Hello! I have a problem using dark mode, in development mode using Nuxtjs it's work fine I add class dark to HTML and it automatically switches to dark mode but in production after building it no longer works (after running npm run generate) In the example, selectors ending with red such as . {js,ts,jsx,tsx Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I'm trying to deploy a vue-cli-3 project. I’m not really sure what else to say so if there’s any other information that would be useful to know, let me know. bg-yellow. Tailwind CSS supports PurgeCSS as standard, so you should configure it to optimize your build. You can use the transform option to tell Tailwind to transform any file matching a specific extension before it looks for classes to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I've built a creat-react-app application and deployed it into Netlify (https://festive-booth-3f3a79. scss. 5kB of CSS over the network. Before deploying, run hugo --gc to generate a minified, purged CSS file. Check you've added the Tailwind I'm trying to use tailwindcss and webpack. However, when running nuxt generate, purgeCSS does run. so in a given div i added the classes : This is not an Aurelia project just Gulp, TailwindCSS and PurgeCSS but does not work for me! 1 Like. Here are my config files: /* postcss. I was facing issue when receiving a dynamic color prop that was going to be used as: className={rounded px-4 py-2 text-white bg-${bgColor}-500} in the component. 8. Some Tailwind classes are working, the others are not. 2. Introduction How it Works. A great example of this is working with markdown files. css. lg\:right-56 { right: 14rem; } Hey! Usually, this happens when the CSS runs through the Tailwind plugin before the scss is processed. So I finally found out that the nuxt build process does some css tree shaking, and since these classes are not included anywhere in the dom, they are not included in the css build process. js"], theme: { extend Hello, I'm having issues getting TailwindCSS to properly function properly after updating to any version after 1. For some reason, every time I run yarn build, everything compiles right except for the CSS. TailwindCSS / PurgeCSS extractor string removing some classes. Manage code changes Discussions. laughing-swartz-35f82b. some of utility class not exist. I have put the styles in style. Im upgraded, but lost confidence using it the moment i went into NextJS. 0 version of Tailwind. app/) but as you can see, for some reason styles are not being loaded. js file, and then we can call it like tailwind as usual. js It works with margins/paddins but not with bg though it works with text-red-200. It is the default library to control the Tailwind CSS Bundle Sizes. The complete code is here My tai Before starting, if Tailwind CSS isn't working properly even after installation, a clean setup might solve the issue. This creates a very unpleasant experience, because some classes are added dinamicaly, and there's no way to detect if they will be purged or not until after development. 15. module. Oddly margin works at mx-2 but nothing else work, padding is not working either For example, Netflix uses Tailwind for Netflix Top 10 and the entire website delivers only 6. So you can resize and customize it in the tailwind. Made some changes to add functionality that fits my needs, including using . This helped me. This post is not to discuss the pros and cons (you can debate here) but to ease the use of TailwindCSS with Quasar for those who want to. js / Gulp. Config} */ export default { content: [". 0. Send Tweet. Also, check the browser console for any errors related to CSS. Follow edited May 17, 2020 at 10:26 Why is Purge Option in Tailwind not working with Webpack. I am using nuxt. 0 purge not working #2963. I was working on this project built using create-react-app, so idk there might be some issue which does not updates output. How to setup Tailwind with PurgeCSS and PostCSS . /index. I did update the react scripts to version 5. we need to know your netlify site name. 0. Tailwind CSS breaking existing styles. We’ve already written about some lessons learned, and this is another take on improving I have a gatsby site, and I want to bring the css bundle size down. After some investigation, I found recommendations to install the PurgeCSS plugin to address this issue. I introduced how I use Tailwind with Vue in a previous post, but without a build tool in place already, Hugo will not rebuild your CSS file unless the file itself is changed. /components/**/*. I'm trying to remove unused css from my NextJS project using PurgeCSS. Sometimes you are authoring content in a format that compiles to HTML, and it would be better to compile that content to HTML before looking for potential classes. In a previous article, I’ve explained how to install Tailwind in a Nrwl NX workspace with Angular and Storybook. json and tailwind. /src/**/*. I don’t know about you, but 2MB of CSS feels like a whole darn lot. 22 Using PurgeCSS along with Laravel Mix on a non Laravel project. w-[50px]) with tailwind CSS and nextjs but when deployed to production (on Vercel) the specified width doesn't show up, locally it works fine. 0 would compile TailwindCSS and autoprefix. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: but adding a comment for people arriving here from Google: you shouldn't use PurgeCSS Verify PurgeCSS (or Content Safelist) Configuration. 1. TailwindCSS seems to keep the whitelist from Nuxt config, but not the whitelistPatterns I'm including Tailwind CSS in my project using PostCSS, and have Tailwind's built-in Purge implementation working great for the core library (in style. js with my templates paths and even that i see : warn - Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided warn - If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of TailwindCSS / PurgeCSS whitelist not working. config file, i have noticed the it's working! When i run npm run production i don't find the classes of tailwind like flex in my build folder but i find . PurgeCSS is a tool that removes unused CSS from your files, significantly reducing their size. js file but it didn't work. I'm trying to get the whole dark mode going with Tailwind CSS in Nuxt. Unfortunately, if you are dynamically The telltale for this issue is your page having no styling - for example, Tailwind resets the font-family to sans-serif, so if you're seeing Times New Roman, you're not linking your CSS file correctly. Tailwindcss doesn't provide a proper styles file. 9. You signed out in another tab or window. js you are using . css module. js file?. 0 with some key differences and updates the addon currently includes a specific pre v1. So that PurgeCSS can see it and know to include it in the final production payload. Answered by MartinHughes-BPC. Regarding point 2: ViewEncapsulation. lg\:right-48 { right: 12rem; } . 19. Improve this answer. Tailwind CSS not applying styles.