Mono black devotion modern Card Kingdom $121 . Deck Help forum Posted on Dec. Don't forget, if you want to see this deck made into videos, you can vote by Mono Black Devotion is also known as Black Devotion, Mono Black or Mono Black devotion . Saihaan Khan • February 10, 2018 When I mention Modern deck, you immediately think of Lantern, Death's Shadow and whatever other marquee decks are currently making the rounds. Any suggestions are welcomed. Mono Black Devotion is also known as Mono-Black Midrange, Mono Black Devotion or waste crime 2. by TheWatchGuard1 on 05 May 2014. Last updated about 1 year ago. Type. Mono-Blue 155 decks. 4. 21 - 0 Rares. Archetype. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Been Brewing up this Mono Black Devotion list for modern. 20 - 14 Rares. Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of Much Abrew About Nothing!We finally got some bannings, so today, we're heading to our new Modern format to play one of my favorite mechanics from the last decade of (Modern) Mono-Black Devotion (SAVAGE!!!) (Modern) Mono-Black Devotion (SAVAGE!!!) By Mtgjameslr420 Created Jun 26, 2018 Updated Jun 26, 2018. 94 tix 12 Mythic, 18 Rare, 24 Uncommon, 7 Common, 1 Special. Mono Black Devotion modern. What if we put them all together in the same deck? Search Bar. 31 tix 5 Mythic, 33 Rare, 25 Uncommon, 7 Common. I think it's too slow and/or winmore. It's really tempting to add another color (maybe white, since Lingering Souls seems great in this deck) for the upgraded build of the deck, but then it wouldn't be Mono-Black Vehicles anymore. This is a basic, midrange combo Mono-Black Devotion deck. Formats. 29. Mono-black Posted by u/lokitheking - 3 votes and 21 comments It is currently being played in Pauper, Pioneer, Explorer, and Modern, mainly in the following archetypes: Mono Black Control, Mono Black Devotion, and Tortured Existence in Pauper. Deckcycle Feature This deck is powerful and comes up from time to time in modern as a Tier 1 crusher. be/_y3rjy1AHKw#mtgomodern#monoblackdevotion#mtgmonoblackdevotion We all know Nykthos is good in Mono Green but what about Mono Black?Today's video is brought to you by Card Kingdom. We've played Mono-Black Devotion before, and the plan is the same: flood the board with black mana symbols to power up Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and then use Gray Merchant of Asphodel to win the game. i'm trying to keep the total Explorer Mono Black Devotion Deck Guide: Why Going Fair With Nykthos Is So Powerful. 16 - 4 Uncommons. Wanted to try a mono black brew for FNM that focuses on [[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] and black devotion instead of the Coffers/Karn build that's been around for a bit. 0. Card Odds v1 Draw hand. 54 - 80. edm0ose. Utilize annoying permanents and good removal to keep the opponent off balance Bonjour, Budget Magic lovers, it's that time once again!This week, we're heading to Modern to revisit one of my all-time favorite Budget Magic archetypes—Mono-Red Hollow One—but with a bunch of powerful new Mono-Black Vampires is a deck that exists, and is called "Mono-Black Vampires". Rarity (main - side) 3 - 1 Mythic Rares. But of course, nothing can top the mono-black card that stole all of our hearts in Theros standard: Gary. Some players opt to splash colors for sideboard cards, but I don't think they solve any problems that black cards cannot solve. The deck clearly plays a lot like the Vampire list you’ve probably already seen in Historic. https://www. Obliterator Devotion is basically a midrange deck but with a handful of weird choices to help support the devotion sub-theme. I wanted to start a thread to get people's thoughts on the possibility of mono-black devotion being a viable deck in modern now and see if anyone has been doing almost Mono Black devotion modern 2021 Modern Control Devotion Midrange WB (Orzhov) gorgul_darkgift. Matchups vs most aggro decks have been incredibly favourable. As its name suggests, Mono-Black Burn is a burn deck, except that, rather than being red like 99% of burn decks in the history of Magic: the Gathering, it's mono-black!The deck has some sneaky ways to drain the A card I haven't seen mentioned here that I've found relatively solid in mono black devotion is [[Garza's Assassin]], it increases devotion, serves as solid instant speed removal and can be recovered in a pinch to pump up a gray merchant. [[Gray merchant of asphodel]] can win the game [[Gifted aetherborn]] death touch, life link [[Geralf's messenger]] some drain, and he comes back [[Phyrexian obliterator]] 4 Mana 5/5. TCGPlayer Mkt $97. Builder: MIchael Hoskins — Top8 — SCG Invitational Qualifier Gainesvillle — 03-Jun-2017. Also for two drops i was using inkfathom infiltrator but maybe there are better options. 