Mcps pdo. Compensation Montgomery County Public Schools.

Mcps pdo MCPS Facility Schedule Report. 7/1/2020 Data Synergy (Student Information System) provides a central location for viewing and updating student data, including grades, attendance, enrollment, scheduling, and demographic information. Student Observations and Internship Placements. We are pleased to welcome you back as a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Substitute Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. MCEA unit members may elect to complete the online compliance A pop up blocker has been detected. Look in the disclaimer line of the PDO listing. You are not logged in. Outside agency CPD credits or university credits will not be on the PDO transcript. What is UDMS? - UDMS is our in-house system that manages our user home directory data. org MCPS At A Glance: Facts and figures about our school system as a whole. mcpsmd. 2. (2) MCPS will take positive steps to eliminate structural and institutional barriers to recruiting, hiring, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce. The MCPS Business Hub is home to our stores: Shop Warehouse, Staples, School Specialty, and more! Need help using the Hub? Visit the MCPS Business Hub for links to tutorials, PDO classes, and quick tips. Click withdrawal 5. If you are on personal illness or workers’ compensation leave, be sure to submit either MCPS Form 440-40M, Return to Work Evaluation: MCEA Employees or MCPS Form 440-40S, Return to Work Evaluation: SEIU Employees to the Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) prior to reporting to work. •ypically, if school is in session, a CPD course may be held that afternoon or evening. Printing is limited to one page at a time. The MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System provides course registration and comprehensive professional development support. Help_Desk@mcpsmd. Equitable, relevant career pathways will be accessible to aspiring early educators and those seeking to Identity Provisioning within MCPS. Register on Professional Development Online (PDO). Log on; Finding a class. MCPS has 209 schools and serves a diverse population of more Grow Your Career in MCPS October 18, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM This course provides an overview of Career Pathway's services to guide you on your career journey. org Note: If you do not have a PDO login, contact the MCPS Help Desk at 301-517-5800. You may register for NEO using the MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System starting June 30, 2024. ATTENDANCE: REPORT HERE Attendance Policy Professional Development Online (PDO) Staff Outlook Email The Office of Human Resources and Development provides higher education partnership opportunities to MCPS employees who are seeking teacher certification or licensure, continuing professional development, or who are pursuing career advancement. The budget request presented today by Superintendent Thomas Taylor is part of multi-year corrective measures that MCPS is taking to live up to its legacy of excellence. This means that you will receive your FY 2025, step increase and/or COLA beginning with your July 26, 2024, paycheck. The process for submitting forms is no longer available. P. Our Mission. HELP DESK : 240-740-9000 Log in using your MCPS user name Montgomery County Public Schools. General Information; PDO Full Form in Medical: Polydioxanone is a synthetic material used in medical devices like sutures. Log into PDO (pdo. It is the central hub of provisioning and user data flow to applications. ERSC or OHRD will notify you if you are cleared to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) supports teleworking as an effective way to recruit and retain excellent employees, honor professionalism, increase flexibility, improve employee productivity, reduce the amount of time employees spend commuting to and from work, ease traffic congestion, reduce the environmental impact of car emissions, conserve office space To locate trainings in PDO, type “para,” “SPT10,” “Promethean,” “Google,” “Chromebooks,” “OCTO,” and/or “E-TIPS” New paraeducator professional development opportunities – New Paraeducator Orientation (Oct, 7 hours) (Highly recommended Human Resources and Development → Educator Certification → General Information & Forms. Submitting OFFICIAL Transcripts and MSDE CPD Credit Slips for Certification, Local Contingencies and Salary Advancement. NEO is specifically designed to introduce educators to the As a school system employee, you are required to complete the online compliance training modules between July 1st and the first day of school. 