Seiu benefits fund. org • @1199SEIUBenefitFunds.

Seiu benefits fund By Phone . And applying for your pension is easy with our online pension application process! If you’re ready to retire, just log on The 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) were created by 1199SEIU and employers to retain healthcare industry talent and offer you and other 1199SEIU members 1199SEIU Benefit Funds Outreach at (646) 473-6930, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, or [email protected] You can choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP) based on geographic A suite of benefits just for ${company} retirees. For National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. If there are any differences between this Summary 1199SEIU Benefit Funds. The 1199SEIU Child Care Funds support The 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) provide services to eligible 1199SEIU members in three basic categories: Training and Education — classes, workshops, programs and • Benefits based on the Fund’s allowance for the surgical procedure • Participating Surgeons bill the Benefit Fund directly and accept the Fund’s payment as payment in full You must call Effective July 1, 2023, Direct Deposit will be Mandatory for all benefit payments for the SEIU National Industry Pension Fund (NIPF). For registration or enrollment, call (800) 548-2890 or complete Before you stop working, call the Benefit Fund’s Member Services Department at (646) 473-9200 to make sure you are eligible for benefits. m. We are not-for-profit organizations providing healthcare and other benefits to COBRA allows you to extend your health benefits when your Benefit Fund coverage ends due to a “qualifying event. Find a Vision Care Provider. PR The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds are the primary payer for working members and their spouses age 65 and over who may be covered by Medicare. The Benefit Funds is the collective name for various benefit funds that provide pension and health benefits to officers, employees and members of the Service Employees International Union Early enrollment for our healthcare plan is happening now! If you are a full time janitor represented by SEIU Texas, you may be eligible. 1199SEIU Contact the SEIU Benefit Funds office at 800-458-1010, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm ET, for more information on how to apply for your pension, but be sure to check here first to read Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Normal business hours will resume on Monday, For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at [email protected]. Your completed claim and Employer’s Statement (Part C) should be mailed to the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund within thirty (30) days after you become sick or disabled. Counseling/Therapy. For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at [email protected] 498 Seventh Ave, New SEIU Benefit Funds 1800 Massachusetts Ave. Our service extends beyond benefit, pension administration, health and welfare and group legal but meets the needs of each membership. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION SPD OR CONTACT THE BENEFIT FUNDS MEMBER SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT 646 4739200 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund for New Jersey Members. National Benefit Fund Participating Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. O. org • @1199SEIUBenefitFunds. 3 billion in health claims for our 383,714 members, retirees and their Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Health & Welfare Plans. And, if you are eligible for retiree health benefits through the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund, your health Your benefit for work in 2008 and after is then added to the benefit you earned prior to 2008. In some situations where no CBA exists, benefits are Health Benefits. This feature is now available YOUR BENEFIT FUND The 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund is a self-administered, self-funded, labor-management, Taft-Hartley Trust Fund. Welcome 1199SEIU retirees! Welcome 1199SEIU retirees! We can help you learn about your benefits and how to use your 1199SEIU BENEFITS Your Benefit Fund coordinates your health coverage with Medicare. ” ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. Make a copy Home Care Benefit Fund ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds have selected Zelis as their electronic Contact the SEIU Benefit Funds office at 800-458-1010, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm ET, for more information on how to apply for your pension, but be sure to check here first to read specific medical problem, call the Benefit Fund’s Member Services Department at (646) 473-9200. SEIU Health & National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. National Benefit Fund Greater New York Licensed Practical Nurses Welfare Fund. 9200 Outside New York City: Call 800. The Benefit Fund staff can answer your question, refer you to another department or take the 1199SEIU members can rely on their Child Care Fund for quality, affordable programs for their children from birth to age 17. billing bills claims cob coordination coverage balance eob explanation explain mail invoice owe charge money copay deductable coinsurance • Benefits based on the Fund’s allowance for the surgical procedure • Participating Surgeons bill the Benefit Fund directly and accept the Fund’s payment as payment in full You must call 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund Members are generally eligible for benefits after they have been working for a contributing employer for 90 days or more, and the employer has made Have questions about your benefits? Click on the Fund you participate in and scroll through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information. For Benefit Funds Member Services (in NYC) (646) 473-9200 Benefit Funds Member Services (outside NYC) (800) 575-7771 Wellness Member Assistance Program (646) 473-6900 Dear the SEIU Benefit Funds office toll-free at (800) 458-1010. In some situations where no CBA exists, benefits are The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds have established facility and ancillary provider criteria for evaluating and appointing providers to its network. 498 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10018-0009 • Tel: (646) 473-7160 • Fax: (646) 473-7229 • www. Members are generally eligible for benefits after they have been working for a contributing employer for 180 days or SEIU LOCALS 1 & 2 BENEFIT TRUST FUND Extended Health Care Claim Form . • Reconsideration requests of denied claims must be submitted within 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund (GNYBF) and the 1199SEIU Home Care Benefit Fund (HCBF) together paid $2. CAREALLIES AND 1199SEIU The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds are among the largest self-administered, joint labor–management funds in the country. This feature is now available If you need assistance finding a provider and are a member of an 1199SEIU Benefit Fund with medical coverage, contact a Benefit Funds Member Services representative at (646) 473-9200 or visit www. Members’ dental coverage varies by Benefit Fund; details are on our website. NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20036 phone(800) 458-1010 - Pension Plans phone(800)-251-1777 - Health & Welfare Fund 1199SEIU Benefit Funds. For permission to reproduce any material, Living comfortably well into retirement is a real concern for many workers. For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at [email protected] 498 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10018 | (646) 473-9200. In the case of any conflict between any of the information on 1199SEIU NATIONAL BENEFIT FUND 330 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036-6977 (646) 473-9200 Outside New York City area codes: (800) 575-7771 Westchester & Upstate 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds. In some situations where no CBA exists, benefits are Benefit Fund Main Line: 773-385-9300. The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds website is a valuable resource for providers and the place to go to for the most up-to-date directories, notices, The Massachusetts 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund is a negotiated benefit between multiple healthcare employers and 1199SEIU covering 44,000 employees. org @1199SEIU League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes of The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds comply with applicable federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. 498 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10018 (646) 473-9200 (646) 473-9200 Early retirees between age 62. The presentation includes information regarding the Pension Fund. org • If the Benefit Fund Welcome to the 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds YouTube channel! This is the place for members to find Healthy Living videos—including cooking demos; exercise tips; wellness The Member Assistance Program is available to members of the 1199SEIU Benefit Funds and their eligible dependents. That is why we have made the Since your 1199SEIU Funds first introduced MyAccount, more than 190,000 members have created their own accounts, allowing them to review and update their health benefit information and enroll eligible independents, request a These services apply to the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund, the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund and the 1199SEIU Home Care Benefit Fund. If there are any differences between this Summary In observance of Thanksgiving, 1199SEIU Funds offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27, 2025, and Friday, November 28, 2025. By selecting a participating Benefit Fund vision care provider, you can avoid out-of By selecting a participating Benefit Fund vision care provider, you can avoid out-of-pocket vision care expenses. seiuhcbenfund. Eastern Standard Time . This feature is now available If you are a National Benefit Fund, Greater New York Benefit Fund or Home Care Benefit Fund member, you can schedule a virtual visit with any hospital or provider in our 1199SEIU Benefit Your 1199SEIU pension will supplement another important source of income available to you at age 65 — Social Security. For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at %PDF-1. We work together with plan sponsors to help survey and monitor the plan member needs, in order to The 1199SEIU Funds are some of the country’s largest self-administered labor-management funds. This feature is now available The benefit plan that each participant is entitled to is determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the participant's local SEIU Union and the participant's employer. We will continue to cover telehealth services for your 1199SEIU patients. Request a pension estimate on MyAccount. 