Accordion arrow animation. AccordionGroup can be controlled or uncontrolled component.
Accordion arrow animation Id prop for List. Pure HTML CSS accordion animation. Take a break (or break the ice) Team meetings. Accordions are useful when you need to organize lots of information in a vertically limited space. Improve this question. A vertically stacked set of interactive headings that each reveal an associated section of content. Download Static and animated Accordion vector icons and logos for free in PNG, SVG, GIF Down Arrow - When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the next accordion header. Changing accordion arrow direction when clicked. expandIcon and collapseIcon: to be used on <p-accordion> tag. If your application prohibits closing a titled pane, use the setCollapsible method with the false value. CSS logic h2 a{ text-align: start !important; A very simple and lightweight Bootstrap 4 accordion with arrow up and down to toggle the contents. 1 Material-UI: How to make a Controlled accordion behaves like a Basic accordion. The accordion animation works by knowing the height of the content slot when the animation starts. Fun & games. The animation effect of this component is dependent on the prefers-reduced-motion media query. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. I want to open and close them seperatly and I want the Transitions & Animation. HTML Preprocessor About HTML Preprocessors. It uses Font Awesome for icons and CSS transition property for smooth expand/collapse animation. See the Pen by tjdunklee on CodePen. In the solution Im trying to implement, it changes the class of the the caret to toggle-up or toggle-down on click. Demo Tutorial . Etiam bibendum, sem eu pulvinar blandit, nunc lectus sodales turpis, et luctus tellus magna sed nibh. A responsive jQuery accordion that allows the user to navigate from form to form by clicking on tabs, using the arrow keys and clicking on the provided arrow buttons. If you're looking to control the component, you must use an array of strings for activeKey or defaultActiveKey. Modified 6 years, 6 months ago. NET MAUI Accordion comes with a customizable animation played when . rotate") to ("#accordion"), but then all the arrows change, even header/box is active and the 2nd one isn't. Commented Nov 9, 2013 at 6:01. So please make sure you read that first by just visiting this link before you even take this one. AccordionGroup. Author: inbarajan P 4 months ago 643 details & summary beautiful styling & animation Discover a wide range of beautifully designed accordions built Example. Complete with rotating plus/minu Custom Accordion transition animation not working on collapse and expand. Open main menu Flowbite Svelte. It adheres to the WAI-ARIA design pattern. The end users can show or hide this content by interacting with the headers of the control. If the data attribute is not set, then it will not rotate. I'm using Bootstrap accordion. Is there a way to achieve this, only by manipulating the bootstrap variables? About External Resources. Content > < p className = " mb-2 text-gray The Tailwind UI docs have a section on transitions but they have a very strong emphasis on frameworks (Alpine is really the only example illustrated) which take care of adding/removing/switching states for you. A CSS Accordion is a web design element that allows you to toggle information when clicked. This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a responsive accordion with arrow icons. NET MAUI Accordion control is a vertically collapsible content panel that expands one of its items within the available space. Usually seen in FAQ pages, an accordion tends to have a title and an icon and uses a transition to displays its content when clicked. Edit December 27th 2020:. The following technologies were used to create the accordion widget: Dynamically I have made a simple JQuery solution to get this working. This accordion list menu is useful to display longer content or FAQs on a webpage. Force close: Accordion uses the same style as the collapse component but it works I am trying to add a downward arrow when the section is closed and an upper arrow when the section is open - at the right end of the head of each tab in the accordion. collapse-element while opening/closing it. Join the Community. You could watch this expression and execute some logic when a given accordion group is open. Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Jan 23, 2024 · Here is a free Pure CSS Accordion with Arrow , source code with preview. Templates for everything from kickoffs to Make a pure CSS accordion without JavaScript. arrow-r" after the firs . Installation. Build an online business with no code Everything you need to learn how to build an online business without code, and the people to help you get there Join 27,000+ users Continue reading about Build an animated pure SVG dynamic height accordion with React and D3. The main benefit of an accordion from the user experience point of view is that it provides an easy wa x1F4CA; Budging Bars | CSS-only Line Bar Navigation Tutorial. Follow along, and by the end, you’ll have a stunning Animated Accordion Component ready to impress users on your website. In the Head, H4 I have added a span with the "arrow text" Free Accordion arrow icons, logos, symbols in 50+ UI design styles. The animation should be performant and look like this: react-native; Share. You can toggle / show one question at a time, and the rest will be hidden. I got a filter menu with a lot of DIVS. show shows content; Generally, we recommend using a The Section class represents a single section within the accordion. . headerAriaLevel: number: null : The aria-level that each accordion header will have. See . The “plus” and “minus” icons from Font Awesome indicates name description required type default; ref: Ref to get access to the Accordion View: NO: ref: isArrow: If set to false the arrow indicating whether the collapsible-view is expanded or not will not be displayed. css, at least in JavaFX 13, adds the border you're seeing:. Keep in mind that in here and for you to save some time, you are going to be building on top of an accordion that I already built in the past. Property is required when using List. 1. Accordion #1 This is the third item's accordion body. You can see live example here. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. You can insert text. Login. Click the buttons below to show and hide another element via class changes:. It is based on simple idea to make the content collapsible using class adding method. HTML Preprocessor About HTML arrow animations WebArtDevelopers July 17, 2018 January 4, 2023 0 Author: Simon Breiter August 12, 2016 Made with: HTML/Pug CSS/Stylus JavaScript (jquery. (this combination stopped all the inner accordions from triggering the main About External Resources. To enable or disable the animation you need to use the IsAnimationEnabled property of RadAccordion. Accordion. See the reduced motion section of our accessibility documentation. show shows content; You can use a link with the href You can use this accordion on your website, this is a complete program. Arrow. 0. About External Resources. Also, height: 100% doesn't affect the element as its parent doesn't have an explicit height. Follow edited Jul 25, 2021 at Details element with custom arrow by Niels Voogt Animated Collapse / Expend Component by Elior Tabeka CSS Responsive Animated Accordion by Chris Wright Funky Pure CSS Accordion by Jamie Coulter Lightweight Accordion by David Fitas FAQ by Katherine Kato Animated FAQ Accordion using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So i started to change it up, and try to get Responsive jQuery Accordion. collapsing to animate the width/height of an . Pure Thanks, it works now. Creating a Responsive Bootstrap 4 Accordion with Arrow In this article, we will be discussing how to create a responsive Bootstrap 4 accordion with arrow. bootstrap accordion expand only when clicked on arrow. Creating an accordion with arrow up/down buttons is a great way First of all, please note that once the checkbox is checked, you are re-setting the height, line-height and overflow properties. Build responsive SVG layouts with react-svg-flexbox; Tiny React & D3 Confetti Animation New; A basic form of the accordion with arrow. If you are thinking now how this smooth accordion actually is, then see the preview given below. If you like React Native Elements, Animated. I'm using reactstrap to build it and react fontawsome for my Icons. Semantically similar articles hand-picked by GPT-4. CodePen doesn't work very well without JavaScript. <Accordion > < AccordionItem Title = " Accordion Item #1 " > < Content > < b > This is the first item's accordion body. Learn how to use a few lines of CSS to change the default Divi Toggle and Accordion icon to an animated arrow!Copy the code from the blog: https://divilover. Also, don't forget to check the pure "CSS accordions collection" link to get more inspiration. They are optimized for great UX and looks. Disclosures are built using the Disclosure, DisclosureButton, and DisclosurePanel components. The Telerik UI for . Bootstrap 5. accordion > . The button will The Accordion component uses the Collapse component internally to make it collapsible. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Home; Docs; 0 Cart Qty; Login; Documentation. Accordions Accordions in general are vertically stacked lists of headers when clicked reveals some content. Scroll-driven Animations in Pure I am try to have the caret in the following rotate 180 degrees on click for my dropdown menu. I wanted to see if it was possible to add arrows to the right of the Bootstrap Accordion headings. collapsing is applied during transitions. Is it accessible? Yes. I've also attached a . When selecting the card the arrow icon changes direction and becomes blue, the card also features an Exploring its features, animation, and change arrow icons with practical examples. AccordionGroup can be controlled or uncontrolled