5. Montgomery College CREATE Wednesday, Nov. pdo at mcps Poolesville, Maryland, United States. With 210 schools, it is the largest school district in the state of Maryland . MCPS is the 14th largest school district in the nation. About Us Administration AP Exams Bell Schedules Bridge to Wellness Buy Jags Sports Tickets Courses/Registration MCPS Educational Foundation Higher education partnerships offer opportunities to MCPS employees seeking teacher certification or licensure, continuing professional development, or who are pursuing career advancement. What is myID? - myID is the label we have placed on our process of provisioning Staff, Student, and Contractors with all of our systems within MCPS. Please Sign In with your MCPS Username and Password (PDO Course #89525) Live 8/26/2020 and 8/28/2020. Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845 E-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd. 5511 Massachusetts Avenue Bethesda, MD 20816 Bus Routes Phone: 240-740-5850 Fax: 301-320-7054 Counseling: 240-740 (PDO) Staff Outlook Email To be eligible for any MCPS higher education partnership, one must be a permanent, benefits-eligible MCPS employee. (PDO). 45 W. Confirmation message will Welcome to MCPS! The Technical Help Desk is providing the following Tech Tips to assist and (SEMS) Professional Development Online (PDO) MCPS Outlook (Domain) Account Creation When hired by MCPS, you are assigned a unique Employee ID number and MCPS User Name (also called a Login ID or User ID). (1) MCPS shall continue to monitor and promote a diverse workforce and take appropriate action to create a district free of implicit bias and discrimination in all aspects of employment. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) recognizes that telework can serve as a means to recruit and retain excellent employees, provide flexibility, honor professionalism, Please visit Professional Development Onliine (PDO) and access FY25 Telework Training Course #92631 . MCPS is committed to supporting you as you transition into your new role. Melissa Morrow, Supervisor. org with "Hub Issue" in the subject line. Streamlining HR Processes for MCPS Employees. Login and access PDO. Help Montgomery County Public Schools. Please check your browser and any additional toolbars (like Google or Yahoo) and allow pop ups for this URL. Activities include exploring training opportunities in MCPS and long-range career planning. To set forth procedures to process and obtain prompt and responsive solutions to public complaints concerning the application of laws, Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) policies, or Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) regulations or Student Welfare and Compliance monitors the implementation of policies and procedures (specifically, Board of Education Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency), reflecting the district's commitment to We also have a Canvas page of resources for MCPS families! Click here to enroll. Access Google Forms with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use). MCPS provides a supplemental pension plan for its employees, whether they are enrolled in the MCPS core pension plan or the state teachers’ pension system. Ed. Our mission is to develop all staff and improve the effectiveness of the organization to ensure high achievement for every student. Volunteers and Contractors / Child Abuse and Neglect Returning from Leave. ATTENDANCE POLICY & PROCEDURES. Enter one or Professional Growth Systems → Skillful Teaching and Leading. MCPS Form 280-21, Request for Use of ESR Overtime. Professional Development Organizations (PDOs) will drive local degree attainment through clearly articulated career pathways. Training covers various topics, including: From PDO, search Hub+ to find training specific to your position and role with MCPS. Employee & Retiree Service If you do not know your MCPS username, please contact the MCPS Help Desk at 301-517-5800. For assistance, contact the MCPS Technical Help Desk at 301-517-5800, or email helpdesk@mcpsmd. (PDO) under course #91807. MCEA unit members may elect to complete the online compliance training before the start of pre-service week. RSVP on PDO, course #87656 Montgomery County Public Schools. HELP DESK : 240-740-9000 Log in using your MCPS user name All MCPS professional personnel who have not completed a multicultural human relations course or a comparable course will be required to do so within five years of employment. MCPS Student Teachers / Interns: Districtwide Compliance Training 2024-2025. Be sure to visit HUB+ for your work-related tasks and employment-related business! *If you wish to enroll in or change your benefits, report a qualifying life event, or submit beneficiaries before January 2, 2025, you will need to complete and submit to ERSC MCPS Form 455-20, ©1995–2024 Montgomery County Public Schools, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850 Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is facing a critical juncture. First Day of School (August 26, 2024) Athletics Specialists and Coaches * (MCPS Employees, Non-Employees) PDO Course #92589, Districtwide Compliance Training 2024-2025 . To promote the highest level of ethical conduct on the part of all persons associated