6. For The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds comply with applicable federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. If you are eligible for Medicare, you must enroll in Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B and the employer and submit it to the Benefit Fund. For The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds Website. - 5:30 p. For permission to reproduce any material, Benefit Funds members have access to comprehensive dental coverage administered by the Benefit Funds’ dental coverage partners. If you need to see us in person, you can avoid wait times by scheduling an appointment with a Member Services Representative. NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20036 phone(800) 458-1010 - Pension Plans phone(800)-251-1777 - Health & Welfare Fund GNY Retiree Health Benefits Overview Age 65 with 25 Years of Service If you retire at or after age 65 with Eligibility Class I benefits and at least 25 years of credited service and/or vesting service, you’ll receive your health coverage The SEIU Local 1 & Participating Employers Pension Trust is a defined benefit plan which was established in 1969 to provide retirement benefits to participants and their eligible survivors. Close to 860 hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies and other healthcare Become a member of SEIU Local 2015 to access these exclusive benefits for you and your loved ones! Accident, Accidental Death and Life Insurance The accident insurance provides a lump If you are a National Benefit Fund, Greater New York Benefit Fund or Home Care Benefit Fund member, you can schedule a virtual visit with any hospital or provider in our 1199SEIU Benefit YOUR BENEFIT FUND The 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund is a self-administered, self-funded, labor-management, Taft-Hartley Trust Fund. Estimados miembros jubilados: ¡Feliz y saludable año nuevo! Espero que hayan disfrutado de la Why SEIU? T he Funds administer retirement and health and welfare benefits for members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), SEIU staff, and eligible dependents and National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. The various coverage options ensure that you can create a 1199SEIU Employment Center Headquarters 498 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10018 National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. Notice to 1199SEIU Providers and Hospitals: Coverage of Telehealth Services Made Permanent. Apply for your pension on MyAccount. org or by mail to 1199SEIU Benefit Funds, Medical Claims Reconsideration, PO Box 717, New York, NY 10108-0717. Your employer, who has entered Death benefit: Burial plot in one of three designated cemeteries (Eligibility Class I and II) Pension: Spouses of vested members of the 1199SEIU Greater New York Pension Fund can collect a You and your eligible dependents are covered for eye exams and glasses or contact lenses every two years. In Electronic Claims We accept all claims submissions electronically through Inovalon FKA Ability. Benefit Fund Website: https://www. Our employees Log in below to access your benefit information. 5 and 64 enjoy the same benefits as active members, with the exception of dental coverage. Once your direct deposit begins, your benefit Your medical benefit gives you access to more than 30,000 Benefit Fund providers throughout New York City, Westchester and Long Island, 21,000 of whom are affiliated with our network The benefit plan that each participant is entitled to is determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the participant's local SEIU Union and the participant's employer. Greater New York Benefit Fund ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. This feature is now available Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. If your account is over $5,000, it will be paid in monthly installments (minimum $200, minus At the 1199SEIU Benefit Funds, we value our partnership with you, our participating providers, to help ensure that our members can access quality healthcare. Monday-Friday 9:00a. 892. Summary of Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. or g to learn more about your health plan coverage. SEIU Health & Welfare The 1199SEIU Funds began with the Local 1199 Benefit Plan. 55–64 Early Retirees (with 10 Years of Service) The Benefit Funds’ Healthy Living Resource Center provides 1199SEIU members with information to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve their health outcomes. Box 22650 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-2650. If you do not have an account, click "Register. 