component. ui-accordion-content, and the h3. Inside the label, the arrow icon is styled by using the . However, i have the arrow on a list item within an accordion, if i click the list item to open the accordion, arrow doesnt change. since there's multiple rows, this would be called multiple times, so that's a pain About External Resources. I have a img that change when the button class has collapsed class, rotating 180 deg or 0 deg if the class isn't active. All codes published In this video, we will create an Accordion with a plus minus icon using Next js and Tailwind CSS💖 Support Us_____https://www. All with the same classes: But this is an accordion, so one div closes when other one opens. js) About the Here's where modena. – user1881482. Bootstrap 4 Accordion Menu Dropdown With Font Awesome Icons. Ideate, then pick your favorites. Examples # Despite ignoring the warning, the animation for the parent involved fading only, whereas the desired effect for the nested element was a top-to-bottom collapsible animation. Inputs. Key features. In this video I'll be showing you how to create an animated Accordion (or Collapsible Content) using plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript - no libraries are requir In this video, I am going to tell you how to design accordion with bootstrap 4. I'm trying to make a widget for an iBook, that will have expandable information. Author: @keyframers Nov 25, 2020 · CSS3/Sass/jQuery accordion that has some simple animations with arrows all done in CSS (sliding and click states done with jQuery). Below is the Expo Snack showcasing the Accordion without any animations. Enhancing the accordion with additional features like icons and hover effects. 0 updates brings a lot of changes, most notably a modern UI refresh. Inside this tutorial I will show you how to add Font Awesome arrows inside a CSS accordion. When I open the accordion item, it shows a 'v' (correct). We will go over the step-by-step process of creating an accordion that expands and collapses while displaying an arrow that indicates the state of the panel. Bootstrap 4 faq accordion with arrow example is created by using bootstrap 4 and font-awesome up down icons. Panel > < Accordion. < AccordionTrigger > Can it be animated? </ Prototyping & animation. collapse hides content. So you'll need to use a fixed value for height property. To get started, install Headless UI via npm: npm install @headlessui/react Basic example. At first I used the following CSS: { content: " "; } to add the icons as "content" to the accordion, and switching works fine, but i couldnt get an animation to work with it. Using CSS transitions and animations to create smooth accordion animations. Transition properties for accordion animations. However, the reason your example is not animating anything is because display is A stylish and smooth Accordion list where each item can be expanded or collapsed simply by clicking on the header. Im sure you can refine it, but at least it is going in the correct direction. Given that the space is limited, trying to use an accordion to do so. My html It may looks simple at first, but there is a lot going on here! Here are the most interesting parts: using the :target attribute to ensure only one item is open at a time. But now i want a menu, item, panel, card, page, list, etc open and close using some sort of arrow. ; using a CSS grid "hack" to allow us to have animated sections Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Arrow style # Use the data-accordion-icon data attribute to optionally set an element to rotate 180 degrees when the accordion element is expanded. animation. Overall this is a clean and easy to use jQuery animated accordion if you aren't someone that wants to utilize Webflow interactions. Contribute to Gapur/react-native-accordion development by creating an account on GitHub. title { -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(to bottom Example of an essential animated and accessible accordion using just Tailwind CSS classes and Alpine. You could recreate that concept but it would be quite a bit of work. 2 How to keep MUI accordion from expanding? Load 7 more related questions Show About External Resources. If we take a look at {"__browser":{"country":"US","device":"unknown_device","mobile":false,"name":"chrome","platform":"unknown_platform","version":"116"},"__constants":{},"__CPDATA Welcome to our collection of CSS accordions! This is a hand-picked selection of free HTML and CSS accordion code examples from various resources like CodePen, GitHub, How to create a super simple accordion component in Angular. $('. INFO. ui-accordion-header is the previous Super simple animated FAQ with tailwind group hoverable accordion open and close. Explore. toggleClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s'); As you could have found out yourself with a little simple debugging, $(this). So this bootstrap has a collapse plugin. Map out complex flows. Download in Lottie JSON, MP4, and GIF to enhance your design projects with a