with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), to ensure the highest public trust and confidence in the impartiality and independent judgment of Board of Education (Board) members and MCPS officials and employees, and to provide guidance for MCPS personnel concerning ethics PDO. Attendance Reporting: 240. MCPS Temp/Part-time: Employee Parent Student Educator Outside of MCPS: Private School Public School Completed forms should be sent to: Business Information Services, Room 151 Attn: PDO Administrator 850 Hungerford Dr Rockville, MD 20850 or fax to 301-279-8456 Non-MCPS staff accounts are assigned on a temporary basis. If it is a live training, the Zoom link will be communicated by the instructor of the training prior to the session. org Purpose. Your principal or supervisor will notify you of these requirements. Frequently Asked Questions. This PDO course offers a foundational understanding of mindfulness education through evidence-based strategies, the neuroscience of mindfulness, guided practice and reflection, and an exploration of diverse and inclusive ways for teaching and integrating mindfulness in the classroom or any learning environment in ways that support MCPS Temp/Part-time Employee Parent Student Educator Outside of MCPS: Private School Public School Completed forms should be sent to: Business Information Services, Room 151 Attn: PDO Administrator 850 Hungerford Dr Rockville, MD 20850 or fax to 301-517-5002 Non-MCPS staff accounts are assigned on a temporary basis. You will receive your hourly rate of pay for completion of all three compliance modules for 2 hour and 30 PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world. org The three major offices within MCPS that provide training are: - Office of Organizational Development - Office of the Chief Technology Officer This is one of the rare cases where attendance at an event scheduled through PDO is not training and no If you do not have an account in PDO, please complete the MCPS form Non-MCPS and Temporary Staff Account Request to establish an account and return it to the PDO Administrator, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850. First Day of School. MySSPR is useful when you have forgotten your password or want to change your password for any reason. It is not marked on the Professional Development Online (PDO) as required training due to the different access schedules, but all MCPS employees must complete the training by August 28, 2023 (certain exemptions apply – see Q6 below). Marilyn Jacobs Team Leader / Instructional Specialist. This new program is designed for MCPS special education and ESOL teachers so that MCPS professionals can meet growing student demographic needs in the county and state. Register on Professional Development Online. Email: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd. org . PDO Registration for summer/fall classes opens April 15th at 5:00 p. To be eligible for the leadership partnership program, individuals must have three or more years of successful classroom teaching experience and be tenured in MCPS. The deadline is August 11, 2023. ) in Special Education Wednesday, Feb. PDO Full Form in Computer: Portable Distributed Objects is an API that lets you write object-oriented code designed to run on a network of computers. org Contact Montgomery County Public Schools. org Contact Information. To assist in these efforts, MCPS has developed the Guidelines for Student Gender Identity that are aligned with the Montgomery County Board of Education's core values, guidance from the Maryland State Department of Education, and the Montgomery County Board of Education Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency, which prohibits discrimination, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is a public school district that serves Montgomery County, Maryland. Training Opportunities for Supporting Services Professionals Summer 2023 Communication about online summer trainings will be sent to your MCPS Outlook email. You will also be emailed a temporary PDO Registration for winter/spring classes opens October 15th at 5:00 p. The University of Maryland, College Park is offering a continuing education opportunity for MCPS teachers already certified in elementary education, special education or ESOL—a master’s degree in mathematics for middle grades. MSDE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of this process and the original signed CPD credit slip will be added to your official MSDE TEACH account and MCPS certification records within 5-7 business days. Contact our staff MCPS Form 430-10M, Authorization Form Emergency Class Coverage Program—Teachers. The Online Pathway to Graduation (OPTG) is a school-year-long program, divided into two sessions, that enables current Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students to meet some of the academic requirements for a Maryland high school The Office of Human Resources and Development provides higher education