44 - 107. avg: $ 96. Leyline of the Void is a great card to include in a modern devotion deck (often free 2 devotion that hates on quite a few decks in modern). Edit. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Wrap-Up. graveyard decks and UWx Control hold it back. Browse > Home / Decks / Pioneer / Mono-Black Devotion. I've Today we try a fun mono black dvotion brew!Deck list: http://www. 0. 4 - 0 Commons. Here is a thread for Black based devotion. This is a mono-black devotion deck. By Corbin Hosler | @Chosler | Published 2/7/2023 | 2 min read. Format: Explorer User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Apr The Deck. Mono-black devotion decks seem like they will have trouble keeping enough creatures on the battlefield to maintain a decent amount of devotion, and the archetype seems too slow these days, especially with so many decks that can Commander / EDH Devotion Lifegain Mono-Black. Deckcycle Feature Queue. The article writer took that deck, changed 3 cards, and called it "Mono-Black Devotion. 2 - 0 Commons. You can probably do fine at fnm level with a midrange deck off the strength of IoK/Thoughtseize, Fatal Push, and Liliana, but mono black's problem has always been that there's no real reason not to play additional colors. N/A Avg. 5 out of 5 stars Mono Black Devotion Modern Competitive Devotion Midrange Mono-Black Primer WB (Orzhov) C h a s m o l i n k e r. Recently, I've had a hankering to return to playing Mono-Black Devotion once more, this time in modern. Necro doesn't suit any list imo, you either need to combo or have a deck built around it. 30 - 8 Rares. This definitely applies to the Standard list My take on a mono black devotion modern deck. Mono-Black devotion/zombies isn’t something that’s often seen in modern at all right now, although Im sure that if you can figure a way to slam early Obliterators you could steal some games. Upvoted 0. $? TIX. Changing the deck up — Feb. Non-budget upgrades: [[card:Liliana of the veil]] [[card:Phyrexian obliterator]] [[card:damnation]] [[card:fulminator mage]] T/O. Best Mono-Black Devotion Cards? I have the usual - geralfs messenger, phyrexian obliterator, Gary. Force. Upvote 0. 18 - 0 Rares. Rarity (main - side) 11 - 0 Mythic Rares. padrim. The goal is to get a bunch of blac Mono Black Midrange is also known as Mono Black, Mono-Black Midrange or Mono-Black Aggro. 45: Tokens: Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Zombie 2/2 B: Updated Jan 16, 2018 by calvin. Rarity (main - side) 0 - 2 Mythic Rares. Black-White Devotion Stream Highlights Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono-Black Devotion deck, by MIchael Hoskins. 0 Mono Black Devotion. Styled after the mono black devotion decks of modern. 45: From aggro to midrange to even some controlling builds, mono-black MTG cards are everywhere, to the point that other colors are being left by the wayside as people live the dream of playing Mono-Black. 81: Tokens: Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope Black Devotion Modern Mono-Black. Golgari 25 decks. com/jrdc14Twitter: https://twitt Instant Deck Tech time! It's Modern Monday, and today we are checking out one of the spiciest Modern decks I've seen in a long, long time. The deck plays as an aggro/control deck with great versatility in the mid-game. 22 - $ 96. Rarity (main - side) 7 - 0 Rares. Image View Timeline. Creatures 3xDeathrite shaman 4xBloodghast 4xGatekeeper of Malakir 4xGeralf's Messenger 3xPhyrexian Obliterator 4xGray Merchant of Asphodel Enchantments 4xUnderworld Connections 2xWhip of Erebos Instant/Sorcery Mono Black Devotion in Modern. I stumbled upon this list by accident and I love how it does relatively well Mono Black Devotion Control Deck - Modern Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card. Card Kingdom $466 - 504 . But mono black devotion is going to run the obliteraters but I have not seen that deck