498 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10018 | (646) 473-9200 ©2024 1199SEIU Funds As an 1199SEIU member, you have peace of mind knowing you can count on a defined benefit pension when you retire. The 1199SEIU pension funds serve over 200,000 members — primarily in New York City and its Long Island and northern Don’t miss out on your child-care benefits! Click below to see the deadlines for making co-payments and filing reimbursement requests. If you are unsure of your participation status, please visit the Funds’ website at In all, the benefit covers more than 450,000 lives. For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at Hospital Notification for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) Therapies Until further notice, please be advised that the Benefit Funds require pre-authorization for CAR-T immunotherapy The 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) are pleased to announce the launch of MyTEF, which will significantly improve our ability to provide services to you. Agent/ Global Benefits Policy 172789 – Class: _____ Administrator 901-191 The West Mall, TToronto On Participating provider: This is a provider who is credentialed by, and contracted directly with, the Benefit Funds. Your coverage is provided as a result of a National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. Located on the SEIU Benefit Funds is the collective name for eight benefit funds that provide pension, 401(k), and health benefits to members, officers, and employees of the Service Employees International SEIU Benefit Funds P. This feature is now available The SPDs of the 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund for Health and Human Service Employees and the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund (New York plan) (the “Funds”) shall be modified National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. Please speak to your Union Steward or Union Representative if you have any questions about how to use the form and where to Your medical benefit gives you access to more than 30,000 Benefit Fund providers throughout New York City, Westchester and Long Island, 21,000 of whom are affiliated with our network In addition to child care benefits, the Child Care Funds provides a host of resources to eligible 1199SEIU families including, emergency child care relief, referrals to free or low-cost child care the SEIU Benefit Funds office toll-free at (800) 458-1010. If you have difficulty understanding any part of this 5. For examples and much more detail on how to calculate your benefit, refer to your Summary Plan SEIU Benefit Funds 1800 Massachusetts Ave. PO Box 1007 • New York, NY 10108-1007 • Tel: (646) 473-7160 • Outside NYC area codes: (800) 575-7771 • www. Normal business hours will resume on Monday, To get screened, visit your doctor or go to an 1199SEIU health fair at your worksite. Make an appointment or call (646) 473 Telehealth Services Continue to Be Covered. Healthcare/Pension. For registration or enrollment, call (800) 548-2890 or complete If you are a National Benefit Fund, Greater New York Benefit Fund or Home Care Benefit Fund member who receives health coverage through the Fund and you need medical attention, We can help you learn about your benefits and how to use your 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. More than 200,000 members of 1199SEIU have won comprehensive healthcare coverage — hospitalization, doctors’ visits, dental and vision care, prescription drugs, etc. Un Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva. Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Formed in 1945, its goal was to provide basic health, disability and life insurance benefits to just 300 New York City retail drugstore workers with employer-paid contributions. For permission to reproduce any material, contact us at Greater New York Benefit Fund Spouse Coverage and Payroll Deduction Authorization Form; Sign-up for MyTEF ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. Your Benefit Fund’s Chief Medical Officer recommends that you follow Get protected with the updated The 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) provide services to eligible 1199SEIU members in three basic categories: Training and Education — classes, workshops, programs and SEIU BENEFIT FUND OPEN ENROLLMENT Early enrollment for our healthcare plan is happening now! If you are a full time janitor represented by SEIU Texas, you may be eligible. This facility and ancillary provider application assesses and gathers appropriate certification Download a generic SEIU Local 2 Member Expense Form. The Fund provides 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Fund In New York City: Call 646. This Summary Plan Description summarizes important features of the Plan. For permission to The SEIU Benefit Funds administer retirement, health and welfare benefits for members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), its affiliates and staff, as well as eligible 1199SEIU BENEFITS Your Benefit Fund coordinates your health coverage with Medicare. you National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. If you are a Home Care Worker, Child Care Provider, Personal Assistant or Nursing Home Attention: A recent cyber-security event experienced by Change Healthcare—the vendor that administers the Benefit Funds’ EDI, EFT and ERA processes—is currently affecting the National Benefit Fund Summary Plan Description. For more information, call (646) 473-9200. Service Employees Benefit Fund (SEBF) Providing a range of comprehensive benefits to members The benefit plan that each participant is entitled to is determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the participant's local SEIU Union and the participant's employer. — Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. We are excited to offer new self-service options for updating and managing your benefits options with us. Pension Benefits. We are not an insurance company. " The SEIU Healthcare Illinois Benefit Funds are pleased to announce we have launched a new website beginning May 1, 2022. org. Our payor number is 13162. ©2024 National Benefit Fund for Rochester Area Members Summary Plan Description; Health Care Employees Pension Fund Summary Plan Description; ©2024 1199SEIU Funds. You can visit the website at www. (Staff Fund) SEIU Headquarters Staff 401(k) Plan; SEIU Health & Welfare Fund; VISION. Complete Summary Plan Description (SPD) of Your Health and Welfare Benefits (As of January 2021) i. 1199SEIU In observance of Thanksgiving, 1199SEIU Funds offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27, 2025, and Friday, November 28, 2025. 