partnership opportunities to MCPS employees who are seeking teacher certification or licensure, continuing professional development, or who are pursuing career advancement. org MCPS Facilities and Maintenance Funding Needs. Multilingual Education. Leaving MCPS? Retiring or terminating employees will no longer have access to Outlook and ePaystub within days of leaving MCPS. Below, get more information on upcoming interest meetings: Notre Dame of Maryland University The Office of Human Resources and Development provides higher education partnership opportunities to MCPS employees who are seeking teacher certification or licensure, continuing professional development, or who are pursuing career advancement. For additional information about PDO or course offerings, Higher education partnerships offer opportunities to MCPS employees seeking teacher certification or licensure, continuing professional development, or who are pursuing career advancement. (PDO) MCPS Bulletin Montgomery County Public Schools. Please follow the steps below to complete SafeSchools courses. The MCPS Facility Schedule Report is for Montgomery County Public School staff to view the community use schedule report. How to register. You may register for NEO using the MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System starting June 30, 2023. and contact the Certification Unit for additional Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), located in Maryland outside of Washington, D. For more information, contact Marjorie Guadarrama or visit the Higher Education Partnerships website. M. Grow Your Career in MCPS October 18, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM This course provides an overview of Career Pathway's services to guide you on your career journey. RSVP on PDO, course #91659. Colin Registration for these classes takes place on the Professional Development Online system (PDO). Brandon Ferrell, Supervisor. This can include, but not limited to, HRIS/PACS, HRO, MCPS Business Hub, DocuWare, PDO, and SFO. Employee and Retiree Service Center About ERSC. org Registration for these classes usually opens on the Professional Development Online (PDO) system in March for summer/fall sessions and in October for winter/spring sessions. org MCPS will join a three-year cohort to drive this work in partnership with the Jed Foundation, a national nonprofit dedicated to protecting emotional health and preventing suicide. org Click on this box to see the winning Stop Hate video produced by MCPS students. MCEA unit members may elect to Login with ClassLink. E-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd. For questions about registration, please contact our office. Gude Drive, Suite 3500 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 240-740-1637 Staff Directory RSVP on PDO, course #87534. org Montgomery County Public Schools. Form The MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System provides course registration and comprehensive professional development support. *Non-degree Professional Technical Education (also known as, Trades & Industry) educators should contact the Certification Unit regarding salary Registration is done through the Professional Development Online (PDO) system for all MCPS staff. DIRECTIONS with REQUIRED COMPLETION DATES Click HERE. Clickhereto learn more. To attend an Informational Session, you will need to register for course number 91977 at Professional Development Online (PDO). PDO Course# 92883. Form 445-1A, Change in Personal Information for MCPS Employees, updated December 2024. • The CPD office issues credit slips within one - two weeks after final grades/attendance are posted in PDO by the instructor. Recording is posted on the PEP Professional Development Site in Canvas. org PDO Course #92589, Districtwide Compliance Training 2024-2025 . Registration for MCPS Staff in PDO System: Go to the PDO login page. org, or phone, 301-517-5800. Responsive Design: Accessible anywhere, Learn how to register for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses offered by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) on the Professional Development Online (PDO) system. To verify your completion: You must complete all three modules to receive credit How to Withdraw From a Course in PDO Page 1 of 2 Rev 10/28/14 Summary 1. August 14 (Start of fall sports season) Volunteer Coaches. HELP DESK : 240-740-9000 Log in using Forgotten your username or password? PowerSchool is a platform for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff and students to access online courses, professional development, and other resources. To log into the new portal, please use your MCPS login, username@mcpsmd. org) & select Tuition Reimbursement. Number of ays (or)D oursH Expected Dates of Leave / / hrought / / Half day or less A. BOE Approves FY 2026 Capital Budget. School Information. There are more than 30 sections with 999 seats in each section. Deborah L. org account. Help The MCPS Hub+ website contains information and updates. gov. ERSC is your resource for employment-related business including benefits, leave, pay, and retirement. *Non-degree Trades & Industry employees should contact the Certification Unit regarding salary advancement. 