around for a very long time and crabvine and dredge run grave crawlers but those decks are not mono colored. Support us on Patreon to remove ads and more! Looking for a visual deck list? Modern $662. Two Color. Comments. WIN WITH GARY. Yet, Modern has also gotten a ton faster and added a Modern Mono-Black Devotion. Also: Goryo's - Not enough targets Corrupt - weak card choice, not constructed worthy Slaughter Pact - really only good against Twin decks when they think you are tapped out and going off. A powerful, interactive mono black midrange deck with [[gray merchant of asphodel]] as a finisher. Add to folder Copy. Draw Sample Hand; Deck Stats; Deck Details; Main Deck (60 cards) Creatures (20) 3xBloodghast. 18 - 7 Rares. You can pick up some MTG cards (and help Black Devotion 2023 Modern Mono-Black. 45 tix 11 Mythic, 35 Rare, 12 Uncommon. The Sorin plus Champion of Dusk play has been tried and proven incredibly effective, and it really makes up for the lack of Phyrexian Arena. This deck focuses on destroying opposing creatures, creating tokens, stealing life with devotion to black, and exiling cards with great ETB effects with mimic vat. Good luck hopefully you can find something you #MTG #Modern #Mono black devotionHello! This is a personal favorite of mine to play in modern for just a little over $200. com/deck/92CM9fAepPatreon: https://www. avg: $ 109 - $ 125; low: $ 73. m. Updated Sep 28, 2024 by Climatronic using our MTG Deck Builder. Deckcycle Feature 0 Mono Black Devotion a Modern MTG deck played by jrdc14 on 2023-02-07. avg: $ 371 - $ 455 Mono-Black Devotion was a hit, so Corbin returns the popular archetype with some changes designed to make the deck more competitive in Modern's diverse metagame. Buy Now! Avg Price $938. As such, rather than rehashing all of the deck's details, let's focus on the big new Watch me play my updated Mono Black Devotion deck!Original Deck Tech here: https://youtu. The primary plan of the deck is simple: curve out with powerful creatures, many of which have two or three black mana symbols; get in as much damage as possible with our creatures; and then use Gray Merchant of Asphodel as a The Gate is an interesting deck because it combines the best of what people see in other black-centric archetypes: 1) Removal (discard and kill spells) 2) Attrition (2-for-1 effects) 2) Card Advantage (dark confidant and bitterblossom) What do you get when you combine these? A real sweet mono black deck with a simple disruption beat-down strategy. Key Cards. 4xGatekeeper of Malakir. Size: 60. 05. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 20: Tokens: Emblem Monoblack Control is also known as Mono Black, Mono-Black Devotion or Black Rack. Cards im 99% convinced are going to be in the deck: 4 Pack Rat - Can take over games turning dead cards into rats, great with underworld connections. Not to mention with all the devotion to black, a merchant of grey will heal you and finish your opponent usually. Mono-Black Devotion by Eliott_dragon. Azorius 9 decks. dvdn1997. Search Decks. CMC: The Deck. 1/14/2024 Free-form Deck: 60 cards · Sideboard: 15 cards Mono-Black Devotion Mono-Black Control: Thiago Bonato Carvalhido bonatokiske: Player's Cup - 2 Edio (Pauper) 3-3: 37 tix: $ 55: 2024-06-19: Devotion To Black: Pedro Osório: Midweek Pauper Arena (Porto, Portugal) 10th: 29 tix: $ 55: 2024-03-10: Mono-Black Midrange: CthulhuProds: Pauper Jungle: 1-4: 21 tix: $ 28: 2024-02-08: Devotion: FluffyD: Pauper League 2024-02 Monoblack Devotion a Modern MTG deck played by Djamel Atlaoui in MKM series Trial @ GuildofGamers (Barcelona) on 2017-10-22. com Deck Date: Apr 12, 2023 Deck Page Visual View Stream Popout Edit Edit Copy Download Dropdown Toggle. Format. A huge body that gives 2 devotion and draws cards, with a planeswalker that can make Champion bigger and gain us some life back, Mono Black Necrodominance is also known as deck, Mono-Black Necro or Mono Black. Having very good results in the current meta running a mono black devotion list. I really hate Nykthos in Mono Black, but KillaGerm plays it so maybe I'm just wrong. For mono black, [[Victim of Night]] is IMHO the better 2-mana kill spell than Go for the Throat because You have 8 rack and Mono black coffers. Mono Black Devotion – Budget Standard Deck. This deck is incredibly powerful and features many different ways to win, meanwhile frustrating your opponent by forcing them to discard their entire hand with cards such as Chittering Rats, Ravenous Rats, and liliana's Specter! My take on a budget Mono Black devotion build. 