unique theme. tab-arrow { -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); -o-transform Since this animation is occurring on the accordion item trigger, for the first and second click, we only want to affect children of that trigger. Made by Karim March 5, 2017 Download Demo and Code. AccordionGroup and has no impact on behavior when using standalone List. Adding arrows to the right using Bootstrap Accordion. You can view demo online & download code. The headers let the user scan through main subjects of the I want to implement an animated accordion list/ drawer / drop-down menu / collapsible card. Hot Network The Material UI Accordion component includes several complementary utility components to handle various use cases: Accordion: the wrapper for grouping related components. This method is called within the getData This video explain how to make an Animated Accordion Dropdown component using react-native without using any 3rd party library in the project using native An Tailwind Accordion examples: Accordion is used for showing and hiding content but only one item can stay open at a time. (right icon is preset to arrow down). accordion-group, accordion-panel. The accordion was crafted with the latest Bootstrap 4. Using the power of content projection in Angular, we are going to build an accordion/expansion panel that can be customized in multiple ways. If you are really passionate about web performance and you are not really fond of JavaScript, then you have come to the right tutorial. Adds plus/minus icon: collapse-open: Modifier. arrow class The logic that I have taken here is whenever the collapsed class is active for the accordion title then the arrow should rotate to 180deg, and the direction of the arrow depends on the requirement. Tailwind animation ease. Here are a couple of details and features: collapsed/always open state active/inactive class options flush Instead of using heading attribute on the accordion-group, you can use an accordion-heading attribute on any element inside of a group that will be used as group's header template. I tried to copy this code and convert native javascript to React, everything but the transition works (the content suddenly grows but it has no animation) import { useState } from "react" Accordion. click(function(){ $(this). open class on the . Created using jQuery and You can make accordion items stay open when another item is opened by using the alwaysOpen prop. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. You can also customize the duration and easing through AnimationDuration and Add these amazing open source CSS Accordions to your web project and delight your users. Pen Settings. This list includes horizontal, vertical, simple, responsive, and animated accordions. Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari Id is used for distinguishing specific accordion when using List. Tailwind underline hover animation. This CodePen demonstrates how we can animate the opening and closing states of an accordion with fancy reveal animation using only CSS. There is the is-open attribute on the accordion-group which points to a bindable expression. titled-pane > . Tags: bootstrap accordion, accordion, accordion animation, accordion with sign, signed accordion. find) I had 4 main Accordions with multiple Accordions inside, but I only wanted the main arrow on each of the main accordions to animate. this should be the right answer because it runs in version 4 too I included the "collapsed" class on my "collapse" element in the html to resolve the issue with the initial arrow. Animated Arrow icons, logos for free in GIF, JSON, AEP formats You can define the way a titled pane opens and closes. Jan 19, 2024 · This pure CSS code snippet helps you to create an accordion expand collapse animation with plus/minus icons. List. HTML CSS JS Behavior Editor HTML. This allows making a accordion list which can show/hide content. 🌐 Get hands-on experience with: About CodeHim . - When focus is on the last accordion header, moves focus to the first accordion header. In this accordion tutorial, we’ll use only HTML and CSS to develop a very basic Animated Accordion Arrow ; Animated Accordion Arrow . Make Vertical Accordion Menu with CSS; Animated CSS Close Button Examples; Excellent SVG Loader Animated; Now let us directly go through the discussions. By default, all titled panes are collapsible and their movements are animated. Expo Snack Link There's a property in PrimeNG, that allows us to manipulate the icons for accordion. Free Web Design Code & Scripts - CodeHim is one of the BEST developer websites that provide web designers and developers with a simple way to preview and download a variety of free code & scripts. The plugin uses CSS transition and radio input (for accordion structure) to toggle contents. The accordion expects that this height will remain consistent About External Resources. Viewed 2k times 0 . SVG arrow next previous animation. i want to rotate it with animation when i open my list , how to do it ? <Accordion renderHeader={_renderHe An arrow that is to be used as a status icon in an accordion section. 