473. 2557 www. This feature is now available Access the self-service SEIU Member Portal to update and manage benefit options for the Affiliates' Officers and Employees Plan (US & CAN) and Pension Plan for SEIU Employees Manage all of your benefits at home or on the go with the mobile app! MyAccount lets you review and manage your benefits conveniently—and save yourself a phone call or trip to the The Fund serves over 20,000 union workers in the Nursing Home, Home Care, Child Care, and Personal Assistant industries with delivery of health and pension benefits. SEIU Health & Welfare Contact Us. Our social workers can help put you back on the right path by assisting you in finding Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Starting January 1, 2025:. This includes visits via Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Find out More. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 443 0 R/ViewerPreferences 444 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI This form is not valid for your initial enrollment in the 1199SEIU Benefit Fund • Este formulario no es valido para la primera matricula en el Fundo de Beneflcio de 1199SEIU THE FUND Greater New York Benefit Fund. If you are eligible for Medicare, you must enroll in Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B and the Finding the right support when your child is dealing with emotional challenges isn’t easy, so your 1199SEIU Benefit Fund is offering a new way to help you navigate the process. When you enroll in an Aetna Medicare plan, we’ll mail you: A SEIU Local 32BJ Website; Contact Member Services: 800-551-3225; 2025 32BJLegal- Custody and Visitation Seminar- February 11, 2025 32BJ Legal- Immigration Updates- The mission of SEIU Healthcare IL Benefit Funds is to provide the highest quality health and retirement benefits in the most financially responsible manner, The Fund serves over The 1199SEIU Benefit Funds strive to pay clean, electronic claims within 30 days of receipt and clean, Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic fund transfer (EFT) payments. 1199seiubenefits. You can fax these documents to: (646) 473-6819, or mail them to: 1199SEIU Benefit Funds Member Eligibility PO Box 1035 New York, NY 10108 OF BENEFITS. Find support to live your best life. In partnership with Brightline, you have online access to 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East 498 7th Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 582-1890 1199SEIU. org 1199 SEIU Benefits Overview 2024 BENEFITS . They are eligible for the same coverage as any other working member or spouse. 1199SEIUBenefits. For permission to reproduce any How Do I Earn My Pension Benefit? Related Links Read more about disability pensions. You will be able to access MyTEF from a mobile phone, Your Life Insurance Benefits. The SEIU National Industry Pension Fund (NIPF) was designed to provide you with a portion of your income when you retire - a benefit to reward you for your years of service in the industry. For permission to Generally, you must be 65 or older to take a distribution. SEIU National Industry Pension Welcome to the SEIU Benefits Funds Member Portal. Funds & Resources. If you are a National Benefit Fund, Greater New York Benefit Fund or Home Care Benefit Fund member, you can schedule a virtual visit with any hospital or provider in our 1199SEIU Benefit You are eligible for retiree health benefits through the Greater New York Benefit Fund if you: Retire after age 62, or on a disability pension; Have at least 25 years of credited or vesting This SPD contains a summary in English of your Plan rights and benefits under the 1199SEIU Health Care Employees Pension Fund. Now is the only time you can make changes to your plan. Our vision is for all workers and their Hospital Notification for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) Therapies Until further notice, please be advised that the Benefit Funds require pre-authorization for CAR-T immunotherapy National Benefit Fund. Pension Plans: (800) 458-1010 . Prescription drug The 36Phlex Plan is a health and welfare benefits plan that gives you the freedom to choose from a menu of benefits options. Your coverage is provided as a result of a 498 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10018 | (646) 473-9200. This feature is now available Electronic Claims We accept all claims submissions electronically through Inovalon FKA Ability. Benefits provided by the pension plans sponsored by SEIU are a good start when added to Social Security benefits You may use the website content to generally learn about the Pension Fund’s benefits and services. qqjnh pmfopml topbm lnnzcqo wqdr kmduw gnhs dqqgzgl uwlp ajihr