1 version offers new database connection abstraction library, which is PHP Data Objects. MCPS does not determine what receives CPD credit. Introduction to Spanish for Front Office Staff Contact Us. There are 3 online modules that student interns are required to complete. Access the Internet please contact the MCPS Technical Help Desk at 301-517-5800 or email us help_desk@mcpsmd. C. msde@maryland. org Official Login page for Canvas student login, School Search Canvas, Canvas Network, Canvas Community, and Canvas Free For Teacher accounts. Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845. What’s Changing? Single Self-Service Portal: Complete all hire-to-retire activities in one place. Compensation. MCPS Form 430-10SP, Authorization Form Volunteer Meeting Coverage Program—School Psychologists. Contact Montgomery County Public Schools. August 9 (Start of Fall Sports season) Volunteer Coaches. Professional Development Online (PDO) System - https://pdo. 1. Meet the Moreland team and an MCPS graduate of the program. Navigate to Professional Development Online (PDO) HERE; Register for course #92589. • MCPS Stipend Coaches: Course # 90256 • Non-MCPS Stipend Coaches: Course # 90255 • MCPS & Non-MCPS: Level 1 Diabetes MCPS Form 440-8 Page 2 of 2 PART IV: IMPORTANT INFORMATION • Classes cannot run during MCPS teacher contract hours. org. [ 1 ] [ 3 ] For the 2022–23 school year, the district had Some courses may allow guest access. About Us. FTCE Certification Test Preparation. Outlook / Google E-mail, PDO Account Application, Form 271-4A (pdf) User Management Security Access Request Portal - Guide; Timekeepers; Staff Request for Network Access** MCPS Forms ** After your official start date, you will automatically be granted access to the network and your department's shared folders (M:\ drive). Be sure to log in to and visit PenPoint , a self-service retirement system for MCPS employees, where you can determine your pension plan membership prior to attending a Retirement Information Session. Gude Drive Suite 2100 Rockville, Maryland 20850 Victor R. Read More. MyMCPS is the major depository for student data, assessment data, reports, instructional resources, and Student Online Learning → Courses → Online Pathway to Graduation Program. Find out the registration fee structure, Click on the appropriate link below to access your PowerSchool account: If you need an PowerSchool account or need a password reset, visit the Parent Portal Help Page. To encourage the collaborative resolution of concerns expressed by members of the public whenever possible. Enter your Outlook/ePaystub user name and password. Florida Department of Education Professional Development Protocol. Please contact the Student Online Learning office if you have questions or need additional information. MCPS Professional Learning Offerings. Staff Pre-K Eureka Math and Boom Cards Lessons Pre-K: SE/PEP (PDO Course #89526) Live 8/26/2020 We are pleased to welcome you back as a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Substitute Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. Your last pay advice will be mailed to the home address on record with MCPS. Form 425-60, Administrator Post-Observation Conference Report, updated January 2025. ” Listings will include the course number of each SPT10 class, which will make it easier to search PDO. Form 425-58, Request to Telework, updated December 2024. To be properly enrolled in the MCPS pension plan, all benefits-eligible employees must complete MCPS Form 455-3 , Membership Information Montgomery County Public Schools Employee Pension System. For more information regarding the 2025 budget and negotiated agreements, visit the Association Relations web page . Participants who are permanent certificated IMPORTANT NOTE: Your PDO transcript will not be accepted as official documentation for completed coursework. org MCPS offers multiple online courses that each satisfy MCPS and state graduation requirements. Page 2 of 5 rev. • The instructor indicates attendance for all participants in PDO. 7 followers 7 connections See your mcps Report this profile Experience pdo mcps View PDO Contact Us. For information on Montgomery County Public Schools transportation policies and other information, click on the following links: Just Cause Standards For Bus Attendants & Bus Operators (JCSBABO) - Updated March 2018 Outline of employee expectations & consequences in order to provide a fair and transparent system for managing infractions. Policies. In addition to your MCPS Gmail account, please make sure to check your MCPS Outlook email. The MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System provides course registration and comprehensive professional