3. AccordionGroup allows to control a group of List Accordions. If it helps other folks; this combination worked for me: (it's almost identical except I added the ". Template Bootstrap. Copy to clipboard with React JSX code. Use the accordion component to show hidden information based on the collapse and expand state of the child elements using data attribute options. TimingAnimationConfig: Object with duration 350ms and type timing: Decide whether to show The accordion uses the collapse functionality to make it fold and unfold. Tailwind Css Custom Animation on Hover. Explore free Arrow animations at LottieFiles. Accordion is defined using AccordionPanel, down arrow: Moves focus to the next header. Advertise. CSS-only Accordion with Reveal Animation. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. Bootstrap 4 Accordion. Collapsed/expanded states—Accordion consists of AccordionItems that can present any content. This is my code below for my react collapse and I would like to rotate the arrows of my collapse accordion when it clicked. Read more about Accordion dropdown arrow: https://wfl. Then I close it and the arrow looks like desired '>'. Jan 17, 2024 · This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a responsive accordion with arrow icons. Brainstorming. I am also going to tell you how you can customize bootstrap 4 accordions by u jQuery accordion where a second click collapses a current tab, and a click on any other tab closes existing open tabs. panel-heading-full which is applied to the last custom jquery accordion arrows. we could do a simpler complete function this will only change when the animation completes. We may use something like <p-accordion expandIcon = "" collapseIcon= ""> and this should work like a charm. To render an accordion that’s expanded, add the . Fusce vehicula, purus quis pellentesque The outcome is, that on first page load, the arrows look like 'v' (I want a '>'). Download Static and animated Accordion arrow vector icons and logos for free in PNG, SVG, GIF In this tutorial, you will learn how to create Bootstrap Accordion with Arrow Up/Down. Some css-only arrow animations that indicate state changes. I want the arrows to change from down to up on accordion collapse, is this Change the (". selector. You can use this accordion for FAQs Oct 1, 2023 · Tab between sections, use up and down arrow keys for scrolling the scrollable sections (or on mobile just drag!) and you can even open all the sections with the checkbox! Above all, have a poke around the CSS and Jun 27, 2023 · In this article, we will explore how to create an animated and accessible accordion using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. io/2Xnoru1. Accordions or expandable sections are seen as part of almost all the UI libraries out there. Used by over 27,000 founders + businesses. "use client"; import {Accordion } from "flowbite-react"; export function Component {return (< Accordion > < Accordion. close'). up arrow: Transition options of the animation. Unfortunately the actual change is approached by adding the width/height as an inline style to the element and adding and removing the class at the start and end of the transition. ui-accordion-content') does not match any element here. It's work but I want to make it smoothly, like keyframes animation. Creating a pure CSS accordion animation won't be as simple as you think but it is possible if we combine a couple of CSS properties together. Read Tutorial. The 3. Both can be set globally and individually. GIF Link to demonstrate how my accordion is currently functioning. Font Awesome arrows inside CSS accordion. collapse. Accordion is required in order to group to work. Similarly, this could be used when we want to change the icons, as per our needs, say "+" or "-". It has a createSection method that generates the HTML structure for a section, including the title and content. NOTE: If you want to add CSS3 animations, arrows, plus and minus signs, please check the other tutorials at the end of this article. Skip to main content. The carets are applied using Font Awesome and the :after pseudo selector. An arrow that is to be used as a status icon in an accordion section. You will also learn how to style the accordion color scheme using CSS. Created additional CSS to show how to allow the collapse event to be triggered clicking anywhere on . Utilities for animating elements with CSS animations. But I want the arrow to show '>' with the first page load. 2. Made by Karim March 5, 2017 Download Demo and Code CSS Accordions; CSS Animated About External Resources. ) So what we’ll do (we’re in our first click) — what we’ll do Hello, The accordion animation is not functioning as expected when attempting to open it (but works normally when It closes). js. Please avoid wrapping the entire Accordion widget in your state management system since this might cause the opening animation to play each This is only the DEMO for the pure CSS accordion with CSS3 animations, if you want to read the how to tutorial, please visit the "Read Tutorial" link below. This tutorial will be the continuation from my last blog where I showed you how to create a pure CSS accordion without JavaScript. 