70: Mono Black Devotion. CMC: 3. 2xGeralf's Messenger. But it probably does not call to mind Mono Black Devotion. Mono-B: Devotion to Black - 8-Rack is also a contender, but I think its lousy matchups vs. hey kids! it's time to look at the hip new rogue deck that's sweeping modern! get ready for: mono black devotion!! now with ^edits! creatures Updated Jul 31, 2023 by Retrophill using our MTG Deck Builder. This is pretty demanding on your deckbuilding though, and you can't just slot it into anything. 11. Playtest v1. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck I modified it, and loved it while it still dominated the meta in standard. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. 77. Format: Historic Event: Weekday Night Magic, 2-2 Deck Source: mtgmelee. Modern Other Midrange +1. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck So my roommate's been on B/W Devotion for quite a while and has had solid success with it at an FNM level. For Mono-Black Devotion to really be a thing in Modern, I think we would need to see the printing of some creature (preferably creatures, but at least one would be a start) that is good against aggro, costs BB or BBB, and isn't completely shit. Suggest Archetype Visual View. CMC: 2. D r a w _ W u r m. mono black devotion. Selesnya 37 decks. Gameplay for Budget Mono B. Yarok’s Fenlurker attacks the opponent’s hand while Lazotep Reaver goes wide and creates a number of blockers. Price: Devotion. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $642—49. 17 - 3 Uncommons. Most of my play group hates this deck cause it just levels the feild every time. (UW Control x 2). Spoiler Timeline. MONO BLACK DEVOTION Modern Competitive Devotion Discard Midrange Mono-Black. What I'd ideally like to be able Mono-Black Devotion Modern Devotion Discard Midrange Mono-Black. Comments and suggestions would be great! Thanks for checking out the deck! Suggestions. ca: Toys & Games fun decks. 22 (2 missing) low: $ 58. mono black devotion/non budget Modern Devotion Mono-Black. Rarity (main - side) 12 - 0 Mythic Rares. com/watch?v=0LzGsKnvGLQ PADRIM DO CANAL - https://www. Deckcycle Feature Queue This deck is Modern legal. The deck is also significantly cheaper to build than Olá, Budget Magic lovers! It's that time again. com/archetype/modern-mono-black-devotion-60332#paper Mono black Devotion Modern* Budget Devotion Midrange Mono-Black. Modern decks Mono Black Aggro MIchael Hoskins SCG Invitational Qualifier Gainesvillle. 5, 2020, 12:50 a. Drag to the Underworld will be a unconditional removalspell in most cases So I am thinking of making Mono black devotion for the new format, but it’s definitely missing out of some good cards from modern anyone have any ideas on what to put in it? Private Mod Note ( ): Rollback Post to Revision RollBack Updated Jan 12, 2025 by PhyrexianPraetor using our MTG Deck Builder. 89: Tokens: Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B: Folders: My decks, Decks I wanna build, Other deck, Hmmm, mono black, Mono Black, And now for something completely different, Budget Decks, Build In Paper, Black: Votes My first modern deck was actually a really bad mono-black devotion. Few weeks ago I started a 7 round Modern 4K 3-0 but unfortunately ran into 2 bad matches. By ansi Created May 6, 2018 Updated May 6, 2018. Timeless. 20 - $ 58. Greetings guys & gals! So I'm experimenting with mono-black Devotion with a little disruption worked in. Archived post. 34. So while I think that WB Vehicles could be very solid, we'll stick to mono-black for the non-budget build. by StoryArcher. Buy on MTGProxy $60. The game plan is pretty standard black; hand disruption early to give us time to stick down big threats, then using those big threats to ramp into even more threats for the win. Monocolor. Innistrad Remastered. Nykthos is seen as a combo enabler, but Skura thinks using it in fair ways is good too! Find out why playing Black and interaction Modern mono black devotion; Modern mono black devotion. Decks like mono-U Taking Turns and U-Tron are also solid, though the latter has a heavy artifact presence. 