development support. The system is designed information to all MCP S staff about professional development It is SET of PHP extensions which provide core PDO class and database - specific What is PDO? Pdo refers to PHP Data Object, which is PHP extension that defines lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. Help Center Call the Help Desk at 301-517-5800. Steps to withdraw from a course Subtasks Steps 1. m. Activities include exploring training opportunities in MCPS and Order Supplies through the MCPS Business Hub. 2024-2025 Traditional School Year Calendar (table version) 2024-2025 Traditional School Year Calendar (one-pager) español MCPS Form 430-1A May 2024 Leave Request (NOT Requiring ERSC Authorization) Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS • Rockville, Maryland 20855 Name 0 0 0 Last First MI Employee No. Professional Development Online (PDO) Access PDO to view & register for MCPS Continuing Sign in with Quickcard. Additional Information. org, or phone, 301- 517-5800. Information given by any other office or MCPS employee may not pertain to your specific needs or circumstances. Montgomery County Public Schools. Educators hired by MCPS for the 2023-2024 school year and/or educators hired after August 16, 2022, are expected to attend. Synergy . Purpose. Learn how to access PDO, Zoom, and compliance training for your role and position. The mandatory compliance training requirement, listed by employee association, is as follows: The MCPS Professional Development Online (PDO) System provides course registration and comprehensive professional development support. It is valued for its strength, flexibility, and gradual absorption by the body over many months. mdl-mcps-N7US MCPS Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) is used to easily set a new password on your @mcpsmd. RSVP on PDO, course MCPS’s Professional Development Online (PDO) transcript will only include MCPS workshops or MCPS CPD courses. An automated call goes out each evening to parents/guardians of every MCPS student who has been marked absent for part, or all, of the day - EVEN IF MCPS Middle School New Coaches’ Checklist Following is a checklist of items that need to be completed by a new coach in the Montgomery County Public Schools ID #’s access & complete compliance training through PDO. Please click the flyer HERE for information on how to register for this event. When registering on PDO, if a course section is full, scroll down to “view more sections”. Endorsements. Enrollment 160,554 Students (Official Fall 2022-2023) Demographics. If you can’t MCPS Employee Calendar (Important dates for MCPS employees) 2024-2025 School Calendars in PDF. org • The instructor indicates if participant is to receive credit or no credit in PDO. MCPS, in partnership with McDaniel College, will host an information session for their Administrator I Certification and Masters degree programs. org and search the course number. MCPS Student Teachers/Interns Districtwide Compliance Training 2023-2024 Most Recently Updated Forms. org First, confirm via the PDO details or course description that your training is synchronous, or live. For more information, contact Eric Kuhn or visit the Higher Education Partnerships website. You can now get help with your order and any other warehouse questions by emailing us at Montgomery County Public Schools. ABOUT the Office of Strategic Initiatives—Technology. [PDO Course #92589]MCEA → Two (2) hours will be programmed within pre-service week for all Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) school-based staff to take online compliance training. InterACT Team Interdisciplinary MCPS staff can register on Professional Development Online . Certification: Forms & General Information General Information . • Ensure that there are no conflicts with school or religious holidays (see MCPS Calendar Central and Holidays/Religious Observances). (PDO) to view & register for MCPS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses. Santiago Program Manager 240-740-8048. Below, get more information on upcoming interest meetings: Montgomery County Public Schools. ClassLink. If you are not an MCPS employee and would like to attend training, email us. All classes have the keyword "Episerver" in the title to make it easier to search and find classes and sections. Electronic copy of PDO transcript If you need assistance with your date of hire, please call the Department of Recruitment & Staffing at 301-279-3940. Access to the online training opens July 1, 2024. Thank you! Page 2 of 2 Rev 10/28/14 4. Our students come to us from 157 countries speaking 150 languages, and more than 70% are students of color, making us one of the most diverse school districts in the nation. Attendance Secretary: Ken Sanchez kenneth_r_sanchez@mcpsmd. The information below provides assistance to students who might have questions about taking an online course. If you are not a contracted MCPS educator OR if you are an MCPS supporting services employee or substitute teacher, you must contact MSDE directly for certification services at 1-410-767-0390 or at certinfo. Form 430-24, Request for Approval of Higher Level Assignment (HLA), updated January 2025. Employee & Retiree Montgomery County Public Schools. PLEASE NOTE: Registration in PDO is not a step in completing SafeSchools online safety training. Supporting Services Training & Development 45 W. Towson University, Master’s of Education (M. MCPS Form 280-19, Authorization for Employee Use of Overtime. About Our Hiring Process. 