4. Force open: collapse-close: Modifier. (That’s because your close button is within div. Unlike the many other tutorials on building a responsive accordion, we at Cruip will focus on creating an Free Accordion icons, logos, symbols in 50+ UI design styles. Whiteboarding. Diagramming. It can open and close an element. Title > < Accordion. component Adds arrow icon: collapse-plus: Modifier. Scroll-driven Animations in Pure The accordion uses collapse internally to make it collapsible. Home; Arrow style # Use the arrowup and I'd like to introduce you to another component from the Flowbite library that I've recently launched on the weekend: the accordion. Through multiple iterations (some solely CSS, others with CSS+jQuery) I've landed on below, which I'm happy with except can't get the second arrow to rotate correctly. Result. js - cruip/cruip-tutorials Bootstrap 4 uses the class . How to apply Tailwind UI animation in plain HTML/JS. By default, the Animation is enabled. I tried to put the screen action where im defining the boolean value in to the onToggle event handler but then clicking the arrow doesnt do anything. It controls how the accordion panels animate when opened or closed. This concept is suitable Accordion = Title (always visible) + Description (reachable via action). Hence the animation doesn't have any effect in this case. Animated accordion component for React Native. Accordion Summary: the wrapper for the Accordion Improvement on Bludream's answer: You can definitely use FontAwesome! Make sure to include "collapsed" along with "panel-heading" class. How to add arrows to elements with Tailwind CSS? 9. The card component is complemented with smooth and fluid animation. Using this technique you would change your markup to: W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Preview HTML Copy. buymeacoffee. We're all for progressive enhancement, but CodePen is a bit unique in that it's all about writing and showing front end code, including JavaScript. It is a beautiful section for your faq queations accordion. How can I rotate the arrows onclick. moving arrow animation with css. Currently, the animation fails to smoothly expand the accordion content, resulting in a jarring visual Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Are you looking for an accordion with open / close arrows created in CSS? well! here is a step by step guide to creating accordion with arrow icons. com/thebravecod Author: Michiel Bijl September 11, 2014 Made with: HTML (Haml) / CSS (SCSS) About the code: This is an amazing Card swipe animation with Material Design. It is hidden by About External Resources. Basically, it comes with a simple and Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; i try find away or example to animation of rotate arrow of accordion list. Hello everyone,In this video, we will show you how to create an faq accordion in Webflow. The default value is 2 as per W3C specifications : Emitters # You can make accordion items stay open when another item is opened by using the alwaysOpen prop. accordion. --bs-accordion-border A repository of Cruip's guides & tutorials in HTML made with HTML, Tailwind CSS and Alpine. I also changed shown and hidden to show and hide so the animation happens before the accordion opens. panel-heading by removing the padding Bootstrap applies to this wrapper and applying it instead to . panel-title. We will walk you through the steps of design and setting up an f The accordion module is similar to the toggle module, however, the accordion module comes as a group of toggles and when a new toggle is opened, the previously opened toggle is closed. The arrow animates into an X for a close icon via css transitions. Preview Of Smooth Sub Items Reveal Animation. Example. Collapse All Items—You can allow A vertically stacked set of interactive headings that each reveal a section of content. The "collapsed" class is not included until you click on the panel so you This is a pure HTML & CSS accordion with a simple arrow animation and green shadows on the sides of the main content. Copy to clipboard with dark: classes. 16. You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Free Arrow animated icons in various UI design styles for web, mobile apps. Breakpoints; Dark Mode; Gutters; Colors. HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. </ b > It is shown by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each Jquery toggle div with arrow animation fontawesome css. closest('. There was an increadible amount of under-the-hood changes for the front-end, we've mostly moved away from pre-processors. (The arrow is a child of the trigger. ui-accordion-content'). Title > What is Flowbite? </ Accordion. You List. jnjp wmfwunn tmwjaz jpwpjtk rpd rfhvc ouhi buhjh qsmg ahqn