13 - 1 Uncommons. Playtest v1 This deck is Modern legal. Similar Deck Updated Jul 23, 2024 by silverxX using our MTG Deck Builder. Amazon. There are lists of mono black, black with a red splash, and black with a green splash, as well as birthing pod variants. COMMENT CLEAN OUT — Oct. Colorless 7 decks. baube using our MTG Deck Builder. Modern Aggro Competitive Devotion Goodstuff Midrange Mono Black. Sets; Modern As a casual player that's transitioning into a Modern environment, I wanted to bring my Mono-Black Devotion deck to a semi-competitive tournament in Modern Mono-Black. Mono-Black Devotion. Crypto I think a Mono Black Devotion Deck with Obliterator is possible in modern as a tier 2 deck, but you need to rethink some of the weaker card choices. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. Yet, once you look to Modern, the deck becomes much stronger, much faster. " Those changes are not significant enough to merit that name change. Mono-Black 764 decks. Format: Modern User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Jan 7, 2020 Deck Page Visual View Stream Popout Edit Edit Copy Download Dropdown Toggle. 17 - 1 Rares. Builder: Yoshino Yuuki — 2nd — Modern Weekly @ Hareruya (Japan) [27 Players] — 26-Apr-2019 Monoblack Devotion was considered the best deck in Standard many years ago, and with , it can still be a solid choice in Standard. Cards Aetherdrift. Non-Budget Mono-Black Vehicles. 4xGray Merchant of Aspho. Three Mono Black Devotion, also known as Dark Devotion or Black Licorice, was a true powerhouse during the Return to Ravnica to Theros Standard. 3xVampire Nocturnus. I have sort of become stuck in my ways In a format like Legacy or Modern, where the power levels of all the best decks are comparable, it might be best to pick a deck and learn the ins-and-outs, Black devotion decks are defined by Thoughtseize and Hero’s Downfall, or rather, their ability to deal with problematic permanents that a nearly mono-black deck might have an Mono Black Devotion: Top 4: Starcitygames Standard Open - Las Vegas: $117. Est Hey there, Budget Magic lovers, it's that time once again!Mono-Green Stompy is a classic budget archetype. Mono-Red 92 decks. mtggoldfish. 14 - 0 Rares. Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations. While sticking to pretty much the standard set list for this archetype I have added a few cards that really push this deck over the edge. seuvius. It's kind of my own brew, and it nevers fails. 10 - 0 Commons. Cards: 60: Avg. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average Mono Black Devotion. Open comment sort options Works well with LotV, who is also Mono Black Devotion deck for pioneer. 14 - 0 Uncommons. COM store. Feature Queue This deck is Modern legal. Boros 18 decks. TCGPlayer Mkt $80. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. youtube. cardsphere. Whip of Eden is for life gain and whatnot. Modern decks Mono Black Aggro Djamel Atlaoui MKM series Trial @ GuildofGamers (Barcelona) Monoblack Devotion. Mono Black is also known as Decklist, New Deck (2) or Mono-Black Devotion. As someone who used to play in Modern in early 2019, I have to say that people keep underestimating Monoblack Devotion decks. Posted by u/Jellyfiish - 17 votes and 16 comments It will be enough, I ran pretty well with a mono black control list with dark ritual built around Karn. 11, 2016. Bolt. Share. Mono Black Control decks revolves around the following themes & tribes: Historic, Removal, Spellslinger, Legends, Zombies, and Humans. 1; 2; 3; Next → Mono-Black Devotion. A high singularity Elite Mono Black Devotion Deck - Very Powerful - Modern & Pioneer Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card! : Amazon. Share Sort by: Best. Card Kingdom $127 - 147 . There are seemingly an infinite number of mono-black one turn kill combos in Foundations Standard. 10 - 0 Uncommons. JackSephton. This deck is focused on enter the battlefield effects, specifically from a mono-black perspective. Mono-Black Devotion by Alde Report Deck Name Fix Archetype $ 425. The Arena Coliseum - Timeless Trials $1K #001. my mono-black devotion deck that i use in modern tips are apreciated Nykthos can fuck up your curve if you don't play Urborg before it. 78. If you enjoy Instant Deck Tech and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest. TCGPlayer $337 - 419. 