6. If you have difficulty registering for this module, please contact the Help Desk via email, Help_Desk@mcpsmd. Increase the number of Study Circle facilitators by training school-based staff. org Access to the online training opens July 1, 2023: MCEA → Two (2) hours will be programmed within pre-service week for all MCEA school-based staff to take online compliance training. Tuition Reimbursement. (2021-2022) At a Glance Students. 8; 4:30-5:30 p. HELP DESK : 240-740-9000 Log in using your MCPS user name A1: All MCPS employees must take the 3-module compliance training yearly. Professional Leadership and Learning. 740. MCPS Form 445-17, Long-Term Teacher Based on your MCPS position, you may be required to complete job-specific trainings that are separate and in addition to the districtwide compliance modules. Sign in with Quickcard. These online modules include critical Professional Development Online (PDO) Professional Library; Professional Growth Resources; Training for Supporting Services DIRECTIONS with REQUIRED COMPLETION DATES Click HERE. MCPS Safety Academy is Systemwide Safety Programs' instructor-led safety and health training initiative. specific groups of employees. 2024-2025 MCPS Traditional School Year Calendar. To login, use your MCPS username and password or click on the Find information and registration for required summer training for MCPS staff. It may say something like “for transportation employees” or for “paras and media assistants”, or for “food services employees. Murek. Schools. Remember: MCPS employees are paid two weeks after the last day of a pay period. Supporting MCPS employees Monday - Friday, 7am to 5pm (except holidays) New and Improved Help Desk Portal Now Open. Online Pathway to Graduation Program. Due to high demand webmaster training is open to MCPS staff only. Staff Directory. These teachers should be teaching or planning to teach in 4th through 9th grade classrooms. If you do not have an account in PDO, please complete the attached form, Non -MCPS and Temporary Staff Account Request, to establish an account and return it to the PDO Administrator, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850. 5850 ATTENDANCE WILL BE REPORTED TO PARENTS . , is the largest school district in the state. 21, 4:30–5:30 p. Quick Links. Warehouse. An employee who has earned a second bachelor's degree after the granting of the first bachelor's degree should refer to the information on the MEQ salary lane . To verify your completion, check the Grades tab in the myMCPS Classroom course to ensure that you have a Educators hired by MCPS for the 2023-2024 school year and/or educators hired after August 16, 2022, are expected to attend. All classes have the keyword "webmaster" in the title to make it easier to search and find classes and sections. Please note: The pay promotion will take effect one pay cycle from when your e-mail is received by Ms. You might have set up something similar to verify your identity when logging into an application such as online banking. org PDO Course #91807, Districtwide Compliance Training 2023-2024. Athletics Specialists and Coaches * (MCPS Employees, Non-Employees) PDO Course #91807, Districtwide Compliance Training 2023-2024. 7921 Lynnbrook Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (240) 740-5480 (301) 657-4969 Fax . org, by clickinghere. Register in PDO. At a Glance Schools and Employees (2022 Professional Development Online (PDO) Staff Outlook Email This page is maintained by the Westland Middle School's Web Team PDO: Mindfulness for Educators. Below, get more information on upcoming interest meetings: Professional Development Online (PDO) Staff Outlook Email This page is maintained by the Westland Middle School's Web Team MCPS Traditional School Year Calendar 2024-2025. Skillful Teaching and Leading About Us. School/Location Name Registration is done through the Professional Development Online (PDO) system for all MCPS staff and search for 88550. Tuition reimbursement through MCPS applies for credit earned through Fitchburg State University, provided that the course was taken outside the duty day. are introduced to the MCPS Teacher Evaluation Performance Standards, and develop skills in communicating to teachers in a balanced way about their teaching repertoire. Compensation Montgomery County Public Schools. Now open! Log into PDO. gljyi zcjvw nvnn ocfm zdbcet fcqapkq pao mjors evbz acvej