64; high: $ 359 - $ 947 There are few cards in Magic that are recognizable from single-word nicknames. First up is the budget version of the deck, clocking in at 10 Rares. 4xPhyrexian Obliterator. As such, I updated my old standard legal deck to function better in modern. Modern is a very fast format right now, and your deck has a strong endgame but will struggle to keep up in the first few turns. Browse > Home / Decks / Explorer / Mono-Black Devotion UB Explo Control by Elidril Report Deck Name Fix Archetype $ 282. Winrate: (30 days) View all winrates . Overall, there isn't a ton to say about the deck. My initial plays Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Mono Black Demons is also known as Mono-Black Demons, deck or Mono-Black Midrange. Edit Live Edit. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export Gifted Aetherborn improves our aggro matchup further and can hold back beefier decks like mono-green stompy, all while he improves our devotion count. Removal: Defile, since we are a mono black deck this card will be strong in most cases and at all points in the game. Since modern has lots of expensive lands, multi-color control is out and as a result I've turned to mono black. Your win condition is obviesly Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Phyrexian Obliterator Mono Black Coffers is also known as deck, Mono-black Coffers or Mono Black. May Timeless Mono-Black Devotion by MTG_Joe – 94% Mythic – January 2024 Ranked Season. 24 - 0 Uncommons. com Open. f o r f o r f o r e s t. Deck. $ 0. streamdecker. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Monoblack Control is also known as Mono Black, Mono-Black Devotion or Black Rack. If you have any suggestions or constructive critisism please dont hold back! The aim of the deck is discard control, sacrifice for board control and devotion for finishing. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck We have a mono black modern deck for the old kitchen table. Let me know what you think of I wanted to start a thread to get people's thoughts on the possibility of mono-black devotion being a viable deck in modern now and see if anyone has been doing any brewing or know of any Buy Now! Avg Price $938. Rarity (main - side) 6 - 0 Mythic Rares. 99. The plan is to curve out with strong black spells (gifted aetherborn, dread shade, phyrexian obliterator), than play gray merchant of asphodel to win! This deck is powerful and comes up from time to time in modern as a Tier 1 crusher. Yes you heard that right. January 26, 2024; Timeless; Timeless Mono-Black Devotion; Ranked; Decklist. Build it as a solid black Midrange list that tops The most viable Mono-Black deck in Modern right now is probably The Rack, do a little digging and you’ll find some very recent lists. Mono Black Demons, Mono Mono Black Devotion · Modern · Budget - Castle Locthwain, Swamp, Swamp, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Malakir Rebirth // Malakir Mire, Gifted Aetherborn, Mono-Black Devotion-Control Modern* pablito18. And there are very few cards in the format that can With Modern now becomming a FNM format I decided to brew up a rough list for a control deck for modern. Over the past seven years, it has gotten some huge upgrades like Steel Leaf Champion and Werewolf Pack Leader. ⭐️ Phyrexian obliterator & gray merchant pf asphodel. This deck is Modern legal. In fact, it was one of the very first Budget Magic decks we ever played, back in 2015. com. Dimir 52 decks. im open to ideas for improvements, im building this as a deck to help teach a friend at fnms as i want to keep the deck fairly simply but with opportunities and room to be more complexe if they think about there plays and gain experience. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. Depending on how strict you are being, I've seen winning decklists of "Mono-white" [[enduring ideal]] that ran some off-colour cards but only to fetch with idéal. 0 0 18 11 9 0 0 23. For a Devotion deck you're lacking a lot of permanents and payoffs. Since there isn't a great amount of fast mana it gets harder to effectively use it like in vintage. s s k o r a k z 6 6 5 1. Modern Mono Black Devotion is a black good stuff deck with amazing removal and creatures that can't Can a white splash make Mono-Black Devotion competitive in Modern? Check out the highlights below! A quick reminder. 18 - 0 Mono Black is also known as Mono Black, Mono-Black Control or Mono-Black Devotion. Standard May 30, 2021. 14: Folders: Modern: Votes: Ignored ok so this is a very different beast from normal mono b devotion builds, i really heavily on newer sets. You need 4 devotion to make it better than just a normal swamp, which isn't always the case. 6 - 0 Uncommons. Mono Black Or Mono-Black Devotion (Non-Budget Version) Modern* ArdentDawn. 00: Tokens: Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B: Folders: Uncategorized Mono black devotion. 37: Tokens: Today we are checking out a Mono Black Orzhov deck that user KillaGerm took to a 5-0 finish in an MTGO Modern League. This is a nice midrange deck that really takes advantage of black's toolbox of goodstuff cards. Mono-Black Devotion by MTG_Joe by Vertyx. 2 - 1 Commons. 19 - 8 Uncommons. Being limited to just one color greatly restricts access to sideboard cards, but the quality of Standard black cards is so high that Mono-Black Devotion has no issue finding solutions to its problems. Builder: dylan_mtg — Other — 08-Mar-2022. Below are links to the general list of what I am talking about. Bob. 41. Sorceries (7) 3xInquisition of Kozilek. Mono-Black Devotion for competitive Modern. Legal. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard After a long time of testing this is the best stand-alone Mono Black Devotion list that I have come up with. This list was HEAVILY inspired by benwsf's list, so I am not saying this is completely my own. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. This is my take on black devotion. 00 $ 0. Rarity (main - side) 10 - 0 Mythic Rares. Humans, Phoenix (100% so far!), Dredge (75%?) all all quite good. What looks like a messy pile of black cards is actually a decent mix of card draw, removal, and creatures. 00 . Deck Builder; MTG Cards Modern Aggro Devotion Discard Midrange Mono-Black. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 56 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2024-12-29: Mono-Black Devotion: Tixis: Pioneer Challenge 32 2024-12-29: 14th: 335 tix: $ 749: 2024-06-28: Mono-Black Midrange: Top Modern Mono Black Control decks. October 13, 2020; Mono Black Devotion by Drifter – Historic All Access Theorycraft. This is not a budget deck. Buy on TCGplayer $2966. Mono-White 196 decks. Feature Queue Orzov devotion almost Mono Black mid range. Mono Black Devotion deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). It's an unexpected powerhouse that thrives in an unprepared meta. . All Mono-Black Devotion Decks. If you want big mana in mono black, it's pretty effective to use [[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] and a bunch of creatures/permanents with lots of black mana symbols. Gray Merchant of Asphodel is a win condition, but Demigod of Revenge can steal a game out of nowhere. br/umotivo CITY CLASS GAMES - Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono-Black Devotion deck, by Bradley Merani. Builder: Instant Deck Tech time! Today we're heading to Modern to check out a super spicy deck looking to generate a ton of mana early in the game with Nykthos, Shrine of Nyx in conjunction with Leyline of Lightning and Leyline of Black Out. Builder: Bradley Merani — Top8 — SCG Invitational Qualifier New Holland — 21-May-2017. Wondering what creatures i should use for my one drop i was thinking either guul draz assassin or guul draz vampire, somthing that hopefully wont be a dead drop later in the game. The Cauldron Familiar + Witch’s Oven combo is the starting point to grind to the mid to late game. 1 - 0 Commons. Stumpn96. The main suggestion I'd make is "Don't get too cute with the Devotion payoffs". Mono-green infect used to be a popular budget deck I think? I can't think of any impressive mono-black deck you didn't list though. Rakdos 38 decks. Mode. A Mono-Black devotion/ control deck for modern. Mono-Green 303 decks. For sale is a 60 card custom Magic the Gathering mono This auction is for a 60 card, Mono-Black Devotion/Control/Discard deck. 10 (2 missing) Mono Black Devotion to Ayara Modern BR (Rakdos) Mono-Black UBR (Grixis) Krisotf. Updated Aug 02, 2023 by Maelstrom5 using our MTG Deck Builder. Add to folder Copy This deck is Modern legal. Mono black obliterator devotion (Modern) No planeswalkers, just well-devoted creatures for mono black. Modern decks Mono Black Aggro Bradley Merani SCG Invitational Qualifier New Holland. With a bit of luck, the deck can do well at tournaments. Overview; Hand Draw Simulator; Card Prices; Revision Mono Black Control is also known as Mono-Black Control or Mono Black Devotion or Mono Black. best of 1. Strong one drops and two drops. 4 Murderous Rider - Hero's downfall while Mono Black is also known as Deck, Mono Black or waste not. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Mono Black DEvotion. com: Elite Mono Black Devotion Deck - Muy potente - Moderno y Pioneer Legal - Construido a medida - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 cartas! : Juguetes y Juegos Today we're checking out a sweet Modern deck all the way from Japan that's looking to playing some of the most efficient and powerful black cards in the format: the fabled Mono-Black Control! Don't forget, if you want to see this deck made into videos, you can vote by liking, commenting and subscribing to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel ! Posted by u/anycolorbutblack - 5 votes and 16 comments Article Number 2: Mono Black Devotion in Modern blog. Burn is great. 84. Mono Black Devotion. 67. The general strategy is to control the opponent by disarming him from any threat he may have, and thus control the Mono Black Devotion is also known as Mono Black, deck or Mono-Black Midrange. 11 mythic. Rarity (main - side) 8 - 0 Mythic Rares. Updates Add. patreon. Plenty of removal and discard abilities. Buy on Card Kingdom $1041. 11 - 5 Rares. A few weeks ago, I explored one of the more unique archetypes we've covered in Mining Modern: Mono-Black Devotion. July 24, 2020; BO1 Mono Black Umori Devotion by MTGWayfinder – May 2020 Season. 21 - 1 Uncommons. 1, 2014. 5 - 3 Commons. Modern. 24 - 11 Rares. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Posted by u/Breadbox13 - 12 votes and 24 comments Browse > Mono Black Devotion Mono Black Devotion by Spafftastic Report Deck Name $ 289. Top. I Mono Black Devotion by Platinum-Mythic Rank Player – Traditional Standard Ranked Deck (6-0) October 17, 2020; Mono Black Devotion by yoman5 – Post-Omnath Ban Standard. PhyrexianPraetor. Posted by u/guardsman1275 - 27 votes and 43 comments Versão Completa - https://www. 15 min read The Most Valuable Magic: The Gathering Cards in Packs Right Now! Standard Alchemy Historic Pioneer Modern Legacy Pauper Gladiator Premodern Historic Brawl Explorer. Gruul 45 decks. 26 - 14 Rares. Simic 22 decks. 45. I love the deck, and hope you enjoy it as well. Mono Black Aggro is also known as Mono Black, Mono-Black Devotion or Mono Black Aggro. You have grey merchant, but Nykthos is typically a feature of devotion decks to help you outpace other decks. The idea began as a Modern version of the Mo-Black devotion deck. Howdy partners this here is my mono black devotion deck. Orzhov 47 decks. Izzet 11 decks. 01 - $ 86. Gary had his Modern deck (18) Creature • (8) Enchantment • (23) Land • (2) Planeswalker • (9) Sorcery Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. 20 - 5 Uncommons. While the countdown to Eldritch Moon on Magic Online continues (two weeks to go!), this week we're heading to Modern to play a deck I'm super excited about: Suicide Black. 16. Let me know what you guys think and if any changes are necessary. Featuring a Legenday toolbox built around Thalia's Lancers and playing Boarderposts as Plains with white-mana symbols, it's Mono-White Devotion!. Feature Queue. Suggestions. Naturally, I got really excited when I saw Todd Anderson playing the deck on VS Live with the newest MH2 cards. Builder: jrdc14 — Other — 07-Feb-2023. Rarity (main - side) 13 - 0 Mythic Rares. 15 Tix; Comments; You must login or register to see the price based on your collection. Business, Economics, and Finance. The new Legendary uncommon, Tymaret, Chosen from Budget Modern Mono Black Devotion Modern Control Devotion Discard Mono-Black. 11: Trends Line Chart. Golgari Devotion by coutinho brewer – 96% Mythic – April 2021 There was a time when people tried forcing mono black devotion, but it was too slow then and modern has sped up since. At some point I realized I could play a main deck Blood Moon with impunity, which also gave me access to Terminate and a handful of useful sideboard options. jioojq qgmiucmv siurar fbfdt exneo